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Measuring Performance
in Operations and Value

Ronaldo B. Convento
EMBA507 – Production and Operation Management
MBA1223 – Sat (7am to 10am)
Questionnaires with Answers in Chapter 2 – MEASURING

1. How does your organization measure the performance of the operations

they conduct?

Answer : Well, It depends on the specific tasks or operations being

conducted. Generally, performance is measured through various metrics

such as efficiency, productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, and financial

performance. Some common methods of measuring performance include

tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), conducting regular audits, and

analyzing data.

KPIs can help organizations identify areas where they need to improve their

customer service operations and ensure that they are meeting the needs

and expectations of their customers. Some common KPIs used to track the

performance of customer service operations include:

 First Response Time (FRT): This measures the average time it takes

for a customer service representative to respond to a customer's


 Average Handle Time (AHT): This measures the average time it takes

for a customer service representative to handle a customer's inquiry,

from the time the call is answered to the time it is completed.

 Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): This measures the level of

satisfaction customers have with the service they received.

 Net Promoter Score (NPS): This measures the likelihood of customers

recommending the company to others.

 First Contact Resolution (FCR): This measures the percentage of

customer inquiries that are resolved on the first contact.

 Service Level (SL): This measures the percentage of calls that are

answered within a certain timeframe.

2. In your assigned task or in your position, how do you measure your own

Answer : As a Building & Operation Custodian in Museo ng Muntinlupa,

I could measure my own performance through various metrics or criteria

such as:

Cost management: This involves tracking the expenses of the building and

operation, including maintenance, repairs, and utilities.

Occupancy rates: This measures the percentage of available space that is

currently being used or leased out.

Tenant satisfaction: This measures the level of satisfaction of tenants with

the building and operation's services, facilities, and amenities.

Maintenance and repair responsiveness: This measures how quickly

maintenance and repair requests are addressed and resolved.

Energy efficiency: This measures the building and operation's energy

consumption and how effectively energy-saving measures are being


Compliance with regulations: This involves ensuring that the building and

operation are in compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, and safety


By tracking these metrics, I could be able to assess my own performance

and identify areas where improvements can be made. Additionally, I could

set specific goals and targets for each metric and track my progress towards

achieving them.

3. Who are your clients and how is customer satisfaction being measured in
your organization?

Answer : To measure customer satisfaction, organizations may use

various methods such as surveys, feedback forms, online reviews, and

social media monitoring. These methods can help organizations gather

feedback from customers about their experience with the company's

products or services, identify areas where improvements can be made, and

make data-driven decisions to enhance customer satisfaction. Additionally,

organizations may also track metrics such as customer retention rates,

repeat purchases, and referral rates to measure customer loyalty and


In Museo ng Muntinlupa, our clients are mostly Local Government Units

(LGUs) and private entities who want to collaborate and promote their arts,

culture, education or other products and services. Our Customer

Satisfaction is being measured through feedbacks from different

departments, responds from our business email address and comments

from our Facebook page. Visitors and guests really reply with their Gallery

Learning Experience (GLEX) inside the museum building. By monitoring

Facebook social media, our organization can gain insights into how

customers and guests perceive our offered services. We can identify

common complaints, issues, and areas where improvements can be made.

Additionally, We can track sentiment analysis to determine the overall

sentiment of customers towards our service.

Indeed, Social media monitoring tools can help organizations track mentions

of their brand, products, and services, as well as track specific keywords and

hashtags related to their industry. These tools can also provide analytics and
reporting features to help organizations measure the effectiveness of their

social media strategy and identify opportunities for improvement.

By leveraging social media monitoring, organizations can gain a deeper

understanding of their customers' needs and preferences, and make data-

driven decisions to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. In your organization, state and briefly explain 3 major strategies being used
to achieve productivity and operational efficiency.

Answer : Here are three major strategies that Museo ng Muntinlupa

commonly use to achieve productivity and operational efficiency:

Digitalization: This involves digitizing museum collections, archives, and

exhibits to increase accessibility, reach, and engagement. By digitizing our

collections in Facebook page, Museo ng Muntinlupa can provide online

access to their collections, reach new audiences, and enhance visitor

experience. Additionally, digitalization can help our museum streamline the

operations by reducing the need for physical storage space and increasing

operational efficiency.

Volunteer and Internship Programs: This involves engaging volunteers and

interns to support museum operations and enhance visitor experience.

Volunteers and interns like our OJT students can assist with various tasks
such as visitor services, exhibit maintenance, and administrative support. By

leveraging volunteer and internship programs, our museum can reduce labor

costs, increase operational efficiency, and enhance community engagement.

Partnerships and Collaborations: This involves collaborating with other

museums, institutions, and organizations to share resources, knowledge,

and expertise. By forming partnerships and collaborations, our Museo ng

Muntinlupa could access new resources, expand its reach, and enhance its

programming. Additionally, partnerships and collaborations can help our

museum to reduce costs, increase operational efficiency, and enhance the

reputation in the community.

5. How important is a loyal customer in your organization?

Answer : In most cases, loyal customers are extremely important for any

organization. Loyal customers are those who repeatedly purchase products

or services from a company and have a positive perception of the brand.

They are more likely to recommend the company to others, provide positive

reviews, and remain loyal even in the face of competitive offers.

Loyal customers can provide several benefits to organizations, including

increased revenue, reduced marketing costs, and enhanced reputation. By

retaining loyal customers, organizations can reduce costs associated with

customer acquisition and marketing, as well as increase revenue through

repeat purchases and upselling. Additionally, loyal customers can enhance

the organization's reputation by providing positive feedback and

recommendations to others, which can help attract new customers and

increase brand awareness.

Therefore, Museo ng Muntinlupa often invest in strategies to retain and

cultivate loyal customers, such as loyalty programs for the Iglesia ni Kristo,

personalized communications with Goethe Institute, and exceptional

customer service with School Division (DepEd). By valuing and prioritizing

our loyal customers, Museo ng Muntinlupa can build long-term relationships,

enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive business growth.

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