Overcoming Gravity 2nd Edition Exercise Charts

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Abbreviations Handstand Chart – Muscles Emphasized: Anterior Del

BW = Body Weight Column # 1 2

R = Rings Book Page # 318 336
PB = Parallel Bars FIG Level Handstands Rings HS
FL = Front Lever (also Floor with PB) 1 Wall HS
BA = Bent-Arm Basi 2 Wall HS
BB = Bent-Body Beg c 3 Wall HS
SA = Straight-Arm 4 Free HS
SB = Straight-Body 5 Free HS R Shld Std
Adv = Advanced 6 R Strap HS
A Lvl Different
Str = Straddle 7 progressions to R HS
Int the One Arm
Deg = # of Degrees in Body/Hand Positioning 8
RTO = Rings-Turned-Out 9
FG = False Grip 10 One Arm HS
B Lvl
HS = Handstand 11
HeSPU = Headstand Pushup 12
HSPU = Handstand Pushup 13
BL = Back Lever 14
C Lvl
Inv = Inverted Hang Elite 15
OAC = One-Arm Chin-up 16
PL = Planche
PU = Pushup This Chart is from Overcoming Gravity 2nd Edition book
PPPU = Pseudo Planche Pushup http://stevenlow.org/book/
GH = German Hang http://amzn.to/2hxgCNc
RC = Rope Climb
OA = One-Arm DOWNLOAD CHART: "File" > "Download as" > Choose the typ
EL = Elbow Lever Awesome visualization by shellerik (reddit):
Ecc = Eccentrics More Printer friendly Charts by bymagnetoencefalografy (redd
BTB = Behind the Back
Clap = Clapping your Hands Together Some videos of the progressions:
Slap = Slapping your Hands on a Body Part
BWD = Backward Note 1: Formatting for color coding utilized from Phrakture's wife's typed
FWD = Forward Note 2: SCROLL RIGHT for more progressions that aren't in the book, bu
Shld Std = Shoulder Stand
phasized: Anterior Deltoids, Traps, Triceps, Body Control; L-sit, V-sit, and Manna Posterior Emphasi
3 4 5 6 7
341 349 352 353 360
Handstand Pushups Rings HSPU Press Rings Press HS
Pike HeSPU
Box HeSPU .3x BW
Wall HeSPU Ecc .43x BW
Wall HeSPU .55x BW
Wall HSPU .68x BW BA BB Press
Free HeSPU .8x BW Chair Press
Free HSPU R Wide HSPU .9x BW CR SB Press Chair Illusion
R Strap HSPU 1x BW BA SB Press R BA BB Press
R Free HSPU 1.08x BW HS EL HS R Dip to HS
1.15x BW PB Dip SB to HS R BA SB Press
1.2x BW R HS EL HS
R Dip SB to HS

vity 2nd Edition book

Clickable links
nload as" > Choose the type of dohttp://stevenlow.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/OG2ChartsPrint.pdf
magnetoencefalografy (reddit): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M1cxENx9Ywz6Zp_a2ygKeO4PVlb-hfwQ7OP34


d from Phrakture's wife's typed up charts for OG1: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tjAcd0u7pTTTdSlke5_8rGCo7afuR3xh23HnrV

ssions that aren't in the book, but will be useful for anyone who wants to work exercises outside the book
Manna Posterior Emphasize Deltoids and Back Pulling Chart – Muscles Emp
8 9 Column #
369 379 Book Page #
Straight Arm Press HS L, Str-L, V, Manna FIG Level
Tuck L-sit 1
1 Leg Bent L-sit 2
L-sit Beg 3
Straddle L-sit 4
Wall Str Press Ecc RTO L-sit 5
Ele Str Std Str Press 45 deg V-sit 6
A Lvl
Str / Pike Std Press 75 deg V-sit 7
L-sit / Str-L Str Press 100 deg V-sit 8
L-sit / Str-L Pike Press 120 deg V-sit 9
R SA L-sit Str Press 140 deg V-sit 10
B Lvl
R SA Str-L Str Press 155 deg V-sit 11
R SA Pike Press 170 deg V-sit 12
Manna 13
C Lvl
Elite 15



Pulling Chart – Muscles Emphasized: Posterior Deltoids, Back and Scapular Muscles, Biceps, a
1 2 3 4 5
390 402 410 416 423
Back Lever Front Lever FL Rows Rows Pull-ups
German Hang Row Ecc Jump Pull-ups
Skin the Cat Ring Rows Bar Pull-up Ecc
Tuck BL Wide Rows Bar Pull-ups
Adv Tuck BL Tuck FL Archer Rows L-Pull-ups
Straddle BL Adv Tuck FL Tuck FL Archer-in-Rows Pullover
Half Lay / 1 Leg BL Straddle FL Adv Tuck FL Str OA Rows
Adv Tuck
Full BL Half lay / 1 Leg FL OA Rows
BL Pullout Full FL Straddle FL
GH Pullout FL to Inverted Str FL RC
BA Pull-up to BL Hang Pull to Inv Full FL
HS Lower to BL Circle FL FL RC
r Muscles, Biceps, and Forearms. Chest depending on the progression.
6 7 8 9
428 436 437 447
R Pull-ups + OAC Weighted Pull-ups Explosive Pull-ups Iron Cross

Assisted Pull-ups Kip Pull-ups

1x Bodyweight Bar Pull-ups
R L-Pull-ups 1.18x Bodyweight Kip Clap Pull-ups Rec PRE-REQs in
R Wide Pull-ups 1.35x Bodyweight Non-Kip Clapping Gray
R Wide L-Pull-ups 1.50x Bodyweight L-Clap Pull-ups
R Archer Pull-ups 1.65x Bodyweight Kip BTB Clap
OAC Eccentric 1.78x Bodyweight L-Slap Abs
OAC 1.9x Bodyweight L-Slap Thighs Cross Progressions
OAC+15 lbs 2x Bodyweight Reg Slap Thighs Iron Cross Hold
OAC+25 lbs 2.1x Bodyweight Non-Kip BTB Clap Cross to Back Lever

Iron Cross Pullouts

Hang Pull to Back Lever
Butterfly Mount
Support to Hang to Cross
Pushing Chart – Muscles Emphasized: Anterior Deltoids, Ches
Column # 1 2
Book Page # 457 472
FIG Level Planche (PB/FL) Rings Planche
Beg 3 Frog Stand
4 SA Frog Stand Frog Stand
5 Tuck PL SA Frog Stand
6 Adv Tuck PL Tuck PL
A Lvl
8 Straddle PL Adv Tuck PL
9 Half Lay / 1 Leg
10 Straddle PL
B Lvl
11 Full PL
12 SA Str PL to HS Half Lay / 1 Leg
R SA Str PL to
14 Full PL
C Lvl HS
Elite 15 R SA SB to HS
16 RSA PL to HS
es Emphasized: Anterior Deltoids, Chest, Scapular muscles, and Triceps. Some Back depending on
3 4 5
478 483 485
PB/FL PL Pushups Rings PL Pushups Pushups
Regular Pushups
Diamond Pushups
Ring wide PU
Ring PU
RTO Pushups
Tuck PL PU RTO Archer PU
Adv Tuck PL PU Tuck PL PU RTO 60 Deg PPPU
RTO Maltese PU
Straddle PL PU Adv Tuck PL PU Wall PPPU
Half Lay / 1 Leg PL PU Straddle PL PU Wall Maltese PU
R Wall Maltese PU
Full PL PU Half Lay / 1 Leg PL PU

Full PL PU
d Triceps. Some Back depending on the progression. Miscellaneous C
6 7 8 9 Column #
449 505 512 521 Book Page #
One Arm Pushups Dips / OA Dips Ring Dips Weighted Dips
PB Jump Dips Support Hold
PB Dips Ecc RTO Support Assisted Dips
PB Dips R Dips Ecc Dips Beg
L-Dips R Dips 1.2x BW
Elevated OA PU 45 Deg Dips R L-Dips 1.38x BW
Straddle OA PU Wall BB OA Dips R Wide Dips 1.55x BW
RTO 45 Deg
Rings Str OA PU Side BB OA Dips 1.7x BW
75 Deg Int
Straight Body OA PU Wall SB OA Dips 1.85x BW
90 Deg
Rings SB OA PU Side SB OA Dips 2x BW
RTO 90 + 30
2.13x BW
90 + 50
2.25x BW
RTO 90 + 65 Adv
90 + 75
RTO 90 + 82
90 + 86
90 + 88
Maltese (L17)
Miscellaneous Chart – Muscle-ups, Elbow Levers, Flags, and Combinations Push and Pull; Ab
Column # 1 2 3
Book Page # 523 539 543
FIG Level Muscle-ups / Inverted MUs Elbow Levers Flag
3 MU Negatives
4 Kipping MU
5 Muscle-ups Two-Arm EL Tuck Flag
Adv Tuck
6 Wide / No FG MU R Two-Arm EL
A Lvl Flag
7 Strict Bar MU OA Straddle EL Straddle Flag
8 SFL MU ATPL / L-Sit MU OA SB EL Full Flag
9 OA Straight MU
10 Felge Bwd SB to Support
B Lvl
11 FL MU Str PL
12 Felge Bwd SB to HS
14 SB Rotation to HS
C Lvl
15 Butterfly Mount
16 (L17) Elevator
Combinations Push and Pull; Ab wheel for Core; Squat Progression and Legs work the Quads, Glute
4 5 6
545 549 551
Ab Wheel Rings Full Statics Rings Kip Skills

25s Plank
60s Plank
1 Arm 1 Leg Plank
Knees Ab Wheel RTO L-Sit
Ab Wheel Ramp RTO Str-L Kip to Support
Ab Wheel Ecc Back Lever Back Kip to Support
Full Ab Wheel Front Lever
Ab Wheel + 20 lbs R 90 Deg V-Sit SA Kip to L-Sit
One Arm Ab
Iron Cross / Str PL SA Back Kip to Support
Back Kip to Handstand

SA kip to V-Sit/Cross/L-Cross
Full Planche Back Kip to Cross/L-Cross
Back Kip to Straddle PL
Inverted Cross
sion and Legs work the Quads, Glutes, and Hamstrings Legs

7 8 1

560 569 N/A

Rings Felge Skills Squats Glute Bridge / Hip Thrusts
(Forward = Fwd) Parallel Squat L1 Glute Bridge
(Backward = Bwd) Full Squat L2 Elevated Shld Hip Thrust
Side to Side Squat L3 1 Leg Glute Bridge
Pistol L4 Ele Shld 1 Leg Hip Thrust
Felge Fwd Tuck to Support 1.2x BW Pistol L5 Weighted Hip Thrusts
Felge Fwd Pike / Felge Bwd Tuck 1.35x BW Pistol L6
Felge Bwd Pike to Support 1.5x BW Pistol L7
1.65x BW Pistol L8
1.8x BW Pistol L9
Felge Fwd Straight to Support 1.9x BW Pistol L10
Felge Bwd Straight to Support 2x BW Pistol L11
Felge Bwd SB to HS L12
Felge Fwd SA to Cross L13
Felge Fwd SA to Str PL L14
Felge Fwd SA SB to HS L15
The above are not in the book. They are p

List of hardest bodyweight leg exercises

2018 https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/c
11/23/2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/c

Legs Legs Core
2 3 4
Natural Ham Curl Shrimp Squat Reverse Hyperextensions
2 Leg hamstring slide Lunges
1 Leg hamstring slide ecc Split Squat (Chair) Full tuck R Hypers
1 Leg hamstring slide Beginner Shrimp 90 Deg Bent Knee R Hypers
Hip Hinge with Vertical Thighs Intermediate Shrimp Full Reverse Hypers
Slow Eccentric to the Ground Advanced Shrimp Weighted R. Hypers
Full Natural Ham Curl 2 Hand Shrimp
Ham Curl with Arms OverheadElevated / Deficit Adv Shrimp
Weighted Ham Curl Elevated / Deficit 2H Shrimp
Weighted Ele. Int. Shrimp

re not in the book. They are proposed progressions


st bodyweight leg exercises by RockRaiders. Some of these are not added to the above progressions yet.

Core Core Arms
5 6 1
Hanging Leg Raises Dragon Flag Bodyweight bicep curls
Floor tuck raises Floor tuck raises L1
FL straight leg raise FL straight leg raise L2
Hang Bent Leg Toes to bar Tuck Eccentric L3
Hang Str Leg Toes to bar Adv Tuck L4
Windshield wipers / 360 HLR One Leg / Straddle L5 Incline pelican curl
Ankle Weight Toes to bar Full Dragon Flag L6 Pelican curl
Weighted L7 Feet elevated Pelican (Sup BL)
L8 Hefesto negative (BL pullout)
L9 Hefesto (GH pullout)
L10 Back lever hefesto
L11 Archer hefesto
L12 Hand on wrist hefesto


above progressions yet.

Pull Legs Straight one arm
2 3 4

Victorian cross (VC) variations Quad dominant moves One arm statics

Natural leg extension

Sissy squat
Matrix squat to floor
an (Sup BL) Elevated Matrix squat
(BL pullout) One leg Matrix squat to horizontal OA back lever
protracted VC on bars Natural one leg extension
dragon press One leg sissy squat to horizontal shin
VC on bars One leg Matrix squat to floor (?)
OA front lever
wide VC on bars OA dragon press
floor VC one forearm
ring VC
floor VC on forearms OA planche
floor VC straight arms

Impossible dip

Shoulder in front of wrist

Shoulder behind wrist

Shoulder above elbow

Shoulder behind elbow

Kowalik dip (from PB VC)

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