Exercise-Topic 8 (Part 2)

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MPU 2313 Moral&Ethics Methodist Pilley Institute January Semester, 2024

Exercise-Topic 8 (Part 2)

Name:__Adrain Hu Kwong Ti __
Answer all the questions below.
1. Working to meet people's needs out of love for God and neighbor; also called love_charity_.
2. A close relationship or unity with others___solidarity___.
3. A social condition that enables all people to fullfill their human and spiritual needs common
4. the respect for all creation and human rights that allows people to get what they need to live
and to realize their God-given dignity_ ...is foundational to fostering a just and equitable society
where individuals can live dignified lives_.
5. “A doctrine developed by the Catholic Church on matters of social justice involving issues of
poverty and wealth, economics, social organization and the role of the state. It is a central and
essential element of our faith”. This sentence refers to:______ Catholic Social Teaching ____
6. What is the meaning of Jihad in Islam?
__Jihad in Islam encompasses striving for self-improvement, spreading knowledge, advocating
for justice, charitable acts, and, if necessary, self-defense.___
7. Give 3 different philosophies of Chinese society in Malaysia.
(a) Buddhism
(b) Confucianism
(c) Taoism
8. What are the 3 characterictics about christian ethics on sexuality and life?
(a) Marriage is between a woman and a man.
(b) Faithfulness in marriage.
(c) Sexual purity
9. “A way of life that is harmonious with nature”. This phrase is the most important aspect in ___
10. What are the 3 relationships between humans that is prioritised by Confucius?
(a) ) Leaders and citizens
(b) Son and father
(c) Husband and wife

Prepared by:Mdm Jacqueline Lynn Rinit Juweek

MPU 2313 Moral&Ethics Methodist Pilley Institute January Semester, 2024
Exercise-Topic 8 (Part 2)

11. The law of __ Karma___ believed by the Hindus means that their present life is caused by
their past deeds.
12. Name the belief practised by Orang Asli that each object existing in nature has a spirit.

Prepared by:Mdm Jacqueline Lynn Rinit Juweek

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