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3 Educational Qualification for promotion:

The educational qualifications are not generally insisted upon in the

case of promotion to posts of non-technical nature; but for scientific and
technical posts, these should be insisted upon, in the interest of
administrative efficiency, at least in the case of senior Group A posts in the
Pay Band-3 Grade Pay Rs.6600 and above. Sometimes the qualifications
for junior Group A posts and Group B posts may not be insisted upon in
full but only the basic qualification in the discipline may be insisted upon.
For example, if a degree in Civil Engineering is the qualification prescribed
for direct recruits, the promotees may be required to possess at least a
Diploma in Civil Engineering.
OM No. AB.14017/48/2010-Estt.(RR) dated 31 December, 2010

16.3.4 Educational qualifications and Proficiency

standards prescribed for direct recruitment.
The educational qualifications for recruitment to the various public services
shall be as shown below:

I. Superior Services University Degree essential

All India and Central
Services, Group A
II. Middle Group University Degree essential
(i) Central Group B
(ii) Central, Group B
and Assistants in
office not
participating in
III. Central Group C,

(a) MTS Matriculation pass or equivalent from a

recognized Board or Industrial Training
Institute pass Certificate from a recognized
(b) Lower Division (i) 12th class pass or equivalent qualification
Clerks from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) should pass type writing in English with a
minimum speed of 35 words per minute
or in Hindi with a minimum speed of 30
words per minute on computer (35 words
per minute and 30 words per minute
correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH
on an average of 5 key depression for
each word).

(c) Stenographers (i) 12th class pass or equivalent qualification
from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Skill Test Norms:
(a) For Stenographers in Pay Band-1
Dictation: 10 minutes @ 80 words per
Transcription: 50 minutes (English), 65
minutes (Hindi) on computers
(b) For Stenographers in Pay Band-2:
Dictation: 10 minutes @ 100 words per
Transcription: 40 minutes (English), 55
minutes (Hindi) on computers

16.3.5 Proof of Educational Qualifications:

Appointing authority should ensure that claims regarding educational and

other special qualifications and age are scrutinized strictly at the time of
MHA OM No.2/29/54-RPS, 19-11-54

16.3.6 Degree/Diploma and Certificates Recognized for Recruitment:

Those awarded by-

Universities in India incorporated by an Act of the Central or State

Legislature and other educational institutions established by an
Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed to be Universities
under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956.

MHA OM No.26/4/52-CS dt. 30-9-52 and MHA OM No.6/1/64-Estt.(D)

dated 10-4-64
Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education duly set up and
recognized by the Central Government or the State Government
MHA OM No.26/4/52-CS dt.30-9-52

Those specially recognized by the Central Government as equivalent to

particular degrees, diplomas or certificate. For technical qualifications a
reference may be made to “List of Technical and Professional
Qualifications recognized by Government of India” issued by the
Ministry of Human Resource Development.


All new entrants to Government service are required to take an oath of

allegiance to the Constitution of India in the prescribed form.
Conscientious objectors to oath taking may make a solemn affirmation
in the prescribed form.
The oath/affirmation can be taken/ made in English or Hindi or in any
official regional language with which the Government servant is
conversant. The prescribed forms in English and Hindi are given in
Annexure I. Heads of office may get the same translated into regional
language, where required.
Full-time Government servants who are foreign nationals, are also
required to take/make an oath/affirmation in the form given in
Annexure II.
The taking of oath should be made one of the terms of appointment of
persons to Government service.
The oath/affirmation should be taken/ made before the Head of
Department of Office as may be appropriate, or a gazetted officer who
may be authorised in this behalf. The signed copy of the
Oath/Application may be kept in vol-II of the Service Book and entry
made in the service book in the appropriate place.


‘‘I,________________________________, do swear / solemnly affirm that I will

be faithful and bear true allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by
Law established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India, and that I
will carry out the duties of my of office with loyalty, honesty and impartiality,’’

Date___________ Designation____________________

....................................... /


( )




I...................................................a citizen of .............................. temporarily

residing in and holding a civil post under the Government of India do swear/solemnly
affirm that, having the faith and allegiance I own to*...............................................I will,
during the period of my service as aforesaid, be faithful to India and to the Constitution of
India as by law established and that I will carry out the duties of my office loyally, honestly
and with impartiality.
(So help me God)

*Here insert the name of the country conferred.



16.5.1 Every new entrants in Government service is required to declare his/

her home town to avail the benefits of Leave Travel Concession.
The Home Town once declared and accepted by the Controlling Officer shall
be treated as final. In exceptional circumstances, the Head of the
Department or if a Government servant himself is the Head of the
Department, the Administrative Ministry, may authorize a change in such
declaration, provided that such a change shall not be made more than once
during the service of the Government servant.
Rule 5 of CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988

16.5.2 The declaration made by the Government Servant initially may be

accepted. A detailed check may be applied only when he seeks a change.
The following criteria may be applied to determine whether the Government
servant’s declaration may be accepted :

Whether the place declared by the Government servant is the

one which requires his physical presence at intervals for
discharging various domestic and social obligations, and if so,
whether after his entry into service, the Government servant had
been visiting that place frequently.
Whether the Government servant owns residential property in
that place or whether he is a member of a joint family having
such property there.
Whether his near relations are resident in that place.
Whether, prior to his entry into Government service, the
Government servant had been living there for some years.

Note: The criteria, one after another need be applied only in cases where
the immediately preceding criterion is not satisfied.

Where the Government servant or the family of which he is a member

owns a residential or landed property in more than one place, it is left to the
Government servant to make a choice giving reasons for the same,
provided that the decision of the Controlling Officer whether or not to
accept such place as the town of the Government servant shall be final.
Where the presence of near relation at a particular place is not to be the
determining criterion for the acceptance of declaration of ‘hometown’, the
presence of near relation should be more or less permanent nature.

MHA O.M.No.43/15/57-Estt (A) dated 24th June, 1958,GoI Decision below

Rule 5 of CCS (LTC)Rules


Rule 18 (1) (i) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 prescribes that every
Government servant shall on his first appointment to any service or post submit a
return of his assets and liabilities, in such form as may be prescribed by the
Government, giving the full particulars regarding-

The immovable property inherited by him, or owned or acquired by him or

held by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own name or in the name of
any member of his family or in the name of any other person;
Shares, debentures and cash including bank deposits inherited by him or
similarly owned, acquired, or held by him;
Other movable property inherited by him or similarly owned, acquired or held
by him; and
Debts and other liabilities incurred by him directly or indirectly.
[These Rules are explained in detail under the chapter of “Movable, Immovable
and Valuable Property” in the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964]

Note: For All India Services please see the relevant provision in the appropriate
rules, e.g.: Rule 16(1) of AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968 in respect of AIS officers.

[See Rule 18 (1)]

Return of Assets and Liabilities on First Appointment on 31December, 20..

Name of the Government servant in full……………………………….

(in block letters)

Service to which he belongs……………………………………………..

Total length of service upto date………………………………………

in non-gazetted rank.
in gazetted rank.

Present post held and place of posting…………………………….

Total annual income from all sources during the Calendar year immediately
proceeding the 1st day of January 20…..

I hereby declare that the return enclosed namely, Forms I to V are complete, true
and correct as on…………….to the best of my knowledge and belief, in respect of
information due to be furnished by me under the provisions of sub-rule (1) of rule
18 of the Central Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

Date…………………. Signature…………………………

Note 1. This return shall contain particulars of all assets and liabilities of the Government
servant either in his own name or in the name of any other person.

Note 2. If a Government servant is a member of Hindu Undivided Family with

coparcenary rights in the properties of the family either as a ‘Karta’ or as a member, he
should indicate in the return in Form No. I the value of his share in such property and
where it is not possible to indicate the exact value of such share, its approximate value.
Suitable explanatory notes may be added wherever necessary.

Statement of immovable property on first appointment as on
31 December, 20….
(e.g. Lands, House, Shops, Other Buildings, etc.)
Sl. Description Precise location Area of land Nature of Extent If not in own
No. of property (Name of District, (in case of land in case of name, state
Division, Taluk and land and of landed interest in whose
Village in which the buildings) property name held
property is situated and his/her
and also its relationship,
distinctive number, if any to the
etc.) Government

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Date of How acquired (whether by Value of Particulars Total Remarks

acquisition purchase, mortgage, lease the of sanction annual
inheritance, gift or otherwise) and property of income
name with details of (see prescribed from the
person/persons from whom Note 2 authority if property
acquired (address and connection below any
of the Government servant, if any,
with the person/persons
concerned) Please see Note 1

8 9 10 11 12 13

Date…………………….. Signature………………….
Note (1)For purpose of Column 9, the term "lease" would mean a lease of immovable property from year to year or for any
term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent. Where, however, the lease of immovable property is obtained from a
person having official dealings with the Government servant, such a lease should be shown in this Column irrespective of
the term of the lease, whether it is short term or long term, and the periodicity of the payment of rent. Note (2) In Column
10 should be shown –
where the property has been acquired by purchase, mortgage or lease, the price or premium paid for such acquisition;
where it has been acquired by lease, the total annual rent thereof also; and
where the acquisition is by inheritance, gift or exchange, the approximate value of the property so acquired.

Statement of liquid assets on first appointment as on
31 December, 20….
Cash and Bank balance exceeding 3 months’ emoluments.
Deposits, loans, advances and investments (such as shares, securities,
debentures, etc.)

Sl. Description Name & Amount If not in own name, Annual Remarks
No. Address of name and address of income
Company, person in whose derived
Bank etc. name held and
his/her relationship
with the Government

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Date Signature…………………………..

Note 1. In column 7, particulars regarding sanctions obtained or report made in respect of the
various transactions may be given.

Note 2. The term "emoluments" means the pay and allowances received by the Government

Statement of movable property on first appointment as on
31 December, 20…..

Sl. Description Price or value at If not in own How Remarks

No. of items the time of name, name and acquired
acquisition address of the with
and/or the total person in whose approximate
payments made name and date of
upto the date of his/her acquisition
return, as the relationship with
case may be, in the Government
case of articles servant
purchased on
hire purchase or
instalment basis

1 2 3 4 5 6

Date………………… Signature…………………….

Note 1. In this Form information may be given regarding items like (a) jewellery owned by him
(total value); (b) silver and other precious metals and precious stones owned by him not
forming part of jewellery (total value), (c) (i) Motor Cars (ii) Scooters/Motor Cycles; (iii)
refrigerators/air-conditioners, (iv) radios/radiograms/television sets and any other articles,
the value of which individually exceeds Rs. 1,000 (d) value of items of movable property
individually worth less than Rs. 1,000 other than articles of daily use such as cloths,
utensils, books, crockery, etc., added together as lumpsum.

Note 2 : In column 5, may be indicated whether the property was acquired by

purchase, inheritance, gift or otherwise.
Note 3 : In column 6, particulars regarding sanction obtained or report made in respect of
various transactions may be given.


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