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Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

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Container ship investment Decisions–Newbuilding vs second-hand vessels

Lixian Fan a, Ziyan Li a, Jiaqi Xie a, Jingbo Yin b, *
School of Management, Shanghai University, 599 Shangda Rd., Shanghai, 200444, China
State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan RD., Shanghai,
200240, China


Keywords: Ship investment is a crucial strategic issue for shipping companies as the container shipping industry is highly
Ship investment capital-intensive. In practice, a company’s ship investment decision mainly concerns new shipbuilding and
Container ship second-hand vessels. The investment of new container ships with advanced technology is high in cost and the
Ship type choice
payback period is long. Differently, the second-hand vessels’ investment cycle is shorter, but there are certain
Nested logit model
drawbacks in loading capacity and maintenance. Therefore, it is significant to investigate the investment se­
lection of new-building and second-hand ships in the container shipping market. Previous studies have analyzed
this topic at aggregate or industry level. Few studies have attempted to reveal ship type preferences from
observed individual data. Therefore, using the data from the Clarkson’s World Fleet Register between 2000 and
2021, this study employs the Nested Logit model to analyze the container ship investment preferences, and
explore the impact of different variables on decision-making from the perspective of individual companies. The
empirical results suggest the higher substitution effect among alternatives within the same nest than that of
crossing nests. Along with discussion on the effects of various factors, it discloses the higher preferences of larger
types of vessels in responding to competitors’ capacity expansion, especially the larger companies. Therefore, it is
important to distinguish the larger companies’ capacity expansion between responding to demand and
competing with competitors, especially for those companies adopting follower strategies.

1. Introduction The benefit of investment is directly related to the future development of

shipping companies. Because of the high-value of vessels, the shipping
The sustainable development of international shipping industry is of industry is a capital-intensive and high-risk industry. The value of
great significance to the prosperity of world trade by connecting various container ships is much higher than that of ordinary dry bulk carriers.
countries and regions in the world. According to the United Nations For example, a new container vessel above 8000 TEU costs approxi­
Conference on Trade and Development’s annual report, more than four- mately 89 million dollars (UNCTAD, 2021). Inappropriate investment
fifths of the merchandise trade in the world is carried out by sea, which may influence not only the shipping industry itself but also the enter­
underlines the importance of shipping (UNCTAD, 2021). The container prises that depend on global shipping companies (Fan and Luo, 2013).
market has become the development direction of the international So, every investment in ships will have a dramatically significant impact
shipping industry since the structure of containers was standardized in on shipping companies.
the late 1960s to early 1970s. The speed and efficiency of maritime In practice, a company’s ship investment decision mainly concerns
transportation have been dramatically increased because of the stan­ new shipbuildings and second-hand ships. Fig. 1 shows the number of
dardization (Sahara and Watanabe, 2011). new contracts and second-hand sales from 1996 to 2021. Generally, the
In the shipping transportation market, ships are the main carriers investment of new container ships is high in cost and the payback period
and the most basic production tools to provide transport services. is long and the shipbuilding prices are constantly changing with the
Therefore, the ship investment decision is a crucial strategic issue for fluctuation of the shipping market. Consequently, the validity of the
shipping companies to participate in market operations. Enterprises company’s shipbuilding investment decisions is often related to the
control the ownership or management rights of ships through invest­ success or failure of the entire enterprise (Yu, 2012). Differently, the
ment and realize the supply of shipping capacity to the shipping market. second-hand container ships’ investment cycle is shorter. When the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Yin).
Received 14 July 2022; Received in revised form 2 August 2023; Accepted 6 September 2023
Available online 9 September 2023
0967-070X/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Fan et al. Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

capacity structure needs to be adjusted, second-hand container ships can help shipping companies and other related companies better understand
be traded much faster, but it is not easy to obtain preferential conditions the shipping market, make reasonable investment strategic decisions,
of loans or subsidies when buying, and the financing channels are nar­ and strengthen container shipping market participants’ competitive­
row. Meanwhile, there are certain drawbacks in loading capacity, main ness, ensure operating income, and effectively prevent operating risks.
engine power and fuel consumption, maintenance, repair, inspection The remaining parts of this study are arranged as follows: Section 2
and insurance costs, even relating to environmental problems or acci­ gives a review of related researches about shipping investment. Section
dents. In practice, the observed ship type choice distribution in Fig. 1 is 3 introduces the data source, variable descriptions, and the logit model.
actually the result of various factors. Therefore, it is significant to The empirical results and discussion are described in Section 4, and
investigate the marginal effects of different factors on the investment Section 5 concludes.
selection of new-built and second-hand container ships using observed
preference data. 2. Literature review
In addition to considering the economic benefits of new and second-
hand ships, shipping companies have speeded up their efforts to cope Because of its important role in the shipping industry, ship invest­
with the growing concerns of international carbon emissions, trying to ment has attracted much attention. This study mainly reviews the
reduce the unit transportation cost of containers, increase economies of literature from three aspects: (1) methods used for ship investment; (2)
scale, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the market. So, factors impacting investment; (3) analysis of ship type and size choice
they have accelerated the pace of large-scale container vessel deploy­ behavior.
ment. But is the larger the container ship, the more favorable it is for the
enterprise? (1) Methods used for ship investment
Based on this background, this study analyses various factors
impacting shipping companies’ investment decisions in the interna­ Reviewing previous investment analysis in the shipping market, Net
tional container market, and further investigates shipping companies’ Present Value (NPV), Real Option Approach (ROA), Fuzzy Analytic Hi­
preference for different kinds of new and second-hand container ships to erarchy Process (FAHP), time series methods and cost-benefit scenario
explore future development trends of shipping companies’ investment analysis are popularly adopted.
decisions and help companies better understand the different impacts of Since the 1980s, stakeholders tended to use financial indicators to
different environmental changes on decision-making. This study uses determine ship investment. Among them, NPV is a typical financial in­
new ship contract and second-hand ship transaction data from the dicator for evaluating the economic benefits of investing in new ships
Clarksons World Fleet Register (WFR) from January 2000 to December introduced by Sloggett (1984). Afterwards, to make plans more in line
2021. By reviewing related literature, factors that affect investment with business interests, various decision-making theories and methods
decisions are summarized and the influence of the factors on the choice were employed in practice. Kou and Luo (2018) pointed out that NPV
of ship types is analyzed through empirical model estimation. and ROA could be combined to calculate and decide whether to invest
The contribution of this study to the understanding of container ship ships or not. They analyzed ship investment behavior based on the
investment includes: First, since the investment strategy of a business is future freight earnings, following a mean reverting stochastic process. In
a significant component of its business decision, factors representing its addition, some studies investigated the priorities during ship acquisi­
market conditions and its competitors’ expansion strategies are taken tions (Park et al., 2018) and the asset management (Bulut et al., 2012)
into consideration in addition to the market and operational variables. utilizing FAHP method.
Second, it uses Nested Logit regression models to analyze the investment Another school in the literature is adopting time series analysis
choice behavior, which discloses the general investment choice decision methods to investigate the factors impacting ship investment or ship
follows a hierarchical or sequential process. i.e., deciding on new or price. Alizadeh and Nomikos (2007) identified the long-run cointegra­
second-hand first, then on the specific ship size. Third, it reveals the tion relationship between bulk ship price and earnings and which can be
actual choice preferences of individual ships, which is different from used as an indicator of investment or divestment timing decisions.
previous studies using aggregated time series. Therefore, the results can Similarly, Merikas et al. (2008) investigated the investment activities in

Fig. 1. Number of new and second-hand ships invested.

Source: Clarkson’s Shipping Intelligence Network (SIN)

L. Fan et al. Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

the tanker market using error-correction models. They found that vessel ship type choice are two important decisions for shipping companies’
costs did not impact investment decisions between new or old vessels, development and operation. Because of the complexity of the shipping
but the ratios between the two could. Dai et al. (2015) analyzed the industry, this problem is difficult to solve. Based on the research of
determinants of newbuilding price volatility using the GARCH model newbuilding and second-hand ship investment choices, this study uses
and identified freight rate volatility as the key influencing factor. the Nested Logit model to conduct an empirical analysis of the ship types
Greenwood and Hanson (2015) discussed the relationship between ship of global new and second-hand ship investments from January 2000 to
earnings and ship price and disclosed that high earnings are associated December 2021, exploring the impact of different variables on shipping
with high second-hand prices and which heightens ship investment. It companies’ decision-making from individual companies’ perspectives.
also pointed out that shipping companies over extrapolate exogenous
demand shocks and partially neglect the endogenous investment 3. Methodology and data
response of competitors. Illuminated by this, this study incorporates the
factors relating to companies and their competitors’ status into invest­ 3.1. Discrete logit and Nested Logit models
ment decisions.
Above studies provided valuable insights into ship investment de­ The shipping company’s choice of ship can be regarded as a discrete
cisions. However, the methods adopted by those studies typically choice among multiple alternatives with different type and size.
require some specific assumptions or assuming certain scenarios for Therefore, the type selection model is established from the discrete se­
companies or shipping lines, or relying on expert opinions. Different lection model which is a common method to study choice behavior, and
with them, this study utilizes discrete choice models to find out the ship the model constructed with individuals as the research unit is more
investment behavior and the ship preference of companies from consistent with the actual situation. The most typical discrete choice
observed individual ship investment data. A major advantage of model is the Logit model. There are many kinds of Logit models, and the
adopting observed data is that it is free from the bias that is a common Multinomial Logit, Conditional Logit and the Nested Logit models are
problem when using survey data. popularly used when there are multiple choice dependent variables
(Greene, 2012; McFadden, 1980). Generally, discrete choice methods
(2) Factors impacting ship investment are based on the random utility theory, which assumes that decision
maker’s utilities for ship type alternatives are based on a deterministic
When it comes to the investment influencing factors, Marlow (1991) (observed factors) and a random component (unobserved errors). Under
has written a series about ship investment in the shipping industry. The this framework, the shipping companies’ ship choices are the result of
factors such as market conditions, freight rates, changes in cost, and flag utility maximization, i.e., the decision maker will select a specific ship
registration were taken into consideration besides traditional factors type and size that can provide the highest utility. This makes it valuable
that determine investment behavior. Engelen et al. (2006) claimed that as it can simultaneously consider various types of factors in the utility
investment behavior is influenced by rate levels as well. Before investing function, and this distinguishes it from other approaches, such as NPV,
in ships, Bessler et al. (2008) suggested that a full understanding of ROA and cost-benefit methods.
freight rates is required. Xu et al. (2011) showed that the volume of trade Among the various Logit models, the Multinomial Logit and Condi­
(ship demand), the size of the fleet (fleet size), and the share of supply tional Logit models require alternatives to be independent of each other
services (location advantage) can determine the ship investment deci­ and is greatly restricted by the assumption of independence of irrelevant
sion. A study conducted by Lee et al. (2014) considered factors alternatives (IIA assumption). The IIA assumption assumes that when
impacting the shipping competitiveness of a country and different policy there are a set of alternatives, the odds of choosing A over B should not
effects on shipping. depend on whether some other alternative C is present or absent, i.e., the
Considering the findings of these studies, the empirical model in­ alternatives are not correlated and the choices among different alter­
cludes an appraisal of shipbuilding location, market demand and freight natives are made simultaneously. However, based on observations and
rate. Since an investment strategy plays a significant role in a company’s previous studies (Fan and Luo, 2013), decisions on new orders and
investment decision, this study also considers the factors that represent a second-hand vessels are usually different as newbuilding are more for
company’s market condition and its competitors’ expansion strategies. long-term strategy and second ones are more for short-term needs.
Therefore, when the cost of investing a new small vessel increase, the
(3) Analysis of ship type and size choice behavior shipping company is more possible to buy a new vessel with medium or
large size, rather than turning to second ones. This is called nested Logit
Along with the development of shipbuilding technologies, larger model, which assumes that shipping companies first decide to place a
container ships have become more and more common in operation to new order or buy a second-hand ship and then select the ship size and
achieve optimum economies of scale. But larger ships do not necessarily the substitution effect among alternatives in the same nest (new or
maximize the profits of companies. Before 1970s, the optimal ship size second) is larger than across nests (Fan and Luo, 2013). The decision
was considered to be the largest one that can fit in the port (Heaver, procedure follows a hierarchical or sequential process (Coolen and
1968; Van de Voorde, 2005). Later, Jansson and Shneerson (1982) Jansen, 2012). Fig. 2 illustrates the nests and alternatives in the choice
explored the optimal ship size and found that different ship size should framework. The New and Second are defined as two nests, which are
be deployed according to the cargo quantity and length of the routes. called the type choice. The specific choice of ship size is called mode
Generally, larger vessels are used for deep-sea shipping while smaller choice, which includes small, medium and large vessel sizes.
ones focus on short-sea routes. Meanwhile, ship sizes and operations are Level 1 represents the 6 modes of ships: new and second vessels for
closely related due to the power of economies of scale according to Sys large, medium, and small (denoting with N1 to N3 and S1 to S3 sepa­
et al. (2008), and this has promotes the appearance of “Triple E-class” rately), and level 2 represents two types of ships for investment choices:
ships and the successive vessels larger than 23,000 TEU. However, new (nest N) and second-hand (nest S) vessels. Assuming that the
benefits are not entirely proportional to the ship size as Lian et al. (2019) random utility in the utility function of each selection branch obeys the
claimed that the optimal ship type is not the largest container in Gumbel distribution, the conditional probability of selecting various
existence. ship modes at level 1 is (Greene, 2012):
It can be seen from the above analysis that previous scholars have ( ) ( )
studied ship investment and ship type selection issues from different exp β′xj|i exp β′xj|i
P[j|i] = 3 = (j = 1, 2, 3, i = N, S) (1)
perspectives. However, few studies have attempted to reveal the ship ∑ (
exp β′Xn|i
) exp (Ii )
investment behavior using observational data. Capacity expansion and n=1

L. Fan et al. Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

Fig. 2. The choice illustration in the Nested Logic model.

Where, x is the vector of independent variables and β is the coefficient other methods. The nested structure indicates the hierarchical or
vector influencing the choice of mode. Ii is the inclusive value, which sequential process (Coolen and Jansen, 2012). Therefore, we can
captures the influence of specific attributes of alternative on the selec­ consider different influencing factors at different levels, which are dis­
∑3 cussed in detail in Section 4.2.
tion of the nest. It is calculated as Ii = n=1 exp (β Xn|i ). Then, the

probability of choosing a new ship or a second-hand ship under level 2

is: 3.2. Data source and variable description

exp(γ′y i + τ i Ii ) The data on new contracts and second-hand transactions are from
P[i] = ∑ (2)
exp(γ′yi + τi Ii ) Clarksons’ World Fleet Register database. It involves 6358 individual
ship investment data from 684 shipping companies, including 4024

where, y is the vector of independent variables and γ is the coefficient newbuildings and 2334 s-hand vessels from January 2000 to December
vector influencing the choice of type. τ is the coefficient of the inclusive 2021. Information related to time series and location advantage has
value. Therefore, we get been considered in the study as discussed in previous studies. The time-
series variables such as demand, freight, containership newbuilding
P[j] = P[j|i] × P[i] (3) price and the second-hand price are obtained from Clarksons’ Shipping
The coefficients of the independent variables in the model can be Intelligence Network (SIN), which is reported in Table 1.
estimated using maximum likelihood estimation. Through above anal­ Following Fan and Xie (2021), Feeder, Handysize and Intermediate
ysis, it is obvious that the criterion for choosing the logit models is the ships are grouped as small (ship size between 0 and 3000 TEU). Pan­
test of IIA. If IIA holds, the decision of alternatives is independent of the amax and Post-Panamax ships are grouped as medium (ship size be­
existence of more or fewer alternatives. This can be tested using the tween 3000 and 8000 TEU), and the remaining ships are classed as large
(ship size above 8000 TEU). So, six alternatives can be derived and the
Hausman’s test (Greene, 2012), which is expressed as χ 2 =
frequency of each mode can be found in Table 1. The dependent variable
(̂ β full )′[ V
β partial − ̂ ̂ full ]− 1 (̂
̂ partial − V β full )′. Where, the subscript partial
β partial − ̂
Choice is 1 if a particular mode is chosen in investment and it is 0 for the
indicates the estimates based on a restricted subset of alternatives, such un-chosen modes.
as deleting one alternative. Full indicates the full set of choices. V
̂ partial Dummy variables China, Korea, Japan, EA and Other respectively
and V̂ full are the estimated covariances matrices separately (Greene, represent the places where vessels were built in Chinese mainland,
2012). The test procedure in the Stata software are performed in the South Korea, Japan, Europe or the USA and elsewhere. According to
following steps: Clarksons’ WFR database, around 89% of the world fleet in tonnage are
built in the former three building countries (accessed in December
(1) Run the full model with full alternatives illustrated in Fig. 2, 2021), while vessels built in the European countries and the USA are
which is a constant and efficient estimator. generally regarded as advanced and high-qualified in shipbuilding
(2) Obtain the estimation using a restricted subset by deleting one technology (Fan and Xie, 2021).
alternative in the full set, i.e., a partial subset. As this study examines companies’ ship size preferences and in­
(3) Calculate the Hausman statistic using above equation. It follows a vestment decisions, it is pertinent to examine the effect of companies’
χ 2 -distribution with degrees of freedom of the rank of characteristics on their decisions. WFR provides the owned fleet size for
(V̂ partial − V
̂ full ). each company and we obtained this data at the end of 2021. Since it also
provides the detailed information on new contract, sale and sells and
demolish records, the actual fleet size in previous years can also be
If the result is statistically significant, the estimation from the partial
calculated. Consequently, the market share of each company in each
subset is efficient but not consistent and the IIA assumption is rejected. It
year can be obtained using this data base, which is denoted as Market­
is worth noting that Hausman’s test is based on estimating the variance
share in Table 1. Because a company’s market share reflects its status and
var( ̂ β full ) of the difference of the estimators by the difference
β partial − ̂ influence in the market, most companies are endeavouring to increase it
var[( ̂
β partial) − var(̂ β full )] of the variances. Under the statistical null hy­ by investing in vessels. However, new and second-hand vessels have
pothesis, var[( β partial) − var(̂
̂ β full )] is a consistent estimator of var different advantages and disadvantages, such as technology advance­
ment of new ships and quick delivery of second-hand ones. Therefore,
var( ̂
β partial − ̂ β full ), but it is not necessarily positive definite “in finite
the preferences may be different for different type of companies’ con­
samples”. Therefore, we conduct a generalized Hausman test that siderations, such as long-run competency or short-run cost-benefit.
overcomes this problem which is called Seemingly Unrelated Estimation Therefore, the effect of market share on the ship type or mode prefer­
in Stata. It follows the same procedure as above. ences are included in the empirical analysis.
Above analysis and test procedure indicate the rigorousness and Similar to the variable Marketshare, Rival is also yearly based and it is
validity of the Nested Logit model in analyzing the ship choice behavior, defined as the rival companies’ capacity expansion rate in this study. It is
as it can be applied only when the tests support the proposed structure. calculated as the growth rate of the market capacity excluding a com­
In addition, the structure illustrated in Fig. 2 manifests its superiority to
pany itself (Fan, Gu, & Yin, 2021). It is calculated as Rivalk =

L. Fan et al. Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

Table 1
Statistical description of variables.
Dependent Variables Description Mode Freq. Percent Mode Freq. Percent

Choice 0-3000 TEU N1 (New-Small) 1844 29.97% S1 (Second-Small) 1539 25.02%

3001-8000 TEU N2 (New-Medium) 836 13.59% S2 (Second-Medium) 575 9.35%
8001 over N3 (New-Large) 1207 19.62% S3 (Second-Large) 151 2.45%

Independent Variables Description Mean Std. Dev. Min Max

China 1 if vessel is built in Chinese Mainland, 0 otherwise 0.390 0.488 0 1

Japan 1 if vessel is built in Japan, 0 otherwise 0.097 0.296 0 1
Korea 1 if vessel is built in Korea, 0 otherwise 0.316 0.465 0 1
EA 1 if vessel is built in Europe or America, 0 otherwise 0.121 0.326 0 1
Other 1 if vessel is built in other places, 0 otherwise 0.076 0.265 0 1
Demand World container trade (Million TEU) 160.114 35.278 102.290 206.143
Marketshare Market share of companies *100 1.065 1.726 − 0.115 7.579
Rival The growth rate of other companies except one’s own *100 7.528 4.239 0.158 15.640
Price Containership newbuilding and second-hand prices ($ Million) 6.802 3.388 0.625 14.667
Freight CCFI Composite Index 1.247 0.618 0.642 3.277

Increased tonnage to apply the Nested Logit model. Following the introduced procedure in
for each company k in each year. This variable is
Total tonnage Section 3.1, the Hausman’s and the Seemingly Unrelated Estimation
tests are conducted and the results are reported in Table 2. Seeing from
included in the empirical model to capture the response of the shipping
the results, almost all the tests reject the IIA assumption. Therefore, the
companies facing the capacity expansion of all other companies. In
Nested Logit model is appropriate in modeling the container ship type
practice, liner companies usually pay much attention to their capacity
and mode choices.
shares in the market so as to keep their long-run competency. So, they
are keen on competitors’ capacity expansion, especially for the larger
companies. They can compete with competitors by investing in larger
4.2. Results and discussion
vessels as they are more capable to expand in terms of resources and
finance. The consideration of smaller companies may be different as it is
Table 3 reports the correlation matrix with significance levels.
difficult for them to be leaders in the expansion. However, they may also
Although most of the correlations are highly significant, the coefficients
keen on competitors’ capacity expansion to survive in the market.
are low except the those between Freight and Rival, and Freight and De­
Consequently, the effects of Rival may be different for different com­
mand. Because of these high correlations, we use stepwise regressions to
panies. So, we include the interaction term of Marketshare and Rival in
avoid any potential issues caused by multicollinearity and those results
the empirical model.
with fewer variables are reported in Appendix A and B. Since all the
The investment cost of newbuildings and second-hands are different,
estimated coefficients and their significance are almost the same, we
which is denoted as Price. Fig. 3 illustrates the average prices for new
only discuss the full model with all the independent variables in this
and second-hand vessels with different sizes. It is obvious that the prices
of newbuildings are generally higher than those of the second ones with
the same size and larger vessels are more expensive due to the technical
Table 2
update and iteration.
IIA tests.
The world container trade (Demand) derived from SIN represents the
demand for container shipping services. Since the specific freight rates Alternative deleted in partial models Hausman’s test Seemingly
for the vessels deployed on each route are almost impossible to obtain,
Estimation test
Clarksons freight index (Freight) is used to indicate the container ship­
ping market’s freight level. Price, Freight and Demand are all monthly- χ2 Prob χ2 Prob

based data from SIN. new-small − 1138.26 -a

1983.66 0.00
new-medium 31.69 0.003 251.00 0.00
New-large − 1.00 1.00 616.71 0.00
4. Empirical results and discussion
second-small 19.11 0.06 1099.76 0.00
second-medium 333.65 0.00 500.07 0.00
4.1. Model validation second-large 0.00 1.00 144.78 0.00

Note: a model fitted on the data fails to meet the asymptotic assumptions of the
As introduced above, the IIA assumption needs to be tested in order Hausman test, so it was not reported in the Stata software.

Fig. 3. Ship prices of new and second-hand vessels.

L. Fan et al. Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

Table 3
Correlation table.
Variables Demand Freight Price Marketshare Rival China Japan Korea EA Other

Demand 1.000
Freight 0.416*** 1.000
Price − 0.231*** 0.154*** 1.000
Marketshare 0.208*** 0.229*** 0.001 1.000
Rival − 0.024*** 0.750*** 0.280*** 0.133*** 1.000
China 0.130*** 0.097*** − 0.013*** − 0.081*** 0.049*** 1.000
Japan − 0.005 − 0.035*** − 0.015*** − 0.033*** − 0.023*** − 0.262*** 1.000
Korea − 0.039*** − 0.015*** 0.023*** 0.122*** 0.023*** − 0.544*** − 0.223*** 1.000
EA − 0.093*** − 0.057*** 0.002 − 0.017*** − 0.055*** − 0.297*** − 0.122*** − 0.252*** 1.000
Other − 0.052*** − 0.042*** − 0.001 − 0.009 − 0.038*** − 0.229*** − 0.094*** − 0.195*** − 0.106*** 1.000

***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.

Table 4 is the estimated result, which contains two parts. The upper In the shipping industry, the capital cost of a ship is relatively high no
part illustrates the estimates for different levels (see Fig. 2) in the model, matter it is a new or second one. As one of the most crucial business
while the lower part reports the models’ goodness of fit. Because of some activities of shipping companies, ship investment is inevitably con­
missing values, 6008 actual investment data enter into the final model, nected with the capital position, fleet structure and transport capacity of
which comprises 36,048 observations as there are total 6 alternatives to the company. Therefore, Price is included in the specific choice. Its co­
choose from. The reported Wald χ2 and its corresponding p-value sug­ efficient in Table 4 is negatively significant. This result is consistent with
gest the high level of goodness of fit. Meanwhile, Stata also reports the the general economic theory as the likelihood of choosing a particular
dissimilarity parameters in the final row of Table 4. The coefficients of ship decreases with the its increase in investment prices keeping all
the inclusive values are both statistically significant and the LR test also other variables constant.
suggests that the IIA assumption is rejected. This further manifests the The results of type choice decisions are reported in the middle of the
appropriateness of applying the Nested Logit model in this study. upper part of Table 4. There are two types of ships, i.e., new and second,
Seeing from Table 4, different factors are considered for different and the new ship type is regarded as the base type to compare with. The
levels. In the model choice of level 1 (see Fig. 2), the company strategy positive coefficient for EA suggests that shipping companies tend to
variables are considered to manifest how the strategies impact ship type invest in second-hand vessels built in Europe compare to new ones. They
preferences. In the type choice of level 2, the ship building country and are unlikely to buy second-hand vessels made in the China manifesting
market variables are included to reveal the different preferences on new by the negatively significant coefficients for China. While, the non-
and second-hand vessels. This actually indicates the significance of the significant of the coefficients for Japan and Korea suggests that the
Nested Logit model in analyzing ship investment behavior, as it can preferences of new and second-hand vessels are indifference to the
consider different decisions simultaneously in the model. It is worth vessels built in Japan and Korea.
noting that the estimated coefficients are the marginal effects of the The coefficients for Freight and Demand are both statistically signif­
considered factors in the model. Since the observed ship type distribu­ icant and positive for the selection of second-hand vessels. These results
tion in Fig. 1 is the result of various factors, through simultaneous indicate that the higher the freight and demand, the more likely it is for
consideration of all the factors in this Nested Logit model, the marginal the shipping company to buy second-hand vessels keeping all other
effect of each factor can be separated. variables constant. This echoes to Branch and Stopford (2013), in a

Table 4
Estimated results of the Nested Logit full model.
Variables Choice

Price − 0.055***
China Japan Korea EA Freight Demand
Base:New - - - - - -
Second − 1.160*** 0.215 − 0.164 1.938*** 0.455*** 0.023***
(0.128) (0.149) (0.127) (0.155) (0.149) (0.002)
N1 N2 N3 S1 S2 S3
Marketshare – 0.667*** 1.564*** − 4.553*** 7.214*** 14.586***
(0.230) (0.343) (0.597) (1.465) (2.653)
Rival – 0.170*** 0.116*** − 0.140 0.927** − 4.605***
(0.038) (0.030) (0.154) (0.447) (0.886)
Marketshare*Rival – 0.059*** 0.022 0.174*** − 0.106 0.133
(0.021) (0.019) (0.042) (0.092) (0.165)
Constant – − 2.097*** 1.257*** − 23.005*** − 100.311*** − 165.596***
(0.479) (0.352) (4.632) (20.322) (37.196)
Model Fit
Number of Observations 36,048 Number of Cases 6008
Log Likelihood − 7839.188 Wald Chi2 (22) 997.130
Prob>χ2 0.000
Dissimilarity Parameters
New_tau 1.210*** LR test for IIA
(0.237) χ2 (2) 560.69
Second_tau 61.065*** Prob > χ2 0.000

Note: Standard errors in parentheses; ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.

L. Fan et al. Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

prosperous market, second-hand vessels are more preferred than new­ aggressiveness of the larger liner companies in expanding and
buildings as they can be quickly put into market without waiting for the competing with competitors. This explains the continuous market share
construction time. It is noteworthy that the estimated results of these increasing of top companies in the liner market. Since larger company’s
variables are the marginal effects of them on the preference of investment and expansion may be responding to the market or
second-hand vessels compare with the new ones. i.e., in a prosperous competing with and squeezing competitors, smaller companies should
market, such as high in freight rate or demand, both new and be more rational so as to avoid blind investing following larger com­
second-hand vessels are more likely to be invested, while the panies’ expansion.
second-hand ones are more preferred with all other factors unchanged.
Since this study investigates the preferences for different ship modes 5. Conclusions
and this is actually determined by the shipping companies’ character­
istics or consideration, we include the company strategy variables in the The shipping industry, especially the container market, is capital-
mode choice (level 1 in Fig. 2). The estimation result for these factors are intensive, and investing in containerships is one of the most important
illustrated at the end of the upper part of Table 4. The coefficients for commercial activities in the market. Companies need to decide the time
Marketshare are positive except for the second small vessels (S1). This to place an order for newbuildings or the opportunity to buy second-
suggests that larger companies with larger market shares are more in­ hand vessels. There are also plenty of various sizes of containerships
clined to invest in larger vessels, no matter for new (N2 and N3) or such as Feeder, Handysize, Panamax and so on in the market. Hence ship
second-hand (S2 and S3) vessels. With the development of shipping choice is a critical and important decision for shipping companies to
technology, container ships tend to be larger, which has a significant make.
position in the global market (Cullinane and Khanna, 1999). Because of Most of the previous studies on shipping investment discussed the
economies of scale, less fuel and labor are needed, and it can also low investment behavior of shipping companies in certain markets, such as
down the shipping costs and carbon emissions. In addition to this, the new or second-hand market. In most cases, they are conducted at the
shipping companies will bear high capital costs if they invest in ships, market or industry level. Different with them, this study employs the
especially for larger ships. Therefore, larger companies with higher individual ship investment data to investigate the global container
capital stock have more possibility or ability to invest in large and shipping companies’ actual ship choice decisions. Compiled by different
medium-sized ships to help them expand their market shares in turn. database, it includes 6294 new and second-hand individual ship in­
Furthermore, comparing the coefficients for different modes, the co­ vestment data from January 2000 to December 2021 and the Nested
efficients for second-hand vessels are larger than those for the new ones, Logit regression is used to analyze the preferences of container ships.
indicating that second-hand vessels are more inclined to be invested by Both the validation analysis and empirical results suggest the appro­
larger companies with larger market shares as they can be delivered to priateness and high level of goodness of fit of the Nested Logit model.
the market more quickly. This indicates investment mechanism in the liner market, which follows
Concerning the variable Rival, the negative and significant coeffi­ a general sequence, i.e. decide on new or second first, then on the spe­
cient for mode S3 indicates that as their opponents’ capacity expands, cific mode. Consequently, the substitution effect among alternatives in
shipping companies tend not to buy larger second-hand ships compared the same nest (new or second) is larger than that across nests.
to base mode 1 (small new ships). However, the coefficients for N2, N3 The estimated coefficient results suggest that shipping companies
and S2 are positively significant indicating their preferences for these tend to buy second-hand vessels made in Europe and less likely to buy
vessels in response to competitors’ capacity expansion. This is reason­ those made in China. In a prosperous market, such as high in freight or
able as generally medium and large vessels are more preferred by demand, second-hand vessels are more preferred than newbuildings as
companies to compete with competitors. they can be quickly put into market without waiting for the construction
The coefficients for the interaction terms between Marketshare and time. The company status variables are considered in the mode choice
Rival are positively significant for N2 and S1, while all the others are not and the estimated results suggest that larger companies are more in­
significantly different with the base mode N1. This indicates the different clined to invest in larger vessels no matter for new or second-hand
sensitivities of larger companies to the choice of different modes of vessels because of the benefit brought by economies of scale. We also
vessels in responding to competitors’ capacity expansion. In general, consider the impact of all the other companies average expansion rate in
companies are inclined to invest in larger vessels responding to com­ each year. The estimated result suggests that in responding to compet­
petitors’ expansion and larger companies are more sensitive by ordering itors’ capacity expansion, shipping companies tend to buy new larger
small (second) and medium (new) ones. vessels although larger companies are more sensitive as they are more
inclined to compete in market shares. Since several factors contribute to
4.3. Implications larger companies’ preference of larger vessel investment, it points out
the importance of being cautious when making investment decisions for
The Nested Logit model adopted in this study can help disclose the the smaller companies, especially when they are following larger com­
liner company’s ship investment choice mechanism, which follows in panies’ expansion activities. Larger companies’ capacity expansion may
sequence. Generally, they will decide on placing a new order or buying a be driven by demand or simply competing with and squeezing rivals in
second-hand vessel first, and then select the specific ship size to invest. the market.
The estimated result from the Nested Logit model also indicates that the The results of this study can be useful to the global shipping industry.
substitution effect among alternatives in the same nest is larger than It reveals the actual choice preferences and analyzes the effect of each
across nests (Fan and Luo, 2013; Greene, 2012). For example, a liner factor on the investment decision of individual ships. Shipping com­
company, who initially intend to buy a new medium size vessel, is more panies can adjust their investment strategies to avoid superfluous input
likely to buy a small or large size new vessel rather than a second-hand and gradually seize the market during competition. The results can also
one when the original choice is not available. be applied by financial investors and maritime administrations to
According to the estimated results, generally large liner companies facilitate policy or regulation making.
with larger market shares are more inclined to buy larger types of vessels Similar to all studies, this study also has some limitations. Due to
no matter they are new or second ones. In addition, the positive co­ data limitations, the study only looks at container markets, ignoring
efficients of rival companies’ expansion also suggest the companies’ other types of ships. Future analyses could be expanded to other seg­
investment strategies in competing market shares. Meanwhile, the ments. Because this study is conducted using general global data, the
interaction terms between market share and rival companies’ expansion results may not be necessarily appropriate if a particular route or area is
are positive for some certain types of vessels. These all indicate the studied. Other studies can focus on some specific companies and

L. Fan et al. Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

consider the effects of their financial performance, capital condition and Data availability
business management strategies in the future.
Data will be made available on request.
CRediT author statement
Lixian Fan: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal
analysis, Writing-Original Draft. Ziyan Li: Data curation, Visualization, This work was supported by the fund of Chinese Ministry of Educa­
Investigation. Jiaqi Xie: Data curation, Writing- Original draft prepara­ tion, Humanities and Social Sciences [21YJA630013] and the Fund of
tion. Jingbo Yin: Supervision, Resources, Writing- Reviewing and National Engineering Research Center for Water Transport Safety
Editing. [A2022004].

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Appendix A. Estimated results of the Nested Logit model without Freight and Demand

Variables Choice

Price − 0.041***



China Japan Korea EA Freight Demand

Base:New - - - -
Second − 1.044*** 0.276* − 0.101 1.703***
(0.124) (0.144) (0.123) (0.146)

N1 N2 N3 S1 S2 S3

Marketshare – 0.509*** 1.211*** − 4.484*** 7.683*** 22.730***

(0.175) (0.262) (0.700) (2.121) (3.568)
Rival – 0.126*** 0.086*** − 1.696*** 5.348*** − 4.971***
(0.027) (0.022) (0.218) (0.626) (1.224)
Marketshare*Rival – 0.046*** 0.018 0.011 − 0.068 − 0.310
(0.017) (0.015) (0.040) (0.083) (0.241)
Constant – − 1.613*** 0.839*** − 26.875*** − 197.348*** − 301.297***
(0.361) (0.242) (7.291) (37.063) (65.496)

Model Fit
Number of Observations 36,048 Number of Cases 6008
Log Likelihood − 7967.332 Wald χ2 (20) 718.670
Prob>χ2 0.000
Dissimilarity Parameters
New_tau 0.925*** LR test for IIA
(0.175) χ2 (2) 1166.7
Second_tau 111.183*** Prob > χ2 0.000
Note: Standard errors in parentheses; ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.

Appendix B. Estimated results of the Nested Logit model only includes Freight

Variables Choice

Price − 0.098***
China Japan Korea EA Freight Demand
Base:New - - - - -
Second − 1.048*** 0.289** − 0.098 1.806*** 1.279***
(0.125) (0.145) (0.124) (0.149) (0.150)
N1 N2 N3 S1 S2 S3
Marketshare – 1.229*** 2.611*** − 5.376*** 11.114*** 23.478***
(0.334) (0.400) (0.852) (2.193) (3.913)
Rival – 0.291*** 0.210*** − 1.256*** 4.176*** − 5.231***
(0.046) (0.038) (0.225) (0.595) (1.297)
Marketshare*Rival – 0.078** 0.028 0.107** − 0.159* − 0.276
(0.031) (0.029) (0.048) (0.089) (0.265)
Constant – − 3.432*** 2.411*** − 31.600*** − 187.850*** − 287.189***
(0.571) (0.456) (8.102) (37.782) (66.663)
(continued on next page)

L. Fan et al. Transport Policy 143 (2023) 1–9

(continued )
Variables Choice

Model Fit
Number of Observations 36,048 Number of Cases 6008
Log Likelihood − 7929.790 Wald χ2 (21) 771.410
Prob>χ2 0.000
Dissimilarity Parameters
New_tau 2.000*** LR test for IIA
(0.247) χ2 729.17
Second_tau 109.635*** Prob > χ2 0.000
Note: Standard errors in parentheses; ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.

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