Soal Pas Big 5 22-23

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari / Tanggal :

Kelas : V (LIMA) Waktu :

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D di depan jawaban yang paling tepat!
1. Hobby means …
A. Kebiasaan B. Kegiatan C. Kegemaran D. Memasak
2. Cooking means …
A. Menari B. Mendaki gunung C. Berselancar D. Renang
3. Abdillah is a dancer. His hobby is …
A. Playing drum B. Dancing C. Singing D. Tasting
4. Angga is drummer. His hobby is …
A. Playing drum B. Dancing C. Singing D. Tasting
5. Arizky is a singer. His hobby is …
A. Playing drum B. Dancing C. Singing D. Tasting
6. It is nine o’clock. Nine o’clock means …
A. Pukul sembilan B. Pukul lima C. Pukul dua D. Pukul enam
7. Anita studies at seven o’clock. Seven o’clock means …
A. Pukul sembilan B. Pukul lima C. Pukul dua D. Pukul tujuh
8. Dyandra and Zabira go to school at …
A. A half past four
B. A quarter past two
C. A half past three
D. A half past six
9. 07:30 It is …
A. A half past four
B. A quarter past two
C. A half past three
D. A half past seven
10. 01:15 It is …
A. A half past one
B. A quarter past one
C. One o’clock
D. A half past four
11. Ayyi’ sweeps the floor by using a …
A. Duster B. Belt C. Table cloth D. Broom
12. Ilham feels hungry at noon. He has …
A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner D. A doll
13. Jauza goes to school in the …
A. Evening B. Noon C. Night D. Morning
14. Tita buys snack in the …
A. Canteen B. Office C. Library D. Field
15. Mila is watching tv in the livingroom. Watching tv means …
A. Menonton televisi B. Menggambar tv C. Membaca komik D. Menyapu
16. Meme feels thirsty. She drinks a glass of …
A. Iced tea B. Meatball C. Soda D. Satay
17. Shinta eats a bowl of … (mie)
A. Meatball B. Noodle C. Gado-gado D. Fried fish
18. Iqbal eats a plate of … (nasi goreng)
A. Fried fish B. Fried rice C. Bakery D. Pizza
19. Kiki eats a bar of …
A. Banana B. Gado-gado C. Chocolate D. Soda
20. Noodle means …
A. Sate B. Bakso C. Nasi goreng D. Mie
21. Toy truck means …
A. Pistol mainan B. Kotak mainan C. Truk mainan D. Topeng
22. Susan plays a doll. A doll means …
A. Seorang boneka B. Sebuah kunci C. Sebuah boneka D. Bola
23. Ibra plays kite in the …
A. Home B. Park C. School D. Pool
24. Syathir is playing some … (kelereng)
A. Masks B. Marbles C. Top D. Kite
25. Puguh plays chess in the verandah. Chess means …
A. Topeng B. Gangsing C. Catur D. Mobil
26. It is rainy. We need an …
A. Umbrella B. Duster C. Broom D. T-shirt
27. T-shirt means …
A. Rok B. Kemeja C. Kaos D. Piyama
28. Celana panjang in English is …
A. Skirt B. Short C. Trouser D. Belt
29. The traditional cloth from Japan is …
A. Kabaya B. Sarong C. Kimono D. Pyjamas
30. If we want to go to school, we wear …
A. Seat belt B. School uniform C. Pencil case D. Broom

II. Isilah titik – titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat!
31. Yeni Inka is a singer. Her hobby is …
32. Vellitha’s hobby is swimming in the …
33. 03:30
03;30 The time is …
34. We usually go to bed at … o’clock
35. My daily activities means …
36. My mother fries a fish in the …
37. Enzy is hungry. She wants to eat …
38. Alifia is thirsty. She wants to drink …
39. Satria and Rizki are playing a mask. Mask means …
40. Complete the word below!
T…Y C……

III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan tepat!

41. Mention 3 of your hobbies!
42. Draw nine o’clock!
43. Mention 3 of your activities at school!
44. Translate into Indonesian!
I wear pyjamas for sleeping
45. Translate into English !
Saya memakai seragam

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