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Treatment Totals Average

1 y 11 y 12 …. y 1 n y 1. y 1.
2 y 21 y 22 …. y 2 n y 2. y 2.
… …. …. …. …. …
a y a 1 y a 2 …. y an yn. ya.
a n
y ..
y ..=∑ ∑ y ij y ..=
i=1 j=1 an

Degree of
Sum of square(SS) Median of square(MS)
Treatment SStreatment =n ∑ ( y ij − y .. )2 a-1 MS treatment =SStreatment /(a−1)
n a
MS error =¿
Error SS E=∑ ∑ ( y ij − y .. )2 a(n-1)
j=1 i=1 SStreatment /[a ( n−1 ) ]
Total SST =SS E +SS treatment an-1

Source Sum of square df Mean square Fo

SS R=∑ (^y − y )2
Regression i=1 k MS R =SS R /k MS R /MS E

SS E=∑ (−^y + y i )2
Residual i=1 n-p MS E =SS E /(n− p)

SST =∑ ( y i− y )2
Total i=1 n-1

Support of Link function

Distribution Typical uses
Distribution βx=g( μ)

Normal Real: (-oo,+oo) Linear-response Data βx=μ

Count of occurrences
Poisson Integer: 0,1,2,… in a fixed amount of βx=ln(μ)

time or space
Outcome of single μ
Bernoulli Integer: {0,1} βx=ln ⁡( )
yes/no occurrence 1−μ

Count of number of
Binomial Integer:0,1,2,.. “yes” out of yes/no βx=ln ⁡( )

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