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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

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Review of boiling heat transfer enhancement on micro/nanostructured

Dong Eok Kim a, Dong In Yu b, Dong Wook Jerng c, Moo Hwan Kim d, Ho Seon Ahn e,⇑
Department of Precision Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Sangju, Republic of Korea
Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea
School of Energy Systems Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Division of Mechanical System Engineering, Incheon National University, Incheon, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the recent decades, the rapid growth of surface modification and fabrication technologies has facili-
Received 1 January 2015 tated the achievement of boiling heat transfer enhancement on micro/nanostructured surfaces. In this
Received in revised form 28 March 2015 paper, several researches on the micro/nanostructured surfaces that have been designed to enhance boil-
Accepted 29 March 2015
ing heat transfer are introduced and closely reviewed. Firstly, theoretical and experimental researches on
Available online 6 April 2015
nucleate boiling heat transfer (NBHT) and critical heat flux (CHF) are introduced in the outline. The
fabrication techniques for achieving these engineered surfaces, which are technically classified into
machining, coating, chemical process, and micro/nanoelectromechanical systems, are described in detail
Nucleate boiling heat transfer
Critical heat flux
in the paper. Explanations and analysis of the results of boiling heat transfer enhancement tests are pre-
Enhancement sented in view of NBHT and CHF. Finally, the special features of the existing surfaces capable of enhancing
Microstructures boiling heat transfer are summarized, and the need for future research is also presented.
Nanostructures Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and significantly influencing thermal and economic efficiency and

safety, several trials and related studies to enhance them have
Boiling heat transfer is an effective mechanism that can remove been conducted to date. In the recent decades, rapid growth in sur-
a large amount of thermal energy from a surface owing to the high face modification and fabrication technologies has facilitated the
heat transfer coefficient of water (O[h]  103–105 W/m2 K), thus enhancement of NBHT and CHF through the fabrication of
maintaining relatively lower surface temperature. The boiling heat micro/nanostructures (with sizes between hundreds of nanome-
transfer phenomenon has been applied to several engineering and ters and several micrometers) on a heating surface. Related studies
industrial fields requiring the removal of high heat flux, such as include those on heating surface modification methods, which are
power plants, electronic chip cooling, and marine ship power classified as follows:
generation. The features of boiling heat transfer can be readily
understood using the well-known boiling curve (Fig. 1), primally  Surface mechanical machining technique.
presented by researchers such as Nukiyama [1], Jacob and Linke  Surface coating technique (homogeneous/heterogeneous coat-
[2], and Drew and Mueller [3]. In the boiling state, the most effec- ing of special materials).
tive heat transfer region of a surface is the nucleate boiling heat  Chemical process (oxidation, chemical etching, and so on).
transfer (NBHT) region, where bubble generation, and its growth  Micro/nano electro mechanical system (MEMS/NEMS) tech-
on and detachment from a heating surface repeatedly occur, result- nique (photolithography technique, reactive ion etching (RIE)/
ing in lower surface temperature. Beyond this NBHT region, the deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) for developing micro/nanopor-
critical heat flux (CHF) phenomenon suddenly causes a significant ous surfaces).
decrease in the heat transfer coefficient and a drastic rise in surface
temperature (called burn-out) occurs. As the NBHT and CHF phe- The research outcomes for boiling heat transfer enhancement
nomena are the key mechanisms dominating boiling heat transfer constitute results from theoretical and experimental investigations
of boiling heat transfer, studied since the 1930s. And recently, sev-
eral review articles on the enhancement of boiling heat transfer on
⇑ Corresponding author.
the micro/nano-structured surfaces had been reported [4–7]. In
E-mail address: hsahn@inu.ac.kr (H.S. Ahn).

0894-1777/Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
174 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196


A area Greek symbols

Csf surface constant a thermal diffusivity
cp specific heat capacity l dynamic viscosity
Db bubble departure diameter h static contact angle
fb bubble departure frequency q density
g gravitational acceleration r surface tension
hfg latent heat
k thermal conductivity Subscripts
Na active nucleation site density f fluid
P pressure g gas
Pr Prandtl number l liquid
q00 heat flux NB nucleate boiling
Rc critical cavity radius sat saturated
T temperature v vapor
tw bubble waiting time w wall

this paper, the theoretical and experimental researches on NBHT micro/nanostructured surfaces are comprehensively described
and CHF are first introduced as an outline, based on which the and the need for future research is presented.
results of boiling heat transfer enhancement using micro/nanos-
tructured surfaces are analyzed. Furthermore, the researches on
NBHT and CHF enhancement utilizing surface modification tech- 1.1. Nucleate boiling heat transfer (NBHT)
niques are thoroughly reviewed based on the technical classifica-
tion presented above, and the analysis of the research outcomes In the NBHT region, a large amount of heat is transferred from
is presented. For these objectives, the surface modification tech- the heating surface to the cooling fluid owing to vigorous bubble
niques used on the micro/nanostructured surfaces are introduced behavior. The most classical models and correlations for predicting
along with the fabrication methods. Next, the NBHT and CHF char- the NBHT coefficient (NBHTC) explain the relationship between
acteristics of the surfaces are explained and analyzed. In conclu- heat flux and wall superheat on the heating surface, as seen in
sion, the boiling heat transfer characteristics of Eqs. (1)–(3).

Fig. 1. Pool boiling curve.

D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 175

 1=2  1=r  1=r

q00NB rl 1 cpl ½T w  T sat ðPl Þ explain CHF enhancement mechanisms were made through several
¼ Prs=r ½8 ð1Þ researches.
ll hfg gðql  qv Þ C sf l
h lv
The theoretical explanation for CHF phenomena was first pre-
0:79 0:45 0:49
! sented by Kutateladza [22] and Zuber [23] in their hydrodynamic
kl q
cpl l
theory based on Kelvin–Helmholtz instability. The theory regarded
q00NB ¼ 0:00122 ½T w  T sat ðPl Þ1:24 DP0:75
sat ½9 ð2Þ
0:5 0:29 0:24 0:24
r l
l l q
hfg v that CHF occurs when the surface–fluid interface is broken as a
result of the velocity difference between the ascending vapor col-
umn and the liquid descending due to gravity. Recently, Liter and
q00NB ¼ fC½T w  T sat ðPl Þg1=0:327 ½10 ð3Þ
Kaviany [24] reported, based on the hydrodynamic theory, that a
Even if the detailed parameters differ across researches, the nucle- heater surface coated with a modulated porous layer can control
ate boiling heat flux q00NB may be expressed as follows: the wavelength of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability and thereby,
enhance the CHF value. Park et al. [25] and Park and Bang [26]
q00NB ¼ f ðfluid property; surface characteristicsÞ  ½T w  T sat ðPl Þa experimentally observed that wire heaters coated with various
nanoparticles have different Rayleigh–Taylor wavelengths, and
In the heat flux partitioning model [11], which is a comparatively correlated the results with the CHF values. From the results of pre-
more recent boiling heat transfer model, boiling heat flux is
vious experiments on the visualization of boiling, Haramura and
expressed as the sum of three heat flux components based on Katto [27] presented a theoretical CHF model hypothesizing the
Bowring’s scheme [12] that separately considers the various boiling
existence of a mushroom bubble generated by the merging of sin-
heat transfer mechanisms, as follows: gle bubbles and the macrolayer on a heating surface near the CHF
1. Evaporation heat flux to generate and grow the bubbles (q00e ). region. According to this model, in the rigorous boiling state, a
2. Quenching heat flux generated by the reformation of the ther- macrolayer composed of vapor stems and liquid columns is formed
mal boundary layer surrounding the bubble after departure on the heating surface and its size depends on Rayleigh–Taylor
(q00q ). instability, and CHF is triggered when the liquid within the macro-
3. Convective heat flux transferred to the liquid phase outside the layer is completely evaporated before mushroom bubble depar-
zone of influence of the bubbles (q00c ). ture, which in turn, occurs because the mushroom bubble
interface suppresses the liquid supply to the heating surface.
q00NB ¼ q00e þ q00q þ q00c ð4Þ However, the models based on hydrodynamic instability theory
in the recent decades have intrinsic limitations in predicting the
The three heat flux terms in Eq. (4) can be theoretically evaluated CHF values on heater surfaces designed through surface modi-
using a function of the bubble departure diameter (Db), active fications, particularly with regard to liquid wetting. Several studies
nucleation site density (Na), bubble departure frequency (fb), bubble have been conducted to investigate the effect of surface wettability
waiting time (tw) and so on. on CHF [28–32]. Kandlikar [30] reported that CHF phenomena
With respect to surface characteristics, several studies have occur when a vapor bubble irreversibly spreads on a surface due
revealed the significant influence of surface roughness on NBHT. to the vapor recoil force, and theoretically predicted the CHF value.
Jakob [13] first reported that a change in surface roughness can By comparing the predictions and existing experimental data, he
considerably affect the shape of the boiling curve. Ever since, the validated the theoretical model. Nikolayev et al. [33,34] presented
theory that boiling bubbles are emanated from the cavities, which a vapor recoil mechanism for CHF. Chu et al. [35] presented a
can entrap the air or vapor within them, was presented, and stud- correlation to reflect the effect of the increase in triple contact line
ies were conducted to experimentally and theoretically validate length owing to micropillars on CHF, for predicting the CHF on
this theory [14–18]. Thus, the basis for the belief that surface microstructured surfaces comprising pillars of tens of micrometers
roughness changes the number of active nucleation sites and cavi- size, by modifying Kandlikar’s correlation. They validated this
ties and significantly affects NBHT was established. Based on this model using experimental data. Fig. 2 shows the schematic dia-
knowledge, further studies to enhance NBHT by controlling the grams of the models postulated by Kutateladze and Zuber,
surface roughness have been conducted from the 1950s to the Haramura and Katto, and Kandlikar, and their respective CHF
recent days. correlations.
Researches on liquid microlayer behavior [19] and changes in Additionally, to reasonably explain CHF phenomena on
active nucleation site density [20] helped to supplement the lack- micro/nanostructured surfaces, a modified macrolayer dry-out
ing portions in the existing NBHT theories. Comprehensively, NBHT model [36], the effect of thermal conduction on a heater surface
characteristics are regarded as functions of fluid properties with [25], and capillary wicking [37] have been presented as key mecha-
temperature and pressure conditions, and surface natures. Recent nisms. However, these are qualitative ideas and a generalized the-
studies have indicated that parameters such as active nucleation ory has not yet been established.
site density, bubble departure diameter and frequency, and cavity Although CHF phenomena are extremely complicated and occur
size are closely related to surface characteristics such as roughness in a severe boiling state, it may be possible to partially explain
and wettability. Therefore, for accurately predicting NBHT and their physical nature based on the above researches. Therefore,
realizing a further optimized NBHT-enhanced surface design, a for the accurate prediction of the CHF value and realizing a further
comprehensive understanding of the effects of surface characteris- optimized design of a CHF enhancement surface, a comprehensive
tics on boiling heat transfer is necessary. understanding of previously established researches is required.

1.2. Critical heat flux (CHF)

2. Fabrication and preparation of micro/nanostructured
In brief, CHF is the value to present the upper limit of NBHT, and surfaces for boiling heat transfer enhancement
its accurate prediction and enhancement are essential for the
design of a boiling system with high efficiency and safety features. For the purpose of this study, boiling heat transfer enhancement
Particularly, after You et al. [21] first presented outstanding CHF surfaces are classified into the following based on their fabrication/
enhancement results with nanofluids, various CHF enhancement preparation techniques: mechanically machined; special material-
surfaces have been developed and attempts to theoretically coated; chemical-processed; and MEMS/NEMS surfaces. In this
176 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

Fig. 2. Schematic CHF model diagrams and correlations: (a) Kutateladze and Zuber [24], (b) Haramura and Katto [27] and (c) Kandlikar [30].

section, the introductions and descriptions of these surfaces are was recorded in the range 0.2–1.17 mm, where Ra represents the
presented, along with their fabrication methods. arithmetic average or centerline average roughness.
Chien and Webb [39–41] presented a new boiling heat transfer
2.1. Surfaces fabricated using machining techniques (including enhancement surface fabricated by soldering a thin copper foil (of
polishing and sand blasting) 0.05 mm thickness) with 0.18–0.23 mm diameter holes on a test
tube surface with previously machined fins of hundreds of
Mechanical machining techniques have been developed and micrometers size (Fig. 3). They conjectured that the formation of
utilized since the mid-19th century, which are fabrication methods new liquid menisci at the corners created by the fins and the cop-
applicable for not only metal but wood, polymer, ceramic, and per foil surface modifies (a) the evaporation behavior in a single
composite materials. After the 1950s, the development of analog bubble and (b) the influence of the interactions between the holes
and digital computing technology, along with CNC machines using and fin structures on the bubble departure diameter, frequency,
CAD/CAM, facilitated completely automatic precision machining of and nucleation site density, thereby enhancing the boiling heat
very complex geometries. Moreover, using recently developed transfer. They experimentally and theoretically validated the
technologies such as laser machining, electric discharge machining NBHT enhancement effects through pool boiling experiments with
(EDM), and 3D printing, microstructured surfaces with tens of R-11, R-123, R-134a, R22, and methanol fluids.
micrometers to a few millimeters size can be fabricated. Kang [42] conducted water boiling heat transfer experiments
Polishing process using various grades of emery papers and sand using a smooth stainless steel surface with root mean square
blasting techniques is also a traditionally used method for surface (RMS) roughness of 15.1 nm and rough surface of 60.9 nm,
roughness control. achieved by unidirectionally polishing the surface using different
The machining surfaces subjected to boiling heat transfer sand papers. He too reported the effects of surface roughness on
enhancement were fabricated mainly by means of altering the NBHT.
bubble nucleation behavior (by producing randomly distributed Guglielmini et al. [43] attempted NBHT enhancement by
roughness on the surfaces) and the vapor–liquid interfacial behav- arranging various square-pin–fin arrays on copper surfaces. In
ior (by producing peculiar structures on surfaces such as the their work, three configurations of square-pin–fins with 3–6 mm
microgrooved structure). height and 0.4–1.0 mm width were located 3–6 mm apart, and
Benjamin and Balakrishnan [38] prepared surfaces with various pool boiling experiments with FC-72 were conducted. The test sur-
roughness (Ra) values by polishing stainless steel and aluminum faces were fabricated by vertically cutting a copper bar after form-
surfaces with different grades of emery papers, and conducted ing fin structures on it using EDM.
boiling experiments with water, CCl4, acetone, and n-hexane. Kotthoff et al. [44] fabricated a surface by rolling cavities (of
They reported that boiling heat transfer is enhanced by the change hundreds of micrometers of width and height, and tens of
in nucleation sites owing to the surface roughness. In this study, Ra micrometers of depth) on a copper tube surface (referred to as
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 177

Fig. 3. Surface geometry (a) and bubble growth on surface hole (b) in study by Chien and Webb [39].

‘‘rolled on the tubes’’ by Fa. Wieland, Ulm, Germany), and con- and that vapor and liquid pathways are separately formed, enhanc-
ducted pool boiling experiments with R134a and 2-Propanol. ing the boiling heat transfer.
They classified the existing NBHT enhancement surfaces into (a) Chen [52] conducted pool boiling experiments with R123 on a
structured fin surfaces with reentrant grooves and (b) tunnels conventional evaporator copper tube made by Woverine Tube,
and porous surfaces having sintered porous metallic matrix. The Inc. He fabricated a helical ridge and formed pocket-like
researchers reported the change in the growing, departing, and microstructures on the inner and outer walls of the tube, respec-
sliding behavior of the bubbles and that of the active nucleation tively, and conducted boiling tests by means of transporting heat
site density as the reasons for NBHT enhancement on the various from the hot water flow inside the tube to the R123 refrigerant
surfaces. outside the tube. He reported that favorable bubble incipience
Chi et al. [45] fabricated cross-connected finned microgroove and advantageous bubble departure characteristics on the
structures by making ‘V’ grooves in copper strips and perpendicu- enhanced surface contribute to the overall NBHT enhancement.
lar ‘V’ grooves on the opposite sides intersecting the first set of Table 1 summarizes the features of the micro/nanostructured
grooves, for the purpose of forming a pore-groove geometry on surfaces fabricated using the various machining techniques
the copper surface. Their work is significant because NBHT described in this section.
enhancement surfaces with tens  hundreds of pores and cavities
could be then fabricated using existing machining techniques 2.2. Surfaces fabricated using several coating techniques
alone. (homogeneous/heterogeneous coating of special materials)
Chen et al. [46] prepared copper surfaces with rectangular
groove geometry of hundreds of micrometers size using the preci- Over the past decades, researches on surfaces coated with vari-
sion milling technique controlled by a CNC machine. They con- ous materials were actively conducted with the aim of enhancing
ducted water pool boiling experiments and correlated the results boiling heat transfer. Surface modification can be easily achieved
of boiling heat transfer with the capillary effect on grooved surface using coating techniques without any deformation of the surface,
structures, by analyzing the effect of modified surfaces on NBHT and several coating techniques are available for various materials
characteristics. such as metal oxides, nanoparticles, SiO2, TiO2, carbon nanotubes
Jones et al. [47] fabricated surfaces with different roughness (CNTs), and graphene oxide. Several coating methods such as vapor
values (Ra = 0.038–10.000 lm) using polishing and EDM tech- deposition, atomic layer deposition (ALD), sputtering, nanofluid
niques. They conducted boiling visualization experiments with boiling, spin coating, immersing into solution, and calcination are
water and FC-77, and analyzed the NBHT characteristics. Das also available.
et al. [48] fabricated various types of tunnel structures (with hun- Approximately 10 years ago, You et al. [21] reported significant
dreds of micrometers width) on copper surfaces using the wire CHF enhancement during a pool boiling experiment with Al2O3–
EDM technique, and conducted water pool boiling experiments. water solution (nanofluid) of low concentration (<0.01 vol.%).
They hypothesized that tunnel structures can act as reentrant cavi- Subsequently, a plethora of researches on the use of nanoparticle
ties. Fig. 4 shows the enhanced surfaces and detailed shapes. (10–100 nm particle size)-coated surfaces for boiling heat transfer
Hosseini et al. [49] achieved roughened surfaces with Ra of enhancement were conducted. In the early stages of nanofluid boil-
0.901–1.285 lm on copper, brass, and aluminum surfaces by pol- ing heat transfer research, studies were concerned with the
ishing them with various sand papers, and conducted pool boiling changes in thermofluidic properties (mainly thermal conductivity)
experiments with R113. of liquids containing suspended solid nanoparticles and their effect
Watanabe et al. [50] presented microstructured boiling heat on boiling heat transfer and CHF enhancement [53,54]. However,
transfer enhancement surfaces fabricated using the nanoimprint- Vassalo et al. [55] observed a coating layer of silica particles at
ing technique on Al surfaces using Ni molds of a few micrometers the end of the boiling test wire heater in their research on silica–
size. Kandlikar [51] fabricated a boiling heat transfer enhancement water nanofluid boiling. Kim et al. [56] observed significant CHF
surface using simple indenting on a copper surface. He conducted enhancement during a pure-water boiling test with nanoparticle-
pool boiling experiments and validated the heat transfer perfor- coated wire heaters (Fig. 6). Later, the focus of research was shifted
mance of the surface. As seen in Fig. 5, he reported that nucleation to the surface coating effect. During nanofluid boiling, the effect of
on surface structures occurs at the sharp corners of the fin base, the nanoparticle coating on a heating surface can be regarded as a
178 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

Fig. 4. Various tunnel geometries (a) and pictorial views of test surfaces (b) [49].

by the outstanding thermal conductivity (1200 W/m K) of the

fibers. Liang and Yang [75] conducted pool boiling tests with pen-
tane on porous surfaces composed of graphite–aluminum (Gr–Al)
and graphite–copper (Gr–Cu) composites. EI-Genk and Parker
[76] conducted pool boiling tests with HFE-7100 dielectric liquid
on a commercially available graphite block surface bonded on a
heating element, heated using a nichrome wire heater.
Furthermore, in another study [77], these researchers attached a
porous graphite surface to a copper surface and conducted pool
boiling tests with FC-72. Vemuri and Kim [78] attached an alu-
minum oxide nanoporous surface with 50–250 nm pore diameter
to a heating surface using high-thermal-conductivity epoxy, and
Fig. 5. Enhanced surface design using evaporation momentum force for controlling
bubble trajectory and creating separate liquid and vapor pathways [51]. conducted pool boiling tests with FC-72. They compared and ana-
lyzed the results of boiling heat transfer on the enhanced surface to
that on the plain heating surface.
type of fouling [56,57]. Several researches have been hitherto con- Tehver et al. [79] coated aluminum, bronze, copper, and corun-
ducted on modified surfaces utilizing nanofluid boiling dum particles on an aluminum or copper heating rod using the
[21,36,37,55–72]. Recently, Forrest et al. [73] coated thin film silica plasma-sprayed coating technique, and conducted pool boiling
nanoparticles on nickel and stainless steel surfaces by immersing tests with Freon on porous layer heating surfaces with pore radius
them into nanoparticle-dispersed solutions and subjecting them 1–10 lm. Hsieh and Weng [80] coated Cu, Mo, Al, and Zn on heater
to calcination. In this process, the metal substrates were repeatedly rod surfaces using plasma and flame spraying techniques, and pre-
immersed into silica nanoparticle-dispersed solutions and rinsed pared porous layered heating surfaces with 1–5 lm average pore
with pure water, and the substrates were calcined in a high-tem- diameter for conducting boiling tests with R134a and R407c. The
perature environment (500 °C) to produce bilayered thin film flame spraying technique was also utilized in the pool boiling
layers on the surfaces. research conducted on porous metallic coating surfaces by
Table 2 summarizes the features of nanoparticle-coated sur- Cieslinski [81]. Chang and You [82] coated differently sized dia-
faces utilized for boiling heat transfer enhancement. mond particles (2–70 lm) on copper block surfaces using the
Yang and Takizawa [74] conducted pool boiling tests with Freon DOA (D: diamond particles, O: Omegabond 101 epoxy, A: alcohol)
113 on a commercial graphite fiber-reinforced copper (Gr–Cu) hea- coating technique, and conducted pool boiling tests with FC-72. In
ter surface, and validated boiling heat transfer enhancement. The another study [83], they fabricated microporous surfaces by dip-
diameters of the graphite fibers were 0.008–0.01 mm. The ping copper block surfaces into coating solutions made of different
researchers explained that boiling heat transfer can be enhanced ingredients (aluminum, copper, diamond, and silver particles) and
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 179

Table 1
Summary of features of micro/nanostructured surfaces fabricated using various machining techniques.

Refs. Original materials Type of surface Fabrication techniques O [size of surface structures] (e.g., Fluids for boiling tests
[38] Stainless steel, Randomly roughened Polishing with emery papers Ra = 0.2–1.17 mm Water, CCl4, acetone, n-hexane
[39– Copper Uniform pores on fin Mechanical machining and 100 lm R-11, R-123, R-134a, R22,
41] structures soldering methanol
[42] Stainless steel Randomly roughened Polishing with sand papers 10 nm Water
[43] Copper Square-pin–fin array Mechanical machining and 100 lm–1 mm FC-72
[44] Copper Uniform cavities Rolling 10–100 lm R134a, 2-Propanol
[45] Copper Pore-grooved Mechanical machining 10–100 lm –
[46] Copper Rectangular grooved Mechanical machining 100 lm Water
[47] Aluminum Randomly roughened Polishing and EDM Ra = 0.038–10 lm Water, FC-77
[48] Copper Tunnel structure Wire EDM 100 lm Water
[49] Copper, brass, Randomly roughened Polishing with sand papers Ra = 0.901–1.285 mm R113
[50] Aluminum Uniform cavities Nanoimprinting with Ni mold 1–10 lm –
[51] Copper Fins and sharp corners Simple indenting 100 lm Water
[52] Copper Pocket-like Commercially produced 10–100 lm R123

baking them. In a similar way, Kim et al. [84] fabricated DOM (D: process, a microwick structure was formed by sintering copper
Diamond particles, O: Omegabond 101 epoxy, M: Methyl-ethyl- particles of 100 lm average diameter, on which CNTs were coated
keytone carrier) microporous-coating platinum wire heaters and using microwave plasma-enhanced CVD (MPCVD). The copper
conducted pool boiling tests with FC-72. layer was subsequently deposited on the surface using physical
Liter and Kaviany [24] and Hwang and Kaviany [85] fabricated vapor deposition (PVD) (Fig. 8a). This surface was applied to capil-
porous-layer surfaces by coating spherical copper particles of lary-fed water boiling experiments. Similarly, Mchale et al. [92]
200 lm diameter on a copper surface (Fig. 7a). For fabrication, they conducted pool boiling tests with HFE-7300 on sintered copper
utilized the dry-phase diffusion sintering technique in a tube fur- surfaces with and without CNT coating layers. Dai et al. [93] fabri-
nace with reducing atmosphere of nitrogen and hydrogen, and cated hierarchical structures with micro/nanoscale pores on a cop-
conducted pool boiling tests with pentane. Li et al. [86] developed per surface by coating functionalized MWCNTs (FMWCNTs) with
modulated porous structures on copper heating bars by sintering controllable hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity on a two-layer cop-
copper particles of 250 and 400 lm diameters (Fig. 7b) in a process per mesh with micropores using an ultrasonic coater (Fig. 8b).
that involved inducing high inductive heat flux into a graphite Oxygen plasma and Nafion were used for functionalizing the sur-
mold in an argon atmosphere for preventing the oxidation of cop- faces, and boiling tests with water were conducted on them.
per. The developed surfaces were used for conducting boiling tests Li et al. [94] fabricated nanostructured porous surfaces on cop-
with water. per surfaces using the electrolyte deposition technique. The
For conducting water pool boiling tests, Takata et al. [32] coated researchers reported that bubble generation and transportation
titanium oxide (TiO2) layers of approximately 250 nm and 1 lm easily occurred in the porous surface structures (Fig. 9a) formed
thicknesses on a copper plate, and prepared photo-induced by the hydrogen gas bubbles generated during the electrolyte
super-hydrophilic surfaces by UV irradiation. They utilized the dip- deposition process and hence, their effects contributed to the boil-
ping and sputtering process for surface modification. In the dipping ing heat transfer enhancements recorded during their pool boiling
process, a mirror-finished copper plate was dipped in a TiO2 sus- tests with R134a. With the test surfaces fabricated using the same
pension containing 20 wt.% of SiO2 and then baked in a constant- technique as that used by Li et al. [94], Furberg and Palm [95] con-
temperature furnace at 150 °C. In the sputtering process, the RF ducted pool boiling experiments with R134a and FC-72. Ali and EI-
magnetron sputtering technique in a dilute argon/oxygen mixture Genk [96] conducted the same tests with PF-5060 on copper
environment was applied to a titania plate sputtering target. In microporous structured surfaces using the electrolyte deposition
another study by the same researchers [87], a super water-repel- technique (composition of electrolyte: CuSO4 + H2SO4). In this
lant surface was fabricated utilizing electrolytic nickel plating by research, the coating thicknesses of the surface porous layers were
the suspension of PTFE fine particles, and pool boiling visualization 80 and 197 lm.
experiments with water were conducted. Hendricks et al. [97] measured the nucleate boiling heat trans-
Ahn et al. [88,89] fabricated surfaces coated with vertically fer coefficients and CHF through water boiling tests conducted on
aligned multiwalled CNTs (MWCNTs) on silicon wafers by chemi- nanostructured surfaces fabricated on aluminum and copper sur-
cal vapor deposition (CVD), and heated the surfaces using a copper faces using the microreactor-assisted nanomaterial deposition
block heating element. Thereafter, they conducted pool boiling (MAND) technique. In this research, the coating material used
tests with PF-5060 and compared and analyzed the boiling results was ZnO and the average surface roughness and pore size were
from the MWCNT-layered surfaces with two different heights and 80–6000 nm and 50–100 nm, respectively.
the plain surface. Li et al. [90] deposited Cu nanorods with 50 nm Betz et al. [98] fabricated hydrophilic and hydrophobic network
spacing and 450 nm height on a Cu substrate using a copper elec- surfaces (Fig. 10a) by selectively coating Teflon on oxidized silicon
tron-beam evaporator. They could align the nanorods at an oblique wafer surfaces using the photolithography technique, and con-
angle by tilting the Cu substrate during the deposition process. The ducted water pool boiling tests. In another study by the same
nanostructured surfaces were used for conducting pool boiling researchers [99], Teflon superhydrophobic patterns with fractal
tests with water. For application to the vapor chamber heat and regular array shapes were coated on nanostructured, black sili-
spreading device, Weibel et al. [91] fabricated a CNT-coated surface con superhydrophillic surfaces (Fig. 10b), and the water boiling
with copper porous microstructures. In their surface fabrication heat transfer on them was observed.
180 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

Table 2
Summary of features of nanoparticle-coated surfaces utilized for boiling heat transfer

Refs. Bare surfaces Nanoparticle Preparation Base

materials techniques fluid for
[58,59] Cylindrical Al2O3 Nanofluid Water
cartridge heater boiling
[21] Flat square Al2O3 Nanofluid Water
heater and Pt boiling
[55] NiCr wire SiO2 Nanofluid Water
[57] Flat rectangular Al2O3 Nanofluid Water
heater boiling
[37,56,61,65] NiCr wire Al2O3, TiO2 Nanofluid Water
[36,60] Flat plate heater Al2O3, ZrO2, Nanofluid Water
and wire made SiO2 boiling
of 316 stainless
[63] Flat square Al2O3 Quenching into Water
heater made of nanofluid
304 stainless
[62] Flat copper ZrO2 Nanofluid Water
plate boiling
[64] Cylindrical TiO2 Nanofluid R141b
cartridge heater boiling
[66] Flat copper disk Al2O3, TiO2 Nanofluid Water
[67] 316L stainless ZnO Nanofluid Water
steel disk boiling
[73] Nickel wire Poly allymine Immersing into Water
hydrochloride nanofluid
(PAH)/SiO2 solution and
[68,71] Smooth and Al2O3 Nanofluid Water
rough boiling
brass surfaces
[69] Stainless steel ZnO Electrophoretic Water
disk deposition (EPD)
[70] Cylindrical ZnO Nanofluid Ethylene
copper surface boiling glycol
[72] Flat copper Al2O3 Nanofluid Water
plate boiling

surfaces. After the tests, three-dimensional (3D) self-assembled

form-like grapheme (SFG) networks (Fig. 9b) were observed on
the heating surface.
Fig. 6. Nanoparticle-coated wire heaters generated by pool boiling CHF experi- Table 3 summarizes the features of the boiling heat transfer
ments with 0.01% nanofluids [56]: (a) TiO2 nanoparticle-coated NiCr wire with
enhancement surfaces fabricated using surface coating techniques.
0.2 mm dia. (350), (b) Al2O3 nanoparticle-coated NiCr wire with 0.2 mm dia.
(350), and (c) TiO2 nanoparticle-coated Ti wire with 0.25 mm dia. (250).
2.3. Surfaces fabricated using chemical processes (oxidation, wet
etching, etc.)

Feng et al. [100] conducted water boiling tests on an aluminum It is well known that oxidation of metals, silicon, polymers, and
oxide-coated platinum wire fabricated using the atomic layer so on enhances the liquid wettability of surfaces. With the
deposition (ALD) technique. The average roughnesses of the Pt advancement of chemical etching techniques, photochemical etch-
and Pt/Al2O3 surfaces were 357 and 378 nm, respectively. The ing techniques have already been utilized in heat transfer applica-
small roughnesses values were attributed to the intact mainte- tions (e.g., printed circuit heat exchanger). During the last decade,
nance of the roughness of the bare surface, in turn, because of efforts have been made towards boiling heat transfer enhancement
the excellent surface uniformity imparted by the ALD technique. using chemical processes. In this section, the surfaces fabricated
Phan et al. [101] fabricated surfaces of various wettability by coat- using chemical processes are introduced.
ing SiOx, Pt, Fe2O3, SiOC, and Teflon particles on stainless steel sur- Ramaswamy et al. [104] fabricated a surface with rectangular
faces using plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD) and metal–organic channel arrays comprising 200 lm pore structures of trapezoidal
CVD (MOCVD) techniques, and conducted pool boiling tests with shape by etching both the sides of a silicon wafer using a 40%
water. KOH solution, and conducted pool boiling tests with FC-72.
Recently, Ahn et al. [102,103] conducted pool boiling tests with Chen et al. [46] fabricated microgrooved copper surfaces using
reduced graphene oxide (RGO)–water colloid on SiO2 heating the photolithography technique and conducted water pool boiling
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 181

Fig. 7. Microporous layered surfaces: (a) Top view and perspective view [24] and (b) surfaces developed by Li et al. [86].

Fig. 8. SEM images of CNT-coated surfaces: (a) [91] and (b) [93].

tests. In their research, the sizes of surface microstructures were boiling experiments were conducted on the nanostructured sur-
200–500 lm. faces. Similarly, Lu et al. [106] fabricated nanowire-arrayed sur-
Chen et al. [105] presented surfaces with Si nanowires to an faces by immersing Si wafers into a 0.2 M HF solution containing
enhanced boiling heat transfer surface. The nanowires were syn- AgNO3.
thesized using the wafer scale aqueous electroless etching (EE) Lee et al. [107] fabricated a nanoporous structured surface on an
technique and the detailed method involved immersing the Si aluminum alloy (6061) rod test surface (Fig. 11a) using electropol-
wafer into an aqueous solution of AgNO3 and HF acid. Water ishing and anodizing techniques, and conducted water pool boiling
182 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

Fig. 9. (a) SEM image of Cu sample surface showing dendtric growth of Cu into macroporous structures after electrolyte deposition [94] and (b) modified surface with 3D SFG
networks [102].

Fig. 10. (a) Hydrophilic (black) and hydrophobic (gray) network surfaces [98] and (b) nanostructured black silicon (left-top), fractal array (left-bottom), regular array (right-
top), and completed surface (fractal) submerged in water [99].

tests. For anodizing, the aluminum test rod and platinum were of CuNWs and SiNWs were 2, 5, 10, and 20 lm; and 20 and
attached to the anode and cathode, respectively, and 0.3 M oxalic 35 lm, respectively. Similarly, Im et al. [116] fabricated copper
acid solution was used as the electrolyte. Zhang et al. [108] utilized nanowire-arrayed surfaces (Fig. 12c) on a Si substrate deposited
the same methods as Lee et al. [107] to prepare three-dimension- with Ti, Cu, and Au thin films, and conducted pool boiling tests
ally interconnected alumina sponge-like nanoporous surfaces with PF-5060. The lengths of the nanowires used were 1, 2, 4,
(Fig. 11b). Ahn et al. [109–112] fabricated micro/nanoscale struc- and 8 lm. The fabrication process resulted in different types of
tured surfaces (Fig. 11c) on a zircaloy-4 surface (which is used as cavity structures such as nanowire spacing, surface cavities, and
nuclear fuel rod cladding material) by mechanical polishing and deep cavities.
anodic oxidation (anodization) using 0.5 wt.% HF acid solution as Table 4 summarizes the features of the boiling heat transfer
electrolyte, and conducted water pool boiling tests. Joung and enhancement surfaces fabricated using chemical processes.
Buie [113] formed nano/microstructured surfaces of various
wettabilities on Ti surfaces using anodization and electrophoretic 2.4. Surfaces fabricated using MEMS/NEMS techniques
deposition techniques.
Yao et al. [114] prepared nanostructured surfaces (Fig. 12a) Developed using the semiconductor fabrication process, over
comprising Cu nanowires (CuNWs) on Ag–Si, Au–glass, and Cu sub- the last 30 years, MEMS/NEMS technologies have facilitated the
strates by electrochemical deposition in CuSO4 aqueous electrolyte development of considerably small structures with tens of nanome-
using an anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membrane, and conducted ters to hundreds of micrometers size, on Si, polymers, metals, and
water pool boiling tests. In another study [115], researchers syn- ceramics. The MEMS/NEMS techniques basically comprise material
thesized Si nanowires (SiNWs) on a Si wafer (Fig. 12b) using the deposition and patterning by photolithography and etching. As
metal particle-assisted electroless chemical etching method in an micro/nanostructures can be mass-produced on many kinds of
aqueous solution of AgNO3 and HF. In this research, the heights materials, these techniques are vital in the fields of electronics,
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 183

Table 3
Summary of features of boiling heat transfer enhancement surfaces fabricated using surface coating techniques.

Refs. Base surface Coating materials Coating techniques Geometry of surfaces Fluids for boiling
materials tests
[74] Copper Graphite fiber-reinforced copper Bonding with epoxy Fiber-reinforced metal composite Freon 113
[75] Aluminum, Graphite fiber-reinforced Bonding with epoxy Fiber-reinforced metal composite Pentane
copper aluminum/copper
[76,77] Copper Graphite Bonding with epoxy Porous layer HFE-7100, FC-72
[78] Aluminum Al2O3 nanoporous surface Bonding with epoxy Porous layer FC-72
[79] Aluminum, Aluminum, bronze, copper, and Plasma-sprayed coating Porous layer Freon
copper corundum particles
[80] – Cu, Mo, Al, and Zn particles Plasma spraying and flame spraying Porous layer R134a, R407c
[82] Copper Diamond particles DOA coating Porous layer FC-72
[83] Copper Aluminum, copper, diamond, Dipping and baking Porous layer FC-72
and silver particles
[84] Platinum Diamond particles DOM coating Porous layer FC-72
[24] Copper Copper particles Dry diffusion sintering Modulated porous layer Pentane
[86] Copper Copper particles Sintering Modulated porous layer Water
[32] Copper TiO2 Dipping and baking, and sputtering Smooth Water
[87] Copper PTFE particles Electrolytic nickel plating with PTFE Smooth Water
fine particles suspension
[88,89] Si wafer CNTs CVD Vertically aligned multiwall PF-5060
[90] Copper Cu nanorods Electron beam evaporator Vertical nanorod array with + oblique Water
[91] Copper Copper particles and CNTs Sintering, MPCVD and PVD Porous microwick structure Water
[93] Copper CNTs, Nafion Ultrasonic coater and oxygen plasma Hierarchical structures with Water
treatment micro/nanoscale pores
[94] Copper Cu particles Electrolyte deposition Nanostructured porous layer R134a
[97] Al, Cu ZnO MAND Nanostructured surface with nanosized Water
[98,99] Si wafer, black Teflon Photolithography Hydrophilic and hydrophobic network, Water
Si wafer fractal and regular arrays
[100] Pt Al2O3 ALD Smooth Water
[101] Stainless steel Pt, Fe2O3, SiOC and Teflon PECVD and MOCVD Smooth and randomly roughened Water
[102,103] SiO2 wafer RGO Boiling in RGO-water colloid 3D form-like networks Water

Fig. 11. SEM images of micro/nanostructured surfaces developed using anodization technique: (a) [107], (b) [108], and (c) [110].
184 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

Fig. 12. SEM images of nanowire-arrayed surfaces: (a) [114], (b) [115], and (c) [116].

Table 4
Summary of features of boiling heat transfer enhancement surfaces fabricated using chemical processes.

Refs. Base surface materials Fabrication technique Geometry of surfaces Fluid for
boiling tests
[104] Si wafer Chemical etching Rectangular channel arrays with pore structures in FC-72
trapezoidal shape
[46] Copper Photolithography Microgrooved Water
[105] Si wafer EE Nanowire-arrayed Water
[107] Aluminum alloy (6061) Anodization Nanoporous structure Water
[108] Aluminum alloy (6061) Anodization Three-dimensionally interconnected sponge-like Water
porous structure
[109–112] Zircaloy-4 Anodization Micro/nanoscale structure Water
[114] Ag–Si, Au–glass, and Cu substrates Electrochemical deposition technique using Nanowire-arrayed Water
AAO membrane
[115] Si wafer Metal particle-assisted electroless chemical Nanowire-arrayed Water
[116] Si wafer deposited with Ti Cu and Metal particle-assisted electroless chemical Nanowire-arrayed PF-5060
Au thin films etching

microsensor fabrication, bio applications, and microfluidics. In this copper surface. Particularly, by controlling the duration of coating,
section, the applications of MEMS/NEMS technologies to boiling they could achieve spherically shaped tops of the pins. Ustinov
heat transfer enhancement are introduced. et al. [121] prepared inclined pin-structured surfaces using the
Honda et al. [117] fabricated micro-pin–fin-structured surfaces same fabrication method as that of Mitrovic and Hartmann [119]
with square cross-section of 50  50  60 lm by dry-etching a Si on a polycarbonate foil with inclined pores, and conducted pool
wafer. They prepared surfaces with submicron-scale roughness boiling tests with R134a and FC-3284.
and conducted pool boiling tests with FC-72. Wei and Honda Launay et al. [122] fabricated seven types of microstructured sur-
[118] conducted pool boiling experiments with FC-72 on these sur- faces on Si wafers using various MEMS techniques, and conducted
faces with different sizes and arrangements (Fig. 13a). pool boiling tests with PF5060 and water. In their research, smooth
Mitrovic and Hartmann [119,120] formed pin-shaped elements Si, roughened Si (by dry etching), CNT-coated, Si pin–fin-microstruc-
of 1–25 lm diameter and 10–100 lm height on copper tube sur- tured, CNT-coated pin–fin-microstructured and two three-dimen-
faces, and conducted the pool boiling tests with R141b. In their sionally grooved Si-structured surfaces were presented.
fabrication process, micropores were formed on a thin polycarbon- Zhang and Lian [123] fabricated micro-pin–fin-structured sur-
ate foil by irradiating heavy ions to the foil, and a copper surface faces on Si wafers by photolithography and wet etching using
attached to the micropore-structured foil was subjected to an elec- KOH solution, and conducted water pool boiling tests. The
trolytic process. Finally, copper pin structures were formed on the designed fin spacings were 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 lm.
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 185

Fig. 13. SEM images of silicon chips with micro-pin–fins [118] and micronano hybrid-structured surfaces [124].

Kim et al. [124] formed microscale (M), nanoscale (N) and mul- microchannel-structured surfaces on Si nanowires and conducted
tiscaled (NM) geometries on Si wafer (Fig. 13b) and conducted pool water pool boiling tests.
boiling experiments with water. The M surface was fabricated Chu et al. [35] fabricated micropillar-arrayed surfaces of various
using wet etching with tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide etchant sizes on a Si wafer (Fig. 14a) using DRIE, and conducted water pool
after patterning by photolithographic technique. For N surface boiling tests. Coso et al. [129] prepared a micro-pin–fin-array-
fabrication, ZnO nanorods were grown on a Si wafer deposited structured Si surface (Fig. 14b) by etching with inductively coupled
with ZnO thin layer by dipping it into zinc nitrate hexahydrate SF6 plasma, and conducted water evaporation experiments for
(Zn(NO3)6H2O, 98%) and ammonium hydroxide (28 wt.% NH3 in observing the effects of the evaporator wicks generated by the
water, 99.99%) solution. The NM surface was fabricated using the microstructures. Zou and Maroo [130] fabricated ridge structures
same processes applied in M and N surface fabrications. with spacings of a few micrometers and heights of hundreds of
Cooke and Kandlikar [125] fabricated various microchannel nanometers on Si wafers (Fig. 14c) using the Bosch etching tech-
structures on Si wafer using DRIE, and conducted water pool boil- nique following patterning by deep ultraviolet photolithography,
ing tests. The shapes of the microstructured surfaces included vari- and conducted water pool boiling tests.
ous microchannel geometries, notch structures at channel Recently, Dong et al. [131] fabricated micropillar-, microcavity-,
sidewalls, and offset strip fin structures. nanowire-, and nanocavity-structured surfaces on Si wafers
Kim et al. [126] formed microstructures on Si wafers using DRIE (Fig. 15) using dry etching and wet etching with AgNO3 and HF
and micronano hybrid structured surfaces on Si nanowires by solution, and conducted pool boiling tests with ethanol.
immersing the microstructured surface into 0.02 M AgNO3 and Table 5 summarizes the features of boiling heat transfer
5 M HF solution. Similarly, Yao et al. [127,128] fabricated enhancement surfaces fabricated using MEMS/NEMS techniques.
186 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

Fig. 14. SEM images of (a) micropillar- [35], (b) micro-pin–fin- [129], and (c) nanoridge-structured surfaces [130].

Fig. 15. SEM images of micro/nanostructures on silicon chips: (a) micropillars, (b) microcavities, (c) nanowires, and (d) nanocavities [131].

3. Results and discussion of NBHT on modified surfaces and bubble frequency is higher. Thus, the most engineered surface of
NBHT was designed for increasing the active nucleation sites (cavi-
It is well known that bubble behavior, comprising nucleation, ties) as well as the possibility of gas/vapor entrapment, by changing
growth, and departure on the heater surface, influences boiling heat the cavity shape and surface wettability. Additionally, a porous
transfer performance in the nucleate boiling regime. Briefly, boiling structure on the heater surface can increase vapor escaping from
heat transfer can be enhanced when the nucleated bubbles are more and the liquid channeled into the heater surface.
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 187

Table 5
Summary of features of boiling heat transfer enhancement surfaces fabricated using MEMS/NEMS techniques.

Refs. Base surface Fabrication techniques Geometries of surfaces Fluids for boiling
material tests
[117] Si wafer Dry etching Rectangular micro-pin–fin-structured FC-72
[119] Copper Dry etching by irradiating heavy ions and electrolytic Micro-pin–fin-structured R141b
[121] Copper Dry etching by irradiating heavy ions and electrolytic Inclined micro-pin–fin-structured R134a and FC-3284
[122] Si wafer Dry etching Micro-pin–fin-structured PF-5060
[123] Si wafer Photolithography and wet etching Micro-pin–fin-structured Water
[124] Si wafer Wet etching and nanorod growth by dipping into Micro/nano/multiscaled Water
[125] Si wafer DRIE Microchannels, notches at channel sidewalls and offset Water
strip fins
[126] Si wafer DRIE and immersing into solution Micronano hybrid structured –
[127,128] Si wafer DRIE and immersing into solution Micronano hybrid structured Water
[35] Si wafer DRIE Micropillar-arrayed Water
[129] Si wafer Dry etching with inductively coupled plasma Rectangular micro-pin–fin-structured Water
[130] Si wafer Bosch etching and deep ultraviolet photography Ridge structures with heights of hundreds of nanometers Water
[131] Si wafer Dry etching and wet etching Micropillar-, microcavity-, nanowire-, and nanocavity- Ethanol

It is well known from literatures that active nucleation site den- increase in NBHT. Generally, the hydrophilic heater surface offers
sity is a function of surface roughness, wettability, and wall super- the possibility of reduction in gas/vapor entrapment. Thus, an
heat [20,132–135]. Heater surface modification for the boiling of increase in surface wettability will seem unfavorable to NBHT.
certain fluids is likely to cause a change in the surface roughness The effect of surface wettability on NBHT could be seen in the
and wettability. Earlier studies have reported enhanced NBHT on results of nanofluid boiling experiments, which reported a degra-
heater surfaces with randomly formed roughnesses, as shown dation of NBHT through the nanoparticles deposited on the heater
Fig. 16a–c. The results indicate that NBHT can be enhanced by surface. If the nanoparticles do not form the porous structures, and
increasing the surface roughness, which will act as a cavity for thinly coated, the surface wettability is likely to increase signifi-
the active nucleation site. As seen from Fig. 16d [47], the visualiza- cantly and NBHT could be reduced by the suppression of bubble
tion results strongly support the conclusion that greater bubble nucleation on the heater surface.
generation on the heater surface can be achieved with greater Recently, several studies have been conducted on the methods
roughness. As previously described, the heat partitioning model for increasing NBHT on heater surfaces with porous structures. A
indicated that quenching heat flux, which is the most dominant porous surface generally has pores ranging from one to hundreds
factor for boiling heat transfer performance, is strongly influenced of micrometers, correlated with activated cavity size in the boiling
by the number of active nucleation sites [136]. surface. Chang and You [82,83] and Hwang and Kaviany [85]
observed NBHT with respect to the particle size of porous layer.
2pkl ðT w  T sat Þ XNa pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Chang and You [82] recorded the highest NBHT performance on
q00q ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðD2b;n ð t w;n f b;n ÞÞ ð5Þ
A pal n¼1
20 lm particles among 2–70 lm samples (Fig. 17a). Hwang and
Kaviany [85] recorded relevantly higher NBHT on 40 lm particles
The relation between active nucleation sites and NBHT was well-il- among 40, 80, and 200 lm particles (Fig. 17b). Liang and Yang
lustrated in the boiling experiments conducted on a heater surface [75] reported that a copper composite porous surface with excel-
with microcavities by Dong et al. [131] and on copper nanorods by lent thermal conductivity showed the highest NBHT among
Li et al. [90]. As expected, NBHT was enhanced by increasing the micro-graphite fiber, aluminum, and copper composite porous sur-
active nucleation site density. faces (Fig. 17c). Recently, Ahn et al. [102,103] reported that 3D gra-
For enhancing NBHT by changing the shape of the cavity, the phene foam with 5–10 lm pores demonstrated a significant
vapor entrapment on the heater surface was increased by the for- increase in NBHT because of their excellent thermal conductivity
mation of reentrant cavity on the heater surface [39–41,44,46,48]. (Fig. 17d).
These studies reported that reentrant cavities caused a significant Kim et al. [124] and Yao et al. [127,128] conducted pool boiling
increase in NBHT and the formation of cavities is believed to have experiments on silicon wafers with nanostructures on microstruc-
influenced the active nucleation site density. tures. Both showed higher NBHT on micro/nano structures than on
Several studies to understand the influence of surface wettabil- a plain heater surface (Fig. 18a and b). The increase in boiling heat
ity on NBHT have been conducted, although it is not regarded to be transfer on micro and nanostructures can be explained by the
independent of the active nucleation site. Phan et al. [101] reported changes in the bubble nucleation behavior, enlargement of surface
that the change in surface wettability through CVD of various area, and mechanism of bubble growth. Chu et al. [35] conducted
materials influences NBHT, which decreases with increasing pool boiling experiments on Si micro posts with different pitches
wettability (reduction of the static contact angle). Betz et al. that provided lower NBHT than did a plain surface (Fig. 18c). The
[98,99] conducted boiling experiments on hydrophobic-philic net- reason for this result is regarded to be the inability of the uniform
works of SiO2 and Teflon coating. Although there was little differ- posts with hundreds of micrometers size to contribute to the
ence in the nucleate boiling heater used for both the surfaces, increase in activated cavities. In contrast, Zou and Maroo [130]
according to the design of networks, the hydrophobic zone pro- reported a significant increase in NBHT on Si wafer surfaces with
vided higher NBHT than did the plain surface. Forrest et al. [73] ridges of height 500–1270 nm and pitch 450–750 nm (Fig. 18d).
conducted pool boiling experiments on heater surfaces with vari- Additionally, Dong et al. [131] demonstrated enhanced NBHT in
ous wettabilities after coating the metal heater of Ni and stainless increasing order for the following: nanowires, nanocavities,
steel with PAH/SiO2 thin film. The surface with contact angle of micropillars, and microcavities. These results can be clearly
141°, which was the most hydrophobic, showed a significant explained after comprehensive consideration of the active nucleate
188 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

Fig. 16. Boiling curves for surface roughness change: (a) [38], (b) [42], (c) [47], and (d) photographs of boiling process in water for varying heat flux and surface roughness
values [47].

site, wettability, bubble growth behavior, and so on, during vigor- related to the evaporation characteristics at the liquid/vapor inter-
ous boiling. face of the generated bubble. The evaporation region of the single
NBHT enhancement through heater surface modification can be bubble interface can be separated as the intrinsic meniscus region,
explained with regard to the boiling heat partitioning model, which is formed as a result of the macroscopic force balance, and
which was recently adopted, in general. The boiling heat flux in the liquid microlayer at the narrow regions near liquid/vapor/solid
the heat partitioning model consists of the quench, evaporation, triple contact line (Fig. 19). As the liquid microlayer is very thin
and convection heat flux components. Among them, it can be (with thickness of only a few micrometers), the thermal resistance
assumed that convection heat flux is assumed to be negligible by between the heater surface and the liquid/vapor interface is very
virtue of being extremely small for other components [136]. The low and hence, the evaporation mass flux per unit area at the micro-
quench heat flux has been previously described in Eq. (5). The layer is much higher than that at the intrinsic meniscus. Therefore,
evaporation heat flux is given by Eq. (6). enlargement of the liquid microlayer area and reduction of its thick-
ness through heater surface modification are effective ways to
p X
increase NBHT. An increase in the evaporation mass flow rate at
q00e ¼ qv hfg ðf b;n  D3b;n Þ ð6Þ
6A the interface is expected to cause an increase in the bubble depar-
ture frequency and thereby enhance NBHT under conditions of
From Eqs. (5) and (6), the increase in active nucleation site density same nucleate site density. NBHT enhancement on a heater surface
(Na), bubble departure diameter (Db), bubble waiting time (tw), and with nanowires and micropillars according to previous literatures is
bubble departure frequency (fb) provides NBHT enhancement. In related to the increase in the evaporation mass flow rate in the liq-
the literatures described above, an increase in active nucleation site uid microlayer. Moreover, artificial cavity fabrication and change in
density directly influences NBHT enhancement. Related literatures the surface wettability increases the possibility of trapping the gas
have reported NBHT enhancement on the heater surface, which or vapor in the cavity, which can be activated relevantly at a lower
can increase the active nucleate site density through surface rough- wall temperature, finally, enhancing NBHT.
ness modification, artificial cavity fabrication, and change in surface Phan et al. [101] conducted pool boiling experiments on a metal
wettability. Bubble departure frequency and diameter are strongly heater surface with various wettability values by coating several
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 189

Fig. 17. NBHT results in porous structured surfaces: (a) [82], (b) [85], (c) [75], and (d) [102].

materials, and systematically illustrated the effect of wettability on At present, the heater surfaces engineered for NBHT enhance-
NBHT. According to them, a reduction in the wettability (increase ment are designed to explore various boiling heat transfer mecha-
in the contact angle) leads to an increase in the bubble departure nisms. Although they have resulted in remarkable NBHT
frequency, and decrease in the liquid microlayer thickness, thus enhancement, the existing physical understanding of bubble
contributing to boiling heat transfer enhancement. Additionally, dynamics is not adequate for explaining the boiling heat transfer
Yang and Kim [132], Wang and Dhir [133], and Hibiki and Ishii enhancement achieved during vigorous boiling. For resolving the
(Eq. (7)) [20] reported that surface wettability directly influences lack of the knowledge on the bubble dynamics, it might be needed
the active nucleation site density by modeling the active nucle- to investigate quantitatively the thin liquid film flow and the evap-
ation site as a function of the contact angle. oration physics near triple contact lines created on the periphery of
( !)    the nucleation sites. The growth and departure behavior of the sin-
h2 k0 gle and coalesced bubbles are significantly affected on the thin film
Na ¼ Na 1  exp  2 exp f ðqþ Þ 1 ;
8l Rc evaporation. Therefore, the considerations for the change of the
thin film evaporation behavior caused by the thin film liquid flow
Na ¼ 4:72  105 sites=m2 ; l ¼ 0:722 rad; k0 ¼ 2:50  106 m;
induced from the disjoining and capillary pressure effects should
2rf1 þ ðqg =qf Þg=Pf be added to the existing bubble dynamics models. The
Rc ¼ ;
expfifg ðT g  T sat Þ=ðRT g T sat Þg  1 micro/nanostructures on a surface can modify the disjoining and
f ðqþ Þ ¼ 0:01064 þ 0:48246qþ  0:22712qþ2 þ 0:05468qþ3 ; capillary pressure near the triple contact line through the change
qþ ¼ logðDq=qg Þ of microscopic parameters, such as the evaporating meniscus
shape and its interfacial area. Also, very precise experiments are
ð7Þ required for measuring the active nucleation site density, bubble
where R is the gas constant based on molecular weight. departure frequency, and diameter on the quantitative heater
190 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

Fig. 18. Pool boiling curves for micro/nanostructured surfaces: (a) [124], (b) [128], (c) [35], and (d) [130].

Fig. 19. Schematic diagram of single bubble on heat surface and arrangement of microlayer and intrinsic meniscus.

modification, and thereby establishing quantitative modeling. A and even defining the triggering mechanism for CHF is extremely
well-established NBHT model derived from theoretical under- difficult, well-established theories and explanations for CHF do
standing as well as experimental observations is expected to sig- not exist as yet. However, several researchers have developed sur-
nificantly contribute to the development of optimal surfaces that faces capable of significantly enhancing CHF and tried to partially
can result in NBHT enhancement. explain its physical nature. In this section, the results of the study
on CHF enhancement surfaces are introduced and explained.
After the study on CHF enhancement on nanofluids was con-
4. Results and discussion of CHF on modified surfaces ducted by You et al. [21], several studies have been conducted on
dramatically increasing CHF of nanofluids. As mentioned above,
CHF is an important parameter determining the safety of a boil- during the early stages, researchers focused the heat transfer abil-
ing system. Several surface modification techniques are available ity of nanofluids. However Kim et al. [56] first reported that CHF
for enhancing CHF, such as nanofluid boiling, porous layer coating, enhancement on nanofluids was triggered by nanoparticles deposi-
enhancement of surface wettability, and micro/nanostructured tion on the heater surface and not the heat transfer ability of nano-
surface fabrication. As this phenomenon is extremely complicated fluids. Subsequent studies revealed that nucleate boiling beings
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 191

about nanoparticles deposition due to the fouling mechanism of Particularly, the results indicated approximately three times higher
bubbling and that the nanoparticles deposition layer causes CHF performance on the dual-height modulated surface than that
micro/nanoscaled structures. Recently, significant enhancement on a plain surface (Fig. 20b). Based on the theories of Kutateladze
in CHF by nanofluid boiling is regarded to be possible by coating [22] and Zuber [23], the researchers reported that a heater surface
micro/nanostructures on a heating surface. A few conjectures are coated with a modulated porous layer can control the wavelength
available to explain the effect of nanoparticles on CHF. One study of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability and thereby, enhance the CHF
[60] enumerates that the change in liquid macrolayer thickness value. In another study [84], a microporous coating was formed
is caused by enhanced surface wettability, promotion of heat on a platinum wire using the previously discussed DOM coating
dissipation of the hot and dry spot owing to thermal conductivity method to achieve a much higher (more than twice) CHF value on
enhancement, increase in evaporation recoil force due to higher a porous layered surface than that on a plain surface (Fig. 20c).
wettability, and reduced nucleate bubble interaction owing to an The researchers conjectured that microporous coating delays the
increase in the wettability increase brings about CHF enhancement transfer of CHF through reduced bubble diameters at increased
on nanoparticles-coated surfaces. Another study [37] emphasizes bubble frequencies, which provides significantly more convection
that an improvement in capillary wicking owing to the formation heat transfer contribution than does the plain surface, and
of a porous layer by the nanoparticles causes CHF enhancement. increased hydrodynamic stability as a result of increased vapor
Pool boiling tests on porous layer surfaces with pores of one  bubble inertia. Ahn et al. [102] conducted water pool boiling experi-
hundreds of micrometers size have produced CHF enhancement. ments with a surface with 3D graphene foam, and observed 80%
Studies [82,83] on surfaces with microporous enhancement coat- enhancement of CHF value compared to that on a plain surface.
ings have produced CHF enhancement by as much as 100% over They suggested thermal conductivity increase (due to graphene
the reference surface (Fig. 20a). They reported that large-sized structures) and the promotion of liquid capillary flow caused by
(100 lm) pores offer more efficient liquid/vapor exchange chan- 3D porous structures as the reasons for CHF enhancement.
nels that result in increased convection heat transfer. Liter and Some researchers have tried to examine the effect of surface
Kaviany [24] obtained significant CHF enhancement results from wettability alone on CHF enhancement. In one such study [32],
pool boiling tests with modulated porous layer-coated surfaces. heater surfaces without any change in surface morphology and

Fig. 20. CHF enhancement results for microporous surfaces: (a) [83], (b) [24], and (c) [84].
192 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

treated with TiO2 coating to control surface wettability were pre- [100] coated a very thin Al2O3 layer on a Pt wire while maintaining
pared. Water pool boiling tests on these surfaces produced greater the roughness of the bare wire. The coated surface demonstrated a
CHF enhancement with a decrease in the static contact angle. In much lower static contact angle and significantly higher CHF val-
another study [87], boiling experiments were conducted on a super ues than did the bare surface. They reported that CHF enhance-
hydrophobic surface coated with PTFE. Stable film boiling occurred ment in the coated surfaces can be explained by the larger
under very small superheating and no nucleate boiling region was amount of liquid present in the macrolayer as a result of high adhe-
observed, i.e., the CHF value significantly decreased. Forrest et al. sion energy and hence, improved wettability of Al2O3.
[73] reported that only a receding contact angle can influence Recently, CHF enhancement has been reported for surfaces with
CHF enhancement through thin-film coating with fluorosilane on vertically aligned micro/nanostructures such as nanowires
a heater surface, which implies that a static and advancing contact [105,106], micropillars [35], CNTs [111,112], and microridges
angle indicates hydrophobic characteristics whereas a receding [130]. Researchers have suggested wettability increase, surface
contact angle indicates hydrophilic characteristics. Feng et al. area enhancement, and efficient liquid wicking (due to the

Table 6
Theoretical CHF models for micro/nano-structured surfaces.

Ref. CHF correlation Remarks

Kandlikar [30] 1=2
h i1=4 Irreversible vapor bubble spreading based on
0:5 1þcos b 2 p
q00CHF ¼ hlg q g 16 p þ 4 ð1 þ cos bÞ cos / rgðql  qg Þ
the relation between surface adhesion force of
b  dynamic receding contact angle liquid and vapor recoil force
/  inclination angle of the heater surface to the horizontal base
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi h i
Polezhaev and Kovalev [137] r qq Based on hydrodynamic theory by Kutateladze
q00CHF ¼ kp =kl q00CHF-bare ¼ 0:52e2:28 hfg ðq fgþqf Þrgpo
f r
[22] and Zuber [23], Rayleigh–Taylor instabil-
kp  critical instability wavelength on bare surface
ity wavelength change due to porous struc-
kl  critical instability wavelength on surface with microscale coating tures
ew  porosity of the whole nanowire array
r po  diameter of the breakthrough bubbles
Liter and Kaviany [24] 1=2 rfg qg 1=2 Consideration of balance between capillary
q00CHF ¼ p8 qg hfg km
pumping force and liquid viscous drag along its
km  critical instability wavelength on modified surface flow path
Kim and Kim [37] q00CHF ¼ 0:98Dq00capillary þ q00CHF-bare ¼ 0:98hfg qeð2pr b sin hdporous Þ 2rfg cos h=qf Rc =4r 2b CHF enhancement effect owing to capillary
wicking ability in porous layers formed by
þ q00CHF-bare
h  ðapparentÞcontact angle
e  porosity of nano deposition layer
r b  heater diameter
dporous  thin porous layer thickness
Rc  radius of microscopic structure
Ahn et al. [110] q00CHF ¼ q00CHF Kandlikar þ q00spreading liquid supplying Consideration of CHF enhancement effect
1=2 1þcos hD 2 p 1=2 owing to liquid spreading due to
¼ S  hfg q g 16 p þ 4 ð1 þ cos hD Þ cos / micro/nanostructures
h i1=4 2 3 
rfg gðqf  qg Þ þ 14 p kRcurvature hD 3 
hD dRcurvature
þ 4kRcurvature ddt

qf hfg =Aheating surface

S  constant factor ð0:823Þ

hD  ðapparentÞtime-averaged dynamic contact angle
/  inclined angle of the heater
Rcurvature  time-averaged curvature of the spreading droplet on the heater
k  effective parameterð0:6Þ
Aheating surface  heater area

Chu et al. [35] h i1=2 h i1=4 Based on study [30], considering increase of
1þcos hD 2ð1þr cos hD;0 Þ 1=2
q00CHF ¼ 16 pð1þcos hD Þ þ p4 ð1 þ cos hD Þ cos / hfg qg rfg gðqf  qg Þ
solid–liquid adhesion force owing to increase
r  roughness ratio in length of triple contact line by micropillars
hD;0  ðintrinsicÞdynamic contact angle
hD  ðapparentÞdynamic contact angle
Zou and Maroo [130] q00CHF ¼ C f 2pklp ffiffiffiffiffiffi N a ½D2b f ne f b f b ¼ V VV
ðT w T sat Þ
pa b
; V b ¼ p6 ðr b þ r b cos hÞ½3r 2b sin2 h Consideration of additional evaporation of
metastable non-evaporating film beneath
2 RT sat
þðr b þ r b cos hÞ ; V ne ¼ 2qf p r 2ne d0 ðPf þ2 rfg =rb Þ vapor bubble by fragmentation of film owing
C f  the difference in the quenching heat flux ð1:35Þ to presence of vertically arranged microridges
kf  liquid thermal conductivity
af  liquid thermal diffusivity
Db  bubble departure diameter
f ne  the film evaporation factor
f b  bubble departure frequency
V b  bubble departure volume
V ne  equivalent vapor volume of the non-evaporating
liquid fime underneath the bubble
r b  bubble departure radius
d0  non-evaporation film thickness
Park and Bang [26] 3 3 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Based on study [24], change in Rayleigh–Taylor
q00CHF ¼ kbare
km q00CHF-bare ¼ kbare
24 q1=2
g hfg
rfg gðqf  qg Þ
instability wavelength due to porous struc-
kbare  critical instability wavelength on bare surface tures formed by nanoparticles coating
km  critical instability wavelength on modified surface
D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196 193

Fig. 21. Droplet wetting phenomena in different states of microstructured surfaces.

presence of vertical micro/nano structures) as the main reasons for of the microlayer owing to their small sizes (of a few micrometers),
CHF enhancement. Particularly, Chu et al. [35] and Zou et al. [130] evaporation at the liquid–vapor interface is capable of being pro-
presented interesting explanations for CHF enhancement on the moted on their surfaces. This will affect the bubble growth behav-
surfaces they developed. Based on Kandlikar’s theory [30] (Eq. ior comprising of bubble departure diameter, growth rate, and
(8)), Chu et al. [35] hypothesized that micropillar structures can departure frequency and thereby, enhance the CHF value.
enhance the length of the liquid–vapor–solid triple contact line Furthermore, micro/nanostructures significantly influence the
and consequently, the increase in solid–liquid adhesion force, thermal conductivity, solid–liquid adhesion force, capillary wick-
which contributes to CHF enhancement. ing, and Rayleigh–Taylor instability wavelength, judging from pre-
  1=2 h i1=4 vious studies.
1 þ cosb p 2 Therefore, for designing an optimum CHF enhancement surface,
q00CHF ¼ hlg q0:5
g þ ð1 þ cosbÞ cos/ rgðql  qg Þ
16 p 4 a comprehensive understanding of existing theoretical and experi-
ð8Þ mental researches is necessary.
where b is the dynamic receding contact angle and / is the inclina-
tion angle of the heater surface to the horizontal base. 5. Concluding remarks
Zou and Maroo concerned a metastable non-evaporating film
beneath a vapor bubble and hypothesized that the will be frag- In this review paper, micro/nanostructured surfaces, which
mented by the microridges vertically arranged on the heating sur- have been designed to enhance boiling heat transfer, are intro-
face, and as it can be evaporated, the CHF value on the surface will duced and the characteristics of these surfaces are explained in
be enhanced. view of NBHT and CHF. Additionally, detailed fabrication tech-
More recently, by means of the accumulated knowledge on CHF niques used for achieving the modified surfaces are described.
enhancement, surfaces with micro/nano hybrid structures have The features of existing surfaces capable of enhancing NBHT can
been fabricated, and their performances validated by boiling tests be summarized as follows:
Although the CHF phenomenon is an extremely complicated  Increase in active nucleation site density with randomly formed
mechanism that occurs in a severe boiling state, certain theoretical micro/nano-sized roughness.
models to predict the CHF value for a micro/nanostructured surface  Ability of vapor/gas entrapment to enhance cavities by reen-
are available. Table 6 shows these CHF models with brief remarks. trant cavities fabrication and wettability control (increase in
In summary, the characteristics of boiling surfaces with liquid contact angle).
enhanced CHF may be presented as follows:  Favorable bubble initiation, growth, and departure on microp-
orous layered surface.
 High surface wettability (small liquid contact angle).  Promotion of evaporation mass flux at vapor–liquid interface by
 Micro/nano-sized roughness. micro/nanostructures.
 Micro-sized porous structures.
The features presented above appear to be closely related. If one
The above parameters do not occur independently but are clo- surface has higher vapor entrapment ability, the active nucleation
sely connected. Surface wettability is intimately related to surface site density of the surface would be larger and the bubble initia-
roughness, produced by micro/nanostructures and porous struc- tion, growth, and departure behavior, more active. Therefore, for
tures. If a droplet is placed on a rough surface, it will have various designing a surface with optimal NBHT performance, the compre-
wetting states based on the surface conditions. A droplet placed on hensive consideration of these advantages is required.
a hydrophilic rough surface is generally in the Wenzel state The characteristics of the CHF enhancement surfaces introduced
(Fig. 21a) and the surface is fully wetted. However, on a hydropho- in this paper can be categorized as follows:
bic rough surface, the droplet is in the Cassie state (Fig. 21b) and
the surface is partially wetted. Particularly, on a hydrophilic sur-  Highly liquid-wettable surface (small liquid contact angle).
face with relatively high roughness, the droplet is in the sunny-  Surfaces with micro/nano-sized roughness.
side-up state (Fig. 21b) and a spreading precursor is formed as a  Micro-sized porous structures.
result of the capillary wicking ability. The velocity of the spreading
precursor is influenced by the surface roughness. Thus, the change It has been hitherto difficult to strongly establish CHF enhance-
in wettability due to the presence of micro/nano structures can ment mechanisms for modified surfaces. Surfaces with micro/-
affect the liquid rewetting phenomenon, and thereby significantly nano-sized roughness and porous structures can directly
enhance the CHF value for a micro/nano-structured heating contribute to the liquid wettability of a surface. Micro/nano struc-
surface. tures also significantly influence thermal conductivity, solid–liquid
Furthermore, micro/nanostructures themselves may signifi- adhesion force, capillary wicking and even the Rayleigh–Taylor
cantly influence the evaporation behavior at the bubble interface. instability wavelength. As a universal theory for CHF mechanism
As these structures can change the formation and occupying area does not exist as yet, a comprehensive understanding of existing
194 D.E. Kim et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66 (2015) 173–196

studies is necessary for designing an optimum CHF enhancement Considering the above questions, we strongly recommend that
surface. the further researches should be conducted with the insights of
From the above outcomes and the existing experimental results, the full coverage of an entire boiling regime according to the sur-
we can suggest the types of the surface morphology in order to face condition.
enhance both NBHT and CHF. The surfaces available for simultane- In conclusion, this review article provided the state-of-art of
ously enhancing NBHT and CHF would have the micro-sized por- several researches on boiling enhancement surfaces. The fabrica-
ous structure [75,83–85,102] or micro/nano-sized roughness tion techniques used for the engineered surfaces were classified
[124,128]. The micro-porous and small size roughness structures and described in detail. Explanations and analysis of the results
on a surface can play the important role to increase the active of boiling heat transfer enhancement tests were provided sepa-
nucleation cavities and promote bubble initiation and growth, thus rately considering NBHT and CHF. Based on this review, it is clear
NBHT enhanced. Also, the micro-sized channels created by the sur- that a well-established boiling heat transfer model and compre-
face morphologies can provide the additional passages for the liq- hensive understanding of the NBHT and CHF enhancement mecha-
uid intake and vapor discharge on a boiling surface, and CHF nisms are necessary for designing and fabricating an optimized
enhancement achieved. surface for boiling heat transfer.
Although several boiling enhancement surfaces with innovative
performance have been developed, a few critical engineering prob-
lems still exist. Among these, the representative aspect is durabil- Acknowledgements
ity against mechanical and thermal stress, and chemical corrosion.
Particularly, the micro/nano structures (nanowires, micropillars This research was supported by Kyungpook National University
CNTs, etc.) fabricated using a current wafer-scale fabrication tech- Research Fund, 2014.
nique might fail to maintain the original shape in harsh environ-
ments containing mechanical and pressure impact, thermal References
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