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Daily Astroguide
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (25 April 2024)
Your past hardships will pay off in the form of appreciation or in the form of money. Personal and professional lives both are
important for you but you will largely concentrate on work. You are very passionate and it will show on your work and
personal life. You will find your lap small to gather the happiness, which you will pull off.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (25 April 2024)

You will feel the sense of satisfaction with the fruits you get in the material form or appreciation form. You will be much
concerned about execution than the result. On the personal front, no major events are foreseen but family members may
demand your attention. You need to learn yoga and do meditation without fail. There is indication of good news from official sources.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (25 April 2024)

Finish projects at home which are pending around house as early as possible. For the creative, a sound benefit from a deal
can be expected. For majority of you the day will prove remarkable. You feel that your money can work better for you if you
seek advice from a knowledgeable friend or experienced elder at your home.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (25 April 2024)

At work you will be burdened by much work and you may have to meet many challenges. Someone of you is indicated to be
hospitalized. You may have to support yourself in this all. Don’t get involved in the social schemes of friends. Eat sensibly to
avoid stomachache. You will get a numbers of opportunities. Hasty investments and harsh speech will cause irreparable damage.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (25 April 2024)

Today is not the day to ask for help or collect funds that you own. The day will be stressful for some of you, but all depend on
you and your temper that will greatly reduce the tension. In the job, superiors will be very kind and warm hearted towards
you. Better not count too much on being able to do what you want in time.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (25 April 2024)

Office atmosphere will be too formal and the productivity towards your work from your side will be incredible. Your tongue
may twist the relations with your nearest and dearest, so be careful. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are
likely to have great fun with your spouse. Enjoy respite from a busy schedule rather making plans for further growth.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (25 April 2024)

Your main interest lies in the performance rather than results today. Despite problems on the way to success, you will be
putting in best of your efforts. On the personal front, it is suggestible for you to refrain from arguments with your spouse,
specifically in later part of the day. Focus on work and don’t get diverted, else you will not be able to finish anything.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (25 April 2024)

Your flexibility is going to be much more helpful so personal life will be in perfect balance. Overseas contacts may bring you
good news. You will be in a romantic mood, take your beloved for a candle light dinner. Keep yourself alert and do not get
excited if someone tries to hurt your feelings. It’s party time for you.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (25 April 2024)

You can choose to go on a long drive with a large group of friends. You are likely to stay busy talking with your friends of
opposite gender. You are going to have a tough day ahead. Lady luck may not smile at you today. There may be difference of
opinions with friends over trivial matters. All pending work will come to logical ends.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (25 April 2024)

You may be helping your friends, associates or colleagues. This morning could be challenging. Beautiful beginning of the day
is foreseen for you where you may have a romantic conversation with your beloved. You may also recollect your childhood
crushes. You may visit a shopping mall in the evening for buying a gift for your spouse. This may force you to take decisions from heart
than mind.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (25 April 2024)

Day enables your ability to combine discipline and hard work. These two keywords will keep you on the roll throughout the
day but at the end of the day, the day assures you sense of satisfaction. Moreover, some downpour of gains is on the cards for you in
the evening. You will tend to pay more attention to both your look and outlook today.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (25 April 2024)

You will be spending considerable time with friends today. You will have to take extra care as not to hurt the emotions and
feelings of anyone in the evening. Your attitude may cause heartburn and bitter feelings. Persons related to performing arts may get
the center of attraction and will receive appreciation. It can also mean that the responsibilities of home ownership seem heavy and
associated with too many burdens.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (24 May 2024)

There will be a new turning point in life to open the gate of progress. There will not be a good understanding with your
spouse. Marriage may be settled for those who were expecting the same. Younger siblings may have some problems. Spouse will have
a lot of official benefits. Do not sign for surety on behalf of others. Those who work under you have to be tackled skillfully.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (24 May 2024)

Don’t give importance to small misunderstandings in the family. Money will be spent on near and dear ones for good
purposes. Hard work and a lot of traveling cannot be avoided. You will have extra benefits. Students will shine to their surprise. You can
try to stop worrying about your personal matters and children’s health. Your mother is likely to get some benefits.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (24 May 2024)

Things may be delayed. A little carefulness in official matters will do. A long-awaited auspicious function is likely to be
finalised. You will start getting long pending arrears. You will spend a lot on vehicles, charity and family. You may have to keep your
fingers crossed at the work spot. There will be a good spell of happiness in domestic matters.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (24 May 2024)

You will be given more responsibilities in the office. This may not give immediate benefit. It will work out in the long run. You
will get appreciation from all around. Allow yourself a free rein, not permitting circumstances or interfering people to stop you. Don’t
have high expectation from the people around you, you will only regret at the end.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (24 May 2024)

Spouse and children will understand you fully well. Anyhow you may have to run here and there for the family’s happiness.
Official tours will also be well-planned and luxurious. You have to take a little extra effort to achieve things. Luck money will pour in
unexpected gains. Those who make a living through artistic and dramatic talent are especially favored.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (24 May 2024)

On professional front, new developments based on detailed study of a particular matter/subject are possible. Today, you will
be able to beat all your competitors but ensure that you don’t suffer while teaching them lessons. Relatives will help you in an
emergency. Official disappointment will be overcome by domestic happenings. Your children will be very happy today.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (24 May 2024)

You may be determined to make amends in your work place. This will be a good time to organise a family outing. Organising
a trip somewhere that they will especially be excited to go will produce the most enjoyable day. Your impulses will be very strong and it
is likely that they are going to lead you into no end of trouble today.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (24 May 2024)

Any travel plans that you have for today, is likely to have to be changed at the last minute. The real issues are blatantly
obvious - you don't need to go looking for them. Remember attitude towards money has a significant reflection on a man’s life. You
should see money as only a means to satisfy your needs.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (24 May 2024)

It will be important to you to spend some time with children. You will find that there are very few quiet moments at home,
even if you have planned to spend a quiet day. However, you will not resent the change to your planned day, and will soon find that you
are gaining a great deal of satisfaction from doing everything that is required.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (24 May 2024)

Refrain from lending money to even your closest friend or family member. This may only lead to a misunderstanding which
could cost you dearly. You will be able to bring smiles and laughter into the family. You should be ready to face a transfer order too,
which may mean that you will have to be away from the family for a short time.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (24 May 2024)

Much against your wishes miss a flight or train if you are traveling or be late for an important meeting at the work front.
Make it a point to extend your apologies instead of finding excuses for your lethargic approach. There seems to be little that those who
care about you can do to convince you of their sincerity.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (24 May 2024)

Not a very favourable time to enter partnership and new alliances. Your idea to make the family members happy will be
realized. Take out some time for the younger members of the family. You will have to be more attentive to the needs of your family
member. With series of successes you will feel bright through-out the day.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (24 April 2024)

You know you want activity and interaction though, so follow the energetic lead of others. Your desire for the exotic will
encourage you to widen your passionate horizons. From enjoying a cultural feast for the palate, or researching a spiritual concept, you
will dig deep into the realms of far horizons, seeking that element that pleases the soul.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (24 April 2024)

Work in with your associates or partners. Either it will be good news of a marriage or an engagement of a friend who is in the
mid forties, or it could be celebration on the birth of a baby girl in the family. Investments made in real estate will bring you profits in
the future. This is a good time to make investments in property or jewelry or any item of luxury.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (24 April 2024)

The consideration of further study, perhaps the arts enters the equation. Some of you will also look to distant lands for
furthering your education. A social get together will be worthwhile for those who are not married. This is a good day to show your
appreciation to your friends for their valued support and understanding. There may be feisty feelings or horizontal fun. Keep the mood
cooperative today.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (24 April 2024)

Today is the day when you should show your gratitude towards good friends. Some of you, who have been contemplating
getting a pet for a friend, will go out and get one for yourself today. An outing with close friends is on the cards. Take care in your
dealings with love, money and relationships. There may be work-related difficulties with money or relationships.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (24 April 2024)

There is a chance of an elderly person departing suddenly. You may have to face a very tricky situation. It will be in your
advantage to try and find out both the sides of the story. Your closest friends could be deceiving you, and you need to be very careful
of your associates who are trying to pose as your friends.
Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (24 April 2024)

Just enjoy the day, as suddenly unexpected gains will knock your door from all the areas without demanding your time and
hardships. You will feel on the top of world, as you will get success easily. Inflow of money is excellent. If you want healthy and good
relations be in contact with your pals and colleagues on the good level.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (24 April 2024)

You may be anxious and tense about your inherited property. You may be having this property in disputes and you may have
legally fight for it. Also clear all the taxes of all your family members or of house. You may have to meet your chartered account for all
this. You may have to go out of station for all this. Family and children may keep you disturbed.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (24 April 2024)

Think before you speak in meetings and with your client as your slight rude speech can affect your work and personal life.
The day is full of maintaining your contacts. Meet your old and new friends and if you have problem in life discuss with them they will
serve as the best mentor and will make you feel pleased.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (24 April 2024)

You need to be carefully while dealing with anybody as fame and success does not come on its own you have to work for it.
At work front working in co-operation with colleagues will help you to get results. You are once again self-confident and risk taking
person. You will not seat ideally by thinking negatively instead you will get guts to take risk and start doing work.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (24 April 2024)

To defeat your rivals on go on aggressive path instead behave very sweetly. The day will teach you lesson by your bad
experiences. You are rich and have profits from past few months. The day will teach you to use money economically, plan for secure
future and buy necessary things. You should be full energized to show your abilities and capabilities. Don’t let the time surpass.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (24 April 2024)

Money inflow is there but the expenses are likely to boost as someone nearest will fall ill and may be hospitalized. Personally
demands will arise for the money. You will be burdened by much tasks and your work will be full of challenges. You may have to go on
business trip for convincing people whom you may find rigid and difficult to convince.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (24 April 2024)

You should take the risks to do what you want. You will feel pleasant in company of them. You will be more interacting rather
than living in isolation. You are getting more loyal and there will be development of wisdom. Its good time to tie wedding note as vow
taken in this period will remain for the entire life strongly.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (23 April 2024)

Possessiveness may be curtailed and flexibility may be developed. Instead of expressing through voice, it would be better if
you note down your feelings. You will be able to phrase things properly and may also use every expression effectively. In short, it is
favorable day for all writers and poets of your sign. Those travelling to long distance may be benefited.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (23 April 2024)

You may furnish the interior of your house with pictures and portraits of your style and taste. You may like to show off your
upkeep of the house to the evening guests. You would be able to hone your skills. If you want to propose someone, do not wait for
tomorrow. Health problems may however keep you out of pace.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (23 April 2024)

You display your talent 100 percent but the result may be 50 percent. This may be because of various problems, specifically
emotional. It is a favorable day for Astrologers, Healers, Spiritual Gurus and Divinatory. If you have relative staying overseas, today you
will communicate with them. There are also chances of getting some advantage of foreign contacts.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (23 April 2024)

Generally people visit someone’s place when they are in a mood to socialize but you are not that types, you may invite people
at your home! You will get a bit fed up with the people who show the possessive side of their nature. Some of you will be relieved to
know that last week is over.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (23 April 2024)

There may not have been any major catastrophes, but you will feel that you’ve had more than your share of bad lucks.
Advertising and publicity can do much to boost profits, and just at a time when you need some extra money to come rolling in. What is
expected will not take place every time. Take great care of the purse strings.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (23 April 2024)

You may in a reflective mood as you will be thinking about your past and perhaps dwelling on past mistakes a little too
much. You are likely to find difficulty in expressing your self, particularly with a loved one. It is likely that a chance encounter with a
stranger will develop quickly and easily into good relationship.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (23 April 2024)

Explore new experiences and adventures to enjoy. This will result into improvement in your personal self-understanding. It is
advisable for you to be ready for the busy and bubbly day ahead. If you are able to develop this quality, nothing like it! You are likely to
make some change in your nature in the second half of the day.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (23 April 2024)

You are especially lucky with finances and gain money in an unusual way. You might have to face the agony of your loved
ones. In short, it is an easygoing day for you. This may be either in your professional or personal life. Some of you may spend the day in
taking a survey to decide on buying an expensive item of luxury.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (23 April 2024)

It could be the health of someone elderly in the family who needs your attention. Despite your desire to turn the flow of your
day to your favour, you will face stiff opposition from others. Confrontation will solve nothing with these stars. Satisfy the ego of your
romantic partner if it means keeping the peace. Others will simply rub you the wrong way today.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (23 April 2024)

You are worried about your finances and you want your family as well as yourself to reduce unnecessary expenditures. But
you need to watch the jealousy which may arise because of your success. This is a day to catch up with old friends and associates.
There may be a change in financial obligations or credit arrangements. Make sure you're not the cause of it due to overspending.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (23 April 2024)

Criticisms can easily turn to moments of conflict as a battle of wills and opinions seems to reach no compromise. Don't worry
about the petty annoyances of others and mark this day down as one for complete self-indulgence. It is best to watch the behaviour of
others, especially close friends and think about it quietly rather than enter the fray of no-win arguments.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (23 April 2024)

It could be your colleagues at office or the domestic help at home. You will be in a mood of indecisiveness about taking a
major decision at your work front. It could relate to a new project or for some of you it could mean a new job offer. At this time it will be
good to look to the advice of family members, who will be supportive and communicative.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (22 April 2024)

Finances may come or go, depending on what is unravelled this mysterious day. You will clear up a misunderstanding with
your beloved. But you may be confused and not put in hundred percent into your work. You can expect a lot of support from your
beloved. However, you may find that you're constrained by beliefs or preoccupations about the authority of certain individuals.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (22 April 2024)

There may be clashes with others in authority. You may be stuck in a situation or an obligation from which you can't easily
release yourself. You might have romance in the frame. Those of you, who have been planning to go overseas for further studies, will be
able to procure all the necessary permissions. This will give you a sense of confidence and happiness.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (22 April 2024)

Do not overwork yourself while trying to prove your ability and sincerity. Explore your inner self and indulge in some spiritual
activity. You might like to lose yourself with a favourite book or watch a movie on DVD. Do not take any hasty steps or try to bring out a
secret liaison into the open. Husband / wife may get transferred.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (22 April 2024)

Laziness may prevent you from doing your duty. You may have to forego certain comforts for the sake of near and dear ones.
Siblings will help you a lot in domestic matters as well as financial matters. Children will be very successful in their field whether it is
studies or extra-curricular activities. Check your blood pressure frequently. Some of you are likely to shift job. Don’t ignore health

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (22 April 2024)

You will want to expand resources or income to fund your new projects or an expansion plan. You will be able to procure
finances for this additional expenditure. you may have to cancel an important meeting which will result in financial losses. There will
be a sigh of relief as far as family matters are concerned. Mother should be given much attention.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (22 April 2024)

Your mother will get great benefits. Income will reach you through many ways. Some of you are likely to be blessed with a
female child. You will have benefits through your spouse. You are likely to win in a case/get government’s favour. You will get the
acquaintance of new persons who will be of good help to you in future.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (22 April 2024)

Friends may approach you for help. You may make a trip to a foreign country. Financial improvements will be there to your
surprise. You may buy a much-planned property. There will be heated arguments with your spouse marring the peace at home. Try to
avoid it if possible. Investment in selected stocks and mutual funds is recommended.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (22 April 2024)

Children will have positive turning points. You will spend a lot for vehicles, charity and family. Try to avoid problems at home.
Some problems in career or in business come into sharp focus. You need to proceed cautiously as the position of the ruling planet of
your sign does not permit you to get full share. The day contains several pleasant possibilities.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (22 April 2024)

Kind of business or professional is still worth investigating. Some of you feel more uncomfortable under the psychological
burden of an illicit involvement. You are at a dynamic and aggressive phase. Some of you will look at pursuing a professional course
together with your general line. Hard work will give unexpected income. Use your creativeness to come up with something unique

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (22 April 2024)

Time ahead also includes a fruitful relationship. A lovely and pleasant day with light fun and enjoyment. There is a lot of
burden and experience to share with those very intimate. Progressive journalist, authors and learned youths should look for
recognition of their talents. Something gives your personal life a boost. Your financial judgements may not turn out to be sound or

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (22 April 2024)

People might want to take your advice on important matters. Among these activities do not forget your valuables and
finances. You had better not take chilled water or milk products today. Your helping tendency will be in the ascent today. You will
continue to remain self-less. It may be better to focus on expenses today. It is okay to take risks.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (22 April 2024)

Be sure to keep your statement focused on what you need. If you are staying away from them, then you may plan to give
them a surprise visit. Blood relations may bring various benefits for you. Home and family may top your priority list. You can be a real
problem shooter today. No matter how big the problem is, you will easily manage to find a proper solution.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (20 April 2024)
Take a little time this day to find the ways in which you can improve your power and you will find some exciting experiences.
Your ability to communicate in a warm, understanding manner is especially strong now. Frustrations may make you stop and change
things. You will think well before taking any major decisions in life today. This attitude will keep you away from regretting on your
decisions later.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (20 April 2024)

You will be able to complete all taken up tasks with ease. You will be applying your brain in every venture that you indulge
into. Today you will be able to express your emotions very nicely. Your relationship with your life partner or beloved one will become
even stronger. In short, you are deeply involved in relationship matters today.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (20 April 2024)

It is advisable for you not to ignore your work while you are paying much attention to relationship matters. You may have to
deal with different type of people at work front. Your jolly nature can easily win hearts of people. Your intelligence may help you earn
appreciation in society. You may end up in trouble because of your probing nature.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (20 April 2024)

Guidelines from elderly people may help you a lot. You may be able to pass this day comfortably, without much trouble. You
can get a positive effect of all your efforts and this will give you more enthusiasm and energy. You will try hard to carve a niche for
yourself in society today. You may influence people with your eloquence. Make sure you do not play to the gallery.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (20 April 2024)

Others may displease you by withholding some critical information from you. It is advisable for you to have power over you
inquisitive nature for the sake of maintaining rapport with good friends. By nature, you are practical but impulsive too. Your impulses
under the control of practicalities. This is good in a way because you actually need ground which can give base to your fire.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (20 April 2024)

For men, there may be a number of domestic chores to do that you should have completed as long as last week. On this day
you may simply have not been able to get to do something because of constant interruptions. For businessmen it is recommended if
they invest the money in new projects and do partnerships with experienced and creative people.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (20 April 2024)

The day looks as if it is going to be the most positive day so far. Your mother may need your help at some point of time today.
You may redirect all your energies towards planning for a secured future. You may be clear about your goal and thus make proper
decisions in this regard. Practicality is definitely going to rule your personality today.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (20 April 2024)

Your focus will be completely on yourself than others today. This self-centeredness may make you more possessive and
insecure. Your relation with your spouse may get ruined due to this behaviour. Beginning of the day may be bit heavy. Domestic life
may not be very satisfactory but flexibility will help you settle everything. Harmony with people around you is necessary for smother

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (20 April 2024)

You would value creative and artistic things a lot. If you are a student, luck is in favour, especially if you are appearing in
exams. If you are in business, you may find unexpected benefits today. Your image in society will receive a boost today. You will have a
strong say in communal matters. Today is an auspicious day to start new business ventures.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (20 April 2024)

Some of the profitable business will be health spa, beauty saloons, interior designing, etc. Those associated with business or
marketing can undertake new projects and tie ups. However, these tie ups may bear less fruits for you. Your courage will come to save
you from this negative effect. There is a hope of initiating new relation but it may progress very slowly.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (20 April 2024)

As for family, there are stars and magic is in the air. A change in your life is forecast and it is all for the better. Some of it may
be concerned with close relationships while others may be connected with home or family. If you do, spend it on family members. The
day is also good for a shopping expedition with members of the family.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (20 April 2024)

You may think of inviting someone for lunch or dinner. You may gather for social reasons or for a common purpose. Your
financial holdings will be in your sight today. Get a fair idea of what your investments will be and start preparation. The tensions of the
workplace and even the family will be gone and you will do well to take up physical activity.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (19 April 2024)

Your close relationships with others can undergo some abrupt changes at this time. It could be hard to figure out the right
move, especially with someone special. You will have time to work with young people. You may feel frustrated as to where you are
headed in life now. There are some positive changes headed your way. A feeling that anything is possible is strong.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (19 April 2024)

Enjoy relaxing this evening. A new friendship may ensue or an old or current one may take a new turn for the better. You love
praises and get easily carried away when someone gives you compliments. You will be showered with compliments in the first half of
the day. Inspite of this, you will not forget your goals and work hard towards achieving your targets.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (19 April 2024)

Today you have the opportunity to praise or appreciate someone. At the beginning of the day, you may feel dizzy and dull.
You should avoid taking much physical stress as there are strong chances of falling sick. Towards evening, you may feel little better.
Still, it is advisable for you to avoid eating junk food as you are vulnerable today.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (19 April 2024)

Today you can understand that all close relationships require care in order to remain healthy and strong. It is suggestible for
you to devote some time to them. Make sure that things do not clutter up. Today you will display you kind, considerate and generous
nature. You are likely to keep a low profile in the work place. On family front, you may spend quality time in the evening.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (19 April 2024)

The day’s advise to you is to look forward to future and leave the past behind. Spiritual understanding and objectivity may
help you understand this. It is time to cultivate better understanding on the personal front. You may not invest your energy in a major
activity as you may feel lethargic today. Your mastery would be appreciated your brilliant ideas at work place.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (19 April 2024)

New ideas for progress may inspire you in the second half of the day. You will try to maintain a serious disposition today,
which is uncharacteristic of you. This will present you as more reliable and responsible. In the serene splendid evening, you will display
exotic taste for artistic quality and aesthetic beauty. The day would not encourage you to take any important task on hand.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (19 April 2024)

Any important decision may create a boomerang effect. You should work with cool head. However, you may achieve your
goals with the help of your friends. You would like to stick to your target and action. You may find yourself in a decision-making
position at office. People would like to work under you and carry out your instructions.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (19 April 2024)

Normally money does not bother you as you are a bit lucky, but today you may be concerned about your finance. This clarity
will help you improve your relations. Primarily, it is favourable most day for your business partner and life partner. Both are likely to be
benefited in one or the other way. Benefits are not always material, they can be intangible too!

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (19 April 2024)

If you are planning to buy a vehicle, don’t wait, just rush. The day may begin with a positive note. You may be enthusiastic
and upbeat till lunch time but post lunch, you may suddenly feel stressed out and burdened. Smaller things may look bigger to you.
You may get irritated even on futile matters. Instead of wasting time behind such fruitless activities, it will be better to do something
Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (19 April 2024)

The problem is focus, so use the time to set limits. This is the time to make your plans. There is optimism, faith and the
tendency to take chances at deep emotional levels. The driving force behind the changes is your impatient, demanding need to
achieve greater sincerity, honesty, and understanding between you and others. You may be quite persistent in finding ways to show

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (19 April 2024)

Travelling should be postponed, especially if it involves a long journey. Opportunities for socializing will you bring you contact
with influential people. You will gain knowledge though people you meet today. Some of you will have fresh business proposals and
assignments. Misunderstanding with a colleague might upset your day. Do not share your personal matters and secrets even with
close ones.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (19 April 2024)

This is not the right time to ignore important jobs that you have been undertaking. Additional responsibilities might keep
you busy the entire day. You will be in the spotlight and success seems to be well within your reach. Don't hesitate to start your
business ventures. Socializing with colleagues will lead to better rapport at work. Do not dwell on mistakes, focus instead on what is

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (18 April 2024)

You may end up paying a fine for no fault of your own. This will lead to heated arguments and anxiety. A civic problem where
you live could be a cause of major worry and you will have to handle situations with a cool head. Your colleagues at work could come to
your rescue in many ways. An argument with grown up children will force you to be aggressive and temperamental.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (18 April 2024)

Weigh your words before you make any commitments. Lavish gifts which you may buy only to keep your social status will
upset your family members and also upset your budget. The ill health of your partner will force you to cancel a date which you both
were looking forward to for a long time.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (18 April 2024)

You will suffer disappointment- as recognition and rewards that you were expecting- get postponed. Unhappiness may be
the cause of physical and mental illness. Involve yourself in some donation and charity work for mental peace. Do not volunteer to
spend- otherwise you will reach home with empty pockets. Today's entertainment should include sports activities and outdoor events.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (18 April 2024)

A day full of happiness when spouse makes efforts to give joy. Show your love by placing flower at your window. Health of
your spouse may cause reason for stress and anxiety. Unable to cross the social barriars. Partnership projects will create more problems
than positive results- You will be especially angry with yourself for allowing someone to take advantage of you.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (18 April 2024)

Today you will stop a heart from breaking. Difficult to kill your time without beloved. Certain important work will come to a
halt due to bleak financial position. No need to worry about you health today. You are likely to earn through most unexpected sources.
You are likely to make a conscious effort to improve yourself in every possible way to give joy to family.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (18 April 2024)

You will like to overspend on others. A spiritual leader or an elder provides guidance. Do not neglect your health especially
avoid liquor. You will have problems hanging on to your money today- Some losses due to carelessness are certain. You may be
overwhelmed by proposing as it unburdens you. Some special efforts would be needed to succeed.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (18 April 2024)

Work tensions still cloud your mind leaving no time for family and friends. Social relationships will be fraught with work,
business and of course, contacts or connections. There may be a mix of business and pleasure. A relationship may grow from a small
seed of contact. Others among you may opt for the privacy of home life, not seeking much from romance.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (18 April 2024)
Today's the day to choose a course that lets you do one or more of these things. Try to avoid clashes with authority as much
as possible. In fact you will impress those of the opposite gender. This is a good time to get into a new relationship. Let truth speak for
itself today. Be guided by your inner voice. At home you are likely to renew old meaningful relations.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (18 April 2024)

Re-evaluate the situation and move forward once you know the truth. The day could upset friends or family members who
have been looking forward to this visit. Excessive spending on gifts will only upset your budget. Positive feedback that you've been
expecting may keep you highly charged. Today the best health gift you can give yourself is to quit smoking.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (18 April 2024)

Play a game of any outdoor sport which you both enjoy. Daytime will be favorable for relaxing and involving yourself in
creative hobbies. Today your charms will be captivating. Try not to overspend when you go out. Communication from a distant relative
will bring happy new s for entire family. The key to succeed at workplace is just to be patient and concentrate in work.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (18 April 2024)

Elders and children in the family will demand more attention from you. Excellent day to show your skills and talents. You will
accomplish a great deal if you seek support from family members. Travelling will prove beneficial for improving relations.
Communication with authority figures is enhanced. Urgent official work will keep you on the move. Avoid arguments or discussion
that could tarnish your image.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (18 April 2024)

A business trip can prove quite fruitful. There is no better way to learn to begin when you are with others. You avoid healthy
discussions and do not want to focus on practical matters. Have some self control and remember tomorrow is another day and a new
perspective. You will have new insights as you observe others. You are thinking about future financial opportunities and travel.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (17 April 2024)

Those who are editor, journalist or programmer they will have the best opportunities to prove their creativeness. Your good
fortune is definitely with you and will match your footsteps. Any type of speculation or gambling will prove lucky and you will earn a
good amount of money. Investment in assets or shares will also prove to be good. Job front you may expect hike in salary or position.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (17 April 2024)

It is advisable for you to spend some time with family and friends to keep yourself busy. This is a positive day for you. Money
and work side you are at top but on the personal front it’s a bad phase. You will have a new vigor, which you will put in work.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (17 April 2024)

You will focus more on finances or in investment. Set up a schedule to better organize matters. Documents and letters
should be read twice before mailing them. Blessings from elders are likely to make a big difference in life. Today you will have to be
very diplomatic and tactful to get the work done in friend circle.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (17 April 2024)

Outgoings, gifts and parties in store for youngsters today. Cut your traveling time by making trips by plane. The time you
save will be well worth the financial expense. Your job is to sort out what is realistic and what is not and concentrate on the important
matters. You may be experiencing confusion over your financial affairs.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (17 April 2024)

You may do some thinking on how you can become more invested in your life. There is spiritual growth but not so much
practical achievement, although your access to strong networks is a plus. Better budgeting is forecasted. Your thoughts and ideas may
seem repressive and limiting. There are new ideas and opportunities coming your way. There will be much discussion in the day ahead.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (17 April 2024)

Your financial sector is highlighted in a positive way today. Someone in the family or in your close circle of friends will take on
a more communicative way of interacting with you. A Few unexpected changes in career may happen. You feel a love of order and
enjoy succeeding at what you set out to accomplish. You feel stuck in a mind-set.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (17 April 2024)

Your eyes are so bright that they can light up a dark night of your lover. Today you will have the stamina and the know-how
to raise your earning power. Your are likely to enjoy the success of other people by praising them. Be watchful of your valuables, as
you're likely to be forgetful today. Elders may want to make decisions about your welfare, which you may feel interfere with your plans.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (17 April 2024)

Rest assured, you are going to hit the target. Success is knocking your doors today, not at home but at office. On the other
hand, you must avoid stressful discussions with family members. Although you are very practical by nature, today emotions will be
driving you. You may be very touchy and soft today. This will keep you in good humour throughout the day.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (17 April 2024)

Your love needs a more passionate, more exciting response from you. Your care and concern for immediate family members
may increase. The early days may put you in mind of an upcoming vacation. Job affairs will not be demanding much to complete work.
Indulge in a pastime that lets you express yourself in any way. Work may offer a relief from personal problems. Interesting activities
unfold for some of you.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (17 April 2024)

You are an apple of many eyes because of your airs and graces. It is a day to take quick decisions, as time once gone never
comes back. You will take some very important decisions of your life today and this will help you in shaping your future. Ensure that
you choose the right direction and the right path, as this will only help you in future.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (17 April 2024)

Any document you sign without going through each and every line of the agreement, could pose a problem for you. A
marriage proposal or an engagement which was expected to bring joy to the family may have to be cancelled due to unavoidable
circumstances. But this will only be a blessing in disguise as you realize later. A road accident, especially while driving or crossing the
road cannot be ruled out today.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (17 April 2024)

Best possible efforts can fetch maximum gains in life. An encouraging and productive day for you. Your official work may
sound like a tough nut to crack. You may expect others to match your caliber. It is advisable for you to avoid high expectation to stay
happy. You will utilize your verbal communication skills to convince someone important.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (16 April 2024)

You may have the perfect project but need a partner for this firm and with that bank loan. Just concentrate on your ideas
and scheme to work practically. Make sure you avoid all forms of sugar and fried snacks while trying to lose weight. Monetary position
is likely to improve, enabling to clear pending dues. Ailments would positively respond to treatment.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (16 April 2024)

You will communicate a lot with people around you about your future plans and aims in life. Sharing is at high. You may have
to look at financial problems and may have to take loans for starting your desired project. Unfortunately, planetary positions are not so
conducive to fulfil your desires. Your theme will be initiating new ventures will full of vigor and not neglecting the old ones.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (16 April 2024)

It’s an easygoing time and you will get all the emotional support from your loved ones. These relationships will prove fruitful
and long lasting. You are more chilled out rather than taking tension in small problems. You will take problems in more mature way
and will try to solve them rather than regretting over them. You will find the key and move it towards the end point.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (16 April 2024)

You must also take ventures, which were postponed due to lack of ideas. You will have kind and harmonious interactions
with people of your interest. New innovativeness and creativeness will come in your work and you may try your level best for
advertising of your product. All you need is the back up from your loved ones and guarantee that you are doing right things.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (16 April 2024)

You will have smile on your face and may feel everything nice. You will have the courage to maintain pace with your work.
You will do overtime at work and you will enjoy doing it, as you want the set goal to be achieved sooner. In all this don’t forget your

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (16 April 2024)

Keep a check on your hot temper. You will become broad minded and will look at the things more liberally and with proper
understanding. Personal life will be full of colors you will have great sharing of ideas and thus a strong bonding will be developed. You
may be busy planning for starting of your new business plan or the goal you want to achieve.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (16 April 2024)

Your ego may play a spoilsport in everything you do. Emotions are at high you will express everything to your love and you
will come more close to your love as never before. You may invest money in public issues or shares or any good bank policies. This will
be good for secure future. Your time is split into two your work and your family.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (16 April 2024)

Your colleagues and your beloved both want your time. You may balance between the two. Even if you are working, you may
be in a mood to cheer up or cut back and relax for a while. Friends and family may demand your attention. Real estate dealings are
likely to remain on the profitable side. Money in hand would enable to rapidly expand business.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (16 April 2024)

The day is very exciting and stimulating for you, as you will have many new opportunities and deals, which you were longing
for, in your way. You may come across new people, which would be very useful professional. Enjoying the company of a cute friend is
likely to take romantic imagination to scaling heights. Following traditional weight loss methods would enable to get rid of obesity

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (16 April 2024)

Public relations and partner can top your priority list today. Have a lot of faith in god this will give you peace of mind and god
will help you to achieve the least expected thing. You get out of anxiety chant mantra or do meditation. You will be having good time
with love, spouse.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (16 April 2024)

You are getting more emotional in both professional and personal life. Friends help your plans go smoothly. It is not time to
break free of any ruts that hold you back. Your curiosity is high at the moment and you are ready to discover new things. Work and
other responsibilities are particularly irksome to you at this time.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (16 April 2024)

You need some time to yourself, to be in a kind of cocoon, shut the doors to the outside world and stay calm for a while. You
are on the road to greater strength and wellbeing. Start communicating with others and you will realize that you don't have the same
outlook on things. New opportunities will surely knock at your door.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (15 April 2024)

Your plans will go without a hitch. You are in a combative, energetic mood. As things change and evolve, you will have to be
more flexible in your working practices. You need to fulfill your feelings of wanderlust by planning a trip. There is only one way to find
out what you really want to know, and that's to confront the person involved.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (15 April 2024)

You are inclined to keep your thoughts to yourself. You have little control of your emotions at this time. You can't be friends
with everyone, but once you have opened up to someone, it's for life. If finances seem to be slow, don't panic. It is advisable for you not
to be overemotional today.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (15 April 2024)
You are in a mood to change your attitude towards this world. This will help you perform well in each area of life.
Reconstruction or renovation of house is possible. In short, it is favourable day for you. Time may be spent after certain things for
earning benefits. There may be some variations in your mood, which can make you somewhat irritated at times.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (15 April 2024)

As the day progresses, you may gain control over your bad temper. Today is a loving and dreamy day for you. You will try hard
to please and satisfy your sweetheart. You may earn respect and admiration of people around you due to your creativity and
intelligence. You will get the dividends of your deeds.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (15 April 2024)

You happily help others and feel glad to see their progress. You should try to divide your time between your work and family.
Confusion is highlight of the day. You are probably not in frame of mind to take firm decisions. Best is to avoid finalising anything
today and go with the routine flow of work.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (15 April 2024)

A great combination of creativity and confidence will help you earn accolades in your life. You may face every situation with
courage if you keep patience today. All your energies can be used in your professional life. You might earn some extra gains in the
second half of the day. Even the smallest of your effort can fetch you the biggest of benefit.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (15 April 2024)

An old friendship or relationship can be re-established towards end of the day. Some of you will get an opportunity to travel
abroad on invitation from a distant friend. Personal relationships with spouse are quite satisfactory. Natural remedies allow you to feel
full of energy and help you to relax your frail nerves. New revenues are just around the corner.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (15 April 2024)

This is the best day for you to apply for a loan. You may be a little stubborn at the beginning of the day. Your head strong
attitude may make you somewhat impatient making you react spontaneously to adverse situations. However as the day progresses,
your focus will get shifted to money matters. Try to choose the right investment option for your hard earned money.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (15 April 2024)

You might desire for taking unachievable targets today. Your trustworthy nature will help you earn the love and respect of
elders in the first part of the day. You will concentrate mainly on beauty in the second half of the day. You might wish to spend some
time in a beauty salon in the evening. Your elegance may come forth.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (15 April 2024)

You want things perfect and may ensure whether everything is going in the right direction or not. Fortune will smile on you
today. Profits come through children. You may bring in new business strategy to succeed. Your father will help you in getting
remuneration and commendation. Overseas tour may materialize later in the day. You must take proper rest and eat on time to remain

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (15 April 2024)

It would be in your interest not to allow imagination to run completely out of control. The gentle invasion of technology will
prop you to seek IT literacy. It is especially inadvisable where risky investment schemes are concerned. Now you have regular bills to
meet as well as increased ones during the coming season. Do not get involved in ventures that seem doubtful.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (15 April 2024)

Your relationship with important clients and business associates will improve. Some decision at work will be difficult. Don't
take any situation at work too personally. You will get easily excited over small issues, so watch what you say. Not a very good day to
finalize important deals. You will appreciate this later on. Take special care about your health as you recover from physical illness after a
long time.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) (13 April 2024)
You may work in tandem with others to complete joint or common tasks, or perhaps you'll do it alone, giving your all through
sustained concentration. You will have to deal with situations in a very professional manner if you deal with the public. There may be an
unexpected development or change at the professional front that will affect your situation.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20) (13 April 2024)

You may be put in charge of continuing an existing project. Be ready to face the challenge. A social meeting is expected. This
gathering may bring you many gains. The day is expected to be very active. You are likely to remain busy for the whole day because of
work pressure. Financial matters may corner you today. You may feel more expressive with others.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) (13 April 2024)

This is a good time to come to grips with the past understand, accept and give it a sense of closure. Any project begun now
has the potential of being quite successful. This is a lucky day for you. You may miss an important opportunity to progress and move
forward. There are long-standing issues that are ready to end now. It is in taking chances and big rewards.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21) (13 April 2024)

Tensions are high around you and taking an attitude of patience and understanding will benefit you and those around you
immensely. There are some possibilities of gaining insight, speed or answers to some long-time search you have been conducting. You
show a great deal of patience in trying to figure out and fight some difficulty. You are working at top form and you may have little
patience with anything that restricts your movements.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) (13 April 2024)

Some unexpected responsibilities may come to your attention. Your wishing mind is focused that can take you in many
positive directions. This can be an excellent time for travel. You and your friends will find time to enjoy some time together. Your
management abilities are in high focus. You can continue to move forward in a positive way is to let go of some past difficulties.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (13 April 2024)

There is a focus on the practical, the successful, the pragmatic--whatever it takes to get you ahead in the end. You need to
flex your mental muscles. You may find hard to express your feelings. Defer new project and expenses. Do not allow the feeling of
frustration overtake you. Generally, this is a fruitful day.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) (13 April 2024)

Today is one of those days when things will not move the way you want. For a contented life improve your mental toughness.
Financial gains-which were expected today-get delayed. Sort out your tension for mental peace. Today instead of just sitting around-
why not get involved in something- which will improve your earning power.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22) (13 April 2024)

It may look like a tall order at this moment but it will be to your advantage. Watch your use of the credit card as the day
advances. Your plans and ideas will be subject to radical revisions, significant changes, and you may have to make some forced
adjustments. Something you had counted on may suddenly disappear. You are also apt to hear a totally unsuspected side about
someone or something.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21) (13 April 2024)

You will be inclined to take the initiative or to head out on your own, but your low energy levels will not allow this. Take a
break, may be stay at home and regain your strength and then make use of your leadership role. Businessmen will have to recruit
professionals who are interested in taking initiatives in their related fields. Time to seek comfort from nature to energize & de-stress

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) (13 April 2024)

You are in a festive mood, and your happy mood is contagious others join in the fun with you. Hard work and concentrated
effort are difficult for you now, and productivity at work is likely to decrease, particularly if your line of work requires concentrated
effort. You seriously regret your purchases and excesses.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21) (13 April 2024)

Put some vitality into your job and you will see how much it pays off for you. Put a little energy into your social life and you
could meet someone new and exciting. This could probably be the beginning of a relationship. Wait for the other person to take the
first move and the wait will not be too long.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19) (13 April 2024)

It is the time when you are determined to explore a new area of action. This could even mean looking at your own strengths
and working on these. Research, more study on a particular project which you are planning to start, will give you an advantage over
your competitors. Keep to your methodical routine of handling issues and you will see that the sky is the limit for success.


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