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U n it 4

Prepositions of Place
e t s

L arn!
Prepositions of place tell you where something is.
✽The computer is on the desk.
✽We're under the stairs.
✽The pen is in the box.

Prepositions of place

at The post office is located

at No. 215 Young Street.

on I live on the 3nd floor of that building.

in Tigers live in the zoo.

above My name is above yours on the list.


below My weight is below average.

under A dog is sitting under the chair.

inside I am inside the classroom.

outside I can't go outside after 9:00 at night.


Prepositions of Place
Choose the correct answers. 1
1 The pizza is the box. 2
A in B at C on 3 Beav
Stree r
2 The pizza is the box.

A under B in C on
3 Doris lives No. 4433 Beaver Street.
A beside B on C at

Fill in the blanks. 1 2

1 Penny lives Beaver Town. 4
2 Jerry lives Australia.
3 She lives Tree Street. 3 Tree

4 John is studying the library.

5 He is sitting the chair. 5

Fill in the blanks with in, at, on, or to.

1 We stayed home last night.
2 My aunt is France.
3 Luc wasn't school yesterday.
4 Mom walked home from work yesterday.
5 My uncle lives London.
6 Flora always sits the same chair.

Circle the correct preposition.

1 Doris' bedroom is (on / above) the second floor.
2 Owen is hiding (behind / in) the door.
3 My schoolbag is (next to / in) the TV.
4 Gordon is standing (between / in front of) Shawn and me.
5 Michelle is hiding (above / under) the bed.
Try More
Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

Where do you live?

A : I live No. 215 Apple Street.

I live the 3 floor.

B : Really?!

I live Flower Street.

A : That is my street.

We can visit each other.

Prepositions of Place
Oral practice
Choose any objects in your class and describe their position using

Teacher : Where is the pen? Student : The pen is on my desk

1 eraser, on

2 lunch bag, under

3 marker, inside

4 jacket, in

5 school bag, below

Write the answers to each question.

Share your answers with a partner.

1 Where were you born?

2 Where are you living currently?

3 Where is Seattle?

4 Where is the bank?

5 Where is your school?

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