Inversion 4

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By Teacher Chang Duyen

1. Preposition + V + S
The rain poured down and the umbrellas went up.
=> Down poured the rain and up went the umbrellas.
2. However + adj/adv S + V, S+ V: Bât
kê…, thì…

However hard he may try, he can’t reach the target.

= Hard as/though he may try, he can’t reach the target.

Con lưu ý ở cấu trúc này con chỉ đảo tính từ hoặc
trạng từ lên, chứ không đảo động từ/trợ động từ.
3. So adj/adv + auxiliary + S+ V that + clause
Such + tobe + S that + clause
Ex1: The storm was so Ex 2: He spoke so fast
strong that it destroyed that no one could
many houses. understand him.
=> So strong was the storm
that it destroyed many => So fast did he speak that
houses. no one could understand
=> Such was the storm that him.
it destroyed many houses.

Con lưu ý: Such = so strong/ so much/ so great

4. Adj + tobe + S/Clause
Important is how you can stay focused on your target.

(Điều quan trọng là con tập trung như thế nào vào mục tiêu của mình)

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