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Gage Solano

Tech Integration

Dr. Mahoney


The new gym/fitness room that has come out called Beginner Muscle and Fitness Is designed for

beginner and or intermediate lifters or fitness enjoyers. I say this because it has every basic fitness

equipment set coming with 3 bench sets, 3 punching bags, 3 treadmills, 2 racks of dumbbells in the

middle of the room, some TVs to keep you entertained while lifting, and 2 ladder sets. This gym is mostly

set for beginner to intermediate lifters because it only has basic weightlifting and cardio machines so

that you can focus on getting form and technique down so master lifts and get into better shape. I also

laid it out so there is enough space to walk, lift, and even talk in peace and no clutter. I left the middle of

the room almost open so there is plenty of space to travel through the room without a problem and I

also placed the bench racks in the back of the room isolated from every other machine so that incase of

weight being dropped, there is no problem in making contact with any other machine or person. As you

walk in there will be a check-in desk to the left where you can start your membership for just $10 a

month, then there will be punching bags close to a mirror, but no contact will be made with the safe bar

on the punching bags. Also, I put the world-famous treadmills in the corner with plenty of room in case

of accidents and failures. Next, there are windows placed around the building to get some good lighting

and sunlight into the room. Lastly, I installed a bathroom and storage room in the corner in case of need

to use the restroom, and the storage for cleaning supplies and water. In case of emergency there is an

emergency exit door in the back of the room.

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