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Writing Purpose of Study: TIPS

1. First part should answer “What makes you love Japan and Nihongo?” Tell a story.
Talk about your childhood memories, your love for Japanese Foods, Anime, Manga,
Sakura, Mt. Fuji etc.
2. Second part should answer “What makes you decide to study Nihongo in Japan?”
a. Journey about learning Nihongo
3. Third. What is your goal in Studying Nihongo? Do you want to get the N1 level? Or
just want to enhance your Japanese Language Skills etc.
4. Fourth. What are your plans after graduation? – WORK OR STUDY IN JAPAN
IF WORK, should at least in line with the profession or interpreter Job.
5. Fifth. Why did you choose to study in Sapporo and in Sapporo Language Center?
(example only)
6. Sixth, make a smooth transition and talk about who will support your study in Japan.
If you are married, explain who will take care of your kids, that your application is
supported by your husband and wife.
7. Last statement. “I hope and pray that this application will be granted” make this

PS All the above stated points should be seen in your purpose of study.

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