SPA122 Setup4Fax Use Guide

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Cisco SPA122 set up for FAX use.

1. Login to Web Configuration with Admin account using any standard web

2. Click “Voice” tab and then click on “Line 1” Menu option located on left panel .
3. Fill-in the following;
Line Enbaled: yes

Proxy and Registration

Proxy: IP address of PBX:PORT (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:1005)

Subscriber Information
Display Name: Extension Number
Password: Extension Number Password
Auth ID: Extension Number
User ID: Extension Number
User Auth ID: no

Audio Configuration
Preferred Codec: G711a or G711u
FAX V21 Detect Enable: no
FAX CNG Detect Enable: no
FAX Codec Symetric: no
FAX Passthru Method: None
FAX Process NSE: no
FAX Disable ECAN: yes
FAX T38 ECM Enable: no
Modem Line: yes
Echo Canc Enable: no
FAX Passthru Codec: G711a or G711u
FAX Enable T38: no
FAX T38 Return to Voice: yes
4. Once completed, click “Submit.

5. For devices that register to PBX remotely, please enable NAT related options in
SIP section.

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