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1.1 November

1.1.1 (2020-11-17 11:40)

im so sorry
killer queen/reader ; NSFW/18+

i literally had a dream about this and my mind would not shut up until i wrote it im
sorry, this is so self indulgent

“Killer Queen,” The words drifted from your lips, barely above a whisper. The Stand in question
was quite literally sprawled on top of you, its hands playfully toying with your hair. You placed
a hand on its head, softly scratching the spots behind its ears.
This isn’t the first time that Queen has done this to you. It was quite frequent, being that every
time Kira let his guard down at home, his Stand would immediately latch onto you.
It was cute.
It made you feel so loved, knowing that Killer Queen was essentially your husband’s soul, only
more cat-like and emotional. Yoshikage wasn’t the most clingy person in the world, but the
fact that his stand decided to cuddle up with you said practically everything.
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Plus, Kira was a busy man. He liked to keep up his routine, and sometimes, spending quality
time with you wasn’t quite possible. It’s not that it mattered much though, he was certainly
doing his best, and that’s what counted in your eyes.
Killer Queen let out a purr, its hands moving away from your hair and towards your chest.
Sometimes, Queen would fall asleep against your chest, meaning that Yoshikage was most
likely dozing off wherever he was in the house. It always managed to warm your heart.
But tonight was different.
It was a subtle difference in how Queen was acting– its eyes blown out and wide, curious. Its
hands were no different, moving slowly down to your chest, watching as they ran over your
breasts, softly kneading the material of your shirt.
Killer Queen hadn’t done this before, despite being very touchy-feely with you. The stray gasp
that left your lips caused the Stand to stop, its eyes quickly going to your face. It watched you
silently, their hands still sitting on your chest.
Your cheeks felt incredibly hot.
Why was Queen doing this?
And why was it bringing out such a reaction from you?
It’s not like you were touch starved or anything. Kira was a good husband, he took care of the
many– uh, needs that you had. But, if you were thinking clearly, it had been a week or so since
you last had the chance to get your husband alone.
Yoshikage had been working more overtime lately, as well as bringing home some paperwork
to do.
Would it be so bad to indulge in this?
Killer Queen was technically your husband’s soul, after all.
In the time you were thinking, Killer Queen was studying every slight movement of your body.
When you finally came to the conclusion that you could enjoy this, you relaxed back into the
couch. Another tranquil purr was heard, followed by gentle gropes of your chest.
Being slightly curious yourself, you let your hands slide up the Stand’s thighs, feeling the almost
velvet like skin. The shiver that racked Killer Queen’s body surprised you, their eyes sliding
shut momentarily.
That’s when you remembered.
Kira can feel whatever happens to Queen. Kira can also feel anything that Queen touches.
Did that mean your husband had been feeling you up this whole time?
The thought alone was enough to make your thighs clench together. Killer Queen’s hands
trailed lower, moving to slip under your shirt. Its hands traced your exposed skin, sharp claws
scraping against your flesh.
God, you could get used to this.
Their hands quickly found your bra, then stopped. Its bright pink eyes sparkled with curiosity,
before practically ripping the material of your shirt in half.
“Queen!” You gasped, your hands gripping their thighs with fever. As soon as your bra was
exposed, the curiosity in its eyes was back. A single clawed digit ran across the underwire,
playing with the small lace bow that was stitched between the cups.
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Your face quickly heated up again, watching as the Stand played with it, before dipping a claw
under the material. Within moments, the article was ripped in half, falling loose on your chest.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, before looking up Queen.
Its soft pink eyes dragged across your breasts, almost studying them. Soon enough, it’s gloved
hands were groping your skin, with the gentlest touch. You quickly bit your lip to quiet a moan,
the flesh of their fingertips felt delicious.
Your fingers gracefully felt their way up the Stand’s thighs once more, touching softly along the
ridges in its skin. You briefly wondered if a Stand could even have genitals. It seemed rather
nonsensical, they were only a figment of a person’s soul– but you still wondered.
You let your eyes run over the being on top of you, their bright pink eyes still focused on your
chest. Despite the obvious cat ears on it’s head, Killer Queen was built like a human. A wide
chest and toned abs, chiseled arms and legs– oh.
It seemed like you had gotten your answer.
Between the Stand’s legs, almost obscured by the belt it wore around their hips was its cock.
It definitely wasn’t human, ridges lining the shaft and small bumps lining the tip. It was also
decently bigger than your husband’s, from what you could tell.
Killer Queen must have noticed your attention on it, as their hips pushed down and rocked
against your pelvis. You didn’t even realize how worked up you had gotten until a harsh moan
was ripped from your throat, your pulse practically thumping in your ears. They continued their
motions, hands moving from your breasts down to your hips, claws digging into the flesh just
Holy fuck.
You couldn’t help but open your legs, letting Queen have more access. It felt so good, pressing
up against your clothed core deliciously. Before it resumed grinding against you, one of their
hands quickly unclasped the belt, letting it fall to the couch with a dull thud.
You didn’t know how much longer you could last.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to wait.
Killer Queen’s claws gripped the waistband of your pants, almost tearing them right off your
body. With minor adjustments, you managed to slip out of them, leaving yourself completely
naked in front of them.
“Killer Queen,” You barely breathed, your hands moving to grasp at their shoulders.
You could feel your arousal practically dripping onto the couch, their eyes watching you like a
hawk. Within moments your position was moved, Killer Queen flipping you onto your stomach.
Their claws slowly traced your back, down to your ass, before pulling your legs apart.
Arching your back just slightly, you tried hard not to let your excitement show, but when the
tip of Queen’s cock teased your entrance, it was hard not to be impatient. You gasped at the
feeling, the feel of its skin completely different and alien to you.
Killer Queen’s hips leaned forward just slightly, pressing against your hole. One of their hands
smoothed its way up your back, tangling in your hair and pressing your face into the cushion.
Without even a second passing, Queen pressed into you, sliding it’s cock between your folds
with extreme precision.
It felt like heaven.
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Gasps fell from your lips, only to be muffled by the couch. The small bumps and ridges felt
amazing, rubbing up against your walls and pressing into all your sweet spots. They were
stretching you, and a spike of pleasure ran up your spine from the burn.
You briefly wondered what Yoshikage was feeling.
With a firm thrust from Killer Queen’s hips, that train of thought easily fell off the rails.
The Stand didn’t wait more than a minute for you to adjust, pulling out their cock and slamming
back in with rushed fever. You quickly planted your foot on the floor, desperately trying to meet
their thrusts.
Killer Queen’s hands moved to the couch cushion, its claws digging into the material. You
couldn’t hold back your voice, letting out harsh whines with every snap of the Stand’s hips.
You’ve used some odd toys before, but nothing has ever felt like this.
“God, fuck, Queen…!” You almost screamed, their cock easily hitting your g-spot. With your
loud whimpers and cries they continued to hit it mercilessly, digging its claws deeper into the
cushion. You felt a familiar tingle in your abdomen, like a burning coil tightening, ready to burst
at any moment.
Yoshikage has never managed to make you cum like this.
With another harsh thrust, your vision went white. Your orgasm hit hard, rushing over your
body like a wave. Your legs shook under you, high pitched moans leaving your lips.
You clenched hard around Killer Queen, and with a few more hurried thrusts, you felt something
warm spread inside you. Did they actually cum inside you? How was that possible?
Not having the energy to question any further, you let your body relax against the couch.
Queen pulled out of you gently, its claws moving to softly run down your back.
Hurried footsteps were heard from the hall, and you turned your head towards the door.
Kira quickly came to the doorway, looking completely and utterly fucked. His pants were un-
buckled, something staining the lavender fabric. Tie discarded and the first few buttons of his
shirt were undone.
His cheeks were painted pink, and blond hair tousled and sweaty.
“I–” He started, this voice shaking and uneven.
“I didn’t know that was possible.” You said, your body and mind too exhausted to really com-
prehend anything. Your husband’s eyes widened, before he ran a hand through his curls.
“I didn’t either.”

1.1.2 Question: Hello~! I just got this funky idea. Imagine while the Stardust Cru-
saders are in Hong Kong, they just tour around for a while.... (2020-11-17 12:21)

Hello ! I just got this funky idea. Imagine while the Stardust Crusaders are in Hong Kong, they
just tour around for a while. Y/N finds a cute boutique that tailor cheongsams for women, and
while looking around, the employees and manager are looking at her and how adorably cute
and pretty she is. And they’re like ’hey, what about we have you try some for free and give
you a free makeover?’ And obvs Y/N can’t pass that up so she does. Jotaro and Joseph look
for her, and she just. Steps out of the dressing room with 2 side hairbuns and a cheongsam
with heels and completely flusters Joot? She asks him how she looks. Jotaro’s soul has left his
body. (just thought it’d be cute, sorry it’s so long!)
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