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Development is the process of growth and change in physical (body

changes), cognitive (thinking and understanding of the world),
and psychosocial (personality and social skill) aspects that every
individual person experiences starting from the moment they are born.

Human Development- focuses on scientific study of the systematic processes of change and stability
in people. In short Studying how a person change over time. Paano ba nagbabago ang isang tao.
Hindi ito isahan it is lifespan buong buhay ng tao in a way na ang human development is a wide field
of scientific study.It focuses on change along the way kaya malaki ang sakop ng human

Developmental Scientist look at ways in which peoplw change from conception through maturity as
well as at characteristics that remain fairly stable.


Theories are set of general statements used to explain facts. When applied to development, a theory
provides a framework for observing, interpreting, and explaining changes in the child over time.
There are a number of ideas that explain human development. Conflicting ideas have been raised
and are open for discussion for them in a way or the other exolain the changes that happen as the
individual grows and develops. The following are some conflicitng theories that made discussion on
child development more interesting

1. Nature vs Nurture
- This controversy pertains to two opposite ideas on child development. Nature points to the
ideas that genetic make-uo the parent has endowed to the child as early as conception is an
important factor in the child’s development. On the other hand, nurture is the kind of
environment that child is subjected that contributes to development.
- Yung idea ng Nature vs. Nurture is parang Heredity vs Environment
- Kapag sinabing nature ito yung herefity o yung galing sa magulang natin na traits or physical
appearance na nakuha natin sa ating mga magulang, while on the other hand ang Nurture
naman ay ang ating environment. Nakukuha natin yung traits natin from the people that
surrounds us.
- Epigenetic- the tendency of our genes to change as we develop or due to the influence of
the environment
- Kayo ba guys ano sa tingin ninyo ang may mas epekto sa development natin, ang nurture o
2. Continuous vs. Discontinuos
- One part of this conflicting idea about child development shows that development is a
continuous process that occurs gradually in small increments. The other part says that
development is made up of a series of discrete stages that represent major and abrupt
transformations in functioning.
- Kapag sinabi nating Continuos ito ay ang pagtuloy-tuloy at ang kabaliktaran naman nito ay
ang Discontinuous o ang hindi tuloy-tuloy.
- Continuous- Isang proseso na binubuo ng unti unting pagdaragdag sa higit pa ng parehong
mga uri ng kasanayan na naroon upang magsimula.
- Discontinous- Proseso kung saan ang mga bagong paraan ng pag unawa at pagtugon sa
- ang mundo ay lumilitaw sa partikular na mga panahon.
- Continuity understands development as similar to traveling up a
mountain; growth as gradual, continuous, and cumulative.
Discontinuity refers to viewing developments as walking upstairs;
there are defined stages that are different from the preceding and
proceeding one.
- Oak see to Oak tree – c
- Metamorphosis- D


MATURATION- the unfolding of a natural sequence of physical changes

and behavior patterns

As children grow into adolescents and then into adults, individual

differences in innate characteristics and life experience play a greater
- Passivity holds the idea that a child is a passive organism that is simply shaped by the genetic
composition or by the environmental influences.
- In contrast, activity holds the belief that children are active agents who shape, control, and
direct their own development.
- Passivity is parang go with the flow lang, kung anong naririnig niya sa environment niya kung
ano yung traits na nasa magulang niya ayon lang yung meron siya.
- Kapag naman yung activity, ang isang bata o ang isang tao mismo ang gumagawa ng action
niya para matuto, para malaman niya ang isang bagay at para ms lumawak pa yung ideas


- This opposite perspective shows the belief that early experience contributes a lot to the
development of the child. Psycoanalytic theorist give focus on what developed and
established during the early childhood period. According to Freud , much of a child’s
personality is completely established by the age of five.
- On the other hand, researchers have found that the influence of childhood does not
necessarily have a dominating effet over behavior throughout the life of the individual.
Improvements have been observed in those individuals who have not so good experiences
during their childhood. They hve developed and become normally adjusted individuals later
in their lives.

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