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Fergusson College (Autonomous)

Department of Computer Science

Project Review Sheet

1. Student Name : Shubham Krushna Pahu

2. Student Contact Number: 8551008406

3. Class and Division : MSc. Computer Application

4. Company Name : Paarsh Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

5. Project Manager Name : Tushar Pagare

6. Project Manager
Contact Number : 9860988343

7. Project Topic :

Date: From: 20/02/2024 To : 24/02/2024

Summary of the Work Done :

This week focused on fundamental concepts in JavaScript, particularly concerning

string manipulation, array methods, and loops.

1. Strings:

- Introduced the concept of strings as sequences of characters.

- Demonstrated various string manipulation techniques, including concatenation, slicing, and

accessing individual characters.

- Highlighted the immutability of strings and the importance of methods like `toUpperCase()`,
`toLowerCase()`, and `trim()`.

2. Arrays:

- Introduced arrays as ordered collections of values.

- Covered essential array methods:

- `push()`: Appends new elements to the end of an array.

- `pop()`: Removes the last element from an array.

- `shift()`: Removes the first element from an array.

- `unshift()`: Adds new elements to the beginning of an array.

3. Loops:

- Discussed the significance of loops in JavaScript for repetitive tasks.

- Covered different types of loops, including `for` loops and `while` loops.

- Demonstrated loop control statements such as `break` and `continue`.

Activities and Assignments:

- Completed coding exercises to practice string manipulation techniques.

- Implemented array methods in various scenarios, including managing a list of items.

- Created loops to iterate over arrays and perform specific actions on each element.

- Solved coding challenges involving string manipulation, array operations, and loop control.

Next Steps:

- Consolidate understanding by applying learned concepts in real-world projects.

- Explore advanced topics such as array iteration methods (`forEach()`, `map()`, `filter()`, etc.) and
nested loops.
- Review additional resources and documentation to deepen understanding and address any lingering

Signature of Student :


Signature of Teacher :

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