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Ignacio Morales Dominguez


Module/submodel: Linear Programming
Problem title: (untitled)
Objective: Maximize

Linear Programming Results

The solution is unbounded

Cj Basic Variables Quantity 1X1 -1X2 0slack 1 0slack 2

Iteration 1

0 slack 1 50 -1 2 1 0

0 slack 2 50 -2 1 0 1

zj 0 0 0 0 0

cj-zj 1 -1 0 0


Original Problem
Maximize X1 X2
Constraint 1 -1 2 <= 50
Constraint 2 -2 1 <= 50

Dual Problem
Constraint 1 Constraint 2
Minimize 50 50
X1 -1 -2 >= 1
X2 2 1 >= -1

martes, 23 de abril de 2024 21:17 1 of 1

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