Lounge June 13

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Notes from lounge meeting by Dr.Sachin and Dr.

Amit June 13:

We Explored questions on what motivates a person to stay consistent on practicing techniques

and the journey of overcoming stammering mindset in general;open and closed ended

Primary factors :(motivations to stay consistent on the journey):

1.Belief: A strong sense of belief that overcoming stammering and communicating effectively is
a possibility open for all irrespective of our current realities. (Helps feelings of helplessness, and
victim mindset)

2.Pain: Negative experiences in life that either made us feel humiliated or sad or dejected, our
failures , rejections and act as fuel to stay consistent and regular on the journey and with

Secondary factors:(compliments primary factors and boosts the chances of staying consistent
for longer time):

1.Mentors: Having people who have already been through the journey sharing their
experiences and pointing out common pitfalls and motivating you along the way.

2.A sense of community: People on the same journey can motivate each other and share their
growth to inspire others, and likelihood of staying consistent increases due to a supportive

3.Reflection: Journaling can help greatly so see if we are progressing on the journey, dr Amit
says to track our everyday avoidances, victories etc related to speech, to see if we’re going
forward or backward.More like an “AUDIT” for your stammering.(Journaling can be in any form-
written,audio etc).

4.Realistic goals and timelines: Helps us to deal with setbacks and a greater understanding
that growth and improvements in speech need not be a linear function but is rather a nonlinear
or a fluctuating function with spikes and dips empower us to stay motivated.

5.Feedback: Feedbacks from mentors or from those in the community may help us
correct our mistakes either specific to the technique or approach to stuttering in
general.Also Sachin sir says that, negative feedback may hurt us at times,therefore, it is
important to stay receptive and open as well.

6.Resources: Having access to right methodologies , ideas, techniques also play a key
role in staying consistent. Knowing what to do and how much to do- a closed ended
approach works best due to the clarity it provides on specific action points that is
workable over a period of time.

Note:Dr.Amit tells us to consider each of these points in our daily journaling process
and keep track of our speech progress relative to each factor along with our personal
avoidances and victories.

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