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Part I Here are a number of characteristics that may or 39.

___ gets nervous easily

may not apply to you. For example, do you agree that 40. ___ likes to reflect, play with ideas
this person is someone who likes to spend time with 41. ___ has few artistic interests
others? Please write a number next to each statement 42. ___ likes to cooperate with others
to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree 43. ___ is easily distracted
with that statement. 44. ___ is sophisticated in art, music, or literature

Disagree Strongly 1 Disagree a little 2

Neither agree nor disagree 3 Agree a little 4
Part II On the test below, the first word in each line is
Agree Strongly 5
printed in capital letters. Opposite are four other words.
I See Myself as Someone Who . . . Circle the word that means the same thing or most
nearly the same thing, as the first word. A sample has
1. ___ is talkative
been worked out for you. If you don't know, then guess.
2. ___ tends to find fault with others
ALL questions must be answered!
3. ___ does a thorough job
4. ___ is depressed, blue Sample: WRITE work record understand ponder
5. ___ is original, comes up with new ideas
1. TALK draw eat speak sleep
6. ___ is reserved
2. PERMIT allow sew cut drive
7. ___ is helpful and unselfish with others
3. PARDON forgive pound divide tell
8. ___ can be somewhat careless
4. COUCH pin eraser sofa glass
9. ___ is relaxed, handles stress well
5. REMEMBER swim recall number defy
10. ___ is curious about many different things
6. TUMBLE drink dress fall think
11. ___ is full of energy
7. HIDEOUS silvery tilted young dreadful
12. ___ starts quarrels with others
8. CORDIAL swift muddy leafy hearty record
13. ___ is a reliable worker
9. EVIDENT green obvious skeptical afraid
14. ___ can be tense
10. IMPOSTER conductor officer book pretender
15. ___ is ingenious, a deep thinker
11. MERIT deserve distrust fight separate
16. ___ generates a lot of enthusiasm
12. FASCINATE welcome fix stir enchant
17. ___ has a forgiving nature
13. INDICATE defy excite signify bicker
18. ___ tends to be disorganized
14. IGNORANT red sharp uninformed precise
19. ___ worries a lot
15. FORTIFY submerge strengthen vent deaden
20. ___ has an active imagination
16. RENOWN length head fame loyalty
21. ___ tends to be quiet
17. NARRATE yield buy associate tell
22. ___ is generally trusting
18. MASSIVE bright large speedy low
23. ___ tends to be lazy
19. HILARITY laughter speed grace malice
24. ___ is emotionally stable, not easily upset
20. SMIRCHED stolen pointed remade soiled
25. ___ is inventive
21. SQUANDER tease belittle cut waste
26. ___ has an assertive personality
22. CAPTION drum ballast heading ape
27. ___ can be cold and aloof
23. FACILITATE help turn strip bewilder
28. ___ perseveres until the task is done
24. JOCOSE humorous paltry fervid plain
29. ___ can be moody
25. APPRISE reduce strew inform delight
30. ___ values artistic, aesthetic experiences
26. RUE eat lament dominate cure
31. ___ is sometimes shy, inhibited
27. DENIZEN senator inhabitant fish atom
32. ___ is considerate and kind to almost everyone
28. DIVEST dispossess intrude rally pledge
33. ___ does things efficiently
29. AMULET charm orphan dingo pond
34. ___ remains calm in tense situations
30. INEXORABLE untidy involatile rigid sparse
35. ___ prefers work that is routine
31. SERRATED dried notched armed blunt
36. ___ is outgoing, sociable
32. LISSOM moldy loose supple convex
37. ___ is sometimes rude to others
33. MOLLIFY mitigate direct pertain abuse
38. ___ makes plans and follows through with them
34. PLAGIARIZE appropriate intend revoke maintain person.
35. ORIFICE brush hole building lute ____3. When somebody hits me, I hit back.
36. QUERULOUS maniacal curious devout complaining ____4. I get into fights a little more than average
37. PARIAH outcast priest lentil locker person.
38. ABET waken ensue incite placate ____5. If I have to resort to violence to protect my right,
39. TEMERITY rashness timidity desire kindness I will.
40. PRISTINE vain sound first level ____6. There are people who pushed me so far that we
came to blows.
In order to complete 41-60 follow these instructions:
____7. I can't think of good reason for ever hitting a
Each dash (__) calls for either a number or a letter to be
filled in. Every line is a separate item. Take the items in
____8. I have threatened people I know.
order, but don't spend too much time on any one.
____9. I have become so mad I have broken things.
41. 1 2 3 4 5 ___ 18 6 ____10. I tell my friends openly when I disagree with
42. white black short long down ______ them.
43. AB BC CD D__ ____11. I often find myself disagreeing with people.
44. Z Y X W V U ____ ____12. When people annoy me, I may tell them what I
45. 12321 23432 34543 456_ _ think of them.
46. NE/SW SE/NW E/W N/____ ____13. I can't help getting into arguments when people
47. Escape scape cape __ __ __ disagree with me.
48. oh ho rat tar mood __ __ __ __ ____14. My friends say that I'm somewhat
49. A Z B Y C X D __ argumentative.
50. tot tot bard drab 537 __ __ __ ____15. I flare up quickly but get over it quickly.
51. mist is wasp as pint in tone __ __ ____16. When frustrated, I let my irritation show.
52. 57326 73265 32657 26573 __ __ __ __ __ ____17. I sometimes feel like a keg ready to explode.
53. knit in spud up both to stay __ __ ____18. I am an even-tempered person.
54. Scotland landscape scapegoat __ __ __ __ ee ____19. Some of my friends think I'm a hot headed
55. surgeon 1234567 snore 17635 rogue __ __ __ __ __ person.
56. tam tan rib rid rat raw hip __ __ __ ____20. Sometimes I fly off the handle for no good
57. tar pitch throw saloon bar rod fee tip end plank __ reason.
__ __ __ __ meal ____21. I have trouble controlling my temper
58. 3124 82 73 154 46 13__ ____22. I am sometimes eaten up by jealousy.
59. lag leg pen pin big bog rob __ __ __ ____23. At times I feel I have gotten a raw deal out of
60. two w four r one o three __ life.
____24. Other people always seem to get the breaks.
____25. I wonder why sometimes I feel so bitter about
Part IV. Read each statement. Mark how much you things.
agree with each statement using the scale below. Write ____26. I know that my "friends" talk about me behind
your answer on the line provided before the number. my back.
____27. I am suspicious of overly friendly stranger.
1-Extremely uncharacteristic of Me ____28. I sometimes feel that people are laughing at me
2- Somewhat uncharacteristic of Me behind my back.
3- Neither characteristic nor Uncharacteristic of Me ____29. When people are especially nice, I wonder
4- Somewhat characteristic of Me what they want
5-Extremely characteristic of Me

Start here:

____1. Once in a while I can't control the urge to strike

another person.
____2. Given enough provocation, I may hit another
Part II. Using the scale below, indicate how much you
have experienced each situation during the past six ATTITUDE TOWARDS MOTHER
weeks including today Write your answer in the space 5. My mother is the best.
provided before the number. Please answer all 25 items 6. My mother and I, loves cooking together.
7. I think that most mothers are extraordinary.
0= Never 1= Seldom 2- Sometimes 8. I like my mother but I hated her when she
3= Often 4= Always worked abroad.

____1. Feeling sad or blue. Interpretation Guide

____2. Criticizing yourself. 2 = completely rejects and depreciates
____3. Crying spells mother whom he considers over
____4. Feeling discouraged. demanding.
____5. Feeling hopeless. 1 = Sees mother’s fault but accepts and
____6. Low self-esteem. tolerates differences.
____7. Feeling worthless. 0 = express only positive feelings
____8. Shame. towards the mother
____9. Blaming others.
____10. Difficulty making decisions
____11. Loss of interest in family and friends
9. When the odds are against me, I can overcome
____12. Loneliness.
____13. Spending less time with family or friends 10. My family treats me like a mature person.
____14. Loss of motivation 11. Most families I know are strong.
____15. Loss of interest in work or other activities 12. When I was a child, my family struggled a lot
____16. Avoiding work or other activities because my father is sent to jail.
____17. Loss of pleasure or satisfaction in life
____18. Feeling tired Interpretation Guide
____19. Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much 2 = feels rejected by the family which lacks
____20. Decreased or increased appetite. solidarity and which has constantly contended with
____21. Loss of interest in sex. difficulties.
____22. Worrying about your health 1 = aware that the family does not recognize
____23. Having suicidal thoughts. him as a mature person but has no difficulty in relating
with them.
____24. Thinking of death
0 = instability of the family domicile has had
____25. Plan for harming self
little effect on his favorable feeling towards


1. I feel that my father seldom loss his job. ATTITUDE TOWARDS WOMEN
2. If my father would only spend more time with 13. My idea of a perfect woman is God-centered
us. and loving.
3. I wish my father have more confident in his 14. I think most girls are different.
skills. 15. I believe most women are optimistic.
4. My father and I can make happy moments. 16. What I like least about men/women is being
Interpretation Guide
2 = feels extreme hostility and contempt Interpretation Guide
with overt death wishes. 2 = extremely suspicious, possible homosexual
1 = admires father but wishes that their tendency
relationship were closer. 1 = high ideas but ambivalent feelings.
0 = expresses complete satisfaction with 0 = only minor or superficial criticisms
father’s personality.
17. When I see a man and woman together, I adore 2 = resents or fear authority
them. 1 = mild difficulty in accepting difficulty
18. My feeling about married life should have an
19. If I had sex relation, I will be faithful. 33. At work, I get along best with people who are
20. My view of sex life is the emotional connection trustworthy.
between two people. 34. Those I work with are collaborative and goal-
Interpretation Guide 35. I like working with people who are cooperative.
2 = appears to have given up achieving good sexual 36. People who work for me usually are reliable.
1 = deserved sexual experiences but reservation about Interpretation Guide
his ability to maintain marital relationship. 2 = feels rejected by colleagues, and condemns
0 = indicates satisfaction towards this area them
1 = has some difficulty at work and depends on
ATTITUDE TOWARDS FRIENDS & ACQUAINTANCES 0 = expresses good mutual feelings
21. I feel that a real friend is honest. FEAR
22. I don’t like people who are disrespectful. 37. I know it is silly, but I am afraid of
23. The people I like best are courteous. 38. Most of my friends don’t know that I am afraid
24. When I’m not around, my friends calls to check of
on me. 39. I wish I could lose the fear of
40. My fears sometimes force me to
Interpretation Guide
2 = suspicious and apparently seclusive Interpretation Guide
1= seems to wait approval of others before committing 2 = disturbed by the apparent fear of loving,
himself emotionally possibility to control his feelings
0 = express mutual relationship with friends and self 1 = fear of self-assertion which is fairly common and
not pervasive.
0 = lack of fear
25. If I am in charge, I will respect everyone. GUILT FEELING
26. If people work for me, I can be a firm leader. 41. I would do anything to forget the time when my
27. The people who work for me are always sister used to scold me.
appreciated. 42. My greatest mistake was worrying about my
28. People who work for me usually are reliable. future.
43. When I was young, I felt guilty about being late.
Interpretation Guide 44. The worst thing I ever did was being
2 = feels he can handle or control hostility in handling perfectionist.
1 = feels capable of doing good supervisory but has Interpretation Guide
misgivings about assuming an authoritarian role. 2 = concerned with spiritual feeling and physical
0 = feels controllable and well accepted by sex drives
subordinates. 1 = has regret over past and seems mildly
disturbed by his failure to control his trouble.
ATTITUDE TOWARDS SUPERVISOR AT WORK/SCHOOL 0 = does not seem to be aware of guilt feelings
29. The men over me must be obeyed.
30. In school, my teacher is my second parent. ATTITUDE TOWARDS OWN ABILITY
31. When I see the boss coming, I will greet him. 45. When the odds are against me, I can overcome
32. People whom I consider my superior are the it.
one with authority. 46. I know it is silly, but I am afraid of to be
Interpretation Guide 47. I am weak at smoking cigarettes.
48. Compared to others, I am more optimistic than 63. My secret ambition in life is to live in our own
them. house.
64. I wish I could lose the fear of failure.
Interpretation Guide 65. In giving orders to others, I will give proper
2 = feels completely incompetent and hopeless instructions.
1 = feels he has a specific ability but tends to
fear difficulty .
0 = confident on his ability to overcome


49. When I was a child, I can memorize a poem.
50. Before the war, I receiving awards in school.
51. If I am young again, I want to hug my
grandparents often.
52. My most vivid childhood memory was when my
grandmother applauded me for reciting a poem.

Interpretation Guide
2 = feels rejected and isolated
1 = feels well adjusted
0 = no significant disturbance in the past


53. To me the future looks favorable for me.
54. I look forward to travel around the world.
55. Someday I, I can buy a farm lot.
56. When I am older

Interpretation Guide
2 = pessimistic, no hope in his own resources
for happiness and success
1 = unsure of himself but tries to be optimistic
0 = seems confident in achieving his goals

57. I always wanted to be healthy and happy.
58. I would be perfectly happy if my family and I are
always happy.
59. What I want most out in life is to be kind and
60. When I’m not around, my friends calls to check
on me.

Interpretation Guide
2 = lack of motivation for achievement
1 = desires material things for family as well as
for himself

61. Compared with most families, mine is unique.

62. I believe that I have the ability to learn

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