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The following paragraph contains choppy sentences and excessive

Rewrite the paragraph using a variety of sentence structures as well as
reduced clauses and phrases.

Many believe that dieting is the answer to weight loss; however, the truth
might surprise you. One of the best ways to get fit is to begin working out. A good
exercise program will lead you naturally to a proper diet. The exercising body
demands nutritious food. Eventually, like it or not, the jogger, or swimmer, or
weight lifter will start eating healthily. If you don’t believe me, try it! Just keep
eating everything you normally do, but don’t spend your evenings in front of the
television, and start doing the exercises you enjoy most. You should exercise for at
least one hour each day, lightly at first, then more strenuously as you are able. For
example, you can walk around the block several times, do some easy push-ups on
your knees, perform some crunches for your stomach, and end each day’s work by
stretching. You can vary your program, make sure you enjoy it and try to increase
the workload from week to week. Within a month or two of beginning your
exercise program, you'll find yourself choosing more fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains. Eventually, you'll start avoiding processed foods, your diet will take care of
You should exercise for at least one hour each day, lightly at first and then more
strenuously as you are able.
For example, you can walk around the block several times, do some easy push-ups
on your knees, perform some crunches for your stomach, and end each day’s work
by stretching./ finish by doing some stretching exercises./ do some stretching
exercises at the end of the day.
You should vary your program, make sure you enjoy it, and try to increase the
workload from week to week.

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