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Hiram Reyes

English 1301
18 April 2024
Week Discussion 13
(1) Hirams1301final

(2) weebly has free and paid options availabe

(3) weebly is a grid based website builder

(4)A grid system means that weebly works off of a grid layout. this means the layout uses a system to
organzine and allign content on a page

(5) to add toext to a site, you select the page you want to work on and place a drage and drop to add a
text box. After placing the text box, click on it and start typing to add text to your website.

According to Mauk, the purpose of a portfolio is to assist students in their writing, and being able to
display their ability to improve what they have written. Portfolios that have been done correctly, according
to Mauk, should be more than just the classes final essays...these portfolios should include all of the
drafts, edits, and reflections done throughout the class. Considering Mauk's guidance, there are a few
essential things that must be followed in order to revise one main essay for the English 1301 project. It's
important to go over any essay again with criticism and then shift focus on improving the thesis
statement's relevance and clarity to make sure the reader is properly guided through the essay's
argument. Another important step is to improve the essay's layout to guarantee cohesion and flow of the
paper. Revision involves reinforcing ideas with additional research and improving the style of speech for
clarification. The revised essay becomes more authentic and better fits the assignment's goals when it
includes remarks on the approach of the portfolio

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