Humility The Essential Character of All Christians

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Text: Philippians 2:1 - 10

Topic: humility; the essential character of all Christians

Occasion: Sunday noon service (Lamphel Baptist Church)
Date: 12 December 2021

Pre-introduction: Good morning one and all. I really thank God for the given privilege to stand
before you all with the Word of God. And not forgetting the program committee for the time.

Main-introduction: As we are already in the mood of Christmas, this morning I want to share
with all something which is important to have in our life as a Christian. Humility is the essential
character for all the Christians.

What is humility? Or in other word meekness

Humility means that state of being humble. It is a Latin origin ‘Humilis” meaning ‘Low’.

We live in a culture that favors the strong. In that context meekness is confuse with weakness.
Meekness is a powerful word. In the ancient world, it was often used to describe the winning
horse in a race; they were called meek, which meant “strength under control”. The horse was
tamed but not timid. Humility is not “thinking less of yourself” but “its thinking of yourself
1. They acknowledge they don’t have it all.
2. They know the difference between self confidence and pride. “Most of the shadows of
life are caused by standing in our own sunshine” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. They take responsibility for their actions.
Humility is slow to judge other but quick to correct itself.


1. Humility adds value to others (vv. 1-5)

Read the verses…..
#not self ambitious #thinking others better than yourselves #thinking of other interest.
 Some churches stop celebration because of food conflict (beef vs pork)
 Some churches stop jubilee because of the first convert issue
 Some uses rough tone in speech and says it’s my nature I don’t have anything in
my heart. What if the drunker and drug addict says it’s my nature I have nothing
in my heart. But in gospel of Matthew 12:34 with fullness of your heart, your
mouth speak.

“Admit when you’re wrong; shut up when you’re right” – John Gottman

2. Humility is not a weakness (vv.6-11)

Read the verses……
 Did not count equality with God. (Rights issue, gender equality, etc). Even we
fought for the rights and titles when it is not mention properly.
 Empty Himself; being born in the form of men. (who wants downgrade the rank
or position. We want promotion)
 Humble himself and obedient to the point of death.
 As a result God has exalted him, bestowed him above of all every name.
 Every knee shall bow
 Every tongue confess that He is Lord.
“A great man is always willing to be little” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Conclusion and Application

As we look into the example of humility from Jesus, it is a must quality for everyone as
follower of Christ. Preparing ourselves to celebrate Christmas, let’s prepare a room for
Him to come in but to those who are humbly making a room in our heart. While Christ
was born, the angels did not go to kings, rich men or wise men but to the Shepherd who
were humbly shepherding the sheep. We can fill the water in a cup which is already full
but to cup which is empty. Humble means emptying ourselves to fill ourselves with the
love and blessings of God.

Is there room in your, is there room in your heart for God to write His story – Casting

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