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OBJECTIVE 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as

well as other higher-order thinking skills. (PPST 1.5.2

In this reflective account, I explore my role as an educator dedicated to fostering higher-order

thinking skills, particularly critical and creative thinking, through the deliberate application of a
diverse range of teaching strategies. Embracing a first-person perspective, I share insights into the
transformative journey of implementing innovative methods aimed at nurturing the intellectual
growth of my students.

The annotation delves into the various teaching strategies employed to cultivate critical thinking
skills, emphasizing the importance of challenging students to question assumptions, analyze
information, and engage in thoughtful problem-solving. Additionally, it highlights the integration of
creative thinking exercises, demonstrating how I've encouraged students to explore alternative
perspectives, unleash their imagination, and approach challenges with innovative solutions.

Through real-world examples and personal experiences, this annotation illustrates the positive
impact of these teaching strategies on the development of higher-order thinking skills. It emphasizes
the dynamic nature of the learning environment I strive to create, one that encourages curiosity,
independent thought, and a passion for lifelong learning.

Ultimately, this annotation serves as an inspiration for fellow educators, encouraging them to
embrace a diverse toolkit of teaching strategies to nurture critical and creative thinking in their
students. By sharing my own journey, I hope to contribute to the collective effort to empower
students with the intellectual tools needed for success in an ever-evolving world.

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