SS-Tech R11

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Name Max. Lv. Description

Engines 6 Every Unit needs an Engine.
Lv. 1-5 needed for Units. - Reduces Launch Costs by 10%. (Lv. 5-6)
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 – Costs: 1000C 500E per tick
Improved Engines 6 Needs Engines of the desired Lv. to be researched. - Gives ETA -1. – LV.1-2: Skill-Res
ETAs: 8, 16, 32, 48, 96, 192 – Costs: 1000C 1000E per tick
Power Core 5 The Energy Source of a Unit.
Lv. 1-4 needed for Units. - Reduces Launch Costs by 10%. – Skill-Res
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 48 – Costs: 500C 500E per tick
Armor Class 6 The Armor Level of a Unit.
Lv. 1-5 needed for Units. - Increases Armor by 5%.
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 2000C 500E per tick
Light Weapons 6 Research into small fast firing weapon systems.
Lv. 1-6 needed for Units. - Increases Firepower of Units with L. W. by 5% (Lv. 5-6)
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 1000C 500E per tick
Heavy Weapons 6 Research into slower firing weapon systems with increased power.
Lv. 1-6 needed for Units. - Increases Firepower of Units with H. W. by 5% (Lv. 5-6)
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 1000C 500E per tick
EMP 4 An electromagnetic Pulse is used to render enemy ships board systems useless.
Lv. 1-3 needed for Units. – Lv. 4: EMP Missile
ETAs: 8, 24, 48, 144 - Costs: 1000C 2000E per tick
Shielding Technology 5 Needed for cloaked units. – C lo a ke d u n its are n ’t in visib le – rather no sensor can detect
th em , b ecau se th e y clo ak th eir sig n als/e n erg y re ad in g s e tc…
Lv. 1-4 needed for Units. - + 5% “A rm o r” p e r Lv. (if the ship uses a Shield)
ETAs: 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 1000C 500E per tick
Advanced Mining 5 Advanced Research into improving the mining Output. (+3% for each Lv.) - Skill-Res
ETAs: 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 1000C 750E per tick
Advanced Power Gen. 5 Advanced Research into improving the power Output. (+3% for each Lv.) - Skill-Res
ETAs: 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 1000C 750E per tick
Advanced Combat 5 + 5% Firepower per Lv. - Skill-Res
Tactics ETAs: 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 1000C 750E per tick
Scan Wave 5 + 10% Higher Scan Efficiency per Lv. - Skill-Res
Modulation ETAs: 8, 16, 32, 64, 96 - Costs: 500C 500E per tick

Name Max. Lv. Description
Research Lab 8 Simple said u need it to be able to get your Research going. – Without a Research Lab u
can ’t Research anything.
Lv. 5: Starting with Lv. 5 you may have up to 2 Researches going on at the same
time. The total level of those 2 may not exceed your Res. Lab. Level.
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 72, 96 - Costs: 500C 1000E per tick
Hangar 6 You need a Han g ar w h ere u can “S to re” yo u r n ew ly b u ild sh ip s.
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 2000C 500E per tick
Assembly Hall 6 Well simple said – your ships get build(/upgraded) here
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 96 - Costs: 1000C 1000E per tick
Defense Centre 5 Your Planetary Defense Systems are controlled by this Structure.
Lv. 4: A b ility to “la u n ch ” P D S a s in g a l-def fleets. (1 PDS fleet slot)
ETAs: 8, 16, 32, 64, 96 - Costs: 1000C 500E per tick
Planetary Scanner 7 It enables u to scan: Lv1 = Amplifiers – Ability to further upgrade the scanner, Lv2 = Roid
Scans, Lv3 = Surface Scans, Lv4 = Scan Blocker/Tech. Scan, Lv5 = Signature Scans, Lv.6
= Incomming Fleet Scan, Lv.7 = News Scan,
ETAs: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 144 - Costs: 1000C 500E per tick
Power Control Centre 3 Lv. 1 = PPs, Lv. 2 = Cells, Lv. 3 = + 500 per PP
ETAs: 8, 16, 144 - Costs: 1000C 250E per tick
Mining Control Centre 2 Lv. 1 = SMs, Lv. 2 = + 500 per SM
ETAs: 16, 96 - Costs: 1000C 250E per tick
Mission Command 5 Your fleets are being coordinated here. Each Lv. = 1 Fleet slot.
ETAs: 4, 16, 48, 72, 144 - Costs: 1000C 500E per tick

Max. Lv. SP/Lv, Description
(The Player will start with those)
Power Core 5 usual Lv. 1-2 needed for Units. - Reduces Launch Costs by 10%. – Skill-
Improved Engines 2(/6) 3, 9 Reduces ETA by 1. (Lv.1 = worth 12 ticks, Lv.2 = worth 24 ticks)
Advanced Mining 5 usual Advanced Research into improving the mining Output. (+3% for each Lv.)
- Skill-Res
Advanced Power 5 usual Advanced Research into improving the power Output. (+3% for each Lv.) -
Gen. Skill-Res
Advanced Combat 5 usual + 5% Firepower per Lv. - Skill-Res
Scan Wave 5 usual + 10% Higher Scan Efficiency per Lv. - Skill-Res
Advanced Research 5 usual Reduces the needed ETA of any Technology-Research by 5 % per Lv.
Advanced 5 usual Reduces the needed ETA of any Structure-Construction by 5 % per Lv.
New Stuff:
Moveable PDS:
 PDS has ingal ETA+1 of the Hull-Size it posses.

 100% Hit
 ETA 2 – means can only target fleets that are ETA 2+ away from your planet.
 Can target fleets incoming to your planet. (hostile and friendly)
 Effect: Gives the targeted fleet ETA+1 on hit.
 There is a Launch and a Hit event.
 Construction Time: 24 Hs
 Missile Slots: 2
 Cool Down after a Missile shoot: ETA 6

Incomming Fleet Scan:

 Can only scan fleets incoming to your planet. (hostile and friendly)
 Tells you the co m p o sitio n of th e fleet. (C lo aked u n its d o n ’t sh ow b u t u see h ow m an y “clo aked en erg y
read in g s” th at fleet h as.)
 Either targets 1 fleet – you choose it when you scan – or all fleets incoming to your planet.

 Tells you the tech levels of the target.

– not changed
Tech needed:
ignore this for now
Crow Engines 2, Power Core 1, Armor Class 1, Light Weapons 3, Hangar 2, Assembly Hall 3
Vulture Engines 1, Power Core 1, Light Weapons 1, Hangar 1, Assembly Hall 1
Chayton Engines 2, Power Core 2, Armor Class 2, Light Weapons 4, Shielding Technology 1, Hangar 3, Assembly
Hall 4
Std-FR Engines 2, Power Core 2, Armor Class 1, Heavy Weapons 2, Hangar 3, Assembly Hall 2
Litonya Engines 1, Power Core 3, Armor Class 1, Heavy Weapons 3, Hangar 2, Assembly Hall 3
Adv-CR Engines 3, Power Core 3, Armor Class 3, Heavy Weapons 3, Hangar 4, Assembly Hall 4
Adv-CC Engines 4, Power Core 3, Armor Class 4, Heavy Weapons 4, Shielding Technology 1, Hangar 5,
Assembly Hall 4
Adv-Co Engines 4, Power Core 4, Armor Class 5, Heavy Weapons 5, Shielding Technology 2, Hangar 6,
Assembly Hall 5
Behmoth Engines 4, Power Core 3, Armor Class 2, Light Weapons 4, Shielding Technology 3, Hangar 5, Assembly
Hall 4
Stingray V Engines 3, Power Core 2, Armor Class 2, Heavy Weapons 3, Shielding Technology 3, Hangar 4,
Assembly Hall 3
Clo-CC Engines 4, Power Core 4, Armor Class 3, Heavy Weapons 5, Shielding Technology 4, Hangar 6,
Assembly Hall 5
Power-All Engines 5, Power Core 4, Armor Class 5, Light Weapons 6, Heavy Weapons 6, Shielding Technology 4,
Hangar 6, Assembly Hall 6
Spider Engines 1, Power Core 1, EMP 1, Hangar 1, Assembly Hall 1
Leucothea Engines 1, Power Core 2, EMP 2, Hangar 2, Assembly Hall 2
EMP-BS Engines 3, Power Core 2, Armor Class 2, EMP 3, Shielding Technology 1, Hangar 4, Assembly Hall 4
EMP-Sui Engines 1, Power Core 2, Armor Class 1, EMP 3, Hangar 3, Assembly Hall 3
Thief Engines 1, Power Core 3, Light Weapons 3, EMP 2, Shielding Technology 1, Hangar 5, Assembly Hall 3
Sui-DE Engines 2, Power Core 1, Light Weapons 3, Shielding Technology 1, Hangar 1, Assembly Hall 3
Sui-Pods Engines 3, Power Core 1, Light Weapons 2, Shielding Technology 1, Hangar 3, Assembly Hall 3
Cell Thief Engines 1, Power Core 1, Armor Class 2, Hangar 3, Assembly Hall 2
Raptor Engines 1, Power Core 1, Armor Class 1, Hangar 2, Assembly Hall 1
Repulser Engines 1, Power Core 1, Armor Class 1, Light Weapons 1, Heavy Weapons 1, Hangar 1, Assembly Hall
1, Defense Centre 1
Discharger Engines 2, Power Core 2, Armor Class 1, Light Weapons 1, Heavy Weapons 1, Hangar 3, Assembly Hall
3, Defense Centre 3
Ion Cannon Engines 3, Power Core 2, Armor Class 2, Light Weapons 3, Shielding Technology 1, Hangar 2, Assembly
Hall 2, Defense Centre 2
Silencer Engines 4, Power Core 3, Armor Class 3, Light Weapons 2, Heavy Weapons 4, Shielding Technology 3,
Hangar 5, Assembly Hall 4, Defense Centre 5
Sui-PDS Engines 2, Power Core 3, Light Weapons 3, Hangar 4, Assembly Hall 3, Defense Centre 4

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