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Name: _____________________________________

Let’s plan your strategy for both Speaking and Writing.

Note: Linkers will be highlighted in green

Theme: Health

Benefits of practising a Healthy Habit

Activity 1: Arrange these words into the correct categories and pair the positive with the negative
version. Some words can be in many categories.

Healthy mind Feel tired/ Dehydrated Sick/ill/unwell Fresh

exhausted complexion
Fruits and Hydrated Lose Weight Build stronger Ideal
vegetables muscle bodyweight
Healthy and Energetic Dry skin and Become Feel sleepy in
strong body lips overweight class
Feeling Happy and Recharge our High
Depressed calm energy cholesterol
Have low headache Get chronic Be more
fitness disease focused in

Positive Negative
Example: Healthy mind/ Feeling depressed
happy and calm

Have low fitness

Recharge your energy /


Dry skin and lips

Lose weight Become overweight


Positive Negative
Healthy mind / Happy Feel depressed
and calm
Fruits and vegetables High cholesterol food

Healthy and strong Get chronic diseases/ sick / ill / unwell

body/ ideal body weight
Build strong muscle Have low fitness

Recharge your energy / Feel tired / exhausted


Hydrated Dehydrated

Fresh complexion Dry skin and lips

Be more focused in Feel sleepy in class

Lose weight Become overweight

Now Let’s Try P.E.N Technique by using the words from the table above. P.E.N methods help you build
word banks for any question related to health.

Positive Result -- >>>> “(action) is important because it can help us have …(positive result)..”

Example ---- >>>> “For example, ….”

Negative results----- >>>> “As a result, you will not …(negative result)..”

1) Benefits of Eating Healthily.

Beginner students
Having a balanced diet is very important because it can help us have a healthy and strong
body (positive result). For example, you should eat more fruits and vegetables and cut down
on high cholesterol food such as cakes and fast foods(example). As a result, you will not
become overweight or get chronic diseases. (negative result)

Advanced students
The foundation of a healthy lifestyle begins with what you eat. It is essential to focus on
balanced nutrition. This means incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins,
whole grains, and healthy fats into your diet. Start small by making simple changes such as
swapping soda for water or choosing wholegrain bread over white bread. Gradually and
eventually, you will develop an ideal body weight and keep chronic diseases at bay.
2) Benefits of Sports/Exercise

Doing sports/exercises is very important because it can help us to lose weight and build
stronger muscles too. For example, playing football and cycling. As a result, you will not
become overweight or have low fitness.

One of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle is to stay active. It is essential to be physically
active. This means incorporating a variety of sports into your weekly routine. Start small by
making simple activities such as brisk walking for 20 minutes or playing badminton in the
weekends. Gradually and eventually, you will develop an ideal body weight and keep chronic
diseases at bay.

3) Benefits of sleeping well

Having enough sleep is very important because it can help us recharge our energy, make you
feel energetic and be more focused in class. For example, we could do outdoor activities in
the evening so that we will sleep early at night. As a result, you will not become tired or feel
sleepy in class.

One of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle is to have enough sleep. It is essential to give
your body a proper rest. This means incorporating a variety of relaxing bedtime routine into
your lifestyle such as playing soothing music or make sure you do outdoor activities during
the day so you’ll sleep early at night. Gradually and eventually, you will not feel sleepy or feel
exhausted/ develop an ideal 7-9 hours of restful sleep and allow your body to recover.

4) Benefits of managing your stress

Managing our stress is very important. It can help us have a healthy mind. For example,
playing sports, shopping or doing your hobby can make you feel happy and calm. As a result,
you will not feel depressed or get sick.

On top of that, managing stress is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to give
you a peaceful mind. This means incorporating a variety of stress-relief techniques such as
shopping, deep breathing, meditation, or spending time in nature. Gradually and eventually,
you will develop a positive mindset and keep chronic mental illness at bay.
5) Drinking enough water/ keeping yourself hydrated.
Drinking enough water is very important since it can help us have a healthy body / keep
ourselves hydrated. For example, drinking 8 glasses of water or avoid coffee and fizzy drinks.
As a result, you will not have dry skin, lips and eyes and sore throat.
On top of that, drinking enough water is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. It is essential
to keep you hydrated. This means incorporating a variety of hydration such as drinking juices,
8 glasses of plain water instead of coffees and carbonated drinks. Gradually and eventually,
you will have fresh complexion and boost immune system.

Here are some words that can replace:

1) Important – integral / essential/ crucial / critical / significant / meaningful / paramount

2) Because - for / since / as / so that

3) For example – For instance / such as

4) As a result, - In the end / Consequently / Thus / Therefore

Let’s try!!!

REMINDER- PEN method only helps you remember ideas. Play around with the words you

memorised when answering exam question.

Speaking Exam – Part 2

Use the highlighted words below to draft your answer!

Positive Negative
Healthy mind / Happy Feel depressed
and calm
Fruits and vegetables High cholesterol food

Healthy and strong Get chronic diseases/ sick / ill / unwell

body/ ideal body weight
Build strong muscle Have low fitness

Recharge your energy / Feel tired / exhausted


Hydrated Dehydrated

Fresh complexion Dry skin and lips

Be more focused in Feel sleepy in class

Lose weight Become overweight
Sample answer:

The good habit that I practice is drinking enough water and keeping myself hydrated. For example,

drinking 8 glasses of water and avoid soda or fizzy drinks. I feel fresh and my body becomes

healthier. I practise it so that I won’t be dehydrated and get dry skin and lips. It is important for

students to have good habits so that they can be strong and be more focused in class.

Speaking Exam – Part 3 .

In my opinion, how shopping works as retail therapy is by being a stress reliever. I say this because

you will feel happy and calm when you buy something new. For example, we can relief stress by

shopping for new clothes, new shoes and even accessories and feel more confidence afterwards.

As a result, we will not feel depressed . What do you think?

In my opinion, one of the ways to help a friend in need is by giving advice. For example, we can

give advice on how to solve family problems, study problems and relationship problems. As a

result, our friend will not feel lonely or get depressed.

Try this:

In my opinion, teenagers should do outdoor activities because (choose one point). For example …

As a result, we can …(positive result) and we will not ..( negative results). Do you have anything to


Sample answer:

In my opinion, teenagers should do outdoor activities to improve physical health. For example, by

playing football or cycling. As a result, we can build stronger muscle and we will not become

overweight or get chronic diseases. Do you agree with me?

Complete the sample essay by filling in the blanks:

acoustic healthy monitor our energy depressed routine

calm campaign strong chronic Furthermore, authorities

Relaxation among Young People

Most young people nowadays believe that we should study hard all the time. However, I

think we should have time to relax too. In this essay, I will explain why it is important to relax, the

examples of relaxing activities and how to spread awareness to young people about relaxation.

To begin with, it is important to relax because it will make our body 1)_______ and 2)

______. When we are relaxing, we will recharge 3)_____________. Other than that, we will also

feel happy and 4)_____. As a result, we will not feel 5)__________and get 6)_________ mental


There are many examples of relaxing activities. Firstly, we could try listening to music

because it is nice to listen to soothing sound such as the classical music or 7)________ songs.

Moreover, we could also do hobbies with friends because it is fun to enjoy with friends. For

example, playing singing or watching funny movies.

There are many ways to spread awareness to young people about relaxation. For instance,

the authorities could create awareness 8)__________using posters, social media or radio channels.

9)__________ , parents also could also spend more time with their teenage children so that they

can 10)__________ their daily 11)__________.

In conclusion, it is important for young people to have a relaxation. I hope that young

people will get more relaxation with the help from parents and the 12)___________.

(200++ words)


1) strong 7. acoustic

2) healthy 8. campaign

3) our energy 9.Furthermore

4) calm 10.monitor

5) depressed 11. routine

6) chronic 12authorities
Write your draft below using the points from this mind map for ways for people to keep friendship.

Health Awareness Among Young Teens

By: Muhammad Amirul

Most teens nowadays do not care about their health because they believe they are still

young. However, I think it is important to care our health since young. In this article, I will explain

the health issues faced by teens today, why is it important to address(menangani) the health issues

and what are the efforts that could be done in school to deal with the issues.

To begin with, there are many issues faced by teens today. Firstly, the health issue is bad

eating habit. Some teenagers like to eat unhealthy food such as cakes and fast foods. It is

important to address (menangani) this health issue or else they will become overweight or have

low fitness.

Another health issue is smoking and vaping addiction. Some teenagers like to try smoking

or vaping with their friends. It is crucial to solve this health issue because if not they will feel get

chronic diseases like lung cancer and cardiovascular problem.

There are multiple efforts that could be done in school to deal with the issues. For

instance, teachers could create awareness campaign using posters or social media like Food

Pyramid posters or calory amounts table. Furthermore, the school also could invite doctors from

health departments to give a talk to the students on the danger of smoking and vaping.

In conclusion, it is important for young people to take care of their health. I hope that

young people will become healthier with the help from the school and health department.
Write your draft below:

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