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No AAVMも c-04(Re― seabble bags)/A― Sec/,9夕 _ ′ ♭ Date 1 08 03 202ュ

ぶい 赫 含さQ師 ′

訳 憑 可

Ж /町…
訳 /き訳 /Ⅲ 3TR′

→ 熊爺れ言/キ→/― 晋愴

華口 衛さR師


/赫 …

RttT:PrOvbion ofre‐ sealable plasuc bags fOr passengersョ l PEsC point.

… 端 π 昭 輛 : AAν Misc 04(Re― sealable baOs)/A― Sec/

m508032022 3面 論 響 di舌 可 輸 鋪 t動 鋪 き
― ―


(at{d {fi{)
uga r6mitro 1grar1

daa-a q?ffi : Director General, BCAS, Janpath Bhawan, New Delhi-11OOO1

lnternal : OSD to Member (Ops) / ED (Ops)

nk li rm 'Rw(sr ef cg { RRr$-fioso3
Rriiv G.ndli Bhswsn Ssfuarirng ADdrt*$t1(m3
rfh麟 ・
町釈H漱町 甲石下竜,轟ン市中町

,・ ・ ,

AA1/MisC-04(Re― sealable bags)/A― Sec/ Date:08.o3.202,

RegiOnal Executive Director′ '
AirpOrts Authority of lndia′ : ‐3
New D91h7Mumba7Chenna7KOlkata/Guwahau t
AirpOrt・ Director ・

マ │
Airpcrts Authorlty of lndia′ ・
Chennai/Kolkata `

SubjeCt `
PESC DOint . :_ ´
sir, . ノ │
BCAS vide AVSEC Circular 06/2020′ had laid down guide‖ nes on seCurity
procedures fOr Liquids′ Aerosols and GelS(LAGs)′ :wlliCh states tぃ at a‖ LAGs
Carried.fOr personal uge of passengcrs shall cOmply with security regulations
in91り ding following:

Containers holding LAGs sha‖ be placed in a trahsparё nt re― sealable

plbstic bao Of a rnaximum capacity not exceeding l litre.丁 he indicative
size of one litre bag is(20.5cm X・ 20.5cm)or(2,Cm X 15cm)or
`eqり ivalent、 AirpOrt Operator orthe concerned AirpOrt Sha‖ provide sttch‐
、_ plastic bags at the Pre― Embarkation Securiゼ y Check(PESC)pOints for
use by the passengers. , 、 ハ

2, In view of above′ lt is requeSted tO advise APDs in yOur control to

provide transparenぜ re´ Sё alabい plattiC bags of a maximum icapacty not
exceeding l litre(Size 20,5cm X_20.5cm or.25cm X 15cm or equivalent),
preFerably. pё rforated to prevent misuse, to ASG/APSU for i,suing t6
paSSengers as required′ at tぃ O PESC pOints。 .、
. Yours faitllfu‖

( s. K. Malik)
・ Offg.Ettecutive Director(seCurity)

COpy tO: Director ceneral′ BCAS′ Janpath Bhawan′ New Delhi二 110001
1nternal: oSp tO Member(Ops)/ED(Ops3) ●

irfrs .Iiff qq-{ ゃ¶H:24632950

Rajiv GbndhiBhawan 臨 翻謂品 11鵬 Phone:24632950

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