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GEP: Level9

My Favorite Place
I like Mondulkiri for three reasons. First, it has a lot of beautiful natural places. There are
many waterfalls such as Bou Sra waterfall, Chrey Thom waterfall, Chrey Yos waterfall, Lak Pok
Bras waterfall which are very amazing. I can play with my family and friends and it can reduce
stress. Moreover, I enjoy the fresh air and the forest that is also very interesting. Otherwise,
There are many kinds of trees and animals that make me feel relaxed. When I go there, I always
go to the forest and learn about the nature. Second, Dei Ey is an ethnic Phnong Community.
They live in the middle of the Mondulkiri protected forest. They have very old culture and living
styles. For instance, I can get new knowledge by learning about them. Phnong people are very
kind and friendly. They also help our country to be more interesting for foreigners. Third,
Mondulkiri has a large amount of growing land. They can grow coffee, rubbers, and fruits.
Furthermore, it has very good land with high quality for many kinds of plants. In conclusion,
Mondulkiri is unique and special because of these: natural view, culture, and location that’s
why it becomes my favorite place.

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