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Leadership and
community development
Roll No: 874327
Bases of Community Development

1. Which of the following is a fundamental principle of community development?
(A) Top-down decision-making

(B) Community empowerment

(C) External control
(D) Dependency

2. What is the primary focus of community development?

(A) Economic growth
(B) Social cohesion
(C) Environmental sustainability

(D) All of the above

3. Which of the following is NOT a key element of community needs assessment?

(A) Identifying community priorities
(B) Assessing community assets

(C) Imposing external solutions

(D) Engaging community members

4. What is the role of social capital in community development?

(A) It hinders collaboration and trust

(B) It fosters community resilience and cooperation

(C) It promotes individualism
(D) It discourages community engagement

5. Which approach emphasizes the importance of community participation and

ownership in development initiatives?
(A) Charity-based approach
(B) Top-down approach
(C) Rights-based approach

(D) Bottom-up approach

6. What is the significance of community capacity building?

(A) Outsourcing community development activities

(B) Strengthening community skills, resources, and networks

(C) Ignoring community strengths
(D) Imposing external solutions on communities

7. Which of the following is a barrier to effective community development?

(A) Lack of community engagement

(B) Over-reliance on external experts

(C) Community ownership and control
(D) Transparent decision-making processes

8. What role do partnerships play in successful community development projects?

(A) They create competition among community members
(B) They limit community involvement

(C) They leverage diverse resources and expertise

(D) They undermine community trust

9. Which of the following is a key indicator of community sustainability?

(A) Short-term project outcomes

(B) Long-term impact and viability of projects

(C) Reliance on external funding
(D) Ignoring environmental concerns

10. What is the ultimate goal of community development?

(A) To maximize profits

(B) To reduce poverty and enhance quality of life

(C) To control community decision-making
(D) To promote social division
11. Which of the following is a characteristic of a successful community development
(A) It is imposed from above
(B) It focuses on individual needs

(C) It is driven by community members

(D) It relies heavily on external funding

12. What is the role of community organizers in community development?

(A) To control community decision-making

(B) To facilitate community participation and empowerment

(C) To implement development projects
(D) To provide financial assistance to communities

13. Which of the following is a key element of community-based participatory research?

(A) Community members are involved in all stages of the research

(B) The research agenda is set by external experts
(C) The research findings are not shared with the community
(D) The research is conducted without community consent

14. What is the significance of community-led monitoring and evaluation?

(A) It ensures that community development projects are meeting their objectives
(B) It empowers communities to take ownership of their development
(C) It provides accountability to external stakeholders

(D) All of the above

15. Which of the following is a benefit of community development?

(A) Reduced crime rates
(B) Improved health outcomes
(C) Increased social cohesion

(D) All of the above

16. What is the role of government in community development?

(A) To control community decision-making

(B) To provide financial and technical support

(C) To implement development projects
(D) To monitor community progress

17. Which of the following is a challenge to community development?

(A) Lack of community participation
(B) Over-reliance on external funding
(C) Resistance from vested interests

(D) All of the above

18. What is the importance of cultural sensitivity in community development?

(A) It ensures that development initiatives are tailored to the specific needs of the community
(B) It promotes respect and understanding among community members
(C) It avoids cultural misunderstandings and conflicts

(D) All of the above

19. Which of the following is a key principle of sustainable community development?

(A) Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs
of future generations
(B) Focusing on economic growth at the expense of environmental protection
(C) Ignoring social equity issues
(D) Relying heavily on external resources

20. What is the role of community development in disaster recovery?

(A) To provide immediate relief assistance

(B) To support community-led rebuilding efforts

(C) To impose external solutions on affected communities
(D) To prevent future disasters from occurring

21. Which of the following is a key element of community-based disaster risk reduction?

(A) Community members are actively involved in identifying and

addressing risks
(B) The focus is on top-down disaster management strategies
(C) External experts make all decisions related to disaster risk reduction
(D) Community knowledge and experience are ignored

22. What is the significance of community development in promoting gender equality?

(A) It empowers women and girls to participate fully in community life
(B) It challenges gender stereotypes and discrimination
(C) It ensures that women's voices are heard in decision-making processes

(D) All of the above

23. Which of the following is a key element of community-based health promotion?

(A) Community members are actively involved in designing and

implementing health programs
(B) Health professionals make all decisions related to health promotion
(C) The focus is on individual behavior change rather than community-level interventions
(D) Community knowledge and experience are ignored

24. What is the role of community development in addressing climate change?

(A) To support community-led adaptation and mitigation efforts

(B) To impose external solutions on communities
(C) To ignore the impacts of climate change on communities
(D) To promote unsustainable development practices

25. Which of the following is a key principle of community-based environmental


(A) Community members are actively involved in managing their

natural resources
(B) External experts make all decisions related to environmental management
(C) The focus is on short-term economic gains rather than long-term sustainability
(D) Community knowledge and experience are ignored

26. What is the significance of community development in promoting youth

(A) It provides opportunities for youth to participate in decision-making processes
(B) It supports youth-led initiatives and projects
(C) It challenges ageism and discrimination against young people

(D) All of the above

27. Which of the following is a key element of community-based economic development?

(A) Community members are actively involved in creating and

managing local businesses
(B) The focus is on attracting external investment rather than supporting local entrepreneurship
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Economic development is pursued at the expense of environmental protection

28. What is the role of community development in promoting social justice?

(A) To challenge inequality and discrimination
(B) To support community-led efforts to address social problems
(C) To promote the rights of marginalized groups

(D) All of the above

29. Which of the following is a key element of community-based peacebuilding?

(A) Community members are actively involved in resolving conflicts

and building peace
(B) External peacekeepers are responsible for maintaining peace and security
(C) The focus is on punishing perpetrators rather than addressing the root causes of conflict
(D) Community knowledge and experience are ignored

30. What is the significance of community development in promoting human rights?

(A) It empowers communities to claim their rights
(B) It supports community-led efforts to hold governments accountable
(C) It challenges human rights violations and abuses

(D) All of the above

**31. Which of the following is a key element of community-based tourism?**

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and

managing tourism activities
(B) The focus is on mass tourism rather than sustainable tourism practices
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Tourism benefits only a small elite within the community
32. What is the role of community development in promoting healthy aging?
(A) To support community-led efforts to create age-friendly environments
(B) To challenge ageism and discrimination against older adults
(C) To provide opportunities for older adults to participate fully in community life

(D) All of the above

33. Which of the following is a key element of community-based education?

(A) Community members are actively involved in designing and

delivering education
(B) The focus is on standardized testing rather than community-relevant learning
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Education is seen as a commodity rather than a human right

34. What is the significance of community development in promoting food security?

(A) It supports community-led efforts to produce and distribute food
(B) It challenges food insecurity and hunger
(C) It promotes sustainable agricultural practices

(D) All of the above

35. Which of the following is a key element of community-based water management?

(A) Community members are actively involved in managing their

water resources
(B) The focus is on large-scale water infrastructure projects rather than community-led solutions
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Water is seen as a commodity rather than a human right

36. What is the role of community development in promoting affordable housing?

(A) To support community-led efforts to create affordable housing options
(B) To challenge housing inequality and discrimination
(C) To provide opportunities for low-income families to own homes

(D) All of the above

37. Which of the following is a key element of community-based transportation


(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and

designing transportation systems
(B) The focus is on car-centric development rather than sustainable transportation options
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Transportation planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

38. What is the significance of community development in promoting digital inclusion?

(A) It supports community-led efforts to bridge the digital divide
(B) It challenges digital inequality and discrimination
(C) It provides opportunities for all community members to access and use digital technologies

(D) All of the above

39. Which of the following is a key element of community-based energy planning?

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing

energy solutions
(B) The focus is on centralized energy systems rather than decentralized community-owned energy
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Energy planning is seen as a top-down process rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A

40. What is the role of community development in promoting community resilience?

(A) To support community-led efforts to prepare for and respond to disasters and other challenges
(B) To challenge vulnerability and inequality
(C) To provide opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks

(D) All of the above

41. Which of the following is a key element of community-based disaster preparedness?

(A) Community members are actively involved in developing and

implementing disaster preparedness plans
(B) The focus is on external disaster response rather than community-led preparedness
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Disaster preparedness is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

42. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-led

(A) It supports community-led efforts to generate knowledge and evidence to inform decision-making
(B) It challenges power imbalances and traditional research paradigms
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to participate fully in the research process

(D) All of the above

43. Which of the following is a key element of community-based monitoring and

(A) Community members are actively involved in monitoring and evaluating community development
projects and programs
(B) The focus is on external evaluation rather than community-led monitoring
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Monitoring and evaluation is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

44. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based

(A) To support community-led efforts to advocate for their rights and interests
(B) To challenge power imbalances and injustice
(C) To provide opportunities for community members to participate fully in decision-making
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

45. Which of the following is a key element of community-based conflict resolution?

(A) Community members are actively involved in resolving conflicts and building peace
(B) The focus is on external conflict resolution mechanisms rather than community-led approaches
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Conflict resolution is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A

46. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

asset mapping?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to identify and mobilize their assets and resources
(B) It challenges the assumption that communities are deficit-ridden
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above
**Answer: D**

47. Which of the following is a key element of community-based economic development

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing economic development
(B) The focus is on external economic development models rather than community-led approaches
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Economic development planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven

Answer: A

48. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based natural

resource management?
(A) To support community-led efforts to manage their natural resources sustainably
(B) To challenge environmental degradation and unsustainable resource use
(C) To provide opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

49. Which of the following is a key element of community-based health promotion?

(A) Community members are actively involved in designing and implementing health promotion
(B) The focus is on individual behavior change rather than community-level interventions
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Health promotion is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A

50. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

social services?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to provide social services that meet their needs
(B) It challenges the assumption that communities are incapable of providing for themselves
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

51. Which of the following is a key element of community-based education planning?

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing educational programs
(B) The focus is on standardized testing rather than community-relevant learning
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Education planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

52. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based youth

(A) To support community-led efforts to create opportunities for youth to thrive
(B) To challenge youth marginalization and discrimination
(C) To provide opportunities for youth to participate fully in community life
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

53. Which of the following is a key element of community-based environmental

management planning?
(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing environmental
management strategies
(B) The focus is on external environmental management models rather than community-led
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Environmental management planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-
driven process
Answer: A

54. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

disaster risk reduction?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to reduce their vulnerability to disasters
(B) It challenges the assumption that communities are helpless in the face of disasters
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

55. Which of the following is a key element of community-based peacebuilding?

(A) Community members are actively involved in resolving conflicts and building peace
(B) The focus is on external peacekeepers rather than community-led approaches
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Peacebuilding is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

**56. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based

human rights monitoring?
(A) To support community-led efforts to monitor human rights violations and abuses
(B) To challenge human rights violations and abuses
(C) To provide opportunities for community members to participate fully in human rights monitoring
(D) All of the above
**Answer: D**

**57. Which of the following is a key element of community-based tourism planning?**

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing tourism strategies
(B) The focus is on mass tourism rather than sustainable tourism practices
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Tourism planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A

58. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

healthy aging?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to create age-friendly environments
(B) It challenges ageism and discrimination against older adults
(C) It provides opportunities for older adults to participate fully in community life
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

59. Which of the following is a key element of community-based education?

(A) Community members are actively involved in designing and delivering educational programs
(B) The focus is on standardized testing rather than community-relevant learning
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Education is seen as a commodity rather than a human right

Answer: A
60. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based food
(A) To support community-led efforts to produce and distribute food
(B) To challenge food insecurity and hunger
(C) To provide opportunities for community members to access nutritious food
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

61. Which of the following is a key element of community-based water management

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing water management
(B) The focus is on large-scale water infrastructure projects rather than community-led solutions
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Water management planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven

Answer: A

62. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

affordable housing?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to create affordable housing options
(B) It challenges housing inequality and discrimination
(C) It provides opportunities for low-income families to own homes

(D) All of the above

63. Which of the* following is a key element of community-based transportation

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and designing transportation systems
(B) The focus is on car-centric development rather than sustainable transportation options
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Transportation planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A
64. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based digital
(A) To support community-led efforts to bridge the digital divide
(B) To challenge digital inequality and discrimination
(C) To provide opportunities for all community members to access and use digital technologies
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

65. Which of the following is a key element of community-based energy planning?

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing energy solutions
(B) The focus is on centralized energy systems rather than decentralized community-owned energy
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Energy planning is seen as a top-down process rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A

66. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

(A) It supports community-led efforts to prepare for and respond to disasters and other challenges
(B) It challenges vulnerability and inequality
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

67. Which of the following is a key element of community-based disaster preparedness?

(A) Community members are actively involved in developing and implementing disaster preparedness
(B) The focus is on external disaster response rather than community-led preparedness
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Disaster preparedness is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

68. What is the role of community development in promoting community-led research?

(A) To support community-led efforts to generate knowledge and evidence to inform decision-making
(B) It challenges power imbalances and traditional research paradigms
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to participate fully in the research process
(D) All of the above
**Answer: D**

69. Which of the following is a key element of community-based monitoring and

(A) Community members are actively involved in monitoring and evaluating community development
projects and programs
(B) The focus is on external evaluation rather than community-led monitoring
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Monitoring and evaluation is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

70. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

(A) It supports community-led efforts to advocate for their rights and interests
(B) It challenges power imbalances and injustice
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to participate fully in decision-making
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

71. Which of the following is a key element of community-based conflict resolution?

(A) Community members are actively involved in resolving conflicts and building peace
(B) The focus is on external conflict resolution mechanisms rather than community-led approaches
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Conflict resolution is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

72. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based asset

(A) It supports community-led efforts to identify and mobilize their assets and resources
(B) It challenges the assumption that communities are deficit-ridden
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

**73. Which of the following is a key element of community-based economic

development planning?**
(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing economic development
(B) The focus is on external economic development models rather than community-led approaches
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Economic development planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven
**Answer: A**

74. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

natural resource management?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to manage their natural resources sustainably
(B) It challenges environmental degradation and unsustainable resource use
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

75. Which of the following is a key element of community-based health promotion?

(A) Community members are actively involved in designing and implementing health promotion
(B) The focus is on individual behavior change rather than community-level interventions
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Health promotion is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

76. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based social

(A) It supports community-led efforts to provide social services that meet their needs
(B) It challenges the assumption that communities are incapable of providing for themselves
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

77. Which of the following is a key element of community-based education planning?

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing educational programs
(B) The focus is on standardized testing rather than community-relevant learning
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Education planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

78. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

youth development?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to create opportunities for youth to thrive
(B) It challenges youth marginalization and discrimination
(C) It provides opportunities for youth to participate fully in community life
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

79. Which of the following is a key element of community-based environmental

management planning?
(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing environmental
management strategies
(B) The focus is on external environmental management models rather than community-led
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Environmental management planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-
driven process
Answer: A

80. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based disaster

risk reduction?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to reduce their vulnerability to disasters
(B) It challenges the assumption that communities are helpless in the face of disasters
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above
**Answer: D**

81. Which of the following is a key element of community-based peacebuilding?

(A) Community members are actively involved in resolving conflicts and building peace
(B) The focus is on external peacekeepers rather than community-led approaches
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Peacebuilding is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

82. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

human rights monitoring?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to monitor human rights violations and abuses
(B) It challenges human rights violations and abuses
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to participate fully in human rights monitoring
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

83. Which of the following is a key element of community-based tourism planning?

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing tourism strategies
(B) The focus is on mass tourism rather than sustainable tourism practices
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Tourism planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

84. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based healthy

(A) It supports community-led efforts to create age-friendly environments
(B) It challenges ageism and discrimination against older adults
(C) It provides opportunities for older adults to participate fully in community life
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

85. Which of the following is a key element of community-based education?

(A) Community members are actively involved in designing and delivering educational programs
(B) The focus is on standardized testing rather than community-relevant learning
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Education is seen as a commodity rather than a human right
Answer: A

86. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

food security?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to produce and distribute food
(B) It challenges food insecurity and hunger
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to access nutritious food
(D) All of the above
Answer: D

87. Which of the following is a key element of community-based water management

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing water management
(B) The focus is on large-scale water infrastructure projects rather than community-led solutions
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Water management planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven
Answer: A

88. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based

affordable housing?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to create affordable housing options
(B) It challenges housing inequality and discrimination
(C) It provides opportunities for low-income families to own homes
(D) All of the above
Answer: D
89. Which of the following is a key element of community-based transportation
(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and designing transportation systems
(B) The focus is on car-centric development rather than sustainable transportation options
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Transportation planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

90. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based

digital inclusion?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to bridge the digital divide
(B) It challenges digital inequality and discrimination
(C) It provides opportunities for all community members to access and use digital technologies
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

91. Which of the following is a key element of community-based energy planning?

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing energy solutions
(B) The focus is on centralized energy systems rather than decentralized community-owned energy
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Energy planning is seen as a top-down process rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A

92. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based

(A) It supports community-led efforts to prepare for and respond to disasters and other challenges
(B) It challenges vulnerability and inequality
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above

Answer: D
93. Which of the following is a key element of community-based disaster preparedness?
(A) Community members are actively involved in developing and implementing disaster preparedness
(B) The focus is on external disaster response rather than community-led preparedness
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Disaster preparedness is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A

94. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-led

(A) It supports community-led efforts to generate knowledge and evidence to inform decision-making
(B) It challenges power imbalances and traditional research paradigms
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to participate fully in the research process
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

95. Which of the following is a key element of community-based monitoring and

(A) Community members are actively involved in monitoring and evaluating community development
projects and programs
(B) The focus is on external evaluation rather than community-led monitoring
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Monitoring and evaluation is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process

Answer: A

96. What is the role of community development in promoting community-based

(A) It supports community-led efforts to advocate for their rights and interests
(B) It challenges power imbalances and injustice
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to participate fully in decision-making
(D) All of the above

Answer: D
97. Which of the following is a key element of community-based conflict resolution?
(A) Community members are actively involved in resolving conflicts and building peace
(B) The focus is on external conflict resolution mechanisms rather than community-led approaches
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Conflict resolution is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven process
Answer: A

98. What is the significance of community development in promoting community-based asset

(A) It supports community-led efforts to identify and mobilize their assets and resources
(B) It challenges the assumption that communities are deficit-ridden
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

99. Which of the following is a key element of community-based economic development

(A) Community members are actively involved in planning and implementing economic development
(B) The focus is on external economic development models rather than community-led approaches
(C) Community knowledge and experience are ignored
(D) Economic development planning is seen as a technical exercise rather than a community-driven

Answer: A

100. What is the role of community development in promoting

community-based natural resource management?
(A) It supports community-led efforts to manage their natural resources sustainably
(B) It challenges environmental degradation and unsustainable resource use
(C) It provides opportunities for community members to build social capital and networks
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

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