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Republic of the Philippines




Course Code : CWTS 10023

Course Credit : 3 UNITS

Pre-Requisite : CWTS 10013 – CWTS 1

Course Description : This course is designed to encourage, develop, and train students to contribute to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of
the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation, and morals of the citizenry and other social welfare services. It requires the actual involvement of the trainees with projects and activities
for a given community.

Semester and Academic Year : 2nd SEMESTER / AY 2018-2019

Institutional Learning Outcomes Programs Outcomes Course Outcomes

1. Creative and Critical Thinking  Demonstrate basic and higher level literacy,  Explain the concept and processes of
communication, necessary critical thinking, and values education and transformational
2. Effective Communication learning skills needed for higher learning. leadership within the framework of national
3. Strong Service Orientation  Apply research skills acquired in various subjects,
 Interpret the basic concepts of
4. Community Engagement  Execute a wide-range of teaching process skills Development Management and its
(including curriculum development, lesson application in civic welfare projects for a given
5. Adeptness in the Responsible Use of Technology planning, materials development, educational community
assessment and teaching approaches) applicable
in various contexts (community, nation, and world)  Identify develop and/or design appropriate
6. Passion to Life-Long Learning and life-long learning. development approaches for
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implementing projects to benefit a given
7. High Level of Leadership and Organizational Skills  Share expertise in literacy, numeracy, and community
livelihood technology to the adopted community
 Apply the knowledge and skills acquired by
8. Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics  Use various educating tools and technologies in carrying out the projects identified
day-to-day lesson to facilitate learning
9. Sense of Nationalism and Global Responsiveness  Evaluate the project/s undertaken by the
 Display high level of leadership and organizational respective groups in the assigned community
skills in school and classroom management
 Recognize their vital role in nation-building,
 Practice the professional and ethical requirements promote civic consciousness among them.
of the teaching profession.
 Express ideas effectively in different team
building and bonding activities

 Participate actively and develop their physical,

moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being.

Week Topic Learning Outcomes Methodology Resources Assessment
Leadership and the Filipino Define a good leader Lecture-Discussion Bucao, Avelina C., Padilla, Mely M., and Evaluation of performance
Week 1 (Cycle 1) Youth Rosales, Amalia C. Modules in National / output through rubrics
Describe the characteristics of Group Activity Service Training Program Civic Welfare
Week 2 (Cycle 2)  Definition of a good a good leader Training Service. Graded recitation
leader. Seminar / Forum
Week 3 (Cycle 3) Define leadership differently Labuguen, Florida C. et al. Understanding
 Characteristics of a good from the perspective of the Team Building Activity the National Service Training Program: A
leader majority Modular Worktext for NSTP 1
 Difference of leadership
from the perspective of Determine own leadership Lewis, Lynette. Climbing the Leader
the majority values and a holistic Stilettos.
understanding of self-
 Own leadership values discipline. Maxwell, John C. The 17 Indisputable
and a holistic Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and
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understanding of Self- Participate in different Empower Your Team
Discipline leadership exercises.
Teves, Lailanie G. et. Al. Modules in Civic
Welfare Training Service

In-depth Explanation of the Define the meaning and Lecture-Discussion Labuguen, Florida C. et al. Understanding Evaluation of performance
Week 4 (Cycle 1) following dimensions as concepts of Health, Education, the National Service Training Program: A / output through rubrics
preparation for community Environment and Group Presentation Modular Worktext for NSTP 1
Week 5 (Cycle 2) immersions: Entrepreneurship Graded recitation
Situational Analysis
Week 6 (Cycle 3)  Health Identify the relation of Health, Teves, Lailanie G. et. Al. Modules in Civic
Education, Environment and Film Showing Welfare Training Service
 Education Entrepreneurship to the
community. Proposal Making
 Environment
Realize the importance of
 Entrepreneurship Health, Education,
Environment and
Entrepreneurship dimensions
in the development of

Develop a proposal
considering the Health,
Education, Environment and
Entrepreneurship dimensions
in community immersions.

In-depth Explanation of the Define the meaning and Lecture-Discussion Labuguen, Florida C. et al. Understanding Evaluation of performance
following dimensions as concepts of Safety, Recreation the National Service Training Program: A / output through rubrics
Week 7 (Cycle 1) preparation for community and Morals of citizenry. Group Presentation Modular Worktext for NSTP 1
immersions: Graded recitation
Week 8 (Cycle 2) Identify the relation Safety, Situational Analysis
 Safety Recreation and Morals of Teves, Lailanie G. et. Al. Modules in Civic
Week 9 (Cycle 3) citizenry to the community. Film Showing Welfare Training Service
 Recreation
Realize the importance of Proposal Making
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 Morals of Citizenry Safety, Recreation and Morals
of citizenry dimensions in the
development of community.

Develop a proposal
considering the Safety,
Recreation and Morals of
citizenry dimensions in
community immersions.

Definition of Community Define the meaning of Community Immersion Labuguen, Florida C. et al. Understanding Evaluation of community
Week 10 (Cycle 1) Community (Inside PUP and outside the National Service Training Program: A immersion activity through
Identification of Elements of PUP community) Modular Worktext for NSTP 1 reflection, narrative
Week 11 (Cycle 2) Community Identify the elements of reports and
Community Teves, Lailanie G. et. Al. Modules in Civic documentation
Week 12 (Cycle 3) Definition of Community Welfare Training Service
Immersion Define the meaning of
Week 13 (Cycle 1) Community Immersion
Guidelines and procedures of
Week 14 (Cycle 2) community immersion Explain the concepts and
principles underpinning
Week 15 (Cycle 3) Actual Community Immersion community and community

Realize the importance of

understanding the dynamics of
a community and community
immersion as a way to realize
the objectives of CWTS.

Practice the standard operating

procedures and establish
protocols governing community

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Conduct Culminating Activity Identify the basic concept of Trainings Labuguen, Florida C. et al. Understanding Evaluation Forms
Week 16 (Cycle 1) through over-all clean-up, the culminating activity the National Service Training Program: A
disaster training, seminars Seminars Modular Worktext for NSTP 1 Narrative Report
Week 17 (Cycle 2) and forum, and other Apply the basic concept of
activities related to the major culminating activity in the Clean-up Activity Teves, Lailanie G. et. Al. Modules in Civic Reaction Papers
Week 18 (Cycle 3) mandate of NSTP personal being Welfare Training Service
Recognition Ceremony Photo Documentation
Summarization of the over-all Realize the importance of
concepts, implementation understanding the concepts
and mandates of CWTS and mandates of CWTS in the
daily living



Class Standing 70%

 Quizzes
 Attendance
 Recitation
 Projects/Assignments/Seatwork/Special Report

Midterm / Final Examinations 30%


Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade = FINAL GRADE


Prepared by:


CWTS Instructor
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Recommending Approval:


Director, NSTP

Approved by:


Vice President for Academic Affairs

Revised August 2018

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