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The Role of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Climate Change Mitigation


As the world confronts the urgent challenge of climate change, innovative technologies are essential for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating its impacts. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) emerges
as a promising solution to address the carbon footprint of industries and power plants. This essay explores
the role of CCS in climate change mitigation, examining its principles, applications, benefits, and

Principles of Carbon Capture and Storage:

Carbon capture and storage is a process that involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from
industrial sources, such as power plants and manufacturing facilities, and storing them underground to
prevent their release into the atmosphere. The CCS process typically consists of three main steps:

Capture: CO2 is captured from flue gases emitted by industrial processes using various capture
technologies, such as post-combustion capture, pre-combustion capture, and oxy-fuel combustion. These
technologies separate CO2 from other gases, allowing for its capture and purification.
Transportation: Once captured, CO2 is transported via pipelines or ships to suitable storage sites, where it
can be safely stored underground or utilized for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in depleted oil and gas
Storage: CO2 is injected deep underground into geological formations, such as saline aquifers, depleted
oil and gas fields, and unmineable coal seams, where it is securely stored and permanently isolated from
the atmosphere.
Applications of Carbon Capture and Storage:

Carbon capture and storage can be applied across various industries and sectors to reduce CO2 emissions
and mitigate climate change:

Power Generation: CCS can be deployed in fossil fuel-based power plants, such as coal-fired and natural
gas-fired power plants, to capture CO2 emissions from combustion processes and prevent them from
entering the atmosphere.
Industrial Processes: CCS can be integrated into industrial processes, such as cement production,
steelmaking, and chemical manufacturing, to capture CO2 emissions generated during production and
reduce the carbon intensity of these sectors.
Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS): BECCS is a combination of bioenergy production, such as biomass
combustion or biogas generation, with CCS technology to achieve negative emissions by removing CO2
from the atmosphere and storing it underground.
Benefits of Carbon Capture and Storage:

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: CCS enables significant reductions in CO2 emissions from
industrial sources, helping to mitigate climate change and achieve emission reduction targets.
Fossil Fuel Utilization: CCS allows for the continued use of fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas,
while minimizing their environmental impact by capturing and storing CO2 emissions.
Energy Security: CCS can enhance energy security by diversifying energy sources and reducing reliance
on imported fossil fuels, particularly in regions with abundant coal reserves.
Economic Opportunities: CCS deployment creates job opportunities in engineering, construction,
operation, and maintenance, driving economic growth and fostering innovation in the clean energy sector.
Climate Change Mitigation: CCS plays a crucial role in achieving deep decarbonization and limiting
global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, as outlined in international climate agreements such as
the Paris Agreement.
Challenges and Limitations:

Despite its potential benefits, CCS faces several challenges and limitations that hinder its widespread

Cost: CCS is currently more expensive than other mitigation options, such as renewable energy and
energy efficiency, due to high capital costs, operational expenses, and uncertainties surrounding long-term
liability and regulation.
Technological Maturity: CCS technologies are still in the early stages of development and deployment,
with limited commercial-scale projects and operational experience, which poses technical and regulatory
Infrastructure Requirements: CCS infrastructure, including capture facilities, pipelines, and storage sites,
requires significant investment and may face opposition from local communities and environmental
Regulatory Framework: The lack of comprehensive regulatory frameworks and incentives for CCS
deployment, including carbon pricing mechanisms and supportive policies, hinders investment and
market development.
Public Perception: Public acceptance of CCS may vary due to concerns about safety, environmental
impact, and the perception that CCS perpetuates reliance on fossil fuels rather than transitioning to
renewable energy sources.
Carbon capture and storage holds significant promise as a technology for reducing CO2 emissions and
mitigating climate change, particularly in sectors with limited decarbonization options. However,
realizing the full potential of CCS requires overcoming technical, economic, regulatory, and social
barriers through collaborative efforts by governments, industry, academia, and civil society. By investing
in research, development, and deployment of CCS technologies, fostering innovation, and creating
supportive policy frameworks, we can accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future and achieve global
climate goals.

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