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Name- Gaurika Aggarwal

Roll no- 2022252
Submission date- 20/4/24
College Name- Vivekananda College, University of Delhi
About Swayam
01. World’s Biggest MOOC Platform
SWAYAM platform is developed by
AICTE under Ministry of Education
for hosting MOOCs covering school,
under-graduate programs in all
discipline including engineering, law, management and other
professional courses.

02. Four Quadrant Approach - Free online learning

SWAYAM platform provides an integrated portal for online courses
available free of cost with four Quadrants - (1) e-tutorials, (2) e-
contents, (3) Self-assessment, (4) Discussion forum.

03. Availability of course in regional languages

Availability of courses in 12 Indian regional languages is underway

04. 40% Credit Transfer

UGC & AICTE regulations have encouraged learners by allowing them
to earn up to 40% credits from among 5000+ credit-based courses.

SWAYAM is designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of
Education Policy viz., Access, Equity and Quality. SWAYAM seeks to
bridge the digital divide for students who have hitherto remained
untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the
mainstream of the knowledge economy.


E-mission of translation into regional languages seeks to provide
learning in the mother tongue and to promote the strength, usage, and
vibrancy of Indian regional languages. Providing emphasis to Indian
regional languages by facilitating translation of seminal online
SWAYAM courses from one language to other languages. is, in turn,
will equip students who find it difficult to access knowledge because of
a language barrier.

1. Better Skill Development of the learners across the country in higher
2. is will help provide quality teaching to more students achieving
Higher Rates of Participation and thus increase Gross Enrolment Ratio
(GER) in higher education.
3. Better Learning outcomes.
4. Building an equitable education system.


Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) is a major and unique
initiative of Ministry of Education under PMMMNMTT Scheme for
Professional Development of 1.5 million Higher Education Faculty in
various specific disciplines using the MOOC’s platform SWAYAM.
So far, Ministry of Education has conducted three ARPIT programs viz.
ARPIT-2018, ARPIT-2019 & ARPIT-2020.
Faculty can use certificates for availing the equivalence recognized by
UGC, as a refresher course for their Career Advancement Scheme (CAS).
Non-Faculty Learners are also given certificates by AICTE as a NC.

Introducing my sister to swayam

In our ever-evolving digital landscape, the quest for knowledge has
transcended conventional boundaries. One significant manifestation of
this evolution is the Swayam portal. Let me walk you through the essence
of Swayam as I explain it to my 16 y/o sister, and delve into their
understanding of this innovative educational platform .

Swayam stands as an online platform revolutionizing education
accessibility by offering a diverse array of courses, spanning various
disciplines, entirely free of charge. Unlike conventional educational
websites, Swayam is backed by the Government of India and collaborates
with esteemed institutions to ensure the dissemination of high-quality
education to learners of all backgrounds.

The operation of Swayam is straightforward: learners create an account,

peruse the extensive course catalog, and enroll in the subjects that pique
their interest. The absence of financial barriers makes education
accessible to all, irrespective of economic constraints.

One might question the caliber of education provided by a free platform,

but Swayam upholds rigorous standards by enlisting experts from
prestigious institutions like the IITs, IIMs, and other renowned
universities to develop and deliver courses. Learners can rest assured that
they are receiving instruction of the highest caliber.

Moreover, Swayam fosters an interactive learning environment through

multimedia content, including videos, quizzes, assignments, and
discussion forums. Learners have the opportunity to engage with
instructors and peers, seeking clarification and enriching their
understanding of the subject matter.

The feedback given by my sister was great; she liked it and had positive
things to say. She found the comparison of Swayam to a digital library
helpful in understanding its purpose. Additionally, she appreciated
learning about the platform's governmental backing and collaboration
with prestigious institutions, which boosted her confidence in its
Furthermore, she found the explanation of Swayam's interactive and
engaging learning experience compelling. The contrast with traditional
lectures resonated with her, and she expressed interest in exploring
Swayam further due to its modern approach to education.

In summary, my sister's feedback was enthusiastic and encouraging. She

found the explanation of Swayam to be clear and insightful, and it sparked
her curiosity to delve deeper into the platform.

Introducing Swayam to my sister not only serves as a catalyst for her
educational journey but also underscores the platform's transformative
potential in democratizing learning. As my sister embarks on this voyage
of knowledge exploration, I am reminded of the boundless opportunities
afforded by platforms like Swayam, which empower individuals to pursue
their academic passions unhindered by barriers of time, location, or
financial constraints.

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