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Hopefully this gives you a good overview of the type of website we are looking to design.
This project is very important to us and has taken a large amount of time and effort to gain
approval from our Founders internally.

Also hopefully it becomes clear that there are more advanced pages (Landing, About Us and
Methodology) and much more simple pages such as the different team/division pages. So
hopefully should be 7 relatively easy pages and three more dynamic/interesting that will
take you more of the time.

Any questions throughout the process please just let us know!

Important Information:

 Please use the Colour Pallet Attached (slight changes can be made and use of white/
clean colours is also good)
 The ‘pitch deck’s’ have also been provided for reference – although we want
something similar, it 100% shouldn’t be the same, we want to differentiate between
the two
 We’ve also attached the Illustrator version of the logo – hopefully that is the easiest
 We like the use of animation on other people’s websites to make it dynamic – you’ll
see this in all the websites we’ve provided below

Websites we like the concept (in no particular order):

Our three keywords (if you want to google/research):

1. Private Equity
2. Global
3. Executive Search

Navigation of the page:

 How to choose the language: (GEM, Waterland, Pamica) – appreciate this is
 Menu/Drop Down: (GEM, JSS, KEA)
 For the menu we would like the teams to be under a ‘Division’ drop down (similar to
 Bottom of page site map: (GEM) but include our socials buttons

The 10 separate pages:

1. Landing page
2. About Us page
3. Our Methodology
4. Benelux Team
5. DACH Team
6. Nordics Team
7. UK Team
8. Italy & Iberia Team
9. US Team
10. Contact Us

In-depth Page Design Notes:

Landing Page –

 We want a revolving video (similar to the concept in the zip file)

 Something that combines both the GEM & Rivean website landing pages
 We want it to centre around the different regions we operate in (US, Benelux, DACH,
Nordics, UK, Italy) with a theme maybe skyline/water
 Rivean – really like the fact it’s a stand alone page, also like the requirement to click
through to enter the site, animation of the lines is also interesting
 GEM – more simple but actually like the concept the most, animated to start with,
then a revolving video, also like that it is ‘shaded’ blue similar to our pitch deck
 A combination of the two would be perfect – doesn’t need to be too complicated

About Us Page –

 Continue the animation/dynamic nature from the landing page – GEM good example
and simple with photos moving etc
 We require multiple different sections within the page including:
1. “Get to know Us Section” – to give a brief overview of the brand (something simple
would work)
2. Two Vertical Sections – to give an overview of C-suite & IM sides of our company
(maybe a split similar to Pamica with boxes?)
3. An image that clearly shows our international nature (similar to JSS map)
4. Revolving Management Team Section – photos (similar to what we currently have on
the Gresham Hunt website just more polished)
5. What Our Partners say: something we can edit to add client testimonials to our site
 Bottom of the page a simple site maps

Our Methodology –

Within this page there are three main points

1) Our networking (Discussing the candidates we work with) see Page 6 in our pitch
2) The Search Methodology (Discussing how we do it) see Page 7 on our pitch deck
3) Our Process (Showing how quickly we work) see page 8 on our pitch deck
It would be great to provide a dynamic way of making this page work with nice animation.
For examples –
 For Section 1 some interesting ways of showing the lists would be great!
 For Section 2 I like the GEM about us page, with the different boxes that you can click
and it then gives more information. I also like Waterland’s design on the approach
section (
 For Section 3 think it would be cool to have a click through the process
( similar to this when you scroll down you
go on a “journey” with the lines

Our Division sections (Benelux, DACH, Nordics, UK, Italy and US) –

Main sections we need:

 Professional About Us
 Our Regional Expertise
 Our Sectors
 Our team section – which we can edit and add new people – similar to what we have
now on the Gresham Hunt home page

We can keep these pages simple (similar to JSS -

As long as it has some animation/dynamic that links from the main pages – everything can
be relatively simple

Contact Us Section –

Again very simple page:

Three sections;

1) Something we can write in to say get in contact

2) A enquiry form (only if this is simple)
3) A section breaking down all our 6 locations with Addresses that drop down

Please see Wateralnds as the best example -

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