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DEFINITIONS POKA - Inadvertent Errors YOKERU - Avoid POKA-YOKE - Avoid Inadvertent Errors - Mistake Proof _[{]BASIC CONCEPT © Remove defect from repetitive actions that depend on vigilance or memory » It is not acceptable to produce any defective products “UH DIFFERENCES IN JAPANESE AND WESTERN PRODUCTION PHILOSOPHY A. Process Improvement and Simplification ~ Difference between process and operation - Automated warehouse vs. elimination of warehouse ~ Conveyor belts, cranes vs. need for transport ~ Better ways to remove glue, paint, burrs etc. vs. not to have them in the first place = Change the basic struct (py B. Continuous Improvement Influence of American Training Within Industries (TWT) on Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) and job simplification by workers in Japan - Continuous Improvement is everyone's business - Involvement, Empowerment and Suggestions - Unending quest for better ways - Improvement means changes 1] C. Elimination Of Waste - Adding cost without value is a waste ~ Types of Waste - Waste of producing defects Waste of transportation due to facility layout - Waste of over production - Waste of waiting - Waste built in the process - Waste of movement - Waste of inventory The key operations of a manufacturing process are typically: _[I] WHAT IS POKA-YOKE? “Failsafing” or “Mistake Proofing” a process. This method combines Source Inspection with Mistake Proofing devices to detect errors before they become defects to turn out the highest quality products in the shortest period of time. _[!)) Five Elements of Production 1. Operator 2. Materials 3. Machines 4. Method 5. Information Quality problems result from each of t elements of production, ve Production and quality Improvement requires investigation into each of these elements | _/] INSPECTIONS Inspections are secondary to production and play only a passive and wasteful role. The most fundamenial concept is to recognize that defects are generated by work and all inspections can do is to discover those defects. [| THREE TYPES OF INSPECTION 1, Judgment Inspection 2, Information Inspection 3. Source Inspection _I | JUDGMENT INSPECTION © Compares parts to a standard and removes defects. Usually done on a sample basis. [Ut] INFORMATIVE INSPECTION Statistical Quality Control Improves the process to reduce future defects. © Successive Checks Occurs after the operator has performed a self-check on his or her own work and that work is checked again by the next (successive) operator downstream. Plus: Usually catches any defects overlooked by previous operator during self-check Problem: Corrective action occurs after the point of error, as compared to at the point of error. “[{JINFORMATIVE INSPECTION Self-Checks Occurs when the operator who performs the work, checks the work before passing it on to the next process, Plus: Represents 100% inspection Makes instant correction possible Problem: Operator may sometimes make compromises on quality or forget to perform check. [U}SOURCE INSPECTION 7a eet aa somo) (BBR / \ | oe cyeLe \ hie aa y\ \ check & \ feedback, DEFECTS RESULTS _] SOURCE INSPECTION Discovery of “errors” at the source before they can become defects. Can “prevent” the errors from becoming defects. | }i] SIGNIFICANCE OF SOURCE INSPECTION Old System: ~ An error takes place (Cause) - A defect occurs (Effect) ~ Defect is caught and the information is fed back = Corrective Action is taken ~ Large feedback loop New System: = An error takes place (Cause) ~ Error is caught and feedback carried out ~ Corrective Action is taken IMPORTANCE IN ACHIEVING ZERO DEFECTS © Source Inspection - 60% - Detect errors at the source 100% Inspection - 30% - Use inexpensive sensing device for inspection © Immediate Action - 10% Typically we track the defects =| i rate by: Quantity ® Kind © Percent ‘As we push towards “Zero Defects” we must be tracking: the point where defect is discovered the point where defect occurred ERRORS vs. DEFECTS The first step to “Zero Defects” is to distinguish between errors and defects DEFECTS are the RESULTS » ERRORS are the CAUSES of the RESULTS ERRORS cause DEFECTS EXAMPLES OF ERRORS & DEFECTS The Error is: The Defect is: 1. Not setting the timer 1, Burnt toast. properly on you toaster 2. Placing the “original in 2. Many black pages. your copier “face up” 3. Able to pick from 5 5. Wrong part on Printed different bins of 7 components. [i] GOAL OF POKA-YOKE TO ELIMINATE ERRORS AT THEIR SOURCE BEFORE THEY BECOME DEFECTS ]TO ACHIEVE ZERO DEFECTS Eliminate ERRORS Prevent ERRORS from becoming DEFECTS Catch DEFECTS before they proceed to next process _IEI] THREE TYPES OF DEVICES » Type I - Eliminates the error at the source before it can occur. ‘Type II - Detects an error in the process of it occurring, before it results in a defect. Type III - Detects a defect after it has been made, but before it reaches the next operation. (gy) Human Errors In any factory the essential ingredient is people. People make mistakes. Mistakes can lead to defects. No matter how much we wish to avoid making mistakes, sooner or later we willl make ‘There are basically two essential attitudes about human error. - Enrors are inevitable! People always make mistakes. While we tend to accept the mistakes as natural, we blame the people who make them. With this kind of attitude, we're likely to overlook defects as they occur in production. They may be detected only in final inspection or, worse yet, by the customer. | 1] Human Errors ~ Exrors can be eliminated! ‘Any kind of mistake people make can be reduced and even, eliminated, People make fewer mistakes if they are supported by a production system based on the principle that errors can always be prevented, 11!) Ten Types of Human Error 1. Forgetfulness Sometimes we forget things when we are not concentrating. For ‘example, the station master forgets to lower the railroad crossing gate Errors due to misunderstanding Sometimes we make mistakes when we jump to the wrong conclusion before we're familiar with the situation. For ‘example, a person not used to a car with automatic transmission steps on the brake, thinking itis the clutch. 3. Errors in identification v ‘Sometimes we incorrectly assess a situation because we view it too quickly or are too far away to see it clearly. For example, 2 $1 bill is mistaken for a $10 bill. _[1)Ten Types of Human Error 4, Errors made by amateurs Sometimes we make mistakes because of our lack of experience For example, a new worker does not yet know the operation or is just barely familiar with it. Willful errors ‘Sometimes errors occur when we decide that we can ignore rules under certain circumstances. For example, crossing a street against a red light because there are not cars in sight at the ‘moment is such an error 6. Inadvertent errors Sometimes we make mistakes inadvertently or without realizing it. For example, someone lost in thought tries to cross the street ‘without even noticing thatthe light is red Ten Types of IIuman Error Error due to slowness Sometimes we make mistakes because our actions are slowed down by our delays in judgment. For example, ¢ person leaming to drive is slow to step on the brake. 8, Errors due to lack of standards Some errors occur when there are no suitable instructions or work standards. For example, measurement may be left to an individual worker's discretion |. Surprise errors Errors sometimes occur when equipment runs differently than expected, For example, a machine might malfunction without

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