Absolute Value Some Observations Summary

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Absolute Value – Some Observations - 1

Square Root
1 The relationship, x2 = |x|2, holds true for all x.

For example,
If we have x = 5, x2 = 25 and |x|2 = 25. Thus, x2 = |x|2.
If we have x = -5, x2 = (-5)2 = 25 and |x|2 = 52 =
25. Thus, x2 = |x|2.

2 The relationship x2 = |x| holds true for all x.

For example, √52 = √25 = 5 and |5| = 5. Thus, √x2 = |x|.

Note: The square root of a number can never be negative, in the same way, |x| can never be negative.


3 |xy| = |x|×|y|, for all x and y.

Some examples are:
• |3 × 5 |= |3| × |5| = 15.
• |-3 × 5| = |-3| × |5| = 15.

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Absolute Value – Some Observations - 1

x |x| 5 |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y|.

4 | | = , where y ≠ 0.
y |y|
Some examples are:
Some examples are:
• |-3 + (-5)| = |-3| + |-5| = 8.
4 |4| 4 • |-3 + 5| = 2 < |-3| + |5| = 8.
• | |= = = 2.
−2 |−2| 2

−10 | −10 | 10 Note:

• | |= = = 2.
−5 |−5| 5
• If both x and y have the same sign, the Left-Hand Side (LHS) becomes equal to the Right-Hand Side (RHS).
• E.g.: |-3 + (-5)| = |-3| + |-5| = 8.
• If x and y have the opposite signs, the LHS is strictly less than the RHS in the above inequality.
• E.g.: |-3 + 5| < |-3| + |5|.
• If any one of x or y, or both, are zero, then also the LHS becomes equal to the RHS.
• E.g.: |x + 0| = |x| + |0| = |x|.

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Absolute Value – Some Observations - 1

6 |x - y| ≥ |x| - |y|.

Some examples are:

• |5 - 3| = |5| - |3| = 2.
• |3 - 5| > |3| - |5|.
• If x and y have the same sign and |x| > |y|, the left-hand side (LHS) = the right-hand side (RHS).
• For example, |5 - 3| = |5| - |3|. Both 5 and 3 have the same sign and |5| > |2|.
• If y = 0 or both x and y are zero, LHS = RHS.
• For example, |x - 0| = |x|, |x| - |0| = |x|.
• In all the cases excluding the above ones, the LHS > RHS.
• For example, |3 - 5| > |3| - |5|.

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