2FINALnegotiation Speech

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JAVERIA: Good morning, Mr. Jeevan. I am here today to discuss your request to purchase back the
property that you sold to me in 2018. I understand that you have since learned that the property is
ancestral property, and I appreciate you coming to me to discuss this matter before going to the court. --

AISHA: Yes, I am also glad. we'll try to come to an understandable settlement without affecting our
mutual relations.----------7

Opening Statement

JAVERIA: I am willing to consider your request, but I also have a number of concerns. First, I have
invested a significant amount of money in the property, and I need to make sure that I am compensated
for my investment. Second, I have already converted the property into my main office, and it would be
disruptive to my business to move.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8

AISHA: I am willing to negotiate a settlement that is fair and reasonable to both of us. However, I need
to be sure that my interests are protected.\-----------------------------------------------------------------8

JAVERIA: sure, we will consider your proposals, however, we also have two proposals for you that I'd like
to put forth.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10


JAVERIA: I have two proposals for you:

* Option 1: You purchase the property back from me at a higher price than I paid for it, plus any
reasonable expenses that I have incurred.

* Option 2: We enter into a lease agreement, where you lease the property to me for a certain period of
time at a fair market value--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

AISHA: I bought the property for 50 ac and the complete office shifting costed me 50 thousand, painting
the property and renovating accordingly to create an official environment costed me 3 lac and 50
thousand. So, I need you to pay me those additional costs---------------------------------------------------11

AISHA: I am open to discussing other options as well. I am committed to finding a solution that works for
both of us.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

AISHA: Okay, it seems like a promising proposal, however, since I have to compromise for your situation,
thats why i think I should get the lease at a lesser rent than prevailing in the market.---------------------14
JAVERIA: YES, it will be fai just to compensate for the additional costs thatmy client just informed you

JAVERIA: Okay, I think this is the best option as it is fair and reasonable for both of us as we both have
our concerns protected without going to the court.---------------------------------------------------------19

yes, the feeling is mutual……………...................................21


ZUBAIR: Good morning, Mr. Panikar. I am here today to discuss the sale of the property that you
purchased from me in 2018. I am requesting that you sell the property back to me at a fair price.--------1

HARSH: yes, I am willing to negotiate with you and come to an amicable solution.--------------------------2

Opening Statement

ZUBAIR: I understand that you may be surprised by my request. However, I have since learned that the
property is ancestral property ,therefore I had to taken the consent of all the members before selling it
to you, and knowing it I have a legal and moral obligation to protect it for my family.---------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

HARSH: I also understand that you have invested a significant amount of money in the property. I am
willing to negotiate a fair price that will compensate you for your investment.-----------------------4

ZUBAIR: I am confident that we can reach a mutually agreeable settlement that will be beneficial to both
of us. I am here to listen to your concerns and to work with you to find a solution that meets everyone's
needs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5


JAVERIA: OKAY, I have two proposals for you:

* PROPOSAL 1: You sell the property back to me for the same price that you paid for it, plus any
reasonable expenses that you have incurred.

* PROPOSAL 2: You sell the property back to me at a higher price, but on the condition that I give you
the right to buy it back at a later date.----------------------------------------------------------------------9

I am open to discussing other options as well. I am committed to finding a solution that works for both
of us.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

HARSH: Okay, I understand your concern, however, due to my financial condition, I cannot pay you
additional costs, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

ZUBAIR: however, I can offer you to buy back the property at the price i sold you at and give you the
property at lease, so that you may continue using the property as your main office.------------13

ZUBAIR: I understand that the contract between us is not enforceable since it is ancestral property and
the consent of all members is necessary before selling the property, however, I am still willing to discuss
options for reaching a mutually agreeable settlement---------------------------------------------------------------16

HARSH: Also, you will be using the property and I will have to renovate the property whenever you leave
it as youve made significant changes to it, so I'll also incur expenses to make it usable by me and my
family..----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

ZUBAIR: THEREFORE, We could discuss a lease agreement with a rent that reflects the cost of the
renovations. So, it will be fair If MY CLIENT buy the property back and lease it to you for a certain period
acceptable to you,………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18

ZUBAIR: I believe that this is the best outcome for both of us, and I appreciate your willingness to
negotiate in good faith..----------------------------------------------------------------------------20

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