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GENERAL ELECTIONS Most Immediate By Special Messenger PUBLIC (ELECTIONS.IN) DEPARTMENT, SECRETARIAT, CHENNAI-600 009. Letter No.3800/202 From Thiru Satyabrata Sahoo, L.A. Chief Electoral Officer & Principal Secretary to Government. To The Chairman, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, 144, Anna Salai, Chennai ~ 600 002. (w.e.) (By name cover) Sir, Sub: ELECTIONS - General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024 and Bye-election to Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly from 233.Vilavancode Assembly Constituency ~ Uninterrupted power supply ~ Requested. Ref: 1, From the Election Commission of India, New Delhi, letter No.464/'TN-LA/ 2011, dated 7.3.2011. 2. From the Election Commission of India, New Delhi, letter No.464/ L&O/EPS-2014, dated 5.4.2014. 3. From the Election Commission of India, New Delhi, Press Note No.ECI/PN/23/2024, dated 16.03.2024. 4, From the Election Commission of India, New Delhi, Press Note No.ECI/PN/ 24/2024, dated 16.03.2024. 1 am directed to state that the poll for the General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024 and Bye-election to Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly from 233.Vilavancode Assembly Constituency will be held on 19.04.2024 (Friday) and the counting of votes shall be taken on 04.06.2024 (Tuesday). 2. The Election Commission of India, in its letter dated: 7.3.2011, has directed that with a view to ensure efficient and hassle free poll related arrangements, ensure uninterrupted power supply in entire Tamil Nadu from the period of closure of campaign to closure of poll during the General Elections. 3. In view of the above, to ensure efficient and hassle free poll related arrangements in the General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024 and Bye-clection to Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly from 233.Vilavancode Assembly Constituency, viz. Live recordings, etc. uninterrupted power supply has to be provided in the districts on the date of poll i.c. 19 April, 2024. 4. The Election Commission of India, in its letter dated: 54.2014, has given detailed instructions regarding the security measures for polled EVMs stored in strong rooms for counting of votes and setting up of counting centres. Among others, the Election Commission of India has directed that it should be ensured that there is uninterrupted power supply at the strong room locations during the entire period wherein EVMs are stored. A list of location of counting centres in Tamil Nadu is enclosed. 5. Based on the above instructions of the Election Commission of India, I am, therefore, to request you to ensure uninterrupted power supply as follows:- 1. Uninterrupted power supply in entire Tamil Nadu from the period of closure of campaign to closure of poll, ie. 6.00 p.m, on 17% April, 2024 to 6.00 a.m. on 20t April, 2024, especially from 6.00 P.M. on 18! April, 2024 to 6.00 A.M. on 20% April, 2024, since the poll officials would be in the polling stations. 2. Uninterrupted power supply in the location of counting centres from 18.04.2024 to 05.06.2024. 3. During the above days, electricity supply without interruption in the offices of Returning Officers and the District Election Officers (Collectorate) is also to be ensured. 6. The action taken in this regard may kindly be informed to this office. Yours faithfully, om “8. ——“olabs for Chief Electoral Officer & Principal Secretary to Government. Copy to: ‘The Principal Secretary to Government, Energy Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9. (w.e.) A 1o[oy]2024 All District Election Officers. SovernetoTeipy, 7 Phenea! a LIL LLU COMIVUSSLUN Ui LINDL om es ‘Niryachan Sadan, Ashok Road, New Delhi ~13000%, So) We Wei EO7RPS-2014 ‘koa, 2004 . To “The Chief Electoral Officers af a totes end rion ‘errs Sis» Sigurty manures for polled lestonc Vatig Macias seth Strong Rooms fr cointag of votes and sat up of Counting Centre -reguing Refi- BCI instruction’No.SUV8/7/201 :EMS ated a Feb, 7911. Sir/Madam, e-The Blection Comission of Tofia tas announced Cznesal Bleation to Lok Soba, 2014, and Legislative Asseaies of Andhra Pradesh, Arugacol Pradesh’ Opa and Sia, ‘The first poll day is on'7* April, 2014 and the last poll day is on 2" May! 2014 with seven ” ‘iceat poll dates ip-botwtep. ‘Thé Sohedhiled date for counting is 16" Mi, 2014, In many States tere i s.considerile gap béoween th poll day and the coating dy lei has lt ensure Security eagores with respeit t-polled BVMs as very Lnpitnt. The Commision, therefore, desires that the following should be done with a view to seontty ofpolled EVs: Security ofetroné room: as Snong Rocin‘sall Nave nly, qne door and not other door oF opening: Th aie tase, are other doots or opening, thy shal bs olosed wsing brick masonry. ie a double lock syste, with ne ke. Be kept th bog room io ebange shooter oj wih mn fie nt blow te sf ADNE «, Arvngerasats should be rade forfie end Nood salty. : 4, Song tom shall be 'usder 2X7 CAPF guard ele out of edsing deployment andlabeithe Stal o Sing the CAPF ordered tobe retina Qu fete Peal, * ” «Strong room shill bender 24X7 CTY coverage. oe {One conta bom adjacent ig stong room shouldbe operatveroxbd fe desk, A Gapetedoffcrelong wh a patce oer shold be pat on dy ov he clock 4 for monitoring the security evangetnents of ston room. 1 It should be ensured that thre is unnterped power supply at it seong room focations during the entire peripd wherein BVMs are tsored. CEO may eddress the Chairman of Elestcicity Board conceméd separately regarding this. Local Eléctilty Bord affikals should be asked to ensure the same, Contingency aragement of stand ie by generators should be mide.o ensire uninterrupted power supply. 1h. Tramsportation ond storing of poled VMs m temporary strong rooms at the = veeeipt cantar = Polled EVMs shall be transported from the polling station to the WV. ec Gunes nek gun UL CATR, LADIES Bnd WAI epRESERAENES shall OS alloved to ello the vehialetxasporng polled EVMs,Polled EVM canbe stored in ‘song oom guarded by CAPF athe recaps cence if te receip cenceyis not located at the beadquaces af the RO, Stcong roams will be anede-by following ell fstructione tthe Coranission with respect to peranentstong rooms, The stroug 200m shall be tpsied by CAPP. The song room ahal bo scaled afte ll the BVI fr hat roost eater hive ie received and Kept fh the strong room. The sealing shall be done in the presince of candidates arid sir rpcczeatalives aha thelr signatures shall be obtalned cn the seals The entre process shall ke vedlogaphed. The candidates and eie ‘epetseititives shall be informed in wating about the gaieand tise when the EVMs stored in the ‘strong roonis shall Be shied t the formansnt stoag wom at RO heaguarer, The strong joo shal be opined af the time so appointed inthe presesce of eqndidits aod ther weprapentuives ater vestGing the istaclaess of the seh, The vibolé’ process shall be videcigraphed.-The EVMS shal'thn btn. qut nthe strate room si wansporta tothe permanent song room a the"RO-fesdgubtc wader frotston Gt CAPE. Candidates and their representatives shall be ioe to foow te vebicle ‘ansprting EYMs. Guardtig’ot stcong rooms ~ There shall be «thee ti, 4. ira ler which is the ionermost pecmster, shall be CAPP gual This shall be-« 24X7 CAPP inti guard. Minimum one section of CAB ard gun sal be on duty 247 or hin purpose nisin ge toon of CAPF stale grovied to ind the Suong Room round the cock. 's, Secon ser sll be a goad of Sate ered Police Thied ties shall be a guard of Distrit Executive Foros, Deployment of CAPF “The Cofmtission bas mede provision for guarding of EVMs by CAPR: Whensrer CCAPP are existing a fasion force, the EVM guarding requiremeat wil be taken care of by the ‘existing frees. For other State, the provision fs made ovt of te cent! pool. fa tbe matte, te Ministry of Home Affrs vide its later no, IL-I1040/1/2014-GCVaI-V) dated 21 Merch, 12014, adérested'5 the Chief Soecetary, the Home Secretary and the Direatér Gongrel of Police of the States concerned has elzcady conveyed the exact no, of e6ya to bezetained inthe State after the completion’ of poll for stousty arrangements of EVM stong room end sousting centecs ti tho completion of counting with rogard to the States where CAPF is avaiable as 1 deploymenr, no allounent has been made out of Czatsl pool, and provision for EVM nding tn those States shall be made out of existing deployment. Taille fo candidates to keep a wateb on the etrong rooms~ ‘All contesting candidates should be fntmted tn wating to depute ther representatives to keep actose watoh on security arrangement of strug room, They shoud be allswed to stay vise the ovtermast perimeter in rao-proof ted erected fall So this purpose, which enables hen to view the ontry pons of tne #o00g rom: Feiies'such i proper sae, non, BEWSER Sao jmemcenraer ae CCTV. In such # ease, they may te taken periodically €o the nner parity in batches fo seo for themeepes and yey the-sbongto0m secu, The plone nik: of CED, Addl. CEOs, DEC charge jn We ECT'and the DEOISPICOPRO: conesre sho be gig tae candies, who may provide, the sume to ther people feping vig ot the, srg Yoon locaton. thay uy be edvised by the candidate to contac tb ofl Incase f any need. ‘Vi. Profocol-to be followet) to enter the tuner perimeter : Hone shosl bi allowed to eter the inner perimeter won tg the prcael, vagunders 6.7 + 4 The log book shal’be alatained by the CAPF i eh xe tld be dé bau ete, time, duration and namé(s}of any one crossing the socom secusity rng iv the aide eimetor, This lasudes vst by the Observers or DOs ot SPs'or canst ree agents or any ther persons. ‘SE rovided to he CAPE confingentto.xcood all visit mado vy nahin: : «No Vebile; including that of any ofa) er misc or fy: ote lien functodary should be allowed inside the secured cas where the EVM a stor Alighting point for the vebicles should be marked clearly herd of the outer soourity povineter itself beyond it should be apedestian 2niscxly. © ‘VIL. Supervision by Returning Offers ind DEOs ‘Retuming Olficers shold visit the storage cammpas (upto the inner peritmeer only) every day in the moming and evening and check the log book: and videography and sead a report to the DBO on the status every day. Incase of stréng rooms located in he district headquasters, he DBO should do the game. Where, the strong rooms we itvted outside the f district Headquarters, DEO should visit the same as frequently as possible and at least nce in3 10 4 days. DCs and SPs shall be personally responsible fur security of strong soda within the district and meticulous implembitation of the protocol. Tho copy of this letter sheild ‘bo made available to all candidates, DEQs, ROs and CAPF commandant, The CBOs may submit a sense rept tothe Zonal Searetares indicating the ype of Seciity arrangements mag by the admlnsietiod to guard due strony foom involving the CAPE alcady aveluble within the State Le TR Bri ets, or using SAP or er additignal measures taken for guarding tho sting room may also be “Thiguney be taken on priority bsis and be oculaled to all onsored: | Yours Sincerely, ie (sunt MOKHERUBE) % SECRETARY 49372014 6:05 PR + existing deployment, no-allounent fas been aude out of Cental pol, and provision for EVM guarding ta those States shall be made out of existing deployment. . = V. Facies to candidates to hexp a ate on th strong root ‘All contesting candidates shouldbe intimated fm wtng to dept tht sepesetves to keep close watch on seeurty rangement of stoag room, Thay should e allowed o stey outside the outermost perimeter ina rin-roof ten erected filly ots purpoye, which conbles them to view the eatry polnts of the strong raom: Facltte‘such is propershadt, écinking watt, toilets, eto, should be provided to thea. If thece ts no direct view w the sroag, roum, COTY shoul bo aroged atthe lc 0 hl hy can eth stg roo dot.n, CCTV. tn such # ene, they may be taken periodically to the inner perimeein batches to se2 for themes and yesify the stotg room seowiny, The plone af of CED, Al, CEs, DEC fa charge fn the BCY and he DBOYSPICOPMROs eonceaed shill bo ‘given tthe candidates, iho may provide the sume to their people Seeping vigil at the, stot Hooin localon they nj bavi by the ed conte ofl Ipease of eny nek. Vi. be followell to eater the inner perimeter ‘No ne should be allowed to enter the faner perimetsr wi vasuadice + ‘ + Thy lg ook hl be rained bythe CAPF in ich ee shld be andl sont date, ime, draion snd nasé(eyof aay ove erosing te sermd seul ting ihe imide etimeters Ts nes vst by be bse er DED Sara x thicageats or any the persons evs agi Te ovided tothe CAF nga Yi nde othe te, bp such visitors: “e.'No ‘rbicle; including” that of any official or mixiste or ny: ofher Filieal finctiosary should be allowed faside the ccared camp whe ihe EVM are sore. Alightng point sir the vebicles should be marked clea ahepd of the outer suey pecineter itself beyond itshould bea pedestrian 20d aly.” Vil Supervision by Retwatng Otiers na DEOs Reluming Oct shold visi the oxage camps (yp the ier pater coay) evecy day in the moming and evening and check the lig book: and videography and sea a repoctto the DBO on he sats every day nase of én rome locate fe the dist headquarter, the DEO should do the sue. Whe, tc song toons are sivted outside he G iste Headquarers, DEO should vist che same as fequendy as possible and at lets nce in3 104 days, ‘DCs and SPs shall be personaly pashli for security uf strong coda within the distict end meticulous » 0 Panphedlnga ‘Chetarai Dharmaprt ara SC Goal Etna To Tak Ban, SAA Beth of Coin Cane Winther it Xo, tame of within the Timentagy | Moandtane of Aemby amectthe Counting Contre | olamontary ‘wea! tey RAR SG [maim cee ‘Ram Vidya Mandir Matcvnion Hah peer Seeondary Schoo o9 Perumal ttn | yg, fossa “iewar Tae, =r ‘waiter 602.028 prewreNnaT Non aa 2 sama Tamra Sala % aS vitae Cena 660008, tha fr cnaNnarsoom [aa iamatiam ae College of Engineering, Main Building (Red fo Building), Anna University Campus, Sardar Yes estas Patel Rend, Guindy, Chen 600032 7 Basan tikenat tates ola Coteg, tering Rous, Nungambatam,| yep inna 600 634 boheme oe An | SRPERONBUBOR [FAs aa Nadras nai of ecology, Rada ar, | ye 29 StS ‘chromeps, Chena “600 048 al ta [-aNCHRERRATSOzChemealan oe ‘University College of Engineering (A. Hi Gheswur SC1_—_____) Constituency College of Anna University), Yes plecoor nae ‘Karapettai Village, Kancheepuram, Be ullianuae Kans 2 pena ra iG ean acolo oe |, Haut Women, Wala Fang Dt lane l-vaRLORE ls vaio fanaa SAG] Thanha evar Goverment natite ot | ya, Hé cusam t Technolog, Tapa, Valor [az anvambdi—————] fran ACT tana BL | aE Government Polytechnic College, Krishnagiti Yes a i ‘Tal TO DRARTAPURT Tal Government Cte of Engineering ce Ho, & Name of Pailiamentary Name of the Couiating Centre ey 7 pea Se ee Eso Che ‘Secondary School, Chengam Road, No | ces = ae ae Seeteroas 11 Gangavalli [SC) ‘A.Vasuclevanur Villago, Chinnasalem Taluk, sak no sor = ee —— eee as cel Puma aes ee oe eae pee ee ae 1100 Modakkurichi Erode. - se ae as [106 Gobichettipalavam —__| Palladam Road, Tirappur - 641 604. my omeses — free a —| i aaa ‘Uahagarmandalam a HE nner taten| 14 Coimbatore (Northl ‘Road, Coimbatore ti 121 Sinsanal Feitamentry | No-tdmame ot Aasemby | ame arene Counting Cente | ratamentary Constituency. ” Constituency, ‘ie PT FOUAGHT ie thondamh pe unataksae Dr, Mahalingarn College of Engineering and za eullact ‘Technology, Udumalpet Road, Pollachi, Yes Sees ‘Coimbatore, Has Ulla , ie Mada pa DINDTGUL Prono fie Ginciatam | an voir Cotes Engen eno Dini Weet a, ig Dic as ize paRAROR ea Hs Sexaalsark ‘M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering, 7 "haleapayam, pal au tes tae est =a Hed ara, rrRcomARAT — Ta Jam Neha Coege Autonom) Ha rnscuamraleas 7, Race Course Rood, Kajah Naga, Yes aie pe “rachrapy 62002, ao al pas PERNNEATOR —— [EER sn ee ee Andha Publi ees, rari (Noth} igs] yg fatale ranbakr Tak fit Masachanaiar faith Sct pe coBonORE aka Se iz vedic fia Kemal Pera Oovermen ra Calg es ie ra ‘onnanputinr, cule is cua promommama 6 Tian Lod Chufarnbea ‘Meenakshi Ramasamy Arts & Science College, 1.59 Kati reo SCL ‘Thathanur Village, Udayarpalayam Tall Yes Lis cor [149 Arivalur ied dnantond PE aITADORTORAT — Se 1 Maviledusin AVC Engineering College, Mayiladuthurai a A Yes: [ia aman 70 Tandaimancicl 1,6 aa and Secs Coven, Napa ps-NAGAPARTANTS is Nama Covenant Ania Seence Clee, Setur, | yay eatin sso SC espana ae flows | [i a i po mARIAOR i Manan rth sh undnal sacar don Caeser |g firsoritanasx————]_“"'Wermen autonomous Tonia 177 Peravurant Wn 26 Palavamkett (227 Kangunes Rad ai aie | seine chin the Padlamontary name of Atemby | same ofthe Counting Cette | itinmentry Constituency Constitoney Teer) brawaaanax ‘gga Chivr Technic Cake, te Aa Hardkua Saganga Dat [184 Kaxaikudi______Tiogappa Chettiyar Government College of | tm [iat] Stes Teoma kaatod figs gsc, ————| Shaganen Dat barsoRAT (sa — fee elsai 101 Madura Nn adorn Metical Cog, duis 00, | Yes i Mata Wan sear Tre Kear Saga POSS Cao fay Uta edu, Then An 199 Perivakulam (SC) ‘Theni Kammavar Sangam Engineering College, = Balan Eoduvrpat, et fan cumim xc VRUDTURNGNR = ot mane ‘noni Vradhnaga 8, Veaichany Naar a Polytechnic College, Virudhunagar ice Sata ft chine pe RARTAPORA [a bt a a Unverity Coleg of gineering 0 Parana SC “ang Rrsnaapuan Tl vee — ‘Ramanathapuram, fut po amoonTRRoo — faa vas iiisstent Unverty VOC Cle ring ‘ 116 Srivaikuntam “Thoothukudi - 628 008. pst ft oxen) at SrENOSTeS [aaa Fee ee cq ——] sr roteenie Clee, UP Nag, (2a sieve edi Kazaa Tah Telos bat kadar Dat : a a to Semanal US Coleg ot ca, TFRs, Yenc Radome Pll ed Dau LRN aaical atta ls Antusua ot Government Engineering College, Tirunelveli Yes 5 RANRIVARUMART 1229 Kannivakunac 0 Naeoco [asi colackel [232 Padmanabhan ——| ssvilavanced [tye-ctecton) University Collegeof Engineering Kona, egarcol, Kanniyokumest District,

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