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Annual Examination (2023-2024)
Time- 1hr 30min Subject: Computer M.M.- 60
Class- IV Date:
Name……………………… Roll No………………Room No………Sec ……….
Note – All the questions are compulsory. Writing should be neat and clean.

Q1. Write the correct answer. (1x15=15)

i) A presentation program developed by Microsoft is
a) word b) paint c) power point
ii) ________ displays a large view of the current slide.
a) notes pane b) ribbon c) slide pane
iii) There are ______ main views of the presentation
a) six b) five c) four
iv) We can press ______ key to end the slideshow at any time
a) ctrl b) esc c) alt
v) ________ button allows us to quickly change the way our presentation displayed on the screen
a) slide b) control c) view
vi) The history of the internet starts with the birth of_______
a) ARPANET b) Intranet c) website
vii) The company that provides internet connection is called______
a) ISP b) IPS c) SPI
viii) ________ is the latest web browser of windows 10.
a) mozilla firefox b) microsoft edge c) google chrome
ix) ________ is a high-speed internet connection.
a) modem b) mosaic c) broadband
x) ________ is the unique address of each web page.
a) URL b) WWW c) ISP
xi) We can change how a sprite looks by giving it a different________.
a) sprite b) prop c) costume
xii) _______ blocks runs the script continuously until the stop button is pressed.
a) motion b) looks c) forever
xiii) Snapping the blocks together into stacks is called ________
a) script b) costume c) stage
xiv) ________ sprite button is used to create a new sprite.
a) draw new b) paint new c) select new
xv) The step-wise instructions help in completing a task ________.
a) easily b) complex c) hardly

Q2. Fill in the blanks (1x5=5)
.pptx slide four hit background
1.One page of the presentation is called a _______
2.A_____ is any web page name that lists as a result of a search.
3.Scratch provides _____ different options for adding sprite to our applications.
4.When we start scratch, the sprite appears with a white ______
5.The default extension of power point 2016 file is_____

Q3. Write T for True and F for False (1x5=5)

1.Title bar shows the name of the currently displayed presentation. ( )
2.Many search engines use spider program. ( )
3.It is difficult to solve a problem in a step-wise manner. ( )
4. We should cross the road only on zebra crossing. ( )
5.A script is a small object that performs actions on the stage. ( )

Q4. Match the following (1x5=5)

Column A Column B
1.Modem Yahoo
2.ISP Uniform resource locator
3.Web browser Internet service provider
4.Search engine Modular Demodular
5.URL Microsoft edge

Q5. Rearrange the following letters (1x5=5)


Q6. Answer the following questions (do any 5) (2x5=10)

1. What do you mean by the forever block? Why is it used?
2. What is Reasoning?
3. Name the various views of PowerPoint window.
4. What is step-wise thinking?
5. Write two advantages of internet?
6. What do you mean by text placeholder?
7. Name some web browsers available on the internet.

Q7. Differentiate between the followings (do any 2) (5x2=10)

1.Search engine and web browser 2. Sprite and script 3. Slide and Presentation

Q8. Identify the following components (1x5=5)


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