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2 Promotion mix
sales promotion -> stimulate consumers demand for your products
premium giveaways
e.g. giveaway tickets for less popular games in NBA /giveaway souvenirs
to spectators
ticket promotions - ticket discount and make a package to attract people at
contests & sweepstakes- lucky draw without purchasing
sampling - giving free samples away to customers
point of purchase displays coupons
special events - eg. the Washington hosted 'gospel day' / inviting celebrities
to halftime show
open house & fan meetings : allow fans to feel closer to team
Advantages of sales
relatively cheap/can be more effective than advertising
attract new consumers
build equity, increase loyalty
price / non-price promotions
often tied to sponsors or media partners
on-court promotions
focus on visual aspects
alternate participants - halftime event during game (e.g. participant is shy ->
somebody to replace him to participate)
special events (eg. concerts)
make sure event is consistent with org's mission
schedule carefully (arrange traffic/scheduling issue)
off-site promotions
scout 偵察 the location well in advance
collect names of prospective fans (have contacts of potential consumers)
tips - use all steps in the frequency escalator
make unaware consumers aware
encourage frequency among light users
satisfy heavy users
Typical sales problems
you have to market what you are given (e.g. to sell ticket in a very small city is
difficult - more sales promotion)
small companies rarely train their salespeople
too few sales calls on new prospects
not enough salespeople
personal selling (person-to-person communication): allows sales person to..
immediately adapt the message being presented based on feedback received
from the target audience (two-way communication)
communicate more information to target audience than other forms of
promotion; explain complex info
target audience more likely to pay attention to message
more chances to develop long-term relationship with consumers (frequent
Public relations
evaluate public attitudes
identifies policies and procedures of an organisation with the public interest
executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance
inform & communicate
shape & enhance image
gain political/popular support
launch new products/innovations (steve jobs press conference on apple)
generate/collect feedback
cope with crisis

media relations
communicate with news media to shape organisation image
provide organisational information & update organisational changes (e.g. a
new star player/coach -> press conference)
manage info in a crisis
Principles of good media relations
be accessible
be cooperative & non-combative
appearance is crucial
do not use jargon
use facts, no rumours
be precise
do not stress/depend upon off-the-record accounts (sth not intended for
publication or disclosure)
do not repeat same things again and again (media wants exclusive news)
Press conference
reasons for calling conference
major changes in personnel (coaches, athletes, owners)
scheduling important event (e.g. championship game)
change in facility location/name
announce new rule/policy
announce major sponsorship/partnership agreement
take into considerations:
timing - are media people available?
send invitations
how many media people to invite (e.g. korea invite sports youtubers)
site selection/preparation (inc. parking, seating, podium, lighting;
registration table) - very few time to prepare
provide some news worth having the press conference
only take place when absolutely needed (reporters are busy!)
not that important -> press release
during crisis
establish crisis management team (plan -> execute -> evaluate)
select spokesperson (by team director)
need training -> answer calmly
craft answers that will best serve the org, at the same time
accommodate the media
proper crisis communication [5'C's]
care: express empathy and care with conviction and sincerity
commitment: org is committed to investigate the incident & prevent
future occurance
consistency: message should be consistent
coherence: concise + stick to fact
clarity: avoid jargon/technical terms that confuse listener
Community relations
designed to involve community, get involved in community, generate goodwill
speaking opportunities
educational programs
school assemblies
youth clinics/camps
charitable donations
charitable foundations
Reason for that:
demonstrate they are significant, committed member of community
address problems in community (kids listen to NBA players, but not
draw attention & allocate resources to improve quality of life
show that the community is their home - not just where they play games
encourage youths, enrich their lives
fulfil responsibility as high-profile members of community, lead by example
*cause-related marketing
involving the cooperative efforts of a 'profit-making' business and a non-
profit organisation for mutual benefit
profit-making org: improve brand reputation (try to help community)
non-profit: promote their mission
positively differentiate your company from your competitors
increased sales, visibility, customer loyalty, image, media coverage
eg. Starbucks: 'you sip, we donate'

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