DP 2 - 2nd Interview Questions Aug - 2023

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Dear Students

I would like to inform you that there are at least three scheduled CAS interviews during an 18-month
of CAS program.
Kindly read following 2nd interview questions carefully and answer all questions. Upload the interview
Q & A word file on your CAS documents before 11th August so that your Advisor can post it on your
CAS portfolio as 2nd interview by 17th August.
2nd Interview Questions.
1. Explain something that has happened in CAS that provoked some strong emotions.
- There is one CAS experience which always provokes some strong emotion which is Rainbow
Homes (girls’ orphanage). Sometimes it makes me feel sad for the girls at Rainbow homes
after listen stories from where they come from and how they live. Secondly spending time with
them makes me really happy, because whenever I see them, they are always smiling and not
ranting for what they don’t have. They are always happy with what they have.

2. What have you developed for your CAS project—your goals, who are you collaborating with,
whether the project involves creativity, activity, and/or service, your roles and
responsibilities, and your progress to date?
- My CAS project was “Build Together” Maher Pabani and I started this project with the
Backward Class Welfare (BCW) boys’ school. Our initial plan for this project was to teach
students from grades 6,7,8 various skills including Dance, Arts, Cooking, Crochet, and sports.
After 8 weeks we would have a fair where the students would showcase their skills and the
money, we would earn from it would be used to create a library for the students. As this would
have been a collaborative job, we thought of naming it the project as Build Together. Before
going ahead with the project, we went for an investigation into the school where we got to
know that there is already an existing library but it is not open to students. Therefore, we had
to change our outcome, now we will be asking our school library to donate a few as well and
we will pass the message among all the students to donate storybooks. The storybooks that
we will collect will be given to each student as an individual gift that they won’t submit to their

3. What have been the biggest challenges for your CAS involvement, and how have you
overcome them? What difficulty has been hardest to overcome? Where might you need
support at this time?
- Time management was a big challenge for me during my CAS involvement. Balancing my
academics and CAS was very difficult. But over time CAS had taught me time management
skills which had made my work much easier.

4. Have you ensured an equal balance across the three CAS strands? If not, how will you
rectify this?
- Yes, I have

5. How have you used reflection to gain insights or understandings?

- The reflection has helped me understand the actions I have taken have a meaningful impact
on the community and myself.
6. Did you fulfill DP 1 CAS expectations (Minimum 6 experiences in balance and one
project. Achievement of all learning outcomes. Before, during and after reflections
and evidences and Supervisor review of all completed experiences)
- Yes I have filled the minimum requirement. I have 2 projects, 3 Activities, 4 Services, 5

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