Exp 8 PHP

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Name : Shaikh Hassaan

Roll No : 210418
Practical No : 8
1. Write a program for array of objects
class student{
public $name,$age;
public function __construct($name,$age){
$this->name = $name;
$this->age = $age;
public function intro(){
echo "Name : $this->name <br>";
echo "Age : $this->age <br>";
$std1 = new student("Hassaan",18);
$std2 = new student("Azlan",18);
$std3 = new student("Mohiuddin",18);
$arr = array($std1,$std2,$std3);
foreach($arr as $i){

2. Write a program for method overloading

class Addition{
function __call($nof , $args){
if($nof == 'Add'){
case 1 :
return $args[0];
case 2 :
return $args[0] + $args[1];
case 3 :
return $args[0] + $args[1] + $args[2];
$a = new Addition();
echo $a->Add(2,3)."<br>";
echo $a->Add(2,3,4)."<br>";
echo $a->Add(2);


3. Write a program for method overriding

class parentC{
function display(){
echo "We are inside the parent class<br>";
class childC extends parentC{
function display(){
echo "We are inside the child class";
$p = new parentC();
$c = new childC();
echo $c->display()."<br>";
//echo $p->display()."<br>";

4. Write a program for single level inheritance
class parentClass{
public $name;
public $age;
function getData($name,$age){
$this->name = $name;
$this->age= $age;
class childClass extends parentClass{
function display(){
echo "name: $this->name <br> age: $this->age";
$c = new childClass();
$c->getData("Abu Hassaan","18");

5. Write a program for multi level inheritance

class dada{
function display(){
echo "Me dada hu<br>";
class baap extends dada{
function display(){
echo "Me Baap hu<br>";
class beta extends baap{
function display(){
echo "Me Beta hu<br>";
$beta = new beta();

6. Write a program for multiple inheritance

class student{
public $name,$rollno;
public function getData($name,$rollno){
$this->name = $name;
$this->rollno = $rollno;
trait marks{
public $m1,$m2,$m3;
public function getMarks($m1,$m2,$m3){
$this->m1= $m1;
$this->m2= $m2;
$this->m3= $m3;
class display extends student{
use marks;
public function show(){
echo "name: $this->name <br> rollno: $this->rollno <br>";
echo "MAD:$this->m1<br>WBP:$this->m2<br>PWP:$this->m3<br>";
$d = new display();
$d->getData("Abdul Hassaan",21041318);

7. Write a program for hierarchical inheritance

class base{
public function display1(){
echo "this is ancestor<br>";
class child1 extends base{
public function display2(){
echo "This is child 1<br>";
class child2 extends base{
public function display3(){
echo "This is child 2<br>";
$c1 = new child1();
$c2 = new child2();

8. Write a program for constructor and destructor

class Student{
public $name,$rno;
function __construct($n,$r){
$this->name = $n;
$this->rno = $r;
echo "$this->name<br>$this->rno";
function __destruct(){
echo "<br>Object destroy";
//function display()

$obj = new Student("Abu Hassaan ",1318);


9. Write a program for abstract class

abstract class Student{
abstract public function display();
class children extends Student{
function display():string{
return "This is an abstract class";
$obj = new children();
echo $obj->display();

10. Write a program for final keyword with respect to class

final class Base {

class child1 extends Base{


11. Write a program for final keyword with respect to function

class Base {

final function printdata() {

echo "final base class final method";

class children extends Base{
function printdata(){
echo "Overriden function";

$obj = new children();


12. Write a program for static keyword with respect to variable

function display(){
static $n;
echo "$n <br>";


13. Write a program for static keyword with respect to function and properties
class root{
public static $c;

static function count(){

echo "object ".self::$c." Created<br>";

static function display(){

echo "This is static function is called using the classname<br>";
static function display1(){
echo "Hello there<br>";
static function forChild(){
echo "This is called using the parent keyword<br>";

function display2(){
echo "My name is Abdul Hassaan<br>";

class children extends root{

static function display(){
$obj1= new root();
$obj2 = new children();


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