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ERP Implementation Phases FAQ

Which is the most difficult phase in an ERP implementation?

That depends on many factors, including how easy it is to implement your

chosen system, but often the planning and discovery phase is particularly
challenging. It may be difficult to convince people across the organization
to commit the necessary time and funding, and to agree on a clear project
timeline. Jumping into later stages of the ERP implementation process
without a clear plan is a recipe for problems.

How can you avoid ERP implementation delays?

Take time to get the first phase right, including developing a solid estimate
of timeframe and required resources. Planning an implementation timeline
can be intimidating since there are so many moving parts. Many projects
fall behind schedule simply because the original planned timeline was
unrealistic. Consider reassessing the timeline at key points in the
implementation to see whether it needs to be adjusted.

Are the implementation phases different if you use cloud ERP vs. on-
premises ERP?

While the phases for each type of ERP system are the same, some of the
activities within each phase will differ. The most obvious difference is in
Phase 1, when hardware is typically delivered and installed. This phase
requires technology skills, as do later phases that involve configuring and
updating the system. The overall implementation time may also increase if
the organization is installing a system on premises vs. using cloud ERP.

How important is executive sponsorship in the early phases of ERP


The importance of executive involvement in the project cannot be

overstated. The ERP project may need to compete for resources with many
other day-to-day priorities. A good executive sponsor—such as the CEO or
CFO—can help make sure the project gets the support it needs from
everyone in the organization. Without executive sponsorship, the people
involved in the implementation—such as the project manager and
departmental managers—may face an uphill struggle.

What is ERP implementation life cycle?

An ERP implementation life cycle is the time it takes to deploy ERP

software within your company. The implementation life cycle includes
multiple steps and processes, including discovery and planning, design,
development, support, deployment and training. The implementation
timeline can vary depending on the complexity of your business. But the
lifecycle usually takes six to 12 months.

What is the first phase of ERP implementation?

Discovery and planning are the first phase of ERP implementation. During
this phase, a project team will be formed to start constructing an ERP
project plan. This plan should serve as a guide throughout the rest of the
project. Initial meetings will also occur, and documentation will be
developed as the team works to identify current issues and potential
solutions. During the phase, the defined team should also research and
select a system and define detailed system requirements.

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