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CCTS Reading Comprehension Assignment

Name:Tushar Dineshprabhu
Roll No:RA2211003011988

Passage 1

1)A. Children retaining their curiosity in spite of being discouraged by their parents

2)B. by unceasing bombardment of questions

3)C. as it's beyond their comprehension
4)D. to understand the present and mould the future
5)D. because they are unable to answer all the questions

Passage 2

1)C. He has requested the Prime Minister to make sure that this decision is disapproved by the
2)E. 2011
3)C. The government will reimburse the loss incurred by the Delhi Metro due to the decision of
the government.
4)B.It is an equal partnership between the central government and the Delhi Government.
5)C. It will set a precedent for all the other metro networks operating in the country as similar
demands will be raised there also.
7)C. One-sided
8)D. Expensive

Passage 3

1)E. Only II and III

2)C. Only III
3)D. Only I and III
4)C. A digital audio file made available on the Internet, typically available as a series
5)D. Exhilarating
6)A. Only I
7)The fear of AI and Robotics leading to the Singularity where AI takes over is considered
overblown by some experts.

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