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The History of Jews

Shekinah Patterson

Law 313: The Law and Politics of Race Relations

Professor Isabel Schneider

August 14, 2022


The Jewish people are a people with a long and rich history. They have been a people of great
importance in the world, and have made significant contributions to art, literature, science, and
politics. The Jewish people have also been the subject of much persecution and have faced
many challenges throughout their history. Today, the Jewish people are a people of great
strength and resilience and continue to make their mark on the world.

As we transition into the formal introduction of my research assignment, I believe it is important

that I begin what did you expect or commonly known as Judaism. Why? Simply, if you were to
ask a Jewish person what drives them as a people/community, I'm about 95% sure that they
would answer, their faith in Yahweh (God).

Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world, carrying a rich history and tradition. The
Jewish community have a strong sense of community and identity, and they are immensely
proud of their heritage. In a nutshell, Judaism is based on the belief in one God, and Jews
believe in the importance of living a moral and ethical life. Jews also have a strong commitment
to social justice, and they are active in many different areas of social and political life.

The Torah is the central text of Judaism and has been used by Jews for thousands of years. It is
a collection of laws, stories, and teachings that provide guidance for Jewish life. The Torah is
divided into five sections, known as the Five Books of Moses, and is the foundation of the
Jewish religion.
The Jewish people & the Holocaust: A Tragic History That Must Never Be Forgotten

As important as it is to discuss the Jewish faith and it's ancient, rich history, we must also
acknowledge that it would be impossible to ignore the Holocaust and the significant impact it
had on the Jewish people. For a moment, imagine being innocent, guilty of nothing but trying to
make a decent life for your family and then one day someone decides to take that from you.
Why? Because you do not fit the “image” of what they believe their country should look like.
Then to make matters even worse they decide to detain you in a concentration camp; starving
you, beating you, working you to near exhaustion and death. Needless to say, it is evident that
the Jewish community has been greatly influenced by the Holocaust and had a profound
impacted on their cultural identity. The holocaust is away that the Jewish people view
themselves, their history, and their place in the world, which heavily influenced the Jewish
community’s contribution to the arts, literature, justice and music.

It's safe to say that everyone has heard something about the Jewish Holocaust or at the very
least, World War II and I think we can all agree that the Holocaust was one of the most horrific
events in recent human history. More than 6 million Jewish men women and children were
systematically murdered by the Nazi regime and the Savage attempt to create a “perfect" Aryan
race. He's innocent people with subjecting to horrific conditions, being starved, experimenting
on and most famously gassed and places like the infamous Auschwitz.

I believe It goes without saying that the relationship between the Jewish people and the
Holocaust is one of great complexity. However, regardless of the complexity of the situation we
can all agree on one thing, the Holocaust was mass murder carried out by Nazi Germany,
resulting in the deaths of over 6 million innocent people and in the most inhumane and barbaric
ways imaginable. This event has undoubling had a profound and lasting impact on the Jewish
people, both in terms of their identity and their relationship with the rest of the world. The
Holocaust was one of the main reasons why I chose to do my research on the Jewish people, I
wasn’t intrigued by the nature of their suffering, but I was inspired by their resilience and

Guided by the information gathered during my research, I can say with certainty that all the
survivors of the Holocaust have faced immense challenges, both physically and emotionally.
Many in the Jewish community keep alive the memory of those who perished and the genocide
through Holocaust remembering ceremonies, education programs and museums. For many, the
Holocaust is not just something historical or some major world event to be studied but it's
something that's personal and after 70 years still feels present
Kosher Cuisine

Jewish cuisine is a unique blend of flavors and ingredients from around the world. Jews have
always been a people on the move, and as a result, their cuisine has been influenced by the
cultures they have encountered, including Middle Eastern, Italian, and Ashkenazi. You can see
this wide variety of dishes that are considered part of the Jewish cuisine, from the traditional
matzo ball soup to the more interesting dishes like challah bread. It is also important that unlike
the Jewish Traditions, Jewish cuisine is always evolving, as new ingredients and techniques are
adopted from the places Jews settle.

The key to the Jewish diet is one word, KOSHER! . Kosher is a term used to describe food that
is prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary law. This includes avoiding certain foods, such as
pork and shellfish, and adhering to strict rules of food preparation and handling. Kosher food is
often labeled as such, and many supermarkets and restaurants have separate sections for
kosher food. The kosher food industry has been growing steadily for years, but it faces
challenges as the Jewish population becomes more diverse and less observant. At the same
time, the popularity of Israeli food and wine is on the rise, as is interest in natural and organic

As companies have been forced to rethinking their approach to kosher food and wine. 2 Major
trends have developed:

1. More Flexible Kosher Standards

In the past, kosher food was often seen as being too restrictive. Today, however, there are
several companies that are offering more flexible kosher standards.

“For example, some companies are now offering dairy-free and gluten-free options for those
with dietary restrictions. Others are using new technologies to make kosher food more
accessible to a wider range of people.”

2. Increased Focus on Quality

As the kosher market has become more competitive, companies have been forced to focus on
quality over quantity. This has led to an increase in the production of higher-priced foods.
As I conclude this section on Jewish Cuisine, I’d like to include this Kosher Fried Chicken recipe
I came across on,

1 whole chicken, cut into pieces

4 cups soy or almond milk (not vanilla)

2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 Tbsp hot sauce

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1 Tbsp salt

1/2 Tbsp pepper

1/2 Tbsp cayenne pepper

1/2 Tbsp paprika

vegetable oil for frying

The Sovereign Jewish State: Birth of a Nation:

The most consequential decision that was made as a result of the Holocaust was the
emergence of an Israeli Sovereign State. In the years since the holocaust, many Jews have
chosen to immigrate to Israel in order to be a part of creating their own, independent nation. The
birth of Israel has been a source of tremendous pride for the Jewish people and has helped with
healing some of the wounds inflicted by the Holocaust. The Israeli nation was born on May 14,
1948, when the Jewish people declared their independence from Britain.

Since then, the Jewish people have been striving to create a viable, sovereign state in their
ancestral homeland. The nation of Israel has faced many challenges in its short history, but its
people have persevered and continue to build a prosperous future for themselves and their
children. They have a long and rich history, full of many challenges and triumphs. They are a
people who are passionate about their country and their culture., always looking to improve and
grow. The Israeli nation is one that is always moving forward, and that is something to be

Sarna, Shannon. “Kosher Fried Chicken: The Nosher.” My Jewish Learning, 24 Feb.

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