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A Tr i u m v i r a t e :

Correlating Thyroid Cytopathology,

Molecular Testing, and Histopathology
Jaylou M. Velez Torres, MDa, Youley Tjendra, MDa,
Darcy A. Kerr, MDb,c,*

 Thyroid nodule  Thyroid cancer  Molecular alterations  Fine-needle aspiration  Indeterminate
 Probability of malignancy  False-positive diagnoses  False-negative diagnoses

Key points
 Thyroid nodules are very common, and the majority are benign.
 Fine-needle aspiration cytology is a valuable diagnostic tool for the preoperative evaluation of thy-
roid nodules.
 Thyroid cytology has limitations, including indeterminate thyroid nodules and false-positive and
false-negative results.
 Molecular testing has emerged as a reliable ancillary tool to improve preoperative risk stratification
of thyroid nodules, and results can help guide patient treatment.
 Correlating cytomorphologic, molecular, and histologic features is helpful to optimize diagnostic ac-


isk stratification is essential in the preopera- Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) plays an
tive evaluation and management of thyroid essential role in the preoperative evaluation of thy-
nodules, most of which are benign. Ad- roid nodules. It can reliably distinguish benign
vances in DNA and RNA sequencing have shed versus malignant lesions in many cases and guide
light on the molecular drivers of thyroid cancer. patient treatment (e.g., active surveillance, lobec-
Molecular testing of cytologically indeterminate tomy, or thyroidectomy). The Bethesda System
nodules has helped refine risk stratification, triage for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology (TBSRTC)
patients for surgery, and determine the extent of categorizes samples into six diagnostic cate-
surgery. Molecular platforms with high negative gories: non-diagnostic (ND), benign (B), atypia of
predictive values can help identify nodules that undetermined significance (AUS), suspicious for
may be spared surgery and can be managed a follicular neoplasm (SFN), suspicious for malig-
conservatively. Here we discuss the importance nancy (SM), and malignant (M), each with an
of integrating cytomorphologic, molecular, and implied risk of malignancy (ROM).1 Thyroid fine-
histologic features to help avoid errors and needle aspiration biopsies (FNAs) have a high pos-
improve patient management. itive predictive value (PPV) ranging from 97% to

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 1400 NW
12th Avenue, Miami, FL 33136, USA; b Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH 03756, USA; c Geisel School
of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH 03755, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Twitter: @JaylouVelez (J.M.V.T.); @Y_Tjendra (Y.T.); @darcykerrMD (D.A.K.)

Surgical Pathology 16 (2023) 1–14
1875-9181/23/Ó 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Velez Torres et al

99%, with sensitivities and specificities ranging and colleagues.2 Herein, we highlight several
from 65% to 99% and 72% to 100%, respec- important pitfalls that particularly illustrate the
tively.2 However, cytomorphology has its limita- importance of correlating cytomorphologic, mo-
tions, and potential diagnostic pitfalls exist. A lecular, and histologic features.
principal limitation is that of cytologically indeter-
minate thyroid nodules. Furthermore, false- PARATHYROID
positive (FP) and false-negative (FN) results are
possible. FP results may occur due to morphologic FNAs of parathyroid lesions are a potential diag-
overlap between benign and malignant neoplastic nostic pitfall as they are often misclassified as
and/or non-neoplastic entities. FN results SFN.15 Such aspirates are composed of crowded
commonly occur in cases with limited cellularity and overlapping cells that can resemble follicular
or macrofollicular thyroid lesions.1,3,4 Molecular cells.16,17 If there is clinical suspicion that the
testing has emerged as a reliable ancillary tool lesion may be parathyroid, FNA washout fluid
for preoperative risk assessment of thyroid nod- can be evaluated for parathyroid hormone.18 Alter-
ules with indeterminate cytology diagnoses, and natively, if there are cellular features suggesting
results can help guide patient treatment.5,6 Here that possibility (e.g., tight clusters of small, rela-
we discuss the role and limitations of cytomor- tively uniform cells with round to oval nuclei with
phology, molecular testing, and histopathology, stippled chromatin and abundant granular or
highlighting how careful correlation between pale cytoplasm), ancillary studies can be per-
each branch of this triumvirate can help avoid er- formed to help confirm the diagnosis (Fig. 3).19
rors and optimize patient care. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for GATA3 and TTF-
1 can help differentiate parathyroid (GATA31,
CYTOLOGY sions.17 Molecular analysis is also useful here for
detecting the expression profile of parathyroid

FNAC is among the most commonly used modalities

for the evaluation of thyroid nodules. Despite its high
specificity for the diagnosis of benign and malignant Given its morphologic heterogeneity and cytologic
lesions, it fails to provide a definite diagnosis in overlap with follicular cell-derived thyroid tumors,
approximately 15% to 30% of cases.7–9 These aspi- FNA diagnosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma
rates are classified in indeterminate diagnostic cate- (MTC) can be challenging (Fig. 4A, B). MTC can
gories of TBSRTC, including AUS (category III) or mimic a diverse range of other neoplasms and it
SFN (category IV).8,10 Indeterminate categories is commonly mistaken for oncocytic FNs, given
pose a diagnostic dilemma and include a heteroge- that a subset of MTCs can show discohesive cells
neous group of lesions. TBSRTC defines the AUS with eccentric nuclei, abundant granular cyto-
category as aspirates that contain follicular cells plasm, and binucleation.21 However, MTC tends
with architectural and/or cytologic atypia (Fig. 1) to show salt-and-pepper chromatin and lack the
without sufficient evidence to be classified as SFN, prominent nucleoli seen in oncocytic FNs.21 Intra-
SM, or M (Fig. 2).1 The estimated ROM for the nuclear pseudoinclusions can be present in
AUS category ranges from 10% to 30%.1,11–13 Aspi- w20% to 50% of cases and can raise the differen-
rates composed of follicular cells with an altered tial diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC)
architectural pattern characterized by significant (Fig. 4C, D).22,23 In contrast to PTC, nuclear
crowding and/or predominance of microfollicles grooves are not a feature of MTC.21 Careful evalu-
are classified as SFN.1 The estimated ROM for the ation of cytologic features and use of a panel of
SFN category ranges from 25% to 40%.1 Manage- IHC such as positivity for calcitonin, synaptophy-
ment of patients with indeterminate cytology can sin, INSM1, and CEA, and negativity for thyroglob-
be challenging. Molecular testing has emerged as ulin and monoclonal PAX8 can help confirm the
a reliable preoperative diagnostic tool that can diagnosis (Fig. 5).24–27 Measuring calcitonin in
help refine the risk stratification of indeterminate thy- serum or FNA washout specimens can also be a
roid nodules and triage patients for surgery.14 valuable tool for diagnosing MTC.28 Both familial
and sporadic MTC frequently carry RET gene point
Select Pitfalls in Thyroid Cytopathology mutations, which can be detected by molecular
For a comprehensive discussion of pitfalls in thy- testing. In addition, finding a RAS mutation in com-
roid cytopathology, the authors would refer bination with a high serum calcitonin level is virtu-
readers to an excellent recent review by Rossi ally diagnostic of sporadic MTC.5,29–31
Integrated Diagnosis in Thyroid Pathology 3

Fig. 1. Fine-needle aspira-

tion of cystic papillary
thyroid carcinoma inter-
preted as atypia of unde-
termined significance
showing a loosely cohe-
sive cluster of hyperva-
cuolated histiocytoid cells
with scattered intranu-
clear pseudo-inclusions
(Papanicolaou stain, Thin-
Prep). ThyroSeq testing
revealed a BRAF V600E

HYALINIZING TRABECULAR TUMOR specimens (Fig. 6).32 A recent study by Nikiforova

and colleagues33 showed that GLIS fusions,
Hyalinizing trabecular tumor (HTT) is a rare, well- including PAX8::GLIS3 (93%) and PAX8::GLIS1
circumscribed thyroid neoplasm characterized by (7%), are a genetic hallmark of HTT. Furthermore,
a trabecular growth pattern and inter- and intra- none harbored BRAF or RAS mutations,
trabecular hyalinization. It shows cohesive groups RET::PTC, or any molecular alterations typical for
of cells with spindled nuclei, fine chromatin, nu- PTC. As GLIS fusions are a unique feature of
clear grooves, and intranuclear pseudo-inclu- HTT, molecular tools will allow its distinction from
sions.32 The presence of abundant nuclear PTC.33 Recognizing cytologic features of HTT be-
pseudo-inclusions and grooves make it chal- comes key in selecting FNA samples for molecular
lenging to differentiate HTT from PTC on FNA testing to identify potential HTT cases, avoid an FP

Fig. 2. Fine-needle aspira-

tion of conventional
papillary thyroid carci-
noma showing large
sheets of follicular cells
with pale chromatin, nu-
clear grooves, and intra-
nuclear pseudo-inclusions
(Papanicolaou stain,
4 Velez Torres et al

Fig. 3. Hypercellular para-

thyroid showing a large
sheet of relatively uniform
cells with round to oval
nuclei with stippled chro-
matin and abundant cyto-
plasm (Papanicolaou stain,
smear). Inset: GATA3

Fig. 4. Medullary thyroid carcinoma mimicking diverse range of other neoplasms. (A) Cohesive groups of epithe-
lioid cells with limited cytoplasm mimicking a follicular nodule (Diff-Quik stain, smear). (B) Dispersed small cells
with scant cytoplasm, raising the differential diagnosis of lymphoma (Papanicolaou stain, ThinPrep). (C, D) Intra-
nuclear inclusions reminiscent of papillary thyroid carcinoma (C: Papanicolaou stain, smear; D: Diff-Quik stain,
smear). Note the background dyscohesion, a morphologic clue for medullary thyroid carcinoma.
Integrated Diagnosis in Thyroid Pathology 5

Fig. 5. Medullary thyroid carcinoma in a background of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. (A) The aspirate shows
two distinct groups: small, tightly cohesive cells (upper left) and larger, loosely cohesive cells (lower right) (Papa-
nicolaou stain, ThinPrep). Higher power images of the same specimen showing (B) a cluster of oncocytic-
appearing cells with scattered single cells in the background and (C) germinal center fragments. The overall find-
ings closely mimic chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. (D) Histology shows medullary thyroid carcinoma (left side of
image) in a background of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain). (E) The medullary
carcinoma is composed of oncocytic cells that morphologically overlap with the background oncocytic follicular
cells (H&E stain). Inset: calcitonin immunohistochemistry.

diagnosis, and guide appropriate patient manage- histologic examination, which shows evidence of
ment.33 Histologically, the diagnosis of HTT can be capsular invasion. Fortunately, these tumors
confirmed by membranous staining with MIB-1 occur rarely and generally have an indolent
monoclonal antibody or strong nuclear and cyto- behavior.3
plasmic staining using antibody to the C-terminus
region of GLIS3.33


FNAs of thyroid nodules composed predomi-
nantly of macrofollicles without cytologic atypia The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) has provided
are typically classified as benign follicular nodules important insights into the molecular pathogenesis
(Fig. 7). However, this can lead to the misclassifi- of the most common type of thyroid carcinoma,
cation of a rare macrofollicular subtype of follic- PTC. The most important finding of the TCGA was
ular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) that may go the discovery of two molecular subtypes of PTC:
undetected unless resected.3,34 Somatic DICER1 BRAF V600E-like (BVL) and RAS-like (RL) (Table 1).35
gene mutations have been reported in this sub- The BVL subtype was strongly associated with
type of FTC. The diagnosis is only rendered after BRAF V600E mutation and diverse fusion genes
6 Velez Torres et al

Fig. 6. Hyalinizing trabec-

ular tumor. (A) The aspi-
rate shows a cohesive
cluster of tumor cells
with ovoid to spindled-
shaped nuclei, fine chro-
matin, and intranuclear
pseudo-inclusions (Papa-
nicolaou stain, smear).
(B) Histology shows
polygonal-to-spindled tu-
mor cells with ovoid-to-
elongated nuclei and
nuclear pseudo-inclusions
arranged in a trabecular
pattern with marked in-
ter- and intra-trabecular
hyalinization (hematoxy-
lin and eosin stain).

such as BRAF, RET, and NTRK1/3. The RL subtype TERT promoter mutations have been associated
was related to mutations of RAS and EIF1AX and with tumor progression, aggressive behavior, and
fusion genes such as PAX8::PPARG, FGFR2, and poor clinical outcomes. The combination of TERT
THADA. BVL alterations confer a very high probabil- promoter mutation and BVL mutations is associ-
ity of cancer, a higher risk of distant metastasis, and ated with an increased risk of extrathyroidal exten-
early recurrence and are typically seen in PTC. In sion, lymph node metastases, and a very high
contrast, RL alterations are associated with a lower probability of thyroid cancer. This combination is
probability of cancer and a low risk for recurrence. also more frequently identified in poorly differenti-
Generally, they are associated with follicular- ated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) and anaplastic thy-
patterned cancer or noninvasive follicular thyroid roid carcinoma (ATC).37 Overall, TCGA showed a
neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP) strong correlation between molecular alterations
and benign adenomas.36 and histopathological diagnosis.38
Integrated Diagnosis in Thyroid Pathology 7

Fig. 7. Benign follicular

nodule is composed of a
large flat sheet of evenly
spaced follicular cells
with intact macrofollicles
(Diff-Quik stain, smear).

RISK STRATIFICATION OF CYTOLOGICALLY sensitive and specific test with an NPV of up to

INDETERMINANT NODULES 98%.5 In tests with high NPV, such as ThyroSeq
v3 GC, a negative test result has a w3% probabil-
Several molecular tests are commercially available ity of malignancy, comparable to that of a benign
for testing thyroid FNAC specimens, including FNA.40 Therefore, patients with a negative result
ThyroSeq v3 Genomic Classifier (GC), Veracyte may be spared surgery and can be managed
Afirma Genomic Sequencing Classifier (GSC), conservatively.6 In patients with a positive result,
and ThyGeNEXT/ThyraMIR (Table 2). The choice Thyroseq v3 GC also provides information
of molecular platform depends on institutional regarding specific genetic alterations with distinct
preference. However, regardless of the method, cancer probabilities that can help guide individual-
the goals of molecular testing are to refine and ized patient treatment. Thyroseq v3 GC can also
stratify indeterminate nodules to decrease the fre- help determine the cellular composition of FNAs
quency of diagnostic surgeries or determine the and flag aspirates that are suspicious for parathy-
extent of surgery.10,39 roid tissue, MTC, and certain metastatic
ThyroSeq v3 GC uses targeted next-generation tumors.9,41
sequencing (NGS) to classify test results as nega- The Afirma GSC uses RNA sequencing to mea-
tive (no alterations), currently negative (low-risk sure gene expression to further classify indetermi-
and/or low-level alterations), or positive (non-low- nate nodules as either benign or suspicious.
risk alterations or gene expression alterations). Twelve independent classifiers are used, and
ThyroSeq v3 GC is reported to be a highly seven other components are included.42,43

Table 1
Characteristics of molecular subtypes of papillary thyroid carcinoma

BRAF V600E-like (BVL) RAS-like (RL)

Molecular alterations BRAF V600E mutations RAS, BRAF K601E, PTEN, and EIF1AX
Gene fusions––BRAF, RET, mutations
and NTRK1/3 Gene fusions––PAX8::PPARG, FGFR2,
Probability of cancer High Low
Risk of lymph node metastasis High Low
and extrathyroidal extension
8 Velez Torres et al

Table 2
Test and performance characteristics of ThyroSeq v3 GC, Veracyte Afirma GSC, and Interpace
Diagnostics ThyGeNEXT/ThyraMIR

ThyroSeq v3 GC Veracyte Afirma GSC ThyGeNEXT/ThyraMIR

DNA- and RNA-based next- RNA-based next-generation Multiplatform test (MPTX)
generation sequencing sequencing assay that that combines DNA-RNA-
assay that analyzes 112 analyzes expression of based next-generation
genes 10,196 nuclear and sequencing panel
mitochondrial genes (ThyGeNEXT) with
microRNA risk classifier test
Interrogates five different Includes seven additional Includes:
classes of molecular components:  10 oncogenic mutations
alterations and two other  Parathyroid  38 gene fusions
components:  Medullary thyroid  Follicular cell content
 Point mutations carcinoma  Parathyroid
 Insertions/deletions  BRAF V600E mutation  Medullary thyroid
 Gene fusions  RET::PTC1/PTC3 fusion carcinoma
 Copy number alterations  Follicular cell content index
(CNA)  Oncocytic (Hürthle) cell
 Abnormal gene expression index
(GEA)  Oncocytic (Hürthle) cell
 Parathyroid neoplasm index
Sensitivity (91%––97%) Sensitivity (91%) Sensitivity (95%)
Specificity (75%––85%) Specificity (68%) Specificity (90%)
PPV (w66%) PPV (w48%) PPV (w75%)
NPV (w98%) NPV (w96%) NPV (w97%)
Results: Results: Results:
 Reports specific mutations  Binary result  Reports specific genetic al-
with corresponding proba-  Benign (low risk  4% ROM) terations and risk
bility of cancer or NIFTP  Suspicious (high risk  50% stratification
 Negative (3%a) ROM)  MPTX result as negative
 Currently negative (5% to  If suspicious, additional (level 1), moderate (level 2),
10%a) genomic information can be and positive (level 3)
 Positive (30% to 99%a) obtained via Afirma Xpres-  Low risk (3% to 20% POM),
sion Atlas (XA) moderate risk (25% to 75%
POM), and high risk (>75%
Limitations: Limitations: Limitations:
 High rate of FP due to RAS  Only analyzes transcribed  TP53 mutation not detected
mutations/RAS-like portions of the genome
alterations (fails to detect TERT pro-
 Validated in patients moter mutations)
18 years

Abbreviations: FP, false positive; GC, genomic classifier; GSC, genomic sequencing classifier; NIFTP, noninvasive follicular
thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features; NPV, negative predictive value; POM, probability of malignancy;
ROM, risk of malignancy.
Probability of cancer or NIFTP.

Afirma’s GSC validation studies showed that it had as Bethesda V/VI. This panel also uses RNA
a 91% sensitivity, 68% specificity, 47% PPV, and sequencing to report genomic variants and gene
96% NPV.43 Similar to Thyroseq v3 GC, a high fusions associated with thyroid cancer. Its findings
NPV among Bethesda III and IV thyroid nodules can contribute to individualized patient manage-
can reduce the number of thyroid surgeries.43 ment regarding systemic targeted therapies and
The Afirma Xpression Atlas (XA) is an expanded the extent of surgery.44 This panel only analyzes
panel introduced for indeterminate thyroid nodules sequences from transcribed portions of the
with suspicious Afirma GSC and those diagnosed genome.9,45
Integrated Diagnosis in Thyroid Pathology 9

ThyGeNEXT/ThyraMIR is a multiplatform test differentiated thyroid cancer (25–75% of cases)

(MPTX) that includes an expanded targeted or PDTC.53–56 The standard treatment of ATC in-
DNA-RNA-based NGS mutational panel (e.g., cludes a multimodal combination of surgery and
ALK, RET, TERT, NTRK) to identify genetic alter- external beam radiation with radiosensitizing
ations associated with thyroid cancer and a micro- chemotherapy.57 In 2018, the FDA approved the
RNA risk classifier test. All samples first undergo first targeted treatment of patients with ATC based
ThyGeNEXT testing, and samples with strong on findings from a clinical trial that investigated
driver mutations do not undergo microRNA risk dabrafenib plus trametinib in BRAF V600E-
classifier. In contrast, those with weak drivers or mutated ATC. As this combination showed a
no detectable mutations are reflexed to ThyraMIR. response against BRAF V600E-mutated ATC, it
MPTX test results are recorded as negative, mod- is now mandatory to test all ATCs for BRAF
erate, or positive. This test risk stratifies patients V600E mutation.53 This testing can be performed
into low, moderate, or high-risk categories with using BRAF IHC or molecular testing.
varying probabilities of malignancy.46 Its reported
sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV are 95%, HISTOLOGY
90%, 97%, and 75%, respectively.46–48
Cytologic-histologic correlation has been used as
MOLECULAR ALTERATIONS WITH POTENTIAL the gold standard to estimate the ROM associated
THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS with indeterminate diagnostic categories; howev-
er, this method has its limitations and represents
Thyroid carcinomas that harbor actionable kinase an overestimation of the ROM due to selection
fusions account for 10% to 15% of cases. Kinase bias (as benign thyroid nodules are often spared
fusion-related thyroid carcinomas (KFTCs) surgery). Ohori and colleagues58 recently pro-
encompass a spectrum of molecularly diverse tu- posed a new method to approximate ROM by
mors with overlapping clinicopathologic features including all indeterminate thyroid cytology cases
and a tendency for clinical aggressiveness. RET assessed molecularly, not only those treated sur-
rearrangement is the most common, accounting gically. They used ThyroSeq v3 GC results to
for w50% of KFTC, followed by less common calculate the molecular-derived ROM (MDROM),
NTRK1/2/3 (w30%), ALK (w5%), MET, ROS1, showing that this measure correlated well with
and FGFR1/2 rearrangements.49 These oncogenic the TBSRTC-reported ROMs and showing that it
fusions cause aberrant kinase activation and are could be a reliable preoperative risk assessment
crucial drivers in thyroid carcinogenesis.49,50 Se- tool. Using the same approach, another group vali-
lective kinase inhibitors (e.g., larotrectinib, entrec- dated these findings and further showed that AUS
tinib, selpercatinib, and pralsetinib) have shown subcategories are associated with specific
significant efficacy with favorable side effects in MDROM, ROM, and genetic alterations.59
the treatment of KFTCs. Therefore, identifying The benign call rate (BCR) is the proportion of
these tumors becomes an important task.50 How- cases with a negative molecular test (MT) result
ever, given the reported low frequency of kinase and reflects the percentage of patients that can
rearrangements in thyroid tumors, an algorithmic potentially avoid surgery.6,39 Conversely, the pos-
approach for referring cases to molecular testing itive call rate (PCR) is the percentage of patients
becomes essential. Recognizing the distinct with positive MT results for which surgery is indi-
morphologic features of these tumors, including cated. In cases with a positive MT, the extent of
multinodular growth, prominent fibrosis, and surgery will depend on the specific genetic alter-
extensive lymphovascular invasion (Fig. 8), can ations, given that different molecular alterations
help triage these cases for further testing. are associated with variable cancer probabilities.
Screening these tumors with BRAF IHC, clone In resected tumors with equivocal histology, inte-
VE1, is recommended.50,51 As BRAF V600E muta- gration of molecular results, IHC, and cytomor-
tion is mutually exclusive with kinase fusions, phologic features of prior FNA can be helpful.
cases with positive staining are unlikely to have ki- IHC can be used as a screening tool for specific
nase fusions and may be excluded from further genetic alterations, including BRAF to detect
analysis (Fig. 9). However, cases lacking staining BRAF V600E mutation, pan-RAS Q61R to detect
should undergo further testing.49 HRAS/NRAS/KRAS Q61R mutations, and pan-
ATC represents approximately 1% of all thyroid TRK to detect NTRK1/3 fusions.60–62
cancers and is the most aggressive form, being Follicular-patterned thyroid neoplasms are diag-
nearly universally lethal and comprising the major- nostically challenging. Accurately distinguishing
ity of all thyroid cancer deaths.52 ATCs may FTC from follicular adenoma requires thorough
develop through dedifferentiation of a preexisting histologic evaluation. These tumors must show
10 Velez Torres et al

Fig. 8. Kinase fusion-related papillary thyroid carcinoma. (A) Fine-needle aspiration shows cohesive clusters of tu-
mor cells with mild nuclear enlargement and powdery chromatin arranged in microfollicles (Papanicolaou stain,
smear). Molecular testing showed EML4::NTRK3. (B) The corresponding papillary thyroid carcinoma shows multi-
nodular growth, cribriform and glomeruloid architecture, fibrosis, and prominent lymphovascular invasion (he-
matoxylin and eosin stain). Inset: pan-TRK immunohistochemistry shows diffuse, weak cytoplasmic reactivity in
tumor cells. (C) NTRK3-rearranged papillary thyroid carcinoma shows a sheet of tumor cells with mildly enlarged
rounded nuclei, pale chromatin, and scattered nuclear grooves (Papanicolaou stain, smear). (D). Papillary thyroid
carcinoma harboring ETV6::NTRK3 shows a macrofollicular architecture and granular oncocytoid tumor cells with
subtle papillary thyroid carcinoma nuclear features (hematoxylin and eosin stain).

full-thickness capsular or vascular invasion and (e.g., solid growth and mitoses) are present.63
lack PTC nuclear features to fulfill diagnostic Alternatively, a more reassuring genetic profile
criteria for FTC. They are generally worked up could help favor a more conservative histologic
with deeper levels of suspicious areas and appli- interpretation.
cation of vascular/lymphatic markers in cases of Classically, the presence of a perilesional fibrous
questionable vascular/lymphatic invasion, but capsule has been used as a morphologic feature
some cases remain indeterminate. The 2022 indicative of a neoplastic rather than a hyperplastic
WHO classification of thyroid neoplasms recom- process. Multinodular goiters show numerous thy-
mends the term follicular tumor of uncertain malig- roid nodules composed of follicular cells with vari-
nant potential (FT-UMP) for tumors with able architecture; nodules range from colloid-rich
questionable capsular or vascular invasion.53 and macrofollicular to hypercellular and microfollic-
Although the diagnosis of carcinoma hinges on ular. Owing to their variable architecture, different
the identification of unequivocal capsular or terms have been used for these proliferations,
vascular invasion, the presence of aggressive including nodular hyperplasia, adenomatoid nod-
mutations such as TERT promoter mutation may ules, etc.64 These nodules have not generally
indicate potentially malignant behavior even in been classified as neoplasms. However, various
non-invasive neoplasms. FT-UMPs require close studies have shown that many of them are
clinical follow-up as their biologic potential is un- neoplastic, whereas others are hyperplastic.65,66
certain, especially if additional atypical features Histologically, it may be challenging to distinguish
Integrated Diagnosis in Thyroid Pathology 11

Fig. 9. (A) Conventional

papillary thyroid carcinoma
(hematoxylin and eosin
stain) with (B) diffuse strong
reactivity for BRAF V600E
mutation-specific antibody
(VE1, immunohistochemistry).

cellular hyperplastic nodules from neoplastic nod- Molecular testing can contribute to thyroid cancer
ules, and the only way to definitively make this risk stratification, impact the selection of targeted
distinction is with clonality studies.66 For this therapies, and improve patient management. Inte-
reason, the 2022 WHO of thyroid neoplasms rec- grating histopathology, cytomorphology, molecu-
ommends using “thyroid follicular nodular disease" lar results, and immunohistochemical findings is
as an alternative terminology because it avoids crucial to making the optimal diagnosis and avoid-
defining a lesion as hyperplastic or neoplastic.53,66 ing diagnostic pitfalls.

FNAC and molecular testing help inform the man-
agement of patients with thyroid nodules. The authors have nothing to disclose.
12 Velez Torres et al

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