Assessment Brief NX9523 2021

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Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

Programme: BA(Hons) Business with (All pathways – Kaplan)

Module Code: NX9523

Module Title: Building Professional Practice

Distributed on:
To be submitted by 12 noon on [ ]
Submission Time
and Date:
Electronic Submission
Word Limit:


Submission of It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment arrives before the
Assessment submission deadline stated above. See the University policy on late
submission of work (the relevant extract is set out below).
Electronic Management of Assessment (EMA): Please note if your assignment
is submitted electronically it will be submitted online via Turnitin by the given
deadline. You will find a Turnitin link on the module’s eLP site.

The purpose of this module is to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and business acumen
needed to succeed in your chosen career. The module takes an experiential learning
approach and is designed so that you will conduct research, integrate theory and practice,
and apply knowledge and skills to develop viable solutions to business problems utilising
SimBrand simulation software.

You will learn through a process of enquiry, often co-operatively with peers, using digital
information and technologies.

In short, it will develop your ability to think independently, to apply discipline knowledge to
complex problems/opportunities, to work in teams (including with academic tutors as well
as with each other), to communicate (present and report) and to collaborate to create new
knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues within your discipline area.

On completion of the module, you will have enhanced your problem-solving skills and will be
able to manage complex problems. By focusing on advanced group and team working skills,
research and complex problem-solving skills, project management, communication skills and
self-directed learning, you will also be able to demonstrate management, leadership and
professional skills and capability.

SimBrand simulation covers marketing topics including segmentation, positioning,

distribution, advertising, customer service, pricing, marketing research competitor analysis
and profitability. You will be expected in teams to make strategic decisions regarding the
company’s core competencies. Students will work in teams and in direct competition with
Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

The module is assessed through portfolio of work, which constitutes 100% of the
assessment mark.

Instructions on Assessment:

Throughout the module, students will participate in a ‘Simbrand’ team exercise, in which
they will use their growing knowledge of marketing to make decisions on a brand simulation
game. Students will complete a portfolio as the summative assessment submission.

The portfolio will consist of:

 Part A: SimBrand results 8 rounds, with 2 graded rounds (weighted at 20%)

 Part B: Virtual presentation (group) with accompanying materials (briefing report/
research as appropriate)– weighted at 40% (10 mins)
 Part C: Self and peer assessment exercise including reflection on team working. This
is weighted at 40 % (1400 words).

Further Details
Part A: 20% of the module is allocated to the results of the SimBrand game.
• 10% of the module mark is derived from the rank of the student’s
Simbrand group within their ‘universe’ after decision 3, as per
communication from the Kaplan Module Tutor.
• 10% of the module mark is derived from the rank of the student’s
Simbrand group within their ‘universe’ after decision 6, as per
communication from the Kaplan Module Tutor.

Part B: 40% Virtual/digital presentation – using PowerPoint with voice over. This is a team
task and is focused on your SimBrand organisation. Each team will need to summarise their
marketing strategy demonstrating how they used market intelligence, product design and
aftercare, financial date and technology innovation to creating ‘a winning team and product’.

The presentation should be 10 minutes long and it’s compulsory that every member of the
group participates.

Part C: Self and peer assessment exercise, including reflective statement on your own and
your team’s learning, skills, participation, and contribution. You will consider enquiry- and/or
problem-based learning and team-based working in relation to professional skills and
competence for future studies (Level 6) and future work. Your record of evidence
(appendices) may include, for example: a record of attendance and participation (particularly
in team activities), project planning.

A Peer Evaluation Form (available on Blackboard) must be completed individually by each

group member and submitted as a hard copy, marked for the attention of the Kaplan
Module Tutor, and submitted according to his/her instructions. If a student fails to submit a
Peer Evaluation Form, no marks will be deducted from them for this reason, as they do not
carry marks but are simply a mechanism to ensure accuracy and fairness. The Peer
Evaluation Form records a student’s opinion of his/her fellow group members’ contributions
to the group task. In the event of a Peer Evaluation Form indicating that a group member has
failed to contribute to, or cooperate in, the group task, and where subsequent investigation
Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

supports this, the group member concerned will have their individual Simbrand mark
reduced commensurate with their level of delinquency. Students should be prepared to
support their comments with documentation (e.g. – email traffic / group forum threads) –
therefore all group meetings should have recorded minutes with agreed actions and be
emailed to all members of the group. NB: If peers indicate that a student has had no input
into team work whatsoever, and s/he is unable to provide mitigating comment and evidence
against this, s/he will be awarded an individual Simbrand mark of 0%.
Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

Late submission of work

Where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the
following penalties will apply.

For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in
deadline without approval, 10% of the total marks available for the assessment (i.e.100%)
shall be deducted from the assessment mark.

For clarity: a late piece of work that would have scored 65%, 55% or 45% had it been handed
in on time will be awarded 55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the total available marks
will have been deducted.

The Penalty does not apply to Pass/Fail Modules, i.e. there will be no penalty for late
submission if assessments on Pass/Fail are submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after
the published hand-in deadline.

Coursework submitted more than 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in
deadline without approval will be regarded as not having been completed. A mark of zero
will be awarded for the assessment and the module will be failed, irrespective of the
overall module mark.

For clarity: if the original hand-in time on working day A is 12noon the 24-hour late
submission allowance will end at 12noon on working day B.

These provisions apply to all assessments, including those assessed on a Pass/Fail basis.

Word limits and penalties

If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.
The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment
cover sheet. The word count does not include:

 Title and
 Reference list  Appendices
Contents page  Appropriate
 Quotes from tables, figures
 Glossary  Bibliography interviews and and illustrations
focus groups.

Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-
dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.

If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA page 30 Section 3.4
this will be regarded as academic misconduct.

If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally
awarded to the assignment will be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70
marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7 marks will be imposed,
giving a final mark of 63.
Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

Students must retain an electronic copy of this assignment (including ALL appendices) and
it must be made available within 24hours of them requesting it be submitted.

Note: For those assessments or partial assessments based on calculation, multiple choice
etc., marks will be gained on an accumulative basis. In these cases, marks allocated to each
section will be made clear.

Time limits and penalties for presentations

The time allocated for the presentation must be adhered to. At the end of this time, the
presentation will be stopped and will be marked based on what has been delivered within
the time limit.

Academic Misconduct

The Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards (ARNA) contain the Regulations and
procedures applying to cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct.

The full policy is available at:

You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion and other forms of academic misconduct as
referred to in the Academic Misconduct procedure of the assessment regulations are taken
very seriously by Newcastle Business School. Assignments in which evidence of plagiarism or
other forms of academic misconduct is found may receive a mark of zero.

Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives:

This assessment will contribute directly to the following Undergraduate programme goals
and objectives. (Insert an ‘X’ in boxes where applicable, referring to Undergraduate
Programme Specification Appendix X for mapping details)

1. Knowledgeable about the theory and practice of international business and management
Students will be able to:

1. Acquire knowledge of functional areas of business and management.

x 2. Acquire knowledge of specialist areas of business.
x 3. Apply their knowledge to business and management contexts.
x 4. Conduct contemporary research into business and management.

2. Skillful in the use of professional and managerial techniques and processes

Students will be able to:

1. Provide evidence of self-reflection as a means of informing personal development

x 2. Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work in a
Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

x 3. Demonstrate critical thinking skills.

x 4. Demonstrate problem solving skills.

3. Aware of ethical issues impacting on business and professional practice

Students will be able to:

1. Identify an ethical dilemma in a business situation

2. Suggest ethical solutions to this dilemma

4. Employable as graduates
Students will be able to:

x 1 In the context of securing graduate employment demonstrate the skills of self-presentation.

Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

Module NX9523 – Building Professional Practice - Assessment criteria

PORTFOLIO PART B: Team consultancy task – virtual presentation and briefing paper (weighted to 40%)
Programme and Completely Insufficient (marginal Satisfactory (Pass) Good Very Good Excellent Outstanding Exceptional
module goals/ insufficient (clear fail) fail)
Criteria 0-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
0-11 12-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 32-35 36-40
Does not meet Meets some of Meets module / Identifiable links Easily identifiable Demonstrates full Demonstrates full Demonstrates full
PLOs 5.1.1; 5.2.1; module/programme module/programme programme to module/task links to understanding of understanding of understanding of
5.1.3; 5.1.4 specific criteria or specific criteria but specific criteria or learning outcome module/task the topic/ task. the topic/ task. the topic/ task.
MLOs 1, 2,3,5 relevant learning insufficient to pass relevant learning learning outcome
outcomes module outcomes
Content and analysis Does not reflect Fails to demonstrate Adequate breadth Sound use of Content Demonstrates a Innovative and Demonstrates a
project brief with analysis and ability to and depth of theory and demonstrates a breadth and depth original application breadth and depth
little or no link theory and discussion/ research to breadth of of substantive of theoretical and of substantive
development of practice. analysis, which support understanding and knowledge that is technical knowledge that is
analysis or use of demonstrates discussion – insight into the comprehensive, knowledge to exceptional and
theory, models and Little development of awareness of tendency to material/ issues. accurate, relevant achieve learning informed by the
techniques to critical analysis, appropriate description rather and informs outcomes. highest level of
demonstrate leading to poorly theories, tools and than critical. Provides solid analysis, scholarship.
understanding or articulated techniques linked analysis of issues conclusions and Excellent
awareness of conclusions and to project brief. Conclusions/ with good recommendations. integration of a full Uses a full range of
application of theory, recommendations recommendations integration of range of high-quality
criteria. Analysis is under- linked to analysis theory and Very good appropriate sources with skill to
Does not present developed with and problem practice. integration of a full principles, theories, inform the
analysis, conclusions tendency to identification and range of evidence and discussion/ analysis
or recommendations description. are well reasoned Engages with appropriate techniques that are and
but with room for critical thinking principles, theories, used recommendation.
Recommendations improvement. and analysis to evidence and knowledgeably to
need to be support robust techniques support Outstanding
strengthened and discussion, discussion/analysis integration of the
lack robust conclusions and Logical and robust and full range of
evidence. recommendations. conclusions and recommendations appropriate
recommendations as appropriate principles, theories,
as appropriate
evidence and
Presentation of Presentation lacks Presentation lacks Presentation Satisfactory Professional Very good Provides a clear The information is
information professional some structure and overall professional presentation using professional and comprehensive presented in a lucid
structure, is confused coherence. demonstrates presentation. a good range of presentation using presentation that and imaginative
and/ or lacks clarity. some technical Well structured, resources and in an excellent range demonstrates clear manner,
Minimal attention to ability and a coherent line with project of resources. understanding of appropriate to the
Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

Does not meet project brief. professional presentation – brief, task, audience and audience and
requirements for Presentation does approach linked to good use of demonstrating Presentation is use of data demonstrates
client feedback. not meet client/ an understanding technology. appreciation of coherent, concise collected. excellent use of
assessment criteria. of audience. audience. and strongly linked data, materials.
to assessment brief
Attention to Technology used and task. Exceptional use of
coherence, well to provide visuals and
structure, engaging graphics to support
referencing and presentation. overview of
clarity of process, approach,
expression research, and
required at times. analysis.
Use of sources of Absence, or Poor Appropriate Appropriate use Good use of Resources used Sources of Sources of
information/data, inappropriate use, of acknowledgement of acknowledgement and citation of resources and well to enhance information/ information add
including APA relevant sources of sources of of limited sources sources of academic sources presentation and resource are used value to discussion
referencing information. information and lacks of information to information and appropriately research/enquiry well to support and are skilfully
appropriate support acknowledged and undertaken. high level used to support
referencing in places. analysis/approach. APA style in cited. discussion/analysis. analysis,
evidence with APA format used conclusions and
APA formatting not room for APA format used appropriately APA format used recommendations.
consistently improvement appropriately appropriately
applied APA format used
consistently and
Supplementary Material Material Material Good use of Additional Additional Additional Additional
materials / briefing supplementary to supplementary to supplementary to supplementary materials (where materials (where materials (where materials (where
paper presentation (if presentation (if presentation (if materials (where appropriate) add appropriate) add appropriate) add appropriate) add
appropriate) is poorly appropriate) is poorly appropriate) is appropriate) to appropriate value to the value to the value to the
presented presented presented support client supplementary video/digital video/digital video/digital
feedback information to the presentation presentation and presentation; and
video/digital provide relevant provide relevant
presentation. supplementary supplementary
information information
appropriate to
client needs/task

Module NX9523 – Building Professional Practice - Assessment criteria

Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

PORTFOLIO PART C: Individual reflective report and record of evidence (weighted to 40%)
Programme and Completely Insufficient (marginal Satisfactory (Pass) Good Very Good Excellent Outstanding Exceptional
module goals/ insufficient (clear fail) fail)
Criteria 0-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
0-17 18-23 24-29 30-35 36-41 42-47 48-53 54-60
Does not meet Meets some of Meets module / Identifiable links Easily Demonstrates full Demonstrates full Demonstrates full
PLOs 5.3.1; 5.1.1; module/programme module/programme programme specific to module/task identifiable links understanding of understanding of understanding of
5.2.; 5.1.3; 5.1.4 specific criteria or specific criteria but criteria or relevant learning to module/task the topic/ task. the topic/ task. the topic/ task.
MLOs 2,3,5 relevant learning insufficient to pass learning outcomes outcome learning
outcomes module outcome
Produces evidence of No evidence of Minimal evidence of There is evidence of There is good Well-written Identifies and Excellent focus on Excellent focus on
self-reflection as a personal critical reflection with only a developing evidence of a reflection that discusses relevant experiences and experiences and
means of informing reflection or review of superficial discussion reflective practice developing identifies areas issues with behaviours and behaviours and
personal learning. of critical incidents although has reflective of strengths and excellent links to their impact on clear appreciation
development and impact of tendency to be practice. development continued learning and of their impact on
planning and There is no learning not overly descriptive at opportunities personal and practice. learning and
professional practice. consideration of addressed. times. There are some linked to professional practice.
implications of sound links to enhancing future development.
learning for future Identification of There is some and/or learning and
practice. implications for identification of discussion practice.
future practice is implications for regarding
limited and superficial future practice but personal
needs to be further development
developed. and professional
practice. This
could be further
Supporting Reflective report does There is limited use of Adequate use of an Sound use of an Good use of Very good use of Excellent use of Excellent choice of
framework (for not use appropriate an appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate theory and models theory and models
critical reflection) format or framework framework to support framework to framework to framework(s) to framework(s) to to support critical to support critical
to support critical critical reflection. support critical support critical support critical support critical reflection and reflection and
reflective reflection. reflection. reflection. reflection. application to exemplary
cycle/process. practice. application to
Linking theory and Limited or no use of Minimal use of There is some Good use of Very good use of Excellent use of a Demonstrates high Exemplary range of
practice. Academic relevant literature relevant literature / evidence of appropriate appropriate range of competency levels literature and
sources will be used and research to research and report is appropriate use of literature/ literature/ literature/ supported by research to support
to support support reflective therefore overly literature / research research to research to research to inclusion and review and
demonstration of statement and/or descriptive and lacks although report support support support reflection analysis reflection Excellent
learning. evidence as academic tends to be reflection and to reflection and to and to link to of/reflection on integration of
Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

appropriate. Does underpinning. There descriptive in parts. link to evidence link to evidence evidence provided critical incidents, critical review of
Must include a brief not include discussion is some mention of Room for provided in provided in in appendices. underpinning inquiry-based
critical review of of inquiry-based inquiry-based improvement in appendices. appendices. Very Excellent theory and relevant learning and
inquiry-based learning or reflective learning and linking theory and Sound overview good overview demonstration of links to practice. reflective with
learning and practice. Fails to reflective practice but practice. There is of inquiry-based of the benefits critical appraisal Excellent excellent
reflective practice make links between not sufficient and some inclusion of a learning and and challenges and appreciation integration of demonstration of
linked to professional theory and practice. lacks criticality. review of inquiry- reflective of inquiry-based of inquiry-based critical review of links to professional
development. based learning and practice that learning and learning and inquiry-based development.
reflective practice, demonstrates a reflective reflective practice learning and
but it is mainly critical practice and and links to reflective practice
descriptive and not appreciation of links to professional linked professional
linked to both in relation professional development. development.
professional to professional development.
development. development.
Appendices – No additional Appendices do not Appendices include Appendices Appendices Appendices Appendices provide Evidence provided
examples of materials included as include items listed as only items listed as contain listed include a good provide evidence evidence that demonstrates
evidence linked to 2 appendices or necessary for necessary for items as well as range of items to of consistently demonstrates exemplary
learning outcomes appendices include inclusion. There is inclusion. There is a satisfactory demonstrate good standards of consistently high standards of
which are the focus of inappropriate minimal evidence little additional range of items to learning and practice and standards of participation and
the reflective report. evidence that does linked to module evidence linked to demonstrate participation demonstrate participation and practice and
not demonstrate activities, practical module activities, learning and linked to module learning and practice and high sustained high
Must include activities, practical exercises, individual/ practical exercises, participation activities, participation competency levels competency levels
reflection and exercises, team tasks and individual/team linked to module practical linked to module linked to module linked to linked to
evidence of the individual/team tasks learning outcomes tasks and learning activities, exercises, activities, practical activities, practical module activities,
following 2 module and learning outcomes practical individual/team exercises, exercises, practical exercises,
learning outcomes: outcomes. exercises, tasks and individual/team individual/team individual/team
1. Demonstration individual/team learning tasks and learning tasks and learning tasks and learning
of application of tasks and outcomes outcomes outcomes outcomes
key skills, learning
knowledge and outcomes.
required by an
effective team
2. Demonstration
of awareness of
business practice
and non-
business models
Assessment Brief – Level Five Undergraduate

Structure and Report lacks clear Report lacks some Increased attention Good overall Well-structured Excellent report – Extremely well- Exceptional and
presentation, structure and structure and to coherence, structure of report with good clearly presented constructed and exemplary
including APA presentation of presentation of structure, report flow; logically information. presented reflective reflective report.
referencing. information is information lacks referencing and demonstrating and clearly report. Well-constructed
confused and lacks clarity and coherence. clarity of expression good presented. with logical and
clarity. required at times. appreciation of Consistent and coherent flow
task and Good range of Consistent and appropriate citation providing critical
Literature is Literature is Generally, sources process; logically source materials appropriate and reference of reflection.
inappropriately citied inappropriately citied are acknowledged and coherently which are citations and well- sources of
or lacks or lacks and cited and presented. acknowledged formatted information.
acknowledgement acknowledgement included in the and cited and reference list. Consistent and
and citation. and citation. reference list. Sources are included in APA style appropriate citation
acknowledged reference list. APA style consistently and and reference of
No links between No or limited APA style is not and cited and consistently and appropriately sources of
report and signposting of always included in APA style appropriately applied. information.
appendices. appendices in the appropriately reference list. consistently and applied.
body of the report. applied. appropriately APA style
APA style applied. Outstanding use of consistently and
Satisfactory appropriately Excellent a range of examples appropriately
signposting of applied. Consistently signposting of to support applied.
appendices in the good signposting appendices in reflective and
body of the report. Good of appendices in main body of consistent Significant range of
Some signposting of main body of report; signposting of exemplary practice
inconsistencies at appendices in report; appropriately appendices in main examples included
times. main body of appropriately listed. body of report; in the appendices
report; listed. appropriately listed. and signposting in
appropriately the body of the
listed. report is excellent.
Assessment Brief – Newcastle Business School

Assessment Criteria (NBS)

General Assessment Criteria

Trait 0 – 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 79 80 - 100
Knowledge and Majority of work is Performance shows Legitimate content but Knowledge base is A maturing ability to Impressive knowledge Excellent knowledge
understanding neither relevant nor elements of legitimate relies heavily on the generally sound, and relate theory and and understanding. and appreciation for
accurate. content. descriptive. Analysis some critical evidence, concepts and Clearly demonstrates subject. Fastidious eye
may be appreciation shown. ideas is displayed. critical appreciation. for detail.
unsophisticated. Critical appreciation is Theory and evidence
evident. are invariably related.
Structure and Often inarticulate and Content is more often Work may contain Analysis usually clear Content is always Argument or logical Assured ability to
Alignment can be than not inappropriate. some use of concepts but can lack some relevant, generally well reasoning is always challenge received
incomprehensible. but is poorly set out clarity of focus. focused and organised. relevant and well wisdom and to sustain
and needs an sustained. argument or logical
appropriate focus. reasoning under these

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