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International University – VNUHCM Simulation Models in Industrial Engineering

School of Industrial Engineering and Management Semester: Spring - 2024


Problem 1: Use the LCM to generate a sequence of 5 three-digit random integers and
corresponding random numbers with:

a. X0 = 951, a = 28, m = 1000, c = 36

b. X0 = 13, a = 853, m = 1024, c = 0

Problem 2: Consider the multiplicative congruential generator (c = 0) under the following


a. X0 = 13, a = 11, m = 16

b. X0 = 10, a = 11, m = 16

c. X0 = 8, a = 11, m = 16

Generate enough values in each case to complete a cycle. What inferences can be drawn? Is
maximum period achieved?

Problem 3: Develop your own combined linear congruential random-number generator and
generate 5 random numbers.

Problem 4: Use an appropriate hypothesis test with α = 0.05 to test the uniformity of 20 random
numbers below. Explain why you choose that hypothesis test.

0.3987 0.1805 0.6506 0.2147 0.2045 0.7524 0.1284 0.4818 0.0015 0.4818

0.103 0.4763 0.9606 0.3828 0.5229 0.2285 0.8449 0.9318 0.9092 0.3177

Problem 5: Test the independence of every fourth number, starting with the 2nd number in the
following series. Assume that α = 0.05.

0.594 0.928 0.515 0.055 0.507 0.351 0.262 0.797 0.788 0.442

0.097 0.798 0.227 0.127 0.474 0.825 0.007 0.182 0.929 0.852

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