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Project File – Information

Technology (402)

Session 2023 - 24

Submitted by: Aishani Acharya Roll no.14 of Class Xth-C

Submitted to: B.S.Bisht & RLS Rathore Sir


We would like to thank Mr. RLS Rathore & B.S

Bisht Sir, our teacher-in-charge and our
friends for their support and guidance in
completing this research. The project would
not have been successful without their
cooperation and inputs.

Thank you,


S.No. Name of Practical Page No.

1 Synopsis 4

2 Form Design 5

3 RDBMS Table 6

4 RDBMS Query 7

5 RDBMS Report 8

6 Research 10

About this Project

This project aimed to gather information

regarding consumer awareness. I wanted to
know if the consumers are putting their rights
into use.

Thank you,

Form Design

How did I collect my data?

I interviewed random people online and asked them a few questions regarding their
shopping experience. I noted down their responses in RDBMS Form. Later I
analysed their responses.



1. Arrange in Ascending order by Name:

2. Arrange data in Descending order by salary:

3. Show members having A in second position:

RDBMS Report

During the labelling process the following fields have been

renamed as:
1. Employee Name: Name
2. Salary: Salary
3. When you buy items do you insist on a bill: Bill requirement
4. Do you keep the bill carefully: Bill kept safely
5. Are you brand conscious: Brand conscious
6. Do you strongly believe that your shopkeeper does not cheat a regular
customer like you: Shop not cheating regular customers
7. Do you unhesitatingly respond to catchy offers: Response to catchy offers
8. Do you look for ISI Mark, Expiry Date, etc: Check for safety symbols
9. Do you insist paying by meter when you travel by an auto: Insist on meter
10. Do you raise objection if a vegetable seller uses stones instead of the actual
weight: Objection if stone used for weighing
11. If you realize that you have been tricked by the shopkeeper, do you bother to
complain: Bother to complain
12. Do you often grumble yourself that it is your fate that you are often being
victimized: Curse your fate

Project Analysis

1. All participants sorted by salary:

2. People insisting on a bill?

3. People keeping their bills safely

4. Brand conscious people

5. People feeling that their shopkeeper does not cheat a regular

customer like them

6. Unhesitating response to catchy offers

7. Inspect safety symbols

8. Insist to pay by meter

9. Show any objection if stone is used instead of weighing machine

10. Bother to complain if shopkeeper has tricked you

11. Curse your fate if you ever get cheated

After completing the survey, it seems as if almost half of the people are unaware of
their Consumer rights and they fail to exercise it.


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