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Romblon State University

Main Campus

School Facilities for Technology and Livelihood Education and

Performance of BTLED Students at Romblon State University

Gajisan, Sesaykey V.

Miguel, Psyche Faith C.

Venancio, Reena Bee D.

Manalo, Jolena T.

Venus, Ma. Criz Angelyn S.

A thesis

Presented to the Faculty of the College of Education

In the Romblon State University, Odiongan, Romblon

In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education

September 2023
Romblon State University
Main Campus












Background of the study

Statement of the problem

Significance of the study

Scope and Delimitation of the study


Related Literature and Studies

Theoretical Framework
Romblon State University
Main Campus

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms


Research Design

Research Method Used

Research Locale and Time of Study

The Population and Samples of Study


Research Instrument

Methods of Data Collection and Processing of Data


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data






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Main Campus


Appendix A Letter to the Respondents

Appendix B Letter of Request to Conduct a Survey

Appendix C Test Questionnaire for the Respondents


Appendix CD Letters to the Validators

Appendix DE Validators Profile

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Main Campus



This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of the
problem, significance and scope and limitations of the study

Background of the study

A crucial degree program in contemporary educational systems is

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). It is intended to provide students
with knowledge and practical abilities in a variety of technological and vocational
sectors. The educational experience and academic achievement of students are
significantly impacted by the availability of well-equipped school facilities for TLE.
These resources provide students the chance to learn through doing, encourage
creativity and invention, and help them acquire skills that will be useful in their
future activities

Technology and livelihood education (TLE), among other learning

components, has become a part of education as a whole. The goal of the TLE
course is to provide students with knowledge and practical skills in the fields of
technology, entrepreneurship, and other livelihoods. Given that these facilities
offer practical learning opportunities, encourage creativity, and help students
build critical future skills, schools that provide well-equipped TLE facilities can
have a major influence on the performance of their students. This study
examines how school amenities affect TLE and how they affect BTLED students'
academic achievement.

Along with other learning elements, technology and lifestyle education

(TLE) is now a part of education as a whole. The TLE course aims to provide
students with theoretical knowledge and practical abilities in the areas of
technology, entrepreneurship, and other livelihoods. Schools that offer well-
equipped TLE facilities can significantly affect the performance of their students
since these facilities give hands-on learning opportunities, foster creativity, and
aid students in developing important future skills. This study explores the
Romblon State University
Main Campus

relationship between school facilities and academic success among BTLED


The researchers can evaluate if the existence of these facilities has a

substantial impact on the performance of third-year students by assessing the
standard and accessibility of educational facilities connected to TLE, such as
computer laboratories, classrooms, equipment, and resources. The research
may look into a number of things, including how well facilities are used, how easy
it is to access tools and technology, how relevant the content is, and how much
assistance is given to students taking TLE classes.

The results of a study like this may have a variety of effects on

educational institutions and politicians. They can assist in identifying areas where
school facilities need to be improved in order to improve TLE instruction and,
ultimately, student success. The study may also shed light on the significance of
devoting funds to provide proper facilities for TLE topics, emphasizing the link
between technological access, experiential learning, and academic success.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the impact of school facilities on the

academic performance of BTLED students in Romblon State University, Main
Campus. The study intends to address the following inquiries:

Which of the following university facilities are used by the students:

1. Laboratories

a. Food laboratory

b. Computer laboratory

c. Industrial arts lab laboratory

d. Clothing and Textile laboratory

2. Library
Romblon State University
Main Campus

3. Classroom 1. What are the effects of computer laboratory, food

laboratory, sewing laboratory and industrial laboratory to the performance of
BTLED students?

22. What is the academic performance of the students in BTLED


a. Food and Nutrition

b. Information and Communication Technologies

c. Handicrafts

d. Clothing and Textile

33. Does the extent of utilization or visitation of the facilities affect the academic
performance of the students?

44. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the different laboratories that
may affect the students' performance.

Significance of the study

Educational program designers May provide information in the areas of

technology and vocational training that can profit from the research's discoveries.
The results offer perspectives concerning the arrangement and enhancement of
TLE. This study can act as a guide for creating optimal methods. This can
contribute to the knowledge of upcoming research in related scenarios.
Romblon State University
Main Campus

Future Students may be advantageous to potential students who are

contemplating joining the Technical and Livelihood Education program at RSU.
The improvements resulting from the study's suggestions can create a more
appealing and captivating educational setting. That will improve the allure of the
curriculum for future participants.

Students are the participants who are studying the Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE) program at Romblon State University. The
knowledge acquired from students' perspectives concerning the infrastructure
and gear has the potential to enhance the program. This guarantees that
students can use tools that improve their academic adventures and

Future Researcher the significance of TLE facilities opens avenues for

further research. It can inspire researchers to explore related aspects, such as
the effectiveness of specific TLE equipment, the influence of facility design on
student engagement, or the long-term impact of TLE facilities on students' career
trajectories. The study can stimulate a broader discussion on how to continuously
improve the facilities and their impact on education.

To the administration, the data that will be gathered from this study may provide
vital information that might help them enrich the curriculum for TLE students and
conduct a comparative study in order to provide them with opportunities to
develop career and life- long skills.

Scope and delimitation of the study

This study will focus on examining the significant effect of school

facilities regarding technology and livelihood education (TLE) and the
Romblon State University
Main Campus

performance of third- year BTLED students. It aims to investigate specific TLE-

related facilities such as classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and resources
directly linked to TLE subjects.

This study employed correlational methods of research involving fifty

randomly selected third-year TLE students from College of Education in Romblon
State University – Main Campus. The grades and checklist The aptitude test
questionnaires will be used as the main tool in gathering data (weighted mean,
standard deviation).

However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of the study.

The findings may not be applicable to other institutions as they are specific to the
selected schools only. The reliance on self-reported data introduces potential
biases, and the study is constrained by factors such as sample size and resource

Romblon State University
Main Campus

Review of Related Literature

Resource management is only one aspect of school facility upkeep. It

involves giving kids a clean, secure environment. It also involves providing a
physical environment that is suitable and sufficient for learning. Broken windows
and dated drafts do not promote efficient student learning. The attention,
attendance, and health of students and instructors can all be significantly
impacted by modern classrooms that experience unpredictable temperature
variations (Szuba & Young, 2003). Students' academic performance is greatly
influenced by their facilities, and low performance is a direct result of inadequate
facilities. It compared the academic achievements of male and female students
with special educational needs and established a link between the availability of
facilities and the academic performances of students with special educational
needs. The findings demonstrated that basic amenities and supplies including
handrails, hearing aids, braille, instructional materials, and lower toilets were
lacking, albeit some of those that were there (wheelchairs, resource rooms, and
typewriters) were in disrepair. The study demonstrated that the expert instructors
in southwest Nigeria's public schools were insufficient. The academic success of
kids with special educational needs was significantly correlated with the
availability of facilities. The scholastic achievements of male and female pupils
with special needs did not, however, differ significantly. The study concluded that
kids with special educational needs would do poorly academically if facilities and
resources were not adequately provided to mainstream public schools.

The issue of providing and maintaining specialized tools and resources

for use by kids with special educational needs would also be solved by proper
financing for integrated schools (Oluremi & Olubukola, 2013). According to
Blagojevich, the Illinois Capital Development Board, and the Illinois State Board
of Education (2006), effective teaching and learning take place in school
environments that are tidy, peaceful, safe, pleasant, and healthy. Due to one or
more facility inadequacies, poorly maintained buildings have the potential to
impede student performance. Environmental issues that may obstruct instructors'
happiness and students' achievement include indoor air quality, ventilation and
comfort, lighting, acoustic noise, building age and quality, school size, and class
size (Blagojevich, 2006). Additionally, high-quality education helps communities
grow. The physical environment has an impact on everyone involved, including
students, instructors, staff, and administrators. Educators must consider six key
contributing variables that have a significant impact on the school's environment
in order to adjust.
Romblon State University
Main Campus

On the direct link between schools’ facilities in Technology and

Livelihood Education (TLE) and its impact on BTLED students' academic
achievement, there were few particular study studies accessible. However, there
are certain broad conclusions from research and studies in education that might
provide some insight into the negative and good effects of school facilities on
students' performance in TLE.

Effects of school facilities on TLE and student performance: Improved

learning environment: Students may study in a more interactive and interesting
atmosphere when TLE facilities are well-equipped. Students can have a more
immersive learning experience that results in improved knowledge and retention
of the subject matter when they have access to contemporary tools, equipment,
and resources. Improved Practical Skills: TLE courses frequently place a strong
emphasis on developing students' practical skills. Facilities that are properly set
up may help students obtain hands-on experience and expertise in a variety of
technical skills, which may improve their performance in TLE and related
subjects. Innovation and Creativity Stimulated: Students might be inspired to
think creatively and innovatively by having access to cutting-edge technology and
resources in TLE. They could be more inclined to experiment with novel
concepts, devise projects, and find solutions to practical issues, all of which could
improve their academic development and performance. Increased Motivation and
Interest: Students might become more interested in and motivated to learn in a
TLE facility that is well maintained and furnished. Students are more inclined to
devote time and effort to their studies and do better in class when they find the
material interesting and applicable to their daily life. Better Workforce
Preparation: TLE frequently emphasizes transferable abilities that may be used
right away in the workplace. Schools with excellent facilities can better educate
students for their future vocations, increasing their competence and marketability.

Inadequate resources: Some schools do not have the financial

resources to provide cutting-edge technology and equipment for TLE topics.
School facilities might have adverse effects on TLE and student performance.
This restriction could make it more difficult for students to learn about
contemporary methods and technology, which might make it harder for them to
follow business trends. Safety worries: Students' health may be at danger due to
poorly maintained facilities or insufficient safety precautions. Safety issues in the
TLE environment might impede learning and possibly make students reluctant or
afraid to use particular equipment. Even with superb facilities, the beneficial
effect on student performance may be limited if teachers lack the expertise to use
the technology properly or fail to engage pupils. School Inequality: Inequalities in
Romblon State University
Main Campus

school financing and resources might result in uneven access to top-notch TLE
facilities. Comparatively to students in institutions with more resources, students
from less resourceful schools may have disadvantages. The effect of school
amenities on students should be noted. Other variables, such as the curriculum,
instructional strategies, student assistance, and unique student traits, may also
have an impact on TLE success.

Classroom environment has a positive impact on students’ academic

achievement, as by provision of physical facilities like furniture, electric supply,
painted walls, drinking water, models, charts, overhead projector and other ICT
related instructional material, students take much interest in classroom activities
which help them to get high marks in examinations (Kausar, Kiyani &
Suleman.2017). Provision of physical facilities to schools like well-equipped
library, clean drinking water, well-furnished classroom, laboratory with related
appliances are the main factors play vital roles for better teaching and uplifting
students’ learning (Omae, et al. 2017). School support facilities like I.T Lab,
tablet, first aid box, classrooms having ventilation, store room, cooling and
heating systems, staff room, well equipped library with adequate books plays a
vital role for provision of quality teaching and learning (Arshad, Ahmed &Tayyab,
2019). It was found that lack of conducive classroom environment; non-
supportive teachers’ attitude, lack of pedagogical skills and students’ disruptive
behavior create hindrances for effective teaching and better students’ learning
(Ahmed, Faizi& Akbar, 2020).

Classroom physical environment is seen as the physical characteristics

of a classroom that involve different things like size of classroom, floor, walls,
desks, lighting, school structure, school climate and computer. According to
Suleman and Hussain (2014) the physical environment is the physical aspect of
the learning setting. The components of the physical environment of the
classroom include learners, teachers and the facilities (Lippman, 2010).
Moreover, physical facilities in the ideal classroom plays a vital role in composing
a strategic factor in the operation and functioning of the teaching and learning as
they determine the excellent performance of a school. Physical facilities are one
of the stimulating factors that play a fundamental role in improving academic
achievement in the school system (Basit, 2005). The quality of the physical
classroom setting significantly affects academic achievement of the students.
Physical facilities in classrooms ensure an effective and successful teaching
learning process. Without these facilities, an effective teaching learning process
cannot be guaranteed. Students tend to get more details from their instructors in
well facilitated classrooms and therefore they perform in a good way. On the
Romblon State University
Main Campus

other hand, if the classroom setting is not conducive, students feel uncomfortable
in the classroom then they tend to be giving divided or distracted attention to the
lesson. Lyons (2001) opined that poor facilities in school have a negative impact
on the teachers’ effectiveness as well as students` performance.

Zentall and Shaw (1980), contended that the acoustics of the

classroom are an important part of the success of the child but these are often
overlooked. They are of the opinion that materials that can cause sound to
reverberate such as floors and hand wall surfaces, greatly increase noise levels
and can prove detrimental to learning. This implies that attention should be made
to acoustics because it may reduce distractions and aid concentration.

Classroom is the most important area in school and learning in the

classroom requires a good level of concentration, listening, writing and reading
(Lyon, 2001) [1]. The classrooms should be evaluated to meet the challenging
needs of education and environmental requirements for health, safety and
security (Lyon, 2001) [1]. It should be made attractive and comfortable to
facilitate learning in students (Young, 2014) [2].

Classroom environment is very important for students’ learning,

because it is the most fundamental and important part of human life. The
classroom learning environment is a quiet and conducive factor that affects the
interest of the students. A conducive learning environment provides the
attractiveness to the learning procedure or process. On the other hand, a less
pleasant learning environment will impede the spirit of students' learning and will
cause boredom and saturation (Helou 2019). Several researches
conducted on the environment of the classroom learning based on previous
studies in the context and perspective of educational setting that relate to
organizational climate and application (Zandvliet, 2012).

It is proved in several researches that self-regulatory ability and

motivation are both very important factors in the learning process that determine
the success of the students. In the learning process, motivation is very important
to maintain positive behavior of students, directing toward goals and providing
energy to gain their goals. Motivation also influences the development of learning
of the students. Those students, who have high motivation, also have a positive
attitude in learning. For example, focus on the learning process, actively
participate in the activities in the classroom, asking questions to teachers and
always try to learn (Law, Geng, & Li, 2019). Classroom learning environment is a
very important factor to encourage the students ‘motivation. According to Maison
Romblon State University
Main Campus

(2019) described that in the classroom learning environment, the task of

investigation and orientation is a psychosocial factor that has the most significant
and positive effect on the student’s motivation and learning.

American students average 11,700 hours of their lives in a school

building from kindergarten to 12th grade (Hull & Newport, 2011), and college
students typically spend at least another 400 classroom hours in post-secondary
education buildings (Wellman & Ehrlich, 2003). A growing body of scientific work
has revealed the physical classroom environment’s important—and sometimes
surprising—effects on students’ academic performance. Evidence demonstrates
those classrooms’ structural features (e.g., noise, lighting) and symbolic features
(e.g., everyday objects that signal who belongs in the classroom) can facilitate or
hinder student learning and achievement. In considering changes to classroom
environments, policymakers may want to consider both the inadequate facilities
of many U.S. schools, as well as the symbolic aspects that may prevent students
from achieving their full potential.

A research by Sunday (2012) revealed that there is a significant

relationship between physical school environment and a student's academic
performance in senior secondary school physics. To him, the physical school
environment has some influences on student's academic achievement in senior
secondary school physics. The physical facilities, human resources, and the
relationship among them determine the physical environment of the school. The
result indicated that students with adequate laboratory facilities in physics
perform better than those in school with less or without facilities, this is simply
because laboratory forms part in enriching the physical school environment. It
was also discovered that poor facilities and inadequate space, as well as the
school environment of items including seats in the classroom, library and
laboratory would affect the organization of the learning environment. Favorable
school climate gives room for students to work hard and improve their academic

Stewart, Evans and Kaczynski (1997) argue that "an orderly and
attractive environment can have a positive effect on behavior by improving the
level and quality of student interactions, so teachers and students carry out
activities efficiently without excessive noise or interruption" (p. 53). Landau
(2004) concurs, noting that "visual learners, for example, do better at any level if
the classroom has interesting and appealing items on display" (p. 16). Teachers
can make their classrooms visually appealing by having bright, colorful displays
or bulletin boards throughout their classrooms. Bulletin boards, for example, can
Romblon State University
Main Campus

enhance a concept being taught by visually representing content in a unit of

study (Landau, 2004).

The classroom environment seems to be an important motivating factor

that makes or mar the teaching and learning process. It is pertinent to note that
the curriculum or the content of the school syllabus is being implemented mainly
within the four walls of the classroom, (usually under the formal school system)
through professional teachers who happen to be the curriculum implementers. It
appears that the quality of teaching would likely affect the learning of many
secondary school subjects and learning programmesprogrammers, this perhaps
may be as a result of the state of the classroom environment. Globally, formal
classroom systems can be found in every citadel of learning in all countries
across the globe, be it developed or developing countries, depending on the
types, shapes, class and academic environment in which they are situated. The
classroom according to Adesua (2014) environment is an important, most
powerful and effective instrument of socialization where learners from different
socio-economic backgrounds come together to learn.

School libraries help to Impact positively on the academic achievement

of the students. Students can perform better during examinations by reading
various books. (Rashidah, 2017).

Library: A well-stocked library is an essential facility in any school. It is

a place where students can access a wide range of books, magazines, and
reference materials. The library should be spacious, well-lit, and comfortable,
with adequate seating arrangements. (School dekhodeco).

School libraries help to Impact positively on the academic achievement

of the students. Students can perform better during examinations by reading
various books. (Rashidah, 2017).

Importance of libraries has greatly influenced our lives. Library is the

most attractive and educational place lying in the campus of an institution. A well-
equipped library should be the primary requisite of every school. It is a quiet and
most proper place for the study as well as storing of all types of information.
(Abdullah Sam, 2016)

A good school library is an important part of building a reading rich

environment. Whether a whole room, or a smaller space in school, a library is not
just a place from which to borrow books, but a beacon for reading. It can broaden
Romblon State University
Main Campus

your pupil’s horizons and so much more. The National Literacy Trust (2019)
found that children and young people who used the school library showed: Better
reading attainment, better mental wellbeing, Higher levels of reading enjoyment,
reading for pleasure and reading confidence, Higher levels of writing confidence
and writing for pleasure. A tendency to read and write a greater range of

A well-stocked library is an essential facility in any school. It is a place

where students can access a wide range of books, magazines, and reference
materials. The library should be spacious, well-lit, and comfortable, with
adequate seating arrangements. (School dekho)

Oxford dictionary describes a library as a room or building in which all

the learning materials such as books, tape, newspapers etc. are available for the
public in order to study, learn and borrow it. Library is the most important and
essential part of the education process. Availability of library facilities in school
makes the teaching learning process more effective and advanced. The main
objectives of the library are the availability of all the materials for both students
and teachers. According to National Educational Policy (NEP) every Ministry
state requires the institution to make available finances to the institution for
establishment of libraries in all educational institutions and also to prepare and
train librarians and library assistants. School libraries play a pivotal role in any
educational system and give support and guidance to the readers. Fowowo in
(1988) stated that the school library should be well equipped and accessible to all
students and teachers. Ullah & Farrog (2008) indicated that reading of library
materials has a positive relation with students' vocabulary, grammar,
comprehension, writing and spelling skills. These abilities need a well-managed
library where they improve their skills and academic performance. Ola (1990)
investigated that school libraries in every type replace the usual manner of chalk
and talk and provide information to individuals that influenced academic
performance. He suggested that a sound prepared library collection is a foremost
facility that enhances high quality education and achievement of high learning
standards. Furthermore, Farombi in (1998) described that school libraries will not
become effective if there are not adequate and up to date books and other
teaching learning resources. Shodimu in (1998) whereas Ogunseye, in (1986)
distinguished that complete deficiency of ordered school libraries would continue
to bring hurdles for hundreds of students. The above declaration visibly disguised
that most of the secondary schools run without libraries and negatively impact
the performance of the students. Fuller in (1986) recognized that school library is
the source which has significant relation with students’ academic achievement.
Romblon State University
Main Campus

Popoola (1989) revealed that libraries have correlation with students’

performance and schools which have well operational library facilities usually
preserve high academic achievement. Fuller (1985) stated that those books
which are reserved to read in the school library are directly concerned with
students’ achievement. ShodimuSodium in (1998) explained that for successful
academic performance, it is needed to provide adequate space and trained
librarians for secondary school libraries. He also stated that both teachers and
students require library resources and expertise to achieve the objectives.
According to Keith (2004) availability of school libraries help teachers to teach
the students effectively. Clark (1999) suggested that a school library basically is
the academic library which supports the entire school program and also helps in
teaching the learning process. Furthermore, he explained that the availability of
adequate library facilities encourages the learning environment and makes the
process effective and easy. Martin (2000) observed that research shows that
reading of students at school is based on the improvement of the school library.
He stated that those students, who were habitual of attending the library, got a
higher score as compared to those who failed to use the school library. Adomi in
(2006) stressed that school libraries have significant importance for both students
and teachers.

The school laboratories that are well designed, stocked and safe for
teaching and learning of science ensure active practical exercises (Katcha,

That is, the laboratory experiences and other instruction included in

integrated instructional units are designed to help students learn with
understanding, rather than simply acquiring sets of disconnected facts and skills
(National Research Council, 1999).

Sharma (2019) a computer laboratory is important in every private and

government school to enhance the scientific and technological research and
invention capacity of students.

Related Studies

The academic success and accomplishments of people are always

influenced by a large variety of aspects that are involved in the learning process.
The quality of educational institutions that support the development of
Romblon State University
Main Campus

understanding and competences has a substantial impact on how well students

learn. aimed to draw a link between the caliber of academic settings and
academic success in relation to the field of technology and career education
(TCE). This analysis used a research approach that involved conducting
interviews with participants, questionnaires with individuals who had leadership
positions and data collection from the anecdotal records kept by the school. To
accurately pinpoint the variance in students' performance and success before to
and after the purchase and implementation of new infrastructure in the training
and learning environment, an unbiased z-test was conducted. Findings revealed
that the assistance space had the lowest overall rating (2.97) and that the outside
surface surrounds had the greatest mean rating (3.50). In terms of success and
academic accomplishment, the academic year 2010–2011 had the most gain (22
percent), while the academic year 2009–2010 saw the weakest improvement
(2.8%). These findings support the notion that a lack of educational resources
degrades educational outcomes and achievement, yet the concerned
administrators do nothing to address the problem. The effects of amenities on
academic accomplishment and advancement have been demonstrated, and
participants should carefully explore the methods that focus on premise help and
control (Limon, 2016).

According to Sharif et al. (2021), technological development has an

impact on socio-technical innovation within society. This is demonstrated by the
growth of fields like industrial engineering in robotics, computer engineering,
connected devices, advanced data-driven insights for effective decision-making,
and digital platforms. Internet connections represent virtual communication
between groups, individuals, and businesses where people collaborate to
produce artistic content for viewers (Wilson et al., 2012). The result of the
expansion of the labor market caused by technology is having technical
expertise. The overall job count is nonetheless modest in light of the employment
prospects it created. The availability for researchers depends on the
technological revolution and how it is carried out (Smith & Johnson, 2010). They
claim that specific applications of information technology systems as well as
technical breakthroughs are in great demand in the current industry. Success is
built on the appropriate use of technical advancement, whether it is in the
academic or economic sphere.

Jacoby (2004) stated that School facilities play a vital role in the
actualization of educational goals and objectives by satisfying the physical and
emotional needs of the staff and students of the school. Henceforth, school
plants can be regarded as everything within the school premises which include
Romblon State University
Main Campus

the site, buildings, equipment and all essential structures. In other words school
plant is the sum total of building, equipment, textbooks including the surrounding
where teaching and learning takes place. By human resources, we mean the
personnel employed in the school to ensure the learning. They include the
principals, the headmistress, the teachers and the administration staff. Human
resources can also be seen as the greatest and most useful facilities a school
can ever have, the reason being that no matter how a school is physically
facilitated, if there are no human resources in it, there can be no learning
invariably, there will be no school. While physical resources can be seen as
those materials which can give help or comfort to school, organization, country or
an individual. For example, the buildings, the libraries, chairs, books,
chalkboards, sports field environment etc.

According to Smith (2000), he emphasized that the physical needs are

met through provision of safe structures, adequate sanitary facilities, a balanced
visual environment, appropriate thermal environment and sufficient shelter space
for his work and play. His emotional needs are met by creating pleasant
surroundings, a friendly atmosphere and an inspiring environment for teaching
and learning process. The subject of school facilities has received great attention
from the public as well as educators in recent times.

According to Building educational success together (BEST 2005), it

was reported that the responsibility of every administrator is to ensure that every
child has access to quality education with the presence of a school plan that
provides an educational setting that is suited for teaching, learning and effective
management of facilities in schools. A study carried out by Hale (2002) revealed
that students in classrooms with large windows, natural lightening and well -
designed skylight were found to perform well from 19% to 25% better than their
peers in classrooms without proper facilities not only environmental conditions in
schools affect students, but also the staff as observed by (Hunter, 2006) and this
includes the inoperative heating system. The overall building condition, the age
of the buildings and the windows in the instructional areas were positively related
to students' achievement in learning (Bullock, 2007).

Theoretical Framework

The Technology Adoption Model (TAM), originally forwarded by Davis

in 1986, places a strong focus on users' adoption and incorporation of
Romblon State University
Main Campus

technology. The concept suggests those users' attitudes about technology and
perceptions of it have a significant impact on their motivation to utilize it. The
TAM may be used to assess how students comprehend and make use of the
resources that are available when considering the conditions of available tools
and resources in the fields of technology and career training. Students' attitudes
and intentions to participate by using the facilities and equipment offered may be
influenced by factors including perceived advantages and perceived ease of
usage. However, other elements like cost, availability, and personal preferences
may also have an influence on their choice. Researchers can assess how much
student’s value and have access to the facilities and equipment by using the
technology acceptance model. We can see how these opinions affect their
engagement and academic outcomes thanks to the evaluation.

The Technology Acceptance Model may be combined with the study

framework to allow researchers to carefully analyze how kids respond to and use
the facilities and technology available at the schools from which the respondents
will be randomly chosen. The researchers can look at how the pupils feel about
the resources and what they intend to do with them. The merger will give
significant insight into the efficacy and efficiency of the school's resources,
allowing for the implementation of innovations and changes as needed. By
identifying areas that can be upgraded, the findings can serve as a starting point
for program enhancement. For instance, addressing perceived constraints or
enhancing the perceived worth of the tools and resources at hand. In the end,
this study's use of the TAM will produce insightful results that will improve the
school's TLE program. This will guarantee that the resources are utilized
effectively to support the learning processes and successes of the students.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

1. Classroom Performance of BTLED
2. Laboratory fourth year students
3. Library
Romblon State University
Main Campus

Figure 1. Research paradigm will present the relationship between independent

and dependent variables.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally which will be used for
clearer and easier understanding.


ClassroomUnderstanding. Classroom- is composed of a small desk, tables and

chairs for students to sit at and learn. A larger desk where the teacher will sit and
often mark student’s work. A blackboard, whiteboard or a classroom projector for
the teacher to give a lesson, illustrate ideas and explain them.

Library- is a traditional source of information and a crucial source of information

for children in school. It creates the essential habit of reading in students. Each
school must have libraries. The library in schools is a major part of the lives of
students, serving as a storehouse of information.

Laboratory- A laboratory school or demonstration school in elementary or

secondary school operated in association with a university, college, or other
teacher education institution and used for the training of future teachers,
educational experimentation, educational research, and professional

TLE-Technology and Livelihood Education- Is one of the learning areas of the

Secondary Education Curriculum used in Philippines secondary schools. As a
subject in high schools, its component areas are: Home Economics, Agri-Fishery,
Industrial Arts, and Information and Communication Technology.
Romblon State University
Main Campus



This chapter presents the research design, research method used,

research locale and time of the study, respondents of the study, population and
samples, research instrument, formulation of the instrument, data gathering
procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study will utilize the descriptive-correlational research design to

determine the relationship between the physical activity and wellness of the
faculty of Romblon State University. This will be used since the data will be
collected once and the purpose is to describe the information and characteristics
of the population as it exists.

Research Method Used

The optimal descriptive method will be used in this research to gather

pertinent data to determine if there is significant relationship between school
facilities and academic performance of TLE major students.

Research Locale and Time of the Study

Romblon State University
Main Campus

The study will be conducted in Romblon State University – Main

Campus which is situated at Brgy. Liwanag, Odiongan, Romblon. This institution
caters more than 30 students. This will be conducted from January 2024-
February 2024 A.Y. 2024- 2025.

Figure 2. Odiongan Land Map

The Population and Samples of the Study

The study will utilize the Bachelor in Secondary Education major in of

Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home studentsEconomics
students of the College of Education in the main campus. No sampling technique
was applied because this study considers the whole population thus, complete
enumeration was used.
Romblon State University
Main Campus


The respondents of the study are the fourth year TLE major students of
the Romblon State University where complete enumeration shall be used to
determine the sample size to be used for the study. There are 30 fourth year TLE
major students currently enrolled for the school year 2023-2024.

Research Instrument

This study will use the PAQ which is a researcher-made instrument

based on the Philippine National Guidelines for grades and checklist aptitude test
questionnaire collecting data in order to determine the relationship between the
school facilities and academic performance of TLE students. Grades and
checklistAptitude test questionnaire shall be adapted from the school facilities
and academic performance. Grades and checklist Aptitude test questionnaire
shall be formulated. Validation of the instrument shall be done.

Grades and checklist Self-made questionnaire on school facilities towards

academic performance of students of TLE shall be formulated and then
assistance of experts shall be solicited for validation of the instrument. The level
of participation towards school facilities shall also be determined using a
checklist self-made questionnaire which will be validated with the help of experts.
After which, a pilot testing shall be done which will further validate the instrument.

Methods of Data Collection and Processing of Data

The researcher will prepare and submit a formal letter of request to the College
Dean to conduct the survey. Ethical considerations before, during and after the
survey included preparing aptitude test questionnaire with an optional section for
the participant’s name and providing letters of consent to the prospective
participants and after the approval the researcher will conduct the survey. The
aptitude test questionnaire shall be administered to the respondents where they
will answer the questions individually to collect primary data. This method will be
Romblon State University
Main Campus

used based on its merits that first, aptitude test questionnaires are easier to
arrange than, for example, personal interviews therefore it has Wide coverage.
Secondly aptitude test questionnaires are economical, in the sense that they can
supply a considerable amount of research data for a relatively low cost in terms
of materials, money and time. Thirdly, a further, and important, advantage of the
aptitude test questionnaire is that it encourages pre-coded answers. Fourthly,
since aptitude test questionnaire supply standardized answers, to the extent that
all respondents are posed with exactly the same questions hence there is little
scope for the data to be affected by interpersonal factors (Denscombe, 2007).
Data gathered will be encoded and tabulated for statistical treatment.


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Romblon State University
Main Campus

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