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Important questions

1. What are the reasons for studying concepts of programming languages?
2. What are the different programming domains, and how do they influence
language design?
3. What are the criteria used to evaluate programming languages?
4. How do various influences on language design shape the features and
characteristics of programming languages?
5. What are the main categories of programming languages, and what are
their distinguishing features?
6. What are the common trade-offs involved in language design?
7. What are the different methods used for implementing programming
8. How do programming environments impact the development and usage
of programming languages?
9. What are the challenges associated with describing syntax and semantics
in programming languages?
10.How do formal methods such as attribute grammars contribute to
describing syntax and semantics?
1. What is the significance of names, bindings, and scopes in programming
2. Explain the concept of binding and its relationship with variables.
3. Differentiate between static and dynamic scope and discuss their
implications in programming.
4. How does the lifetime of variables relate to their scope?
5. Discuss the importance of referencing environments in programming
6. What are named constants and how are they utilized in programming?
7. What are the various data types encountered in programming languages?
8. Explain the differences between primitive data types and user-defined
9. How do associative arrays, records, unions, and tuples contribute to data
structuring in programming languages?
10.Discuss the significance of control structures in programming, including
selection statements, iterative statements, and unconditional branching

1. What are subprograms, and what fundamental concepts are covered in their
study according to this syllabus?
2. What design issues are crucial to consider when designing subprograms, and
how do they impact program development?
3. Explain the concept of local referencing environments in the context of
subprograms. How do they influence program execution?
4. What are the various parameter passing methods discussed in this syllabus, and
what are their respective advantages and disadvantages?
5. How do subprograms as parameters enhance the flexibility and modularity of
programming languages?
6. Discuss the process of calling subprograms indirectly and its significance in
software design.
7. What are overloaded subprograms, and how do they contribute to code clarity
and reuse?
8. Explain the concept of generic subprograms and their role in facilitating code
abstraction and reusability.
9. What design considerations are pertinent when implementing functions within a
programming language?
10.How do closures and coroutines extend the capabilities of subprograms, and
what practical applications do they enable in software development?
These questions should help students engage deeply with the material and
understand its significance in programming language design and software
1. What is concurrency, and why is it important in modern computing?
2. Explain the concept of subprogram level concurrency and its significance in
multitasking environments.
3. Describe the role of semaphores in managing access to shared resources in
concurrent programs.
4. How do monitors facilitate synchronized access to shared resources in
concurrent programming languages?
5. Discuss the concept of message passing and its application in concurrent
6. What are Java threads, and how do they enable concurrent execution in Java
7. Compare and contrast concurrency mechanisms in functional programming
languages with those in imperative languages.
8. Explain the concept of statement-level concurrency and its advantages in
concurrent programming.
9. Describe the fundamentals of exception handling and its implementation in Ada,
C++, and Java.
10.How does event handling differ from exception handling, and how is it
implemented in Java and C#?
1. What distinguishes functional programming languages from imperative
languages, and what are their fundamental characteristics?
2. Explain the concept of mathematical functions and their significance in
functional programming.
3. Discuss the origins and key features of the LISP programming language.
4. How do primarily imperative languages support functional programming
paradigms, and what are the limitations of such support?
5. Compare and contrast the features and characteristics of functional and
imperative programming languages.
6. What is logic programming, and how does it differ from other programming
7. Provide an overview of the basic elements of Prolog and how they contribute to
the logic programming paradigm.
8. What are some common applications of logic programming, and how does
Prolog facilitate their implementation?
9. Explain the concept of declarative programming and how it relates to logic
programming languages.
10.Discuss the advantages and limitations of using logic programming languages
compared to other programming paradigms.

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